
Defines functions combine_ansi_styles ansitrue ansi256_rgb_index ansi256 ansi_scale ansi_style_from_rgb ansi_style_8_from_rgb ansi_style_from_r_color is_rgb_matrix is_r_color make_ansi_style print.cli_ansi_style print.cli_ansi_string create_ansi_style create_ansi_style_fun create_ansi_style_tag ansi_style_str is_builtin_style palette_color palette_idx

Documented in combine_ansi_styles make_ansi_style

# this is install time
# nocov start

palette_idx <- function(id) {
    id < 38,
    id - (30 - 1),
    id < 48,
    -(id - (40 - 1)),
    id < 98,
    id - (90 - 9),
    -(id - (100 - 9))

palette_color <- function(x) {
  c(x, palette = palette_idx(x[[1]]))

ansi_builtin_styles <- list(
  reset = list(0, c(0, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 39, 49)),
  bold = list(1, 22), # 21 isn't widely supported and 22 does the same thing
  blurred = list(2, 22),
  italic = list(3, 23),
  underline = list(4, 24),
  inverse = list(7, 27),
  hidden = list(8, 28),
  strikethrough = list(9, 29),

  black = palette_color(list(30, 39)),
  red = palette_color(list(31, 39)),
  green = palette_color(list(32, 39)),
  yellow = palette_color(list(33, 39)),
  blue = palette_color(list(34, 39)),
  magenta = palette_color(list(35, 39)),
  cyan = palette_color(list(36, 39)),
  white = palette_color(list(37, 39)),
  silver = list(90, 39),

  br_black = palette_color(list(90, 39)),
  br_red = palette_color(list(91, 39)),
  br_green = palette_color(list(92, 39)),
  br_yellow = palette_color(list(93, 39)),
  br_blue = palette_color(list(94, 39)),
  br_magenta = palette_color(list(95, 39)),
  br_cyan = palette_color(list(96, 39)),
  br_white = palette_color(list(97, 39)),

  bg_black = palette_color(list(40, 49)),
  bg_red = palette_color(list(41, 49)),
  bg_green = palette_color(list(42, 49)),
  bg_yellow = palette_color(list(43, 49)),
  bg_blue = palette_color(list(44, 49)),
  bg_magenta = palette_color(list(45, 49)),
  bg_cyan = palette_color(list(46, 49)),
  bg_white = palette_color(list(47, 49)),

  bg_br_black = palette_color(list(100, 49)),
  bg_br_red = palette_color(list(101, 49)),
  bg_br_green = palette_color(list(102, 49)),
  bg_br_yellow = palette_color(list(103, 49)),
  bg_br_blue = palette_color(list(104, 49)),
  bg_br_magenta = palette_color(list(105, 49)),
  bg_br_cyan = palette_color(list(106, 49)),
  bg_br_white = palette_color(list(107, 49)),

  # similar to reset, but only for a single property
  no_bold          = list(c(0,     23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 39, 49), 22),
  no_blurred       = list(c(0,     23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 39, 49), 22),
  no_italic        = list(c(0, 22,     24, 27, 28, 29, 39, 49), 23),
  no_underline     = list(c(0, 22, 23,     27, 28, 29, 39, 49), 24),
  no_inverse       = list(c(0, 22, 23, 24,     28, 29, 39, 49), 27),
  no_hidden        = list(c(0, 22, 23, 24, 27,     29, 39, 49), 28),
  no_strikethrough = list(c(0, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28,     39, 49), 29),
  none             = list(c(0, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29,     49), 39),
  no_color         = list(c(0, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29,     49), 39),
  bg_none          = list(c(0, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 39    ), 49),
  no_bg_color      = list(c(0, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 39    ), 49)

# nocov end

is_builtin_style <- function(x) {
  is_string(x) && x %in% names(ansi_builtin_styles)

ansi_fg_r <- c(
  "black" = "black",
  "red" = "red",
  "green" = "green",
  "yellow" = "yellow",
  "blue" = "blue",
  "magenta" = "magenta",
  "cyan" = "cyan",
  "white" = "white",
  "silver" = "grey"

ansi_fg_rgb <- grDevices::col2rgb(ansi_fg_r)

ansi_bg_r <- c(
  "bg_black" = "black",
  "bg_red" = "red",
  "bg_green" = "green",
  "bg_yellow" = "yellow",
  "bg_blue" = "blue",
  "bg_magenta" = "magenta",
  "bg_cyan" = "cyan",
  "bg_white" = "white"

ansi_bg_rgb <- grDevices::col2rgb(ansi_bg_r)

ansi_style_str <- function(x) {
  paste0("\u001b[", x, "m", collapse = "")

create_ansi_style_tag <- function(name, open, close, palette = NULL) {
    list(list(open = open, close = close, palette = palette)),
    names = name

create_ansi_style_fun <- function(styles) {
  fun <- eval(substitute(function(...) {
    txt <- paste0(...)
    nc <- num_ansi_colors()
    if (nc > 1 && length(txt) > 0) {
      mystyles <- .styles
      for (st in rev(mystyles)) {
        if (!is.null(st$palette)) st <- get_palette_color(st, nc)
        txt <- paste0(
          gsub(st$close, st$open, txt, fixed = TRUE),
    class(txt) <- c("cli_ansi_string", "ansi_string", "character")
  }, list(.styles = styles)))

  class(fun) <- c("cli_ansi_style", "ansi_style")
  attr(fun, "_styles") <- styles

create_ansi_style <- function(name, open = NULL, close = NULL) {
  open <- open %||% ansi_style_str(ansi_builtin_styles[[name]][[1]])
  close <- close %||% ansi_style_str(ansi_builtin_styles[[name]][[2]])
  palette <- ansi_builtin_styles[[name]]$palette
  style <- create_ansi_style_tag(name, open, close, palette)

#' @export

print.cli_ansi_string <- function(x, ...) {
  if (length(x)) {
    cat(format(paste0("[", seq_along(x), "] ", format(x))), sep = "\n")

#' @export

print.cli_ansi_style <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(x("Example output"))

#' Create a new ANSI style
#' Create a function that can be used to add ANSI styles to text.
#' @param ... The style to create. See details and examples below.
#' @param bg Whether the color applies to the background.
#' @param grey Whether to specifically create a grey color.
#'   This flag is included, because ANSI 256 has a finer color scale
#'   for greys, then the usual 0:5 scale for red, green and blue components.
#'   It is only used for RGB color specifications (either numerically
#'   or via a hexadecimal string), and it is ignored on eight color ANSI
#'   terminals.
#' @param colors Number of colors, detected automatically
#'   by default.
#' @return A function that can be used to color (style) strings.
#' @details
#' The `...` style argument can be any of the following:
#' * A cli ANSI style function of class `cli_ansi_style`. This is returned
#'   as is, without looking at the other arguments.
#' * An R color name, see [grDevices::colors()].
#' * A 6- or 8-digit hexadecimal color string, e.g. `#ff0000` means
#'   red. Transparency (alpha channel) values are ignored.
#' * A one-column matrix with three rows for the red, green
#'   and blue channels, as returned by [grDevices::col2rgb()].
#' `make_ansi_style()` detects the number of colors to use
#' automatically (this can be overridden using the `colors`
#' argument). If the number of colors is less than 256 (detected or given),
#' then it falls back to the color in the ANSI eight color mode that
#' is closest to the specified (RGB or R) color.
#' @family ANSI styling
#' @export
#' @examples
#' make_ansi_style("orange")
#' make_ansi_style("#123456")
#' make_ansi_style("orange", bg = TRUE)
#' orange <- make_ansi_style("orange")
#' orange("foobar")
#' cat(orange("foobar"))

make_ansi_style <- function(..., bg = FALSE, grey = FALSE,
                            colors = num_ansi_colors()) {

  style <- list(...)[[1]]
  if (inherits(style, "cli_ansi_style")) return(style)
  if (inherits(style, "crayon")) {
    return(create_ansi_style_fun(attr(style, "_styles")))

  if (identical(style, "dim")) style <- "blurred"

  orig_style_name <- style_name <- names(args)[1]

    is.character(style) && length(style) == 1 ||
    is_rgb_matrix(style) && ncol(style) == 1,
    message = c(
      "{.arg style} must be an ANSI style",
      "i" = paste(
        "an ANSI style is a character scalar (cli style name, RGB or R color",
        "name), or a [3x1] or [4x1] numeric RGB matrix"),
      "i" = "{.arg style} is {.type {style}}"
    is.logical(bg) && length(bg) == 1,
    is.numeric(colors) && length(colors) == 1

  ansi_seqs <- if (is_builtin_style(style)) {
    if (bg && substr(style, 1, 3) != "bg_") {
      style <- paste0("bg_", style)
    if (is.null(style_name)) style_name <- style

  } else if (is_r_color(style)) {
    if (is.null(style_name)) style_name <- style
    ansi_style_from_r_color(style, bg, colors, grey)

  } else if (is_rgb_matrix(style)) {
    if (is.null(style_name)) {
      style_name <- paste0(
        c("rgb", style, if (bg) "-bg", if (grey) "-grey"),
        collapse = "-"
    ansi_style_from_rgb(style, bg, colors, grey)

  } else {
      "Unknown style specification: {.val style}, it must be one of",
      "*" = "a builtin cli style, e.g. {.val bold} or {.val red},",
      "*" = "an R color name, see {.help grDevices::colors}.",
      "*" = "a [3x1] or [4x1] numeric RGB matrix with, range 0-255."

  create_ansi_style(style_name, ansi_seqs$open, ansi_seqs$close)

hash_color_regex <- "^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{8})$"

is_r_color <- function(x) {
  if (!is.character(x) || length(x) != 1 || is.na(x)) {
  } else {
    x %in% grDevices::colors() || grepl(hash_color_regex, x)

is_rgb_matrix <- function(x) {
  is.matrix(x) && is.numeric(x) && (nrow(x) == 3 || nrow(x) == 4)

ansi_style_from_r_color <- function(color, bg, num_colors, grey) {
  ansi_style_from_rgb(grDevices::col2rgb(color), bg, num_colors, grey)

ansi_style_8_from_rgb <- function(rgb, bg) {
  ansi_cols <- if (bg) ansi_bg_rgb else ansi_fg_rgb
  dist <- colSums((ansi_cols - as.vector(rgb)) ^ 2 )
  builtin_name <- names(which.min(dist))[1]
  btn <- ansi_builtin_styles[[builtin_name]]
  list(open = ansi_style_str(btn[[1]]), close = ansi_style_str(btn[[2]]))

ansi_style_from_rgb <- function(rgb, bg, num_colors, grey) {
  if (num_colors < 256) { return(ansi_style_8_from_rgb(rgb, bg)) }
  if (num_colors < truecolor || grey) return(ansi256(rgb, bg, grey))
  return(ansitrue(rgb, bg))

# nocov start
fgcodes <- c(paste0('\x1b[38;5;', 0:255, 'm'), '\x1b[39m')
bgcodes <- c(paste0('\x1b[48;5;', 0:255, 'm'), '\x1b[49m')

rgb_index <- 17:232
gray_index <- 233:256
reset_index <- 257
# nocov end

ansi_scale <- function(x, from = c(0, 255), to = c(0, 5), round = TRUE) {
  y <- (x - from[1]) /
    (from[2] - from[1]) *
    (to[2] - to[1]) +

  if (round) {
  } else {

ansi256 <- function(rgb, bg = FALSE, grey = FALSE) {
  codes <- if (bg) bgcodes else fgcodes
  if (grey) {
    ## Gray
      open = codes[gray_index][ansi_scale(rgb[1], to = c(0, 23)) + 1],
      close = codes[reset_index]

  } else {
    ## Not gray
      open = codes[ansi256_rgb_index(rgb[1L], rgb[2L], rgb[3L])],
      close = codes[reset_index]

## This is based off the algorithm in the ruby "paint" gem, as
## implemented in rainbowrite.
ansi256_rgb_index <- function(red, green, blue) {
  gray_possible <- TRUE
  sep <- 42.5
  while (gray_possible) {
    if (red < sep || green < sep || blue < sep) {
      gray <- red < sep && green < sep && blue < sep
      gray_possible <- FALSE
    sep <- sep + 42.5

  ## NOTE: The +1 here translates from base0 to base1 for the index
  ## that does the same.  Not ideal, but that does get the escape
  ## characters in nicely.
  if (gray) {
    232 + round((red + green + blue) / 33) + 1
  } else {
    16 + sum(floor(6 * c(red, green, blue) / 256) * c(36, 6, 1)) + 1

ansitrue <- function(rgb, bg = FALSE) {
  if (bg) {
      open = paste0("\x1b[48;2;", rgb[1], ";", rgb[2], ";", rgb[3], "m"),
      close = "\x1b[49m"
  } else {
      open = paste0("\x1b[38;2;", rgb[1], ";", rgb[2], ";", rgb[3], "m"),
      close = "\x1b[39m"

#' Combine two or more ANSI styles
#' Combine two or more styles or style functions into a new style function
#' that can be called on strings to style them.
#' It does not usually make sense to combine two foreground
#' colors (or two background colors), because only the first one
#' applied will be used.
#' It does make sense to combine different kind of styles,
#' e.g. background color, foreground color, bold font.
#' @param ... The styles to combine. For character strings, the
#'   [make_ansi_style()] function is used to create a style first.
#'   They will be applied from right to left.
#' @return The combined style function.
#' @family ANSI styling
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Use style names
#' alert <- combine_ansi_styles("bold", "red4")
#' cat(alert("Warning!"), "\n")
#' ## Or style functions
#' alert <- combine_ansi_styles(style_bold, col_red, bg_cyan)
#' cat(alert("Warning!"), "\n")
#' ## Combine a composite style
#' alert <- combine_ansi_styles(
#'   "bold",
#'   combine_ansi_styles("red", bg_cyan))
#' cat(alert("Warning!"), "\n")

combine_ansi_styles <- function(...) {
  styles <- lapply(
    function(x) attr(make_ansi_style(x), "_styles")
  styles <- unlist(styles, recursive = FALSE)

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