#' Download a database extract from \code{chronosphere} remote server
#' The function will download a list of available series from the data repository
#' The function will download a single .csv file and attach it as a \code{data.frame}.
#' @param src \code{character}. Source identifier. If this is set to \code{NULL}, then a simplified list of availables series will be downloaded, including all unique \code{src} and \code{ser} combinations. If \code{src} is a valid source identifier, then all accessible products (resolutions and versions) of a series are shown.
#' @param datadir \code{character} Directory where the downloaded files are kept. Individual entries will be looked up from the directory if this is given, and will be downloaded if they are not found. The default \code{NULL} option will download data to a temporary directory that exists only until the R session ends.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} Should console feedback during download be displayed?
#' @param master \code{logical} When \code{src} is \code{NULL}, should the function download the master records file?
#' @param greetings \code{logical} When the function is invoked without arguments, it displays a message to keep new users informed about different versions and resolutions (even with \code{verbose=FALSE}). This argument turns this message off on demand.
#' @param all \code{logical} When set to \code{FALSE} (default), only those items are shown that are available for the R environment. Set to \code{TRUE} to see all items.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} class object.
#' @examples
#' # available datasets (sources and series) - proper
#' # index <- datasets()
#' # all available versions and resolutions in database 'pbdb'
#' # oneDat <- datasets(src="pbdb")
#' ###################################
#' # local example INCOMPLETE - does not connect to the internet
# # available datasets
#' ind <- datasets(
#' datadir=system.file("extdata", package="chronosphere"))
#' # one available archive
#' ind <- datasets(
#' src="SOM-zaffos-fragmentation",
#' datadir=system.file("extdata", package="chronosphere"))
#' @export
datasets <- function(src=NULL, datadir=NULL, verbose=FALSE, master=FALSE, greetings=TRUE, all=FALSE){
# save timeout parameter from user's global options.
original<- options()$timeout
# set to chronosphere global
# ensure return to user's original on exit of function
# default case, return the table of series
# simple data table with src/ser combinations
datfile <- "R/subguide.csv"
datfile <- "R/submaster.csv"
if(greetings) message("Use datasets(src = <src>) to see available versions and resolutions.")
# recursive call to see whether the src entry is available
tempdat <- datasets(datadir=datadir, greetings=FALSE)
if(!any(src%in%tempdat$src)) stop(paste0("The src entry \'", src, "\' was not found."))
# full list of available series in a given dataset - used by fetch()
datfile <- paste0("R/", src, ".csv")
# if it does not exist in datadir, then
# by default, download the file
download <- TRUE
# a data directory is given
# try to create an R directory to store entries
dir.create(file.path(datadir, "R"), showWarnings=FALSE)
# list all files
allFiles<-file.path("R", list.files(file.path(datadir, "R")))
# do any of them match?
# read it in
ret <- read.csv(
file.path(datadir, datfile), sep=",",
header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, encoding="UTF-8")
# structure is ok
if(sum(c("src", "ser")%in%colnames(ret))==2){
download <- FALSE
} # no? ->download
if (verbose) message("Found downloaded registry tables.")
} # no? ->download
# you can set target file, won't change anything if there is nothing to download
tempReg<- file.path(datadir, datfile)
if(checklog) tempLog <- tempfile()
# need to download but not saved
# temporary files
tempReg <- tempfile()
if(checklog) tempLog <- tempfile()
# go on with download
if (verbose) message("Downloading registry tables.")
# URL to the registry server
regserv <- paste0(remote, registers )
# the public download
paste(regserv, "clientlog.csv", sep = ""),
tempLog, mode="wb", quiet=TRUE)
paste(regserv, "clientlog.csv", sep = ""),
tempLog, mode="wb", quiet=TRUE)
paste(regserv, datfile, sep = ""),
tempReg, mode="wb", quiet=!verbose)
paste(regserv, datfile, sep = ""),
tempReg, mode="wb", quiet=!verbose)
# protected download
paste("ftp://", user, ":", pwd, "@",regserv, "clientlog.csv", sep = ""),
tempLog, mode="wb", quiet=TRUE)
paste("ftp://", user, ":", pwd, "@",regserv, "clientlog.csv", sep = ""),
tempLog, mode="wb", quiet=TRUE)
paste("ftp://", user, ":", pwd, "@",regserv, datfile, sep = ""),
tempReg, mode="wb", quiet=!verbose)
paste("ftp://", user, ":", pwd, "@",regserv, datfile, sep = ""),
tempReg, mode="wb", quiet=!verbose)
# check the server log.
# read server log
log <- tryCatch(
tempLog, sep=",", header=TRUE,
stringsAsFactors=FALSE, encoding="UTF-8"),
stop("Invalid log file, remote server cannot be reached.")
# subset the table to the appropriate client
log <- log[log$client=="R", ]
pkgver <- sessionInfo()$otherPkgs$chronosphere$Version
bLine <- pkgver==log$version
# Keys:
# version not shown: everything fine!
# version found: display message
# display message intended for people using this particular version
currentMessage <- log$message[bLine]
logok <- TRUE
logok <- FALSE
if(logok) assignInNamespace("checklog", FALSE, ns="chronosphere")
# and set return value
ret <- read.csv(
tempReg, sep=",", header=TRUE,
stringsAsFactors=FALSE, encoding="UTF-8")
# show only the R-items
if(!is.null(src) & !all) ret <- ret[ret$language=="R", ]
# get rid of the temporary file
if(is.null(datadir)) unlink(tempReg)
ret$codeURL <- file.path(remote,"code/R",ret$codeFile)
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