
 fig.width  = 5 ,
 fig.height = 3.5,
 fig.align  = 'center'
oldpar <- list(mar = par()$mar, mfrow = par()$mfrow)


This vignette visualizes classification results from support vector machines, using tools from the package.


Small toy example

The example from the paper, the Amazon book reviews data, takes a long time to run. As a simpler illustration we first run a small toy example.

The data is artificial and copied verbatim from Section 9.6.2 (page 363) of "An Introduction to Statistical Learning" by G. James, D. Witten, T. Hastie and R. Tibshirani (Springer eBook, eighth printing, 2017).

We first generate the data and inspect it. We see that class 1 is disconnected, and class 2 lies in the middle. In the original space, linear separation is not possible.

X <- matrix(rnorm(200 * 2), ncol = 2)
X[1:100, ] <- X[1:100, ] + 2
X[101:150, ] <- X[101:150, ] - 2
y <- as.factor(c(rep("blue", 150), rep("red", 50))) # two classes
dim(X) # 200 2
length(y) # 200
cols <- c("deepskyblue3", "red")
col <- cols[as.numeric(y)]
plot(X, col = col, pch = 19) 

We now fit an SVM with radial basis kernel to the data. We fix the seed in order to make the result of svm() reproducible:

dat <- data.frame(X = X, y = y)
svmfit <- svm(y~., data = dat, scale = FALSE, kernel = "radial", cost = 10, gamma = 1, probability = TRUE)

Now we inspect the fitted svm. We also plot the decision values and the fit. We see that the decision value separates the classes reasonably well. The decision boundary is far from linear, but it is linear in the feature space:


plot(svmfit$decision.values, col = cols[as.numeric(y)]); abline(h = 0)

plot(svmfit, data = dat, X.2~X.1,  col = cols)

Now we build the vcr object for the trained svm:

vcr.train <- vcr.svm.train(X, y, svfit = svmfit)

We inspect the output, which contains among other things the prediction as integer, the prediction as label, the alternative label as integer and the alternative label:

vcr.train$pred[c(1:20, 151:170)]
vcr.train$altlab[c(1:20, 151:170)]

Now inspect the Probability of Alternative Class (PAC) of each object, which is one of the ingredients for the class map:


The $fig element of the output contains the distance from case i to class g. Let's look at it for the first 5 objects:

vcr.train$fig[1:5, ] 

From the fig, the farness of each object can be computed. The farness of an object i is the f(i, g) to its own class:


The "overall farness" of an object is defined as the lowest f(i, g) it has to any class g (including its own):


Objects with ofarness > cutoff are flagged as "outliers". These can be included in a separate column in the confusion matrix. This confusion matrix can be computed using confmat.vcr, which also returns the accuracy. To illustrate this we choose a rather low cutoff, so a few cases are flagged:

confmat.vcr(vcr.train, cutoff = 0.975)

With the default cutoff = 0.99 no objects are flagged in this example:


Note that the accuracy is computed before any objects are flagged, so it does not depend on the cutoff.

The confusion matrix can also be constructed showing class numbers instead of labels. This option can be useful for long level names.

confmat.vcr(vcr.train, showClassNumbers = TRUE)

A stacked mosaic plot made with the stackedplot() function can be used to visualize the confusion matrix. The outliers, if there are any, appear as grey areas on top.

stackedplot(vcr.train, classCols = cols, separSize = 1.5,
            minSize = 1, showLegend = TRUE, cutoff = 0.975,
            main = "Stacked plot of SVM on artifical data")

stplot <- stackedplot(vcr.train, classCols = cols, 
                     separSize = 1.5, minSize = 1,
                     main = "Stacked plot of SVM on artifical data")
stackedplot(vcr.train, classCols = cols)

The silhouette plot is made below:

# pdf("Artif_SVM_silhouettes.pdf", width = 5.0, height = 4.6)
silplot(vcr.train, classCols = cols, 
        main = "Silhouette plot of SVM on artificial data") 

We now make the class maps based on the vcr object. This can be done using the classmap() function. We make a separate class map for each of the two classes. We see that for class 1 (blue), most of the points have a low PAC, with some exceptions that are assigned to the red class. For class 2, the PAC is typically higher than in class 1.

par(mfrow = c(1,1))
classmap(vcr.train, 1, classCols = cols)
classmap(vcr.train, 2, classCols = cols)

To illustrate the use of new data we create a fake dataset which is a subset of the training data, where not all classes occur, and ynew has NA's.

Xnew <- X[c(1:25, 151:175), ]; dim(Xnew) # 50 200
ynew <- y
ynew[c(21:25, 171:175)] <- NA
(ynew <- ynew[c(1:25, 151:175)]) 
length(ynew) # 50

Now we build the vcr object on the training data.

vcr.test <- vcr.svm.newdata(Xnew, ynew, vcr.train)

Inspect some of the output in the vcr object:

vcr.test$ofarness # This exists even for cases whose true label is NA:

Now perform some check to confirm that it corresponds with what we would expect, given that the test data is a subset of the training data:

plot(vcr.test$yintnew[c(1:20, 26:45)],
     vcr.train$yint[c(1:20, 151:170)]); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.test$predint[c(1:20, 26:45)],
     vcr.train$predint[c(1:20, 151:170)]); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.test$altint[c(1:20, 26:45)],
     vcr.train$altint[c(1:20, 151:170)]); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.test$PAC[c(1:20, 26:45)],
     vcr.train$PAC[c(1:20, 151:170)]); abline(0, 1)
plot(as.vector(vcr.test$fig[c(1:20, 26:45), ]),
     as.vector(vcr.train$fig[c(1:20, 151:170), ])); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.test$farness[c(1:20, 26:45)],
     vcr.train$farness[c(1:20, 151:170)]); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.test$ofarness[c(1:20, 26:45)],
     vcr.train$ofarness[c(1:20, 151:170)]); abline(0, 1)

We also make the silhouette plot on the artificial subset:

# pdf("Artif_subset_SVM_silhouettes.pdf", width = 5.0, height = 4.6)
silplot(vcr.test, classCols = cols, 
        main = "Silhouette plot of SVM on subset of data")  

Now we redo the analysis in feature space. What do these data look like in feature space? In order to answer the question, we first compute the gaussian kernel used in svmfit:

Kxx <- makeKernel(X, svfit = svmfit)

Now we can compute a representation of these points in feature space. The function MakeFV() takes a kernel, and from it creates a feature space with the desired inner products. The kernel matrix has a few eigenvalues below the precision precS, and this is taken into account:

outFV <- makeFV(Kxx)
Xf <- outFV$Xf 

As a sanity check, we make sure that the kernel matrix and the inner products of Xf match (almost exactly):

max(abs(as.vector(Kxx - Xf %*% t(Xf)))) # tiny, this is good.

The rows of Xf are in 196-dimensional space, do we need all of those dimensions? It turns out that we do need many. More precisely, we need 39 components to explain 95% of the variance. That's many when starting from bivariate data.

explvar <- cumsum(apply(Xf, 2, var))
plot(explvar / explvar[ncol(Xf)]); abline(h = 0.95)
min(which(explvar > 0.95 * explvar[ncol(Xf)])) 

We inspect the data in feature space a little bit more. We see that all points in Xf lie on the unit sphere. This is always true for the radial basis kernel.


In some of the pairwise plots, we can also see spherical effects. The data does look more separable here than in the original two-dimensional space.

pairs(Xf[, 1:5], col = col)
plot(Xf[, 1], Xf[, 5], col = col, pch = 19)

Now we run SVM on Xf with linear kernel and the same cost. This yields the same result as above:

Xfdat <- data.frame(X = Xf, y = y)
svmfit1 <- svm(y~., data = Xfdat, scale = FALSE, kernel = "linear", cost = 10, probability = TRUE)
plot(svmfit1$decision.values, svmfit$decision.values); abline(0, 1)
vcr.trainf <- vcr.svm.train(X = Xf, y, svfit = svmfit1)

We see that everything matches with the original svm which was trained using a gaussian kernel on the original data:

plot(vcr.train$yint, vcr.trainf$yint); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.train$predint, vcr.trainf$predint); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.train$altint, vcr.trainf$altint); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.train$PAC, vcr.trainf$PAC); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.train$fig, vcr.trainf$fig); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.train$farness, vcr.trainf$farness); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.train$ofarness, vcr.trainf$ofarness); abline(0, 1)

We now make a test data with NA's in ynew, but in feature space:

Xnew <- Xf[c(1:25, 151:175), ]; dim(Xnew) 

Using this test data, we build a new vcr object:

vcr.testf <- vcr.svm.newdata(Xnew, ynew, vcr.trainf)

Again, we see an exact match with original version:

plot(vcr.testf$yintnew, vcr.test$yintnew); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.testf$predint, vcr.test$predint); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.testf$altint, vcr.test$altint); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.testf$PAC, vcr.test$PAC); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.testf$fig, vcr.test$fig); abline(0, 1)
plot(vcr.testf$farness, vcr.test$farness); abline(0, 1)

Amazon book review data

X <- data_bookReviews[1:500, 1]; y <- data_bookReviews[1:500, 2] 
Xnew  <- data_bookReviews[501:1000, 1]; ynew <- data_bookReviews[501:1000, 2] 
length(X); length(Xnew); length(y); length(ynew) 

This is a subset of the data used in the paper, which was assembled by Prettenhofer and Stein (2010), see

The full dataset has been used for a variety of things, including classification using svm. A list of citations: sciodt=0%2C5&cites=4738650459241064524&scipsc=1&q=svm+&btnG=

The subset was chosen small enough to keep the computation time low, while still containing the examples in the paper.

First we define the colors and inspect an example of a book review:

cols <- c("deepskyblue3", "red")
col <- cols[as.numeric(y)]

The next question is what kernel to use. There are many string kernels. kernlab provides several options: The "spectrum" kernel matches substrings of an exact size. The "boundrange" kernel matches substrings of a length up to a given size. The "constant" kernel matches all substrings. The "exponential" kernel matches all substrings but gives different weights depending on the length of the matched string.

The best kernel for these data in terms of accuracy turned out to be the spectrum kernel with length 7:

strdot <- kernlab::stringdot(type = "spectrum", length = 7)
ptm <- proc.time()
Kr_train <- kernlab::kernelMatrix(kernel = strdot, x = X)
(proc.time() - ptm)[3] 

Using the makeFV() function, we can compute the corresponding points in feature space. It takes into account almost-zero eigenvalues. The resulting Xf can be seen as the scores of a kernel PCA without centering (mean subtraction).

outFV <- makeFV(Kr_train)
Xf <- outFV$Xf 

To see how well these feature vectors and Kr_train match, we can compute the inner products in Xf, and verify that they are close to Kr_train:

inprod <- Xf %*% t(Xf) 
max(abs(as.vector(Kr_train - inprod))) 

We can also verify that the points of Xf lie on the unit sphere in 500 dimensions:

range(rowSums(Xf^2)) # all 1

By construction, Xf is expressed in an orthogonal coordinate system. In order to explain 95% of the variance in the data, we need 463 out of the 500 components, so we are in a truly high dimensional situation:

explvar <- cumsum(apply(Xf, 2, var))
plot(explvar / explvar[ncol(Xf)]); abline(h = 0.95)
min(which(explvar > 0.95 * explvar[ncol(Xf)]))

Now we can train the support vector classifier on these data. On Xf we train the SVM with the LINEAR kernel, since we are in feature space:

Xfdat <- data.frame(X = Xf, y = y)
set.seed(1) # we have to fix the seed!
svmfit <- svm(y~., data = Xfdat, scale = FALSE, kernel = "linear", cost = 2, probability = TRUE)

We plot the decision values. the two horizontal lines contain the support vectors. There are a lot of them, since the dimension is high.


Now create the VCR object of the training data:

vcr.train <- vcr.svm.train(Xf, y, svfit = svmfit)

Using the VCR object, we can build the confusion matrix. We see that the accuracy is 100%. This classification is perfect due to overfitting!

confmat.vcr(vcr.train, showOutliers = FALSE)

The classification on the test data is more interesting. First construct the kernel matrix we need to classify the test data, which takes roughly a minute:

ptm <- proc.time()
Kr_test <- kernlab::kernelMatrix(kernel = strdot, x = Xnew, y = X)
(proc.time() - ptm)[3] 

Now we compute feature vectors of the test set. These features live in the same space as the Xf of the training data.

FVtest <- makeFV(kmat = Kr_test, transfmat = outFV$transfmat)
Zf <- FVtest$Xf 

We compare the inner products with the kernel matrix to make sure that they are the same:

inprod <- Zf %*% t(Xf) 
max(abs(as.vector(Kr_test - inprod))) # tiny, good.

Now create the VCR object of the test data:

vcr.test <- vcr.svm.newdata(Zf, ynew, vcr.train)

Compute the confusion matrix from the VCR object. In the full dataset, the accuracy was 82 %. Here we achieve roughly 74% accuracy, which is lower since training was done on 500 texts instead of 2000.


The stacked mosaic plot of the classification is presented below:

stackedplot(vcr.test, classCols = cols, separSize = 1.5, minSize = 1.5, main = "SVM on the book review test data")

The silhouette plot of the classification is presented below:

# pdf("Bookreview_test_SVM_silhouettes.pdf", width = 5.0, height = 4.6)
silplot(vcr.test, classCols = cols, main = 
           "Silhouette plot of SVM on book review test data")      

The overall average silhouette width is quite poor, as was the classification accuracy. Now we build the class maps for the test set. First the class map of the negative reviews:

# To identify the atypical points, uncomment the next line:
# classmap(vcr.test, 1, classCols = cols, identify = TRUE)
# Identified point(s): 
# [1]  67 127 118 145  94  45
# pdf("Bookreviews_500_classmap_test_negative.pdf")
par(mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 2.0, 0.2))
coords <- classmap(vcr.test, 1, classCols = cols, cex = 1.5,
                  main = "predictions of the negative book reviews", cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, cex.main = 1.5, maxfactor = 1.05, identify = FALSE)
indstomark <- c(67, 127, 118, 145, 94, 45) # from identify=TRUE above
labs  <- c("a", "b", "x", "c", "d", "e")
xvals <- coords[indstomark, 1] +
   c(-0.08, 0, 0, 0.09, 0.09, 0.09) # visual fine tuning
yvals <- coords[indstomark, 2] +
   c(0, 0.033, 0.030, 0, 0, 0)
text(x = xvals, y = yvals, labels = labs, cex = 1.5)
legend("topright", fill = cols,
       legend = c("negative", "positive"), cex = 1.4,
       ncol = 1, bg = "white")

We marked the following points:

(Xnew[which(ynew == 1)])[67] # (a) in the paper.

(Xnew[which(ynew == 1)])[127] # (b) in the paper.

(Xnew[which(ynew == 1)])[118] # (x) 
# Negative review, but highly recommends another book!

(Xnew[which(ynew == 1)])[145] # (c) in the paper.
# Contains some grammatical errors
# Is negative, but expressed very indirectly.

(Xnew[which(ynew == 1)])[94] # (d) in the paper. 
# Definitely negative, but quite short.

(Xnew[which(ynew == 1)])[45] # (e) in the paper.

Now the class map of the positive reviews in the test set:

# To identify the atypical points:
# classmap(vcr.test, 2, classCols = cols, identify = TRUE)
# Identified point(s): 
# [1] 48  32 18 168 113
# pdf("Bookreviews_500_classmap_test_positive.pdf")
par(mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 2.0, 0.2))
coords <- classmap(vcr.test, 2, classCols = cols, cex = 1.5,
                  main = "predictions of the positive book reviews", cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, cex.main = 1.5,
                  maxfactor = 1.05, identify = FALSE)
indstomark <- c(48, 32, 18, 168, 113) # from identify = TRUE above
coords[indstomark, ]
labs  <- letters[6:10]
xvals <- coords[indstomark, 1] +
   c(0, 0, 0.09, 0.09, 0.09) # visual fine tuning
yvals <- coords[indstomark, 2] +
   c(0.032, 0.032, 0, 0, 0)
text(x = xvals, y = yvals, labels = labs, cex = 1.5)
legend("left", fill = cols,
       legend = c("negative", "positive"), cex = 1.4,
       ncol = 1, bg = "white")

We marked the following points:

(Xnew[which(ynew == 2)])[48] # (f) in the paper.

(Xnew[which(ynew == 2)])[32] # (g) in the paper.

(Xnew[which(ynew == 2)])[18] # (h) in the paper.

(Xnew[which(ynew == 2)])[168] # (i) in the paper.

(Xnew[which(ynew == 2)])[113] # (j) in the paper.
# very short (and spelling error).

Sweets data

We first load the nutrients data set out of the robCompositions package.

# Load the entire nutrients_branded data set:
data(nutrients_branded, package = "robCompositions")

X <- as.matrix(nutrients_branded)

We now preprocess the data, removing uninformative variables and those with many NAs:

X            <- X[, -c(1:7, 10, 18)]
productnames <- nutrients_branded$name_D
hasNA        <- apply(X, 1, function(y) sum( > 0)
X            <- X[-which(hasNA), ]
productnames <- productnames[-which(hasNA)]

There are a lot of food types in this dataset. We will select a subset.

type  <- nutrients_branded$category_E 
type  <- type[-which(hasNA)]
inds1 <- which(type == "Sweets/Cookies/Biscuits")
inds2 <- which(type == "Sweets/Milk based ice cream")
inds3 <- which(type == "Sweets/Cakes and tarts")
inds4 <- which(type == "Sweets/Creams and puddings")

X <- X[c(inds1, inds2, inds3, inds4), ]
X <- as.matrix(apply(X, 2, as.numeric))
prod.names <- productnames[c(inds1, inds2, inds3, inds4)]
X <- as.matrix(scale(X))

y <- factor(c(rep("biscuits", length(inds1)),
             rep("ice cream", length(inds2)),
             rep("cakes", length(inds3)),
             rep("puddings", length(inds4))),
            levels = c("biscuits", "ice cream", 


We now proceed by training the multiclass SVM, and constructing the VCR object:

Xdat <- data.frame(X = X, y = y)
set.seed(1) # needed, otherwise not deterministic.
svmfit <- svm(y~., data = Xdat, scale = FALSE,
              kernel = "linear", cost = 10,
              probability = TRUE)

vcrobj <- vcr.svm.train(X, y, svfit = svmfit)

Based on the output of vcr.svm.train, we can now analyze and visualize the classification results. First we look at the confusion matrix and the stacked plot.

confmat.vcr(vcrobj, showOutliers = FALSE)

cols <- c("firebrick4", "violet", "chocolate3", "orange")

# Stacked plot in the paper:
# pdf("Sweets_stackplot_with_outliers.pdf",width=5,height=4.6)
stackedplot(vcrobj, classCols = cols, separSize = 0.5, minSize = 1.5,
            main = "Stacked plot of SVM on the sweets data",
            htitle = "given class", vtitle = "predicted class")

# With legend:
stackedplot(vcrobj, classCols = cols, separSize = 0.5, minSize = 1.5,
            main = "Stacked plot of SVM on the sweets data",
            htitle = "given class", vtitle = "predicted class",
            showLegend = TRUE)

# Without showing outliers:
stackedplot(vcrobj, classCols = cols, separSize = 0.5, minSize = 1.5,
            main = "Stacked plot of SVM on the sweets data",
            showOutliers = FALSE)

Now we make the silhouette plot:

# pdf("Sweets_SVM_silhouettes.pdf", width=5.0, height=4.6)
silplot(vcrobj, classCols = cols,
        main = "Silhouette plot of SVM on the sweets data")

And finally, the class maps:

labels <- c("biscuits", "ice cream", "cakes", "puddings")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

# To identify special points in class 1:
# classmap(vcrobj, 1, classCols = cols, identify=T)
# Press the escape key to stop identifying.
indstomark <- c(122, 1, 184)
mymaxf <- 1.05
coords <- classmap(vcrobj, 1,classCols = cols,
         main = paste0("predictions of ", labels[1]),
         cex = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
         cex.main = 1.5, maxfactor = mymaxf)
coords[indstomark, ]
labs  <- c("a", "b", "c")
xvals <- c(2.380, 2.73, 4)
yvals <- c(0.825, 0.105, 0.065)
text(x = xvals, y = yvals, labels = labs, cex = 1.5)
legend("right", fill = cols, legend = labels,
       cex = 1.15, ncol = 1, bg = "white")

# Analogously for classes 2, 3, 4.

# Figure in the paper with all four class maps together:
labels <- c("biscuits", "ice cream", "cakes", "puddings")
# pdf(file="Sweets_all_class_maps.pdf",width=9,height=9)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) # (nrows,ncols)
par(mar = c(3.6, 3.5, 2.8, 1.0))
mymaxf <- 1.05
classmap(vcrobj, 1, classCols = cols,
         main = paste0("predictions of ", labels[1]),
         cex = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
         cex.main = 1.5, maxfactor = mymaxf)
labs  <- c("a", "b", "c") # points 122, 1, 184
xvals <- c(2.380, 2.73, 4)
yvals <- c(0.825, 0.105, 0.065)
text(x = xvals, y = yvals, labels = labs, cex = 1.5)
legend("right", fill = cols, legend = labels,
       cex = 1.15, ncol = 1, bg = "white")
par(mar = c(3.6, 2.0, 2.8, 0.3))
classmap(vcrobj, 2,classCols = cols,
         main = paste0("predictions of ", labels[2]),
         cex = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
         cex.main = 1.5, maxfactor = mymaxf)
labs  <- c("d", "e", "f", "g", "h-l")
xvals <- c(2.73, 3.21, 3.86, 3.83, 3.9)
yvals <- c(0.78, 0.96, 0.67, 0.57, 0.16)
text(x = xvals, y = yvals, labels = labs, cex = 1.5)
legend("topleft", fill = cols, legend = labels,
       cex = 1.15, ncol = 1, bg = "white")
par(mar = c(3.6, 3.5, 2.8, 1.0))
classmap(vcrobj, 3, classCols = cols,
         main = paste0("predictions of ", labels[3]),
         cex = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
         cex.main = 1.5, maxfactor = mymaxf)
labs  <- c("m", "n", "o", "p")
xvals <- c(1.05, 3.12, 2.86, 4)
yvals <- c(0.893, 0.95, 0.24, 0.09)
text(x = xvals, y = yvals, labels = labs, cex = 1.5)
legend("right", fill = cols, legend = labels,
       cex = 1.15, ncol = 1, bg = "white")
par(mar = c(3.6, 2.0, 2.8, 0.3))
classmap(vcrobj, 4,classCols = cols,
         main = paste0("predictions of ", labels[4]),
         cex = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5,
         cex.main = 1.5, maxfactor = mymaxf)
labs  <- c("q", "r", "s-u", "v", "w", "x")
xvals <- c(3.00, 3.6, 4.1, 3.82, 4.04, 3.9)
yvals <- c(0.95, 0.97, 0.926, 0.875, 0.795, 0.588)
text(x = xvals, y = yvals, labels = labs, cex = 1.5)
legend("topleft", fill = cols, legend = labels,
       cex = 1.16, ncol = 1, bg = "white")

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