
Defines functions write_xifti writecii writeCIfTI write_cifti

Documented in write_cifti writeCIfTI writecii write_xifti

#' Write a CIFTI file from a \code{"xifti"} object
#' Write out a \code{"xifti"} object as a CIFTI file and (optionally) GIFTI
#'  surface files.
#' See \code{\link{write_xifti2}} to write a \code{"xifti"} object out as
#'  separate GIFTI and/or NIFTI files instead.
#' @inheritParams xifti_Param
#' @inheritParams cifti_fname_Param
#' @param surfL_fname,surfR_fname If the \[left/right\] surface is present, it
#'  will be a written to a GIFTI file at this file path. If \code{NULL}
#'  (default), do not write out the surface.
#' @inheritParams verbose_Param_TRUE
#' @return Named character vector of the written files
#' @family common
#' @family writing
#' @export
#' @section Connectome Workbench:
#' This function interfaces with the \code{"-cifti-create-dense-timeseries"},
#'  \code{"-cifti-create-dense-scalar"}, or \code{"-cifti-create-label"} Workbench
#'  Command, depending on the input.
write_cifti <- function(
  xifti, cifti_fname, surfL_fname=NULL, surfR_fname=NULL, verbose=TRUE) {

  # Infer extension from name, and add it to `xifti`.
  extn_cifti <- get_cifti_extn(cifti_fname)
  if (extn_cifti %in% c("dtseries.nii", "dlabel.nii", "dscalar.nii")) {
    intent_cifti <- supported_intents()$value[
      match(extn_cifti, supported_intents()$extension)

    if (!is.null(xifti$meta$cifti$intent)) {
      if (intent_cifti != xifti$meta$cifti$intent) {
          "The `xifti` intent is ", xifti$meta$cifti$intent, ", but writing a ",
          gsub(".nii", "", extn_cifti), " (", intent_cifti,
          ") instead to match the output file name.\n"
    } else {
      xifti$meta$cifti$intent <- intent_cifti

  } else if (!is.null(xifti$meta$cifti$intent)) {
    # Add correct file extension.
    extn_cifti <- supported_intents()$extension[
      match(xifti$meta$cifti$intent, supported_intents()$value)
    cifti_fname <- paste0(cifti_fname, ".", extn_cifti)

  # Problem with label xifti that has NA/NaN data
  if (extn_cifti=="dlabel.nii") {
    if (any(is.na(as.matrix(xifti)))) {
        "Cannot write out label data with NA/NaN values. ",
        "Create a new label for NA/NaN, impute these values, or ",
        "otherwise get rid them to write out the file."

  # Label xifti's with multiple columns having different label tables need to be
  #   written one column at a time, because GIFTI/NIFTI files only permit one
  #   label table at a time, even for multi-column data.
  if (extn_cifti=="dlabel.nii" && length(unique(xifti$meta$cifti$labels)) > 1) {
    ccol_fnames <- tempfile(paste0("col",seq(ncol(xifti))), fileext=".dlabel.nii")
    for (cc in seq(ncol(xifti))) {
      write_cifti(select_xifti(xifti, cc), ccol_fnames[cc], verbose=FALSE)
    cmd <- paste(
      "-cifti-merge", sys_path(cifti_fname),
      paste("-cifti", sys_path(ccol_fnames), collapse=" ")
    run_wb_cmd(cmd, ignore.stderr=TRUE)

  } else {
    sep_fnames <- write_xifti2(xifti=xifti, write_dir=tempdir(), verbose=verbose)
    if (verbose) { cat("Creating CIFTI file from separated components.\n") }
    wcfs_kwargs <- list(
      timestep = xifti$meta$cifti$time_step,
      timestart = xifti$meta$cifti$time_start,
      names = xifti$meta$cifti$names
    if ("cortexL" %in% names(sep_fnames)) {
      wcfs_kwargs$cortexL_fname <- sep_fnames["cortexL"]
      if ("ROIcortexL" %in% names(sep_fnames)) {
        wcfs_kwargs$ROIcortexL_fname <- sep_fnames["ROIcortexL"]
    if ("cortexR" %in% names(sep_fnames)) {
      wcfs_kwargs$cortexR_fname <- sep_fnames["cortexR"]
      if ("ROIcortexR" %in% names(sep_fnames)) {
        wcfs_kwargs$ROIcortexR_fname <- sep_fnames["ROIcortexR"]
    if ("subcortVol" %in% names(sep_fnames)) {
      wcfs_kwargs$subcortVol_fname <- sep_fnames["subcortVol"]
      if ("subcortLabs" %in% names(sep_fnames)) {
        wcfs_kwargs$subcortLabs_fname <- sep_fnames["subcortLabs"]
    do.call(write_cifti_from_separate, wcfs_kwargs)

  # Surfaces
  do_left_surf <- !is.null(surfL_fname) && !is.null(xifti$surf$cortex_left)
  do_right_surf <- !is.null(surfR_fname) && !is.null(xifti$surf$cortex_right)
  if (do_left_surf || do_right_surf) {
    if (verbose) { cat("Writing surface geometry GIFTI(s).\n") }

    if (do_left_surf) {
      write_surf_gifti(xifti$surf$cortex_left, surfL_fname, "left")
    if (do_right_surf) {
      write_surf_gifti(xifti$surf$cortex_right, surfR_fname, "right")

  out <- unlist(list(
    surfL=surfL_fname, surfR=surfR_fname

#' @rdname write_cifti
#' @export
writeCIfTI <- function(
  xifti, cifti_fname,
  surfL_fname=NULL, surfR_fname=NULL,
  verbose=TRUE) {
    xifti=xifti, cifti_fname=cifti_fname,
    surfL_fname=surfL_fname, surfR_fname=surfR_fname,

#' @rdname write_cifti
#' @export
writecii <- function(
  xifti, cifti_fname,
  surfL_fname=NULL, surfR_fname=NULL,
  verbose=TRUE) {
    xifti=xifti, cifti_fname=cifti_fname,
    surfL_fname=surfL_fname, surfR_fname=surfR_fname,

#' @rdname write_cifti
#' @export
write_xifti <- function(
  xifti, cifti_fname,
  surfL_fname=NULL, surfR_fname=NULL,
  verbose=TRUE) {
    xifti=xifti, cifti_fname=cifti_fname,
    surfL_fname=surfL_fname, surfR_fname=surfR_fname,

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ciftiTools documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.