
Defines functions cff_write

Documented in cff_write

#' Write a `CITATION.cff` file
#' @description
#' **This is the core function of the package and likely to be the only one
#' you would need when developing a package**.
#' This function writes out a `CITATION.cff` file for a given package. This
#' function is basically a wrapper around [cff_create()] to both create the
#' [`cff`] object and write it out to a YAML-formatted file in
#' one command.
#' @family writing
#' @param outfile The name and path of the `CITATION.cff` to be created.
#' @param verbose Logical `TRUE/FALSE`. On `TRUE` the function would display
#'   informative messages.
#' @param validate validate Logical `TRUE/FALSE`. Should the new file be
#'   validated using `cff_validate()`?
#' @param encoding The name of the encoding to be assumed. Default is `"UTF-8"`,
#'   but it can be any other value as accepted by [iconv()], such as
#' @inheritParams cff_create
#' @inheritParams cff_validate
#' @export
#' @return A `CITATION.cff` file and an (invisible) `cff` object.
#' @seealso
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
#' cat(paste0("[Guide to Citation File Format schema version 1.2.0]",
#'            "(https://github.com/citation-file-format/",
#'            "citation-file-format/blob/main/schema-guide.md)."))
#' ```
#' This function unifies the workflow [cff_create()] + [cff_validate()] +
#' write a file.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".cff")
#' cff_obj <- cff_write("jsonlite", outfile = tmpfile)
#' cff_obj
#' # Force clean-up
#' file.remove(tmpfile)
#' }
#' @details
#' For details of `authors_roles` see [cff_create()].
#' When creating and writing a `CITATION.cff` for the first time, the function
#' adds the pattern `"^CITATION\.cff$"` to your `.Rbuildignore` file to avoid
#' `NOTE`s and `WARNING`s in `R CMD CHECK`.
cff_write <- function(x, outfile = "CITATION.cff", keys = list(),
                      cff_version = "1.2.0", gh_keywords = TRUE,
                      dependencies = TRUE, validate = TRUE,
                      verbose = TRUE, authors_roles = c("aut", "cre"),
                      encoding = "UTF-8") {
  # # On missing use NULL
  if (missing(x)) x <- getwd()

  citat <- cff_create(x,
    keys = keys,
    cff_version = cff_version,
    gh_keywords = gh_keywords,
    dependencies = dependencies,
    authors_roles = authors_roles

  # Fix string if it is not cff
  if (!is_substring(outfile, ".cff$")) outfile <- paste0(outfile, ".cff")

  # Check if dir exist and if not create
  outdir <- dirname(outfile)

  if (!dir.exists(outdir)) {
      showWarnings = FALSE,
      recursive = TRUE

  # See https://github.com/r-universe-org/help/issues/382
  # Write CITATION with comment
  com <- c(
    "# --------------------------------------------",
    "# CITATION file created with {cffr} R package",
    "# See also: https://docs.ropensci.org/cffr/",
    "# --------------------------------------------",
    " "

  # MAX effort to get right the encoding
  com <- enc2utf8(com)
  out_yaml <- enc2utf8(capture.output(print(citat)))
  full_text <- enc2utf8(c(com, out_yaml, ""))
  fh <- file(outfile, encoding = encoding)
  on.exit(if (isOpen(fh)) close(fh))
  writeLines(full_text, fh)

  if (verbose) {
    cli::cli_alert_success("{.file {outfile}} generated")

  # Add CITATION.cff to .Rbuildignore
  if (!is_cff(x) && x == getwd() && file_exist_abort(".Rbuildignore")) {
    ignore <- readLines(".Rbuildignore")

    # If not already
    if (!("^CITATION\\.cff$" %in% ignore)) {
      ignore <- c(ignore, "^CITATION\\.cff$")
      ignore <- unique(ignore)

      if (verbose) {
        cli::cli_alert_info("Adding {.val {outfile}} to {.file .Rbuildignore}")
      writeLines(ignore, ".Rbuildignore")

  if (validate) {
    cff_validate(outfile, verbose)


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cffr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:41 p.m.