
Defines functions cggd get.switch.time cggd.mgd.var.init cggd.mgd.gen.beta cggd.switch.func cggd.switch.func.min cggd.mgd.one.step cggd.trr.var.init cggd.trr.gen.beta cggd.trr.one.step cggd.Fstar plot.cggd predict.cggd cv.cggd plotCVcggd error.bars

Documented in cggd cggd.Fstar cggd.mgd.gen.beta cggd.mgd.one.step cggd.mgd.one.step cggd.mgd.var.init cggd.switch.func cggd.switch.func.min cggd.trr.gen.beta cggd.trr.one.step cggd.trr.var.init cv.cggd error.bars get.switch.time plot.cggd plotCVcggd predict.cggd

# CGGD package
# Copyright 2007 Cun-Hui Zhang and Ofer Melnik
# cggd:
# This is the main CGGD function. It iteratively builds a CGGD model in up to kmax iterations.  

cggd <- function(x, y, beta0 = rep(0,2), kmax = 300, 
                      TRR=FALSE, t0 = 1, TRACE=FALSE,
                      alpha1 = 0, alpha2 = 0, w = 1, 
                      tau = 1, tautil = -1, eps = -1,fctr=1e8)
  n <- length(y) # n - number of data points 

  p <- ceiling(length(x)/n) # p - number of potential variables

  if (length(beta0)!=p) beta0 <- rep(0,p) # Make sure initial betas have correct dimensionality

  if ((tau>1)||(tau<=0)) tau <- 1  # Verify that tau is correct

  # scale and normalize variables
  mu <- mean(y)
  y <- drop(y - mu)

  one <- rep(1, n)
  meanx <- drop(one %*% x)/n
  x <- scale(x, meanx, FALSE) # centers x
  normx <- sqrt(drop(one %*% (x^2)))
  x <- scale(x, FALSE, normx) # scales x

  if (p==1) { # if one variable just do least squares 
    olse <- sum(x*y)/sum(x^2)
    beta.tk <- c(beta0, olse)
    tk <-  0
    a.set.tk <- rep(TRUE,2)
    kmax <- 1      
    obj <-list( beta.tk=beta.tk, tk=tk, a.set.tk=a.set.tk, kmax=kmax, p=p)


  # now p > 1
  eps <- eps * median( abs(t(x)%*%y)/apply(x^2,2,sum) ) # median of least squares solution for individual least squares

  # variable declaration, beta is dynamic 
  beta.tk <- matrix(beta0, p, kmax+1)
  tk <- rep(0, kmax)   
  a.set.tk <- matrix(FALSE, p, kmax+1) 

  # compute the active set of model 1 
  a.set <- rep(FALSE, p)
  g0 <- t(x)%*%(y - x%*%beta0)  # O: gradient at t0
  gmax <- max(abs(g0))
  a.set[ abs(g0) >= tau * gmax ]  <- TRUE # active set for model 1 
  a.set.tk[,1] <- a.set 

  if (TRR==FALSE)  {   tk[1] <- 0}
  else        {   tk[1] <- t0}

  k <- 2 
  max.tk <- 0

  success <- TRUE
  while (k <= kmax+1 && success) { # compute the trajectory for kmax -1 models
    # step k 
    if (TRR==FALSE)  {

      step.k<-cggd.mgd.one.step(x, y, a.set, beta.tk[,k-1], # [,k] is the kth column of beta.tk
               alpha1=alpha1, alpha2=alpha2, 
              w=w, tau=tau, tautil=tautil, eps=eps, TRACE)
    else {
      if (k>1) t0 <- tk[k-1]
      step.k<-cggd.trr.one.step(x, y, a.set, beta.tk[,k-1],   
                                t0=t0, tau=tau, tautil=tautil, eps=eps)

    # update a.set, a.set.tk, tk and k 

    if(TRACE) cat("k =", k," model size = ",sum(a.set), " gmax = ", step.k$gmax, "\n")

    success <- step.k$success        
      beta.tk[,(k):(kmax+1)] <- matrix(step.k$beta[,1], p, kmax+2-k)       
      a.set <- step.k$a.set
      a.set.tk[,k] <- a.set
      tk[k] <- step.k$t1
      if (TRR==FALSE)  { max.tk <- max.tk + step.k$t1 }
      else        { max.tk <- step.k$t1 }
      k <- k+1
  } # end while (k <= kmax) 
  # kmax may have changed due to early stopping

  k <- k-1
  beta.tk <- beta.tk[,1:k]  
  tk <- tk[1:k]
  a.set.tk <- a.set.tk[,1:k]

  obj <-list( beta.tk=beta.tk, tk=tk, a.set.tk=a.set.tk,  max.tk=max.tk, min.tk=tk[1], 
    kmax=length(tk), p=p, TRR=TRR, alpha1=alpha1, alpha2=alpha2,tau=tau,tautil=tautil,w=w,
    x=x,y=y,mu=mu, normx = normx, meanx = meanx)
  class(obj) <- "cggd"

# get.switch.time:
# This function finds the location of the next switch time
# It works in two stages. First it uses bump following to find consecutive local minimas
# of the switch time function, until it finds a negative minima.
# Then it uses root finding to narrow in on the switch time.

get.switch.time <- function(switch.func,e, boundary=0,terminate_value=1e15,tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, 
  fctr=1e8, TRACE=FALSE)

 # looking for negative values of the switch.function

 last_val <-0
 last_boundary <- 0
 push_boundary <- FALSE



      boundary <- boundary + 1e0

    if(find_minimum) {
     res<-optim(par=boundary,fn=switch.func,method="L-BFGS-B",lower=boundary,control=list(factr=fctr,pgtol=0),upper=Inf, gr=NULL,hessian=FALSE,e)
    else { # maximize over the next hump
     res<-optim(par=boundary,fn=switch.func,method="L-BFGS-B",lower=boundary,control=list(fnscale=-1,factr=fctr,pgtol=0),upper=Inf, gr=NULL,hessian=FALSE,e)       

    { cat("res par =", res$par," res value = ",res$value," counts =", res$counts, "fctr = ",fctr," convergence =", res$convergence, " message = ",res$message,"\n") }

    if(res$par >= terminate_value || res$value >= terminate_value ){ return(list(switch.time=0,success=FALSE)) }

    if(res$value <0) { more<-FALSE }
     if(round(last_val-res$value,digits=5)==0 || round(res$par-boundary,digits=5)==0) 
     { # stuck in place, so tighten search parameters
       fctr <- 1e-1
     { # got some error so push forward a little
       push_boundary <- TRUE   

    find_minimum <- !find_minimum
    { last_boundary<-boundary }
    boundary <- res$par
    last_val <-res$value

 # Find the exact switch time
 # can further optimize by figuering out it is in the m.in or m.out and only doing those
 # can also check which variables in particular are negative and only do it for them
 if( res$value <0  && res$par !=last_boundary) {

     switch.time <- r$root + r$estim.prec 


# cggd.mgd.var.init:
# Initializes variables which are used by the cggd.mgd.gen.beta and cggd.switch.func functions.

cggd.mgd.var.init <- function(x,y,  a.set, beta_init, e,  
                    alpha1 = 0, alpha2 = 0, w = 1)

  e$q <-sum(a.set)
  e$n <- length(y)
  e$p <- length(beta_init)
  e$beta_init <- beta_init
  e$a.set <- a.set

  # the decomposition of P(t)GP(t)
  e$svdG <-svd(e$txa %*% x[,a.set])

  Q1 <-  e$svdG$d  # diagonal, eigenvalues
  Q2 <-  Q1      # do twice for kernel calculations
  zeros <-  Q1 == 0 
  Q1[!zeros] <- Q1[!zeros]^alpha1
  if (alpha1==0) Q1[zeros]  <- 1
  Q2[!zeros] <- Q2[!zeros]^alpha2
  if (alpha2==0) Q2[zeros]  <- 1
  Q <- w*Q1 + (1-w)*Q2  # kernel calculation

  e$g0 <- t(x)%*%(y - x%*%beta_init) 

  # this is the kernel x g0
  tsvdGv <- t(e$svdG$v)
  e$Qg0<-(e$svdG$u)%*%(Q * c(tsvdGv%*%e$g0[a.set]))

  e$sQg0 <-c(tsvdGv%*%e$Qg0)

  # H = Q*G in eigen space
  e$H<-Q * (e$svdG$d)

# cggd.mgd.gen.beta:
# This function calculates beta values at a particular t for the mgd model.

   beta <- matrix(e$beta_init,e$p,1)
   if (e$q==1) {
     Fstar <-  - t*e$H
     Fstar <- cggd.Fstar(Fstar)
     beta_idx <- beta[e$a.set] + t*Fstar*e$Qg0
     beta[e$a.set] <- beta_idx
   } # end if (q==1)
   if (e$q>1) {
   # H matrix for every eigen value x time points calculate 
     Fstar <-  - e$H*t
     Fstar <- cggd.Fstar(Fstar)

     ### on the active set   beta(t) = beta0 + t F*(-t H) Q g0, H = QG (in eigen space)
     beta_idx <- beta[e$a.set] + (e$svdG$u)%*%(Fstar*e$sQg0)*t # eq 6.65
     beta[e$a.set] <- beta_idx
   } # end if (q>1)


# cggd.switch.func:
# Calculates which variables should be added/removed at a particular time.

cggd.switch.func <- function(t, e, do_in=TRUE, do_out=TRUE)

   C <- (matrix(e$y,e$n,1)-e$x%*%r$beta)
   g.in.max <- max(g.in)

   # check for enters
   if(e$q < e$p && do_in)
     g.out <-abs(e$txna%*%C)
     g.out.max <- max(g.out)

     m.in <- e$tau*g.in.max - g.out.max 
   else m.in <- 1e99

   # check for exits
   if (do_out && length(g.in)>1) 
     i <- which.min(g.in)
     g.in.min <- g.in[i]
     if( abs( r$beta_idx[i] ) <e$eps ) {
       m.out <- g.in.min - e$tautil*g.in.max
     else m.out <- 1e99 
   else m.out <- 1e99


cggd.switch.func.min <- function(t,e)
  a <- cggd.switch.func(t,e);


# cggd.mgd.one.step:
# Finds the next iteration of an mgd model.

cggd.mgd.one.step <- function(x, y, a.set, beta_init,    t1 = 1, 
                      alpha1 = 0, alpha2 = 0, w = 1, tau = 1, tautil = -1, eps = -1, TRACE=FALSE, fctr=1e8)
   g0 <- t(x)%*%(y - x%*%beta_init) 
   gmax <- max(abs(g0))
   a.set[ abs(g0) >= tau * gmax ]  <- TRUE
   # It cant be easier to exit than enter model.
   if (tautil >= tau) {
     tautil <- tau
     w <- 1
     alpha1 <-  -1
   my.env <-environment()
   cggd.mgd.var.init(x=x,y=y, a.set=a.set, beta_init=beta_init, alpha1=alpha1, alpha2=alpha2, w=w, e=my.env )

   switch.time <- get.switch.time (cggd.switch.func.min,my.env,fctr=fctr)  
   info.init <- cggd.mgd.gen.beta(0,my.env)
   switch.info <- cggd.mgd.gen.beta(switch.time$switch.time,my.env)
   g.init <- t(x)%*%(y-x%*%info.init$beta) # the starting g (not sure why we need it)
   g <- t(x)%*%(y-x%*%switch.info$beta)  # the g at the switch time
   g.abs <- abs(g)
   gmax <- max(g.abs[a.set])
   a.set.init <- a.set
   a.set[g.abs >= tau*gmax] <- TRUE
   a.set[ (g.abs <= tautil*gmax) ]  <- FALSE  # & (abs(beta[,m+1]) <= eps) 
   return(list(success=switch.time$success,beta=switch.info$beta, a.set.init=a.set.init, a.set=a.set, 
    g.init=g.init, g=g, g.abs=g.abs, gmax=gmax, t1=switch.time$switch.time))

# cggd.trr.var.init:
# Initializes variables which are used by the cggd.trr.gen.beta and cggd.switch.func functions.
cggd.trr.var.init <- function(x,y,  a.set, beta_init, e)

  e$q <-sum(a.set)
  e$n <- length(y)
  e$p <- length(beta_init)
  e$beta_init <- beta_init
  e$a.set <- a.set
  e$g0 <- t(x)%*%(y - x%*%beta_init) 

  # the decomposition of P(t)GP(t)
  e$svdG <-svd(e$txa %*% x[,a.set])

  G.inverse <- e$svdG$d
  G.inverse[e$svdG$d<1e-05] <- 1e-06 
  G.inverse <- 1/G.inverse
  e$G.inverse.g0 <-  (e$svdG$u)%*%(G.inverse * c(e$tsvdGv%*%e$g0[a.set]))

  e$svGinvg0 <- e$tsvdGv%*%e$G.inverse.g0

# cggd.trr.gen.beta:
# This function calculates beta values at a particular t for the trr model.


    beta <- matrix(e$beta_init,e$p,1)
    if (e$q==1) {
      Kstar <-  1 - (e$t0*e$svdG$d+1)/(t*e$svdG$d+1)
      beta_idx <- beta[e$a.set,] + Kstar * e$G.inverse.g0
      beta[e$a.set] <- beta_idx
    } # end if (q==1)
    if (e$q>1) {
      Kstar <- 1-(e$t0*e$svdG$d+1)/(t*e$svdG$d+1)
      Kstarg0 <- (e$svdG$u)%*%(Kstar * e$svGinvg0)   
      beta_idx <- beta[e$a.set,] + Kstarg0
      beta[e$a.set] <- beta_idx
    } # end if (q>1)


# cggd.trr.one.step:
# Finds the next iteration of an trr model.
cggd.trr.one.step <- function(x, y, a.set, beta_init, t1 = 1, 
                     t0 = 1, tau = 1, tautil = -1, eps = -1, fctr=1e8)
   g0 <- t(x)%*%(y - x%*%beta_init) 
   gmax <- max(abs(g0))
   a.set[ abs(g0) >= tau * gmax ]  <- TRUE
   my.env <-environment()
   cggd.trr.var.init(x=x,y=y, a.set=a.set, beta_init=beta_init, e=my.env )

   switch.time <- get.switch.time (switch.func=cggd.switch.func.min,e=my.env,boundary=t0,fctr=fctr)  
   info.init <- cggd.trr.gen.beta(t0,my.env)
   switch.info <- cggd.trr.gen.beta(switch.time$switch.time,my.env)
   g.init <- t(x)%*%(y-x%*%info.init$beta) # the starting g (not sure why we need it)
   g <- t(x)%*%(y-x%*%switch.info$beta)  # the g at the switch time
   g.abs <- abs(g)
   gmax <- max(g.abs[a.set])
   a.set.init <- a.set
   a.set[g.abs >= tau*gmax] <- TRUE
   a.set[ (g.abs <= tautil*gmax) ]  <- FALSE  # & (abs(beta[,m+1]) <= eps) 
   return(list(success=switch.time$success,beta=switch.info$beta, a.set.init=a.set.init, a.set=a.set, 
    g.init=g.init, g=g, g.abs=g.abs, gmax=gmax, t1=switch.time$switch.time))


cggd.Fstar <- function(x, eps1=1e-6) {
  if (length(x)==1) 
    if (abs(x) > eps1) return( (exp(x)-1)/x )
    else return( 1 + x/2 + x^2/6 + x^3/24 + x^4/120)
  if (length(x) > 1) {
    Fstar <- x
    Fstar[ abs(x)>eps1 ] <- (exp(x[ abs(x)>eps1 ]) - 1)/x[ abs(x)>eps1 ]
    Fstar[ abs(x) <= eps1 ] <- 1 + x[ abs(x)<=eps1 ]/2 +  x[ abs(x)<=eps1 ]^2/6 + 
                               x[ abs(x)<=eps1 ]^3/24 +  x[ abs(x)<=eps1 ]^4/120

# plot.cggd:
# Plots a graph showing the paths of the beta values of the cggd model at different interations.

plot.cggd <- function(x, steps=5, breaks = TRUE, first_k=1,last_k=Inf, xvar=c("step","t"),omit.zeros = TRUE, eps = 1e-10, ...)
  xvar <- match.arg(xvar)
  # generate the intermediate beta values
  d <- dim(o$beta.tk)  
  if(last_k>d[2]) { last_k=d[2] }
  intvl <- last_k-first_k +1
  num_points <- (intvl-1)*steps+intvl
  b <- matrix(0,d[1],num_points)
  s <- matrix(0,num_points,1)
  brk <- matrix(0,intvl,1);
  my.env <-environment()

  s_cum_tk <- 0
  s[1] <- o$tk[1] 
  brk[1] <- o$tk[1] 
  s_cum_tk <- o$tk[1]
  j <-2
  for (k in (first_k+1):last_k) 
      cggd.mgd.var.init(x=o$x,y=o$y, a.set=o$a.set.tk[,k-1],beta_init=o$beta.tk[,k-1], alpha1=o$alpha1, alpha2=o$alpha2, w=o$w, e=my.env )      
      t0 <- o$tk[k-1]
      cggd.trr.var.init(x=o$x,y=o$y, a.set=o$a.set.tk[,k-1],beta_init=o$beta.tk[,k-1], e=my.env )      
    for (i in 1:steps)
      if(o$TRR==FALSE) {
        tm <-  i*o$tk[k]/(steps+1)
      else {
        tm <- o$tk[k-1] + i*(o$tk[k]-o$tk[k-1])/(steps+1)
      b[o$a.set[,k-1],j] <- r$beta[o$a.set[,k-1]]
      s[j] <- tm + s_cum_tk
      j <- j+1

    s[j] <- o$tk[k] + s_cum_tk
    brk[k] <- o$tk[k] + s_cum_tk
    j <- j + 1

    if(o$TRR==FALSE) {
      s_cum_tk <- s_cum_tk + o$tk[k]

  if(omit.zeros) {
      c1 <- drop(rep(1, nrow(b)) %*% abs(b))
      nonzeros <- c1 > eps
      cnums <- seq(nonzeros)[nonzeros]
      b <- b[, nonzeros]
   else cnums <- seq(nrow(b))

  if(xvar=="step") { 
    s <- seq(from=first_k,to=last_k,by=1/(steps+1) ) 
    brk <- seq(from=first_k,to=last_k)    
  matplot(s, b, xlab = xvar, ..., type = "b", 
          pch = "*", ylab = "Coefficients")
  abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
  axis(4, at = b[nrow(b),  ], label = paste(cnums
                                        ), cex = 0.80000000000000004, adj = 0)
  if(breaks) {
    axis(3, at = brk, labels = paste(round(brk,digits=2)),cex=.8)
    abline(v = brk)

# diabetes.ntgd.2a <- cggd.lm(x.noise,y,m=1,kmax=11,tau=3/4)
#diabetes.ntgd.2a <- cggd.lm(x,y,kmax=11,tau=3/4)

# predict.cggd:
# Generates the betas at a particular iteration(k)/t and or a prediction (y value)

predict.cggd <- function(object, newx, t, type = c("fit", "coefficients"), mode=c("k","t"), ...)
  # check parameters
  if( (mode=="t" &&( t < o$min.tk || t> max.tk) ) || (mode=="k" && ( t <1 ||t > length(o$tk))))
    { stop("t out of range.") }
  # find coefficients

  my.env <-environment()

    it <- floor(t)
      beta <- o$beta.tk[,t]
        cggd.mgd.var.init(x=o$x,y=o$y, a.set=o$a.set.tk[,it],beta_init=o$beta.tk[,it], alpha1=o$alpha1, alpha2=o$alpha2, w=o$w, e=my.env )      
        tm <-  (t-it)*o$tk[it+1]
        t0 <- o$tk[it]
        cggd.trr.var.init(x=o$x,y=o$y, a.set=o$a.set.tk[,it],beta_init=o$beta.tk[,it], e=my.env )      
        tm <- o$tk[it] + (t-it)*(o$tk[it+1]-o$tk[it])
      r <- gen.beta(tm,my.env)
      beta <- r$beta
  else  # mode == "t"
      s <- 0
      for (k in 1:length(o$tk)) 
        s <- s + o$tk[k]
          beta <- o$beta.tk[,k]         
          cggd.mgd.var.init(x=o$x,y=o$y, a.set=o$a.set.tk[,k-1],beta_init=o$beta.tk[,k-1], alpha1=o$alpha1, alpha2=o$alpha2, w=o$w, e=my.env )      
          r <- gen.beta(t-(s-o$a.set.tk[,k-1]), my.env)
          beta <- r$beta
      for (k in 1:length(o$tk)) 
          beta <- o$beta.tk[,k]         
          t0 <- o$tk[k-1]
          cggd.trr.var.init(x=o$x,y=o$y, a.set=o$a.set.tk[,k-1],beta_init=o$beta.tk[,k-1], e=my.env )      
          r <- gen.beta(t,my.env)
          beta <- r$beta
      } # for
    } # TRR
  } # mode = "t"
  if(type=="coefficients") { return(beta) }
  else  { return(list(beta=beta, fit=scale(newx,o$meanx,o$normx)%*%beta+o$mu)) }

# cv.cggd:
# Performs a cross validation analysis of particular dataset. 

cv.cggd <-
function(x, y, nfolds = 6, kmax=40 , 
           trace = FALSE, plot.it = TRUE, se=TRUE, ...)
  ly <- length(y)
  all.folds <-  split(sample(1:ly), rep(1:nfolds, length = ly)) 
  residmat <- matrix(0, kmax+1, nfolds)
  min_kmax <- 1e50
  for(i in seq(nfolds)) {
    # browser()
    omit <- all.folds[[i]]    
    notomit <- rep(TRUE,ly)
    notomit[omit] <- FALSE
    o <- cggd(x[ notomit,  ], y[ notomit ], TRACE = trace, kmax=kmax, ...)

    fit <- matrix(0, length(omit), o$kmax)
    for(k in seq(o$kmax)) {
      a <-  predict(o, x[omit,  ,drop=FALSE], k, type ="fit", mode="k")
      fit[,k] <- a$fit
    residmat[1:o$kmax, i] <- apply((y[omit] - fit)^2, 2, mean)
    if(min_kmax>o$kmax) {min_kmax <- o$kmax}

      cat("\n CV Fold", i, "\n\n")
  cv <- apply(residmat[1:min_kmax,], 1, mean)
  cv.error <- sqrt(apply(residmat[1:min_kmax,], 1, var)/nfolds)
  object<-list(cv = cv, cv.error = cv.error)
  if(plot.it) plotCVcggd(object,se=se)

# plotCVcggd :
# plots the results of a cross validation analysis, where each x corresponds to another model iteration.

plotCVcggd <-
      plot(1:length(cv), cv, type = "b", ylim = range(cv, cv + cv.error, 
                                     cv - cv.error),xlab="step")
      error.bars(1:length(cv), cv + cv.error, cv - cv.error, 
                 width = 1/length(cv))
error.bars <-
function(x, upper, lower, width = 0.02, ...)
  xlim <- range(x)
  barw <- diff(xlim) * width
  segments(x, upper, x, lower, ...)
  segments(x - barw, upper, x + barw, upper, ...)
  segments(x - barw, lower, x + barw, lower, ...)
  range(upper, lower)


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