
Defines functions mcmc_summary.circGLM circSD modalDirection medianDirection IC_compare.circGLM predict.circGLM predict_function.circGLM residuals.circGLM BF.circGLM getPMP coefficients.circGLM

Documented in BF.circGLM circSD getPMP IC_compare.circGLM mcmc_summary.circGLM medianDirection modalDirection predict.circGLM predict_function.circGLM residuals.circGLM

#' Extract circGLM Coefficients
#' Create a table of coefficient results from a \code{circGLM} object.
#' @param object A \code{circGLM} object.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A table of coefficients with their corresponding lower and upper bounds.
#' @export
#' @method coef circGLM
#' @examples
#' coef(circGLM(th = rvmc(10, 0, 1)))
coef.circGLM <- coefficients.circGLM <- function(object, ...) {
  mcmcSDs <- summary(object$all_chains)$statistics[, "SD"]

  b0 <- c(object$b0_meandir, mcmcSDs["b0_chain"], object$b0_CCI)
  kp <- c(object$kp_mode, mcmcSDs["kp_chain"], object$kp_HDI)
  bt <- cbind(t(object$bt_mean), 
              mcmcSDs[grep("bt_chain", names(mcmcSDs))], 
  dt <- cbind(t(object$dt_meandir), 
              mcmcSDs[grep("dt_chain", names(mcmcSDs))], 

  coefmat <- rbind(Intercept = b0, Kappa = kp, bt, dt)
  colnames(coefmat) <- c("Estimate", "SD", "LB", "UB")

#' Obtain posterior model probabilities
#' Compute posterior model probabilities from odds \code{x} and a prior odds.
#' @param x A vector of odds for which to obtain the posterior model
#'   probabilities.
#' @param prior_odds The prior odds.
#' @return A matrix with two columns, giving the relative probabilities of the
#'   first hypothesis versus the second hypothesis.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getPMP(3)
getPMP <- function(x, prior_odds = 1) {
  posterior_odds <- prior_odds * x
  cbind(posterior_odds/(1 + posterior_odds), 1/(1 + posterior_odds))

#' Obtain Bayes Factors or posterior odds from circGLM objects
#' Extracts the Bayes Factors or posterior odds from a \code{circGLM} object.
#' @param m A \code{circGLM} object.
#' @param prior_odds Numeric; If prior odds is 1, the default, the results are
#'   the Bayes factors. The priors odds can also be provided in order to return
#'   posterior odds directly, which are equal to the Bayes factor multiplied by
#'   the prior odds.
#' @param digits Integer; The number of digits to display.
#' @return A list of tables of Bayes Factors and posterior model probabilities,
#'   where applicable.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dat <- generateCircGLMData(truebeta = c(0, .2), truedelta = c(.4, .01))
#' m   <- circGLM(th ~ ., dat)
#' BF.circGLM(m)
#' dat <- generateCircGLMData(nconpred = 0)
#' m   <- circGLM(th ~ ., dat)
#' BF.circGLM(m)
#' dat <- generateCircGLMData(ncatpred = 0)
#' m   <- circGLM(th ~ ., dat)
#' BF.circGLM(m)
BF.circGLM <- function(m, prior_odds = 1, digits = 5) {

  # Compute posterior model probabilities
  PMP_Beta_Ineq           <- getPMP(m$BetaBayesFactors[, 1, drop = FALSE], 
                                    prior_odds = prior_odds)
  PMP_Beta_Eq             <- getPMP(m$BetaBayesFactors[, 2, drop = FALSE], 
                                    prior_odds = prior_odds)
  colnames(PMP_Beta_Ineq) <- c("P(bt>0)", "P(bt<0)")
  colnames(PMP_Beta_Eq)   <- c("P(bt==0)", "P(bt=/=0)")

  PMP_Mean_Ineq           <- getPMP(m$MuBayesFactors[, 1, drop = FALSE], 
                                    prior_odds = prior_odds)
  PMP_Mean_Eq             <- getPMP(m$MuBayesFactors[, 2, drop = FALSE], 
                                    prior_odds = prior_odds)
  colnames(PMP_Mean_Ineq) <- c("P(mu_a>mu_b)", "P(mu_a<mu_b)")
  colnames(PMP_Mean_Eq)   <- c("P(mu_a==mu_b)", "P(mu_a, mu_b)")

  lapply( list(BF_Beta       = m$BetaBayesFactors,
               PMP_Beta_Ineq = PMP_Beta_Ineq,
               PMP_Beta_Eq   = PMP_Beta_Eq,
               BF_Mean       = m$MuBayesFactors,
               PMP_Mean_Ineq = PMP_Mean_Ineq,
               PMP_Mean_Eq   = PMP_Mean_Eq), 
          function(x) if(!is.null(x)) (round(x, digits)))

#' Obtain residuals from a circGLM object
#' Computes the residuals either by taking the arc distance or the cosine
#' distance between the predictions and the observed outcomes.
#' @param object A \code{circGLM} object.
#' @param type Either \code{"arc"} or \code{"cosine"}, the type of distance to
#'   take.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A numeric vector of residuals. If type is \code{"arc"}, these are
#'   angles in radians. If type is \code{"cosine"}, these are numeric values
#'   between 0 and 2.
#' @export
#' @method residuals circGLM
#' @examples
#' m <- circGLM(th = rvmc(10, 0, 1))
#' residuals(m)
#' # Cosine residuals
#' residuals(m, type = "cosine")
residuals.circGLM <- function(object, type = "arc", ...) {

  diffs <- abs(object$data_th - object$th_hat)

  if (type == "arc") {
    return(pmin(diffs, 2*pi - diffs))
  } else if (type == "cosine") {
    return(1 - cos(diffs))
  } else {
    stop("Unknown distance type.")


#' Obtain a prediction function from a circGLM object
#' This functions creates and returns a new prediction \code{function} that
#' takes in new data, and returns their predicted values. The prediction
#' function is based on the posterior estimates.
#' @param object A \code{circGLM} object.
#' @param linkfun A link function to use in the analysis. Should be the same as
#'   the link function.
#' @return A function that takes \code{newdata} as an argument, which must be a
#'   data frame with predictors. The predictors must be the same as used in the
#'   \code{circGLM} object and must have the same column names.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dat <- generateCircGLMData()
#' m   <- circGLM(th ~ ., dat)
#' predfun <- predict_function.circGLM(m)
#' newd <- generateCircGLMData()
#' # Predicted values of the new data.
#' predfun(newd)
predict_function.circGLM <- function(object, 
                                     linkfun = function(x) atanLF(x, 2) ) {

  function(newdata) {

    # Check whether there are categorical and continuous predictors.
    if (length(object$dt_meandir) == 0) {
      dpart <- 0
    } else {
      d <- newdata[, colnames(object$dt_meandir)]
      dpart <- d %*% t(object$dt_meandir)
    if (length(object$bt_mean) == 0) {
      xpart <- 0
    } else {
      x <- newdata[, colnames(object$bt_mean)]
      xpart <- linkfun(x %*% t(object$bt_mean))
    unname(object$b0_meandir + xpart + dpart)

#' Obtain predictions for the circGLM model
#' Obtain predictions from the original dataset, or the predictions from the
#' fitted model on a new dataset \code{newdata}.
#' @param object A \code{circGLM} object.
#' @param newdata A data frame with predictors. The predictors must be the same
#'   as used in the \code{circGLM} object and must have the same column names.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A numeric vector with predictions.
#' @export
#' @method predict circGLM
#' @examples
#' dat <- generateCircGLMData()
#' m   <- circGLM(th ~ ., dat)
#' # Predictions for the original outcome angles.
#' predict(m)
#' # Predictions for new data
#' dat2  <- generateCircGLMData()
#' predict(m, newdata = dat2)
predict.circGLM <- function(object, newdata, ...) {
  if (missing(newdata)) {
  } else {
    predfun <- predict_function.circGLM(object)

#' Compare the information criteria of several circGLM models.
#' @param ... The \code{circGLM} objects to be compared.
#' @param ICs A character vector of ICs to display.
#' @return A matrix with a column of information criteria for each model.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Xcat <- c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 5))
#' th <- rvmc(10, 0, 4) + Xcat
#' # Compare a model that includes group differences with a model that does not.
#' IC_compare.circGLM(circGLM(th = th), circGLM(th = th, X = Xcat))
IC_compare.circGLM <- function(...,
                               ICs = c("n_par", "lppd",
                                       "AIC_Bayes", "DIC", "DIC_alt",
                                       "WAIC1", "WAIC2",
                                       "p_DIC", "p_DIC_alt",
                                       "p_WAIC1", "p_WAIC2")) {
  ms <- list(...)

  comtab <- sapply(ms, function(m) m[ICs])

  colnames(comtab) <- as.character(match.call())[2:(ncol(comtab) + 1)]

#' Compute the median direction
#' This function computes the median direction, which is defined as the middle
#' observation of the shortest arc containing all observations.
#' @param th A vector of angles in radians.
#' @param fastMethod Logical; If \code{TRUE}, the data is rotated so that the
#'   mean is \code{pi} and linear methods are applied. If \code{FALSE}, the arcs
#'   between each set of data points must be computed, which is much slower. For
#'   data that is very strongly spread out, the fast method might not give the
#'   correct value.
#' @return An angle in radians, the median direction.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' medianDirection(rvmc(30, 0, 2))
medianDirection <- function(th, fastMethod = TRUE) {

  if (fastMethod) {

    # The fast method uses the C++ method circQuantile.
    return(as.numeric(circQuantile(th, .5)))
  } else {

    # The slower method computes the mean arc distance between all angles th.
    meandiffs <- sapply(th, function(x) {
      pi - mean(abs(pi - abs(x - th)))

#' Estimate the modal direction
#' Estimates the mode as the midpoint of the highest density interval.
#' The highest density interval is computed as the shortest interval containing
#' \code{modebw} of the values in \code{th}. For circular data however, this
#' definition is not useful, and we should instead look for the shortest arc
#' that contains \code{modebw} of the data. This is done by rotating the data
#' such that the mean direction is \code{pi}, and then applying the usual linear
#' methods.
#' @param th A vector of angles in radians.
#' @param modebw Numeric between 0 and 1. The modes are estimated by taking the
#'   midpoint of a highest density interval. Specifically, the mode is the
#'   midpoint of the interval that contains \code{modebw} of the values of
#'   \code{th}. Reasonable values are roughly between .005 and .2, although
#'   lower values may be reasonable there are a lot of observations in
#'   \code{th}.
#' @return An angle in radians.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' modalDirection(rvmc(30, 0, 2))
modalDirection <- function(th, modebw = .1) {

  mdir <- computeMeanDirection(th)

  mdir - pi + estimateMode(th - mdir + pi , cip = modebw)

#' Compute the Circular Standard Deviation
#' Returns the circular standard deviation of a vector of circular data which is
#' defined as the square root of minus 2 times the log of the mean resultant
#' length.
#' @param x A vector of angles.
#' @return A numeric, the circular standard deviation.
#' @export
circSD <- function(x) {
  sqrt(-2 * log(sqrt(sum(cos(x))^2 + sum(sin(x))^2) / length(x)))

#' Obtain different central tendencies and CIs from a circGLM object
#' Computes the mean (arithmetic or mean direction), median, and mode estimate
#' for the MCMC chains of a \code{circGLM} object, as well as a credible
#' interval.
#' The summary statistics computed have to be computed differently for linear
#' and circular variables.
#' @param m A \code{circGLM} object.
#' @param modebw Numeric between 0 and 1. The modes are estimated by taking the
#'   midpoint of a highest density interval. Specifically, the mode is the
#'   midpoint of the interval that contains \code{modebw} of the density of the
#'   posterior. Reasonable values are roughly between .005 and .2, although
#'   lower values may be reasonable if the number of iterations, Q, is large.
#' @param ciperc The confidence interval percentage.
#' @return A matrix with the parameters as rows, and on the columns central
#'   tendencies and appropriate credible intervals (circular quantiles and
#'   Highest Density Intervals).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dat <- generateCircGLMData()
#' m   <- circGLM(th ~ ., dat)
#' mcmc_summary.circGLM(m)
mcmc_summary.circGLM <- function(m, modebw = .1, ciperc = .95) {

  nms <- colnames(m$all_chains)

  # Obtain circular central tendencies.
  circVars   <- grep("dt|b0|mu", nms)
  circChains <- m$all_chains[, circVars, drop = FALSE]
  circCTs    <- t(apply(circChains, 2, function(x) {
    c(Mean   = computeMeanDirection(x),
      Median = medianDirection(x),
      Mode   = estimateModeCirc(x, modebw),
      SD     = circSD(x),
      computeHDICirc(x, ciperc))

  lineVars <- grep("kp|bt", nms)
  lineChains <- m$all_chains[, lineVars, drop = FALSE]
  lineCTs    <- t(apply(lineChains, 2, function(x) {
    c(Mean   = mean(x),
      Median = median(x),
      Mode   = estimateMode(x, modebw),
      SD     = sd(x),
      computeHDI(x, cip = ciperc))

  out <- rbind(circCTs, lineCTs)
  colnames(out)[5:6] <- c("LB", "UB")

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circglmbayes documentation built on Jan. 22, 2021, 5:09 p.m.