
Defines functions .t10p .t90p .frosty_days .tropical_nights .summer_days .temperature_range .min_temperature .max_temperature .max_csdi .max_wsdi .temperature_indices temperature.sf temperature.array temperature.data.frame temperature.default temperature

Documented in temperature temperature.array temperature.data.frame temperature.default temperature.sf

#' Temperature indices
#' Methods to compute temperature indices over a time series
#' @family temperature functions
#' @param object a numeric vector with the maximum temperature, 
#'  or a data.frame with geographical coordinates (lonlat), 
#'  or an object of class \code{sf} with geometry 'POINT' or 'POLYGON', 
#'  or an \code{array} with two dimensions containing the
#'  maximum and minimum temperature, in that order. See details 
#' @inheritParams get_timeseries
#' @param timeseries logical, \code{FALSE} for a single point time series
#'  observation or \code{TRUE} for a time series based on \var{intervals}
#' @param tmin a numeric vector with the minimum temperature
#' @param as.sf logical, to return an object of class 'sf'
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods. See details
#' @details 
#' Additional arguments:
#' \code{intervals}: an integer (no lower than 5), for the days intervals when
#'  \var{timeseries = TRUE}
#' \code{last.day}: optional to \var{span}, an object of class \code{Date} or
#'  any other object that can be coerced to \code{Date} (e.g. integer, character 
#'  YYYY-MM-DD)  for the last day of the time series. For \code{data.frame}, \code{array} 
#'  and \code{sf} methods
#' \code{dates}: a character (or Date or numeric) vector for the dates of tmax and tmin
#'  in the \code{default} method
#' \code{data.from}: character for the source of remote data. Current remote source 
#'  is: 'nasapower'
#' \code{pars}: character vector for the temperature data to be fetched. If 
#'  \code{data.from} is 'nasapower', the temperature can be adjusted to 2 m, the default,
#'  c("T2M_MAX", "T2M_MIN") or 10 m c("T10M_MAX", "T10M_MIN") 
#' \code{days.before}: optional, an integer for the number of days before 
#'  \var{day.one} to be included in the timespan.
#' # S3 Methods
#' The \code{array} method assumes that \var{object} contains climate data available 
#'  in your R section; this requires an array with two dimensions, 1st dimension 
#'  contains the day temperature and 2nd dimension the night temperature, 
#'  see help("temp_dat", package = "climatrends") for an example on input structure.
#' The \code{data.frame} and the \code{sf} methods assumes that the climate data
#'  will be fetched from a remote (cloud) source that be adjusted using the argument 
#'  \var{data.from}.
#' When \var{timeseries = TRUE}, an id is created, 
#'  which is the index for the rownames of the inputted \var{object}.
#' @return A dataframe with temperature indices:
#' \item{maxDT}{maximun day temperature (degree Celsius)}
#' \item{minDT}{minimum day temperature (degree Celsius)}
#' \item{maxNT}{maximun night temperature (degree Celsius)}
#' \item{minNT}{minimum night temperature (degree Celsius) }
#' \item{DTR}{diurnal temperature range (mean difference between DT 
#' and NT (degree Celsius)) }
#' \item{SU}{summer days, number of days with maximum temperature > 
#' 30 (degree Celsius)}
#' \item{TR}{tropical nights, number of nights with maximum 
#' temperature > 25 (degree Celsius)}
#' \item{CFD}{consecutive frosty days, number of days with temperature 
#' bellow 0 degree Celsius}
#' \item{WSDI}{maximum warm spell duration, consecutive days with 
#' temperature > 90th percentile}
#' \item{CSDI}{maximum cold spell duration, consecutive nights with 
#' temperature < 10th percentile}
#' \item{T10p}{the 10th percentile of night tempeture (degree Celsius)}
#' \item{T90p}{the 90th percentile of day tempeture (degree Celsius)}
#' @references 
#' Aguilar E., et al. (2005). Journal of Geophysical Research, 
#' 110(D23), D23107. \doi{https://doi.org/10.1029/2005JD006119}
#' @examples
#' # the default method
#' data("innlandet", package = "climatrends")
#' # a single temporal observation
#' temperature(innlandet$tmax, innlandet$tmin)
#' # return as timeseries with 30-day intervals
#' temperature(innlandet$tmax, 
#'             innlandet$tmin, 
#'             dates = innlandet$dates,
#'             timeseries = TRUE, 
#'             intervals = 30)
#' #####################################################
#' # array method
#' data("temp_dat", package = "climatrends")
#' temperature(temp_dat,
#'             day.one = "2013-10-28",
#'             span = 12)
#' @export
temperature <- function(object, ...)

#' @rdname temperature
#' @method temperature default
#' @export
temperature.default <- function(object, tmin, ..., timeseries = FALSE) {
  dots <- list(...)
  dates <- dots[["dates"]]
  intervals <- dots[["intervals"]]
  if (!is.null(dates)) {
    dates <- .coerce2Date(dates)
  setnulldate <- FALSE
  if (is.null(dates)) {
    dates <- .coerce2Date(1:length(object))
    if (isTRUE(timeseries)) {
      setnulldate <- TRUE
  temp <- data.frame(id = 1, 
                     tmax = object,
                     tmin = tmin,
                     date = dates, 
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  indices <- .temperature_indices(temp, timeseries, intervals)
  if (isTRUE(setnulldate)) {
    message("Intervals set with no visible dates, returning NAs\n")
    indices$date <- NA 

#' @rdname temperature
#' @method temperature data.frame
#' @export
temperature.data.frame <- function(object, day.one, span = NULL, ..., 
                                   timeseries = FALSE){
  dots <- list(...)
  pars <- dots[["pars"]]
  last.day <- dots[["last.day"]]
  intervals <- dots[["intervals"]]
  if(dim(object)[[2]] != 2) {
    stop("Subscript out of bounds. In temperature.data.frame(),",
         " only lonlat should be provided. \n")
  day.one <- as.vector(t(day.one))
  if (is.null(pars)) {
    pars <- c("T2M_MAX", "T2M_MIN")
  dat <- get_timeseries(object, day.one, span, pars = pars, ...)
  temp <- cbind(dat[[pars[[1]]]], tmin = dat[[pars[[2]]]]$value)
  names(temp)[names(temp) == "value"] <- "tmax"
  indices <- .temperature_indices(temp, timeseries, intervals)

#' @rdname temperature
#' @method temperature array
#' @export
temperature.array <- function(object, day.one, span = NULL, ...,
                              timeseries = FALSE){
  dots <- list(...)
  last.day <- dots[["last.day"]]
  intervals <- dots[["intervals"]]
  # coerce to data.frame
  day.one <- as.vector(t(day.one))
  dat <- get_timeseries(object, day.one, span = span, last.day = last.day)
  temp <- cbind(dat[[1]], tmin = dat[[2]]$value)
  names(temp)[names(temp) == "value"] <- "tmax"
  indices <- .temperature_indices(temp, timeseries, intervals)

#' @rdname temperature
#' @method temperature sf
#' @export
temperature.sf <- function(object, day.one, span = NULL, ...,
                           timeseries = FALSE, as.sf = TRUE){
  dots <- list(...)
  pars <- dots[["pars"]]
  last.day <- dots[["last.day"]]
  intervals <- dots[["intervals"]]
  day.one <- as.vector(t(day.one))
  if (is.null(pars)) {
    pars <- c("T2M_MAX", "T2M_MIN")
  dat <- get_timeseries(object, day.one, span, pars = pars, ...)
  temp <- cbind(dat[[pars[[1]]]], tmin = dat[[pars[[2]]]]$value)
  names(temp)[names(temp) == "value"] <- "tmax"
  indices <- .temperature_indices(temp, timeseries, intervals)
  if (isTRUE(as.sf) & isFALSE(timeseries)) {
    indices <- cbind(object, indices)
  if (isFALSE(as.sf) & isTRUE(timeseries)) {
    xy <- .lonlat_from_sf(object)
    xy <- as.data.frame(xy)
    xy$id <- 1:dim(xy)[[1]]
    indices <- merge(xy, indices, by = "id", all.y = TRUE)
    class(indices) <- union("clima_df", class(indices))

#' Temperature indices
#' This is the main function, the others are handling methods
#' @param temp data.frame with following values id, tmax, tmin and date
#' @param timeseries if indices are to be returned in timeseries 
#' @param intervals the intervals in the timeseries
#' @examples 
#' data(innlandet, package = "climatrends")
#' .temperature_indices(innlandet, FALSE, 0)
#' .temperature_indices(innlandet, TRUE, 30)
#' @noRd
.temperature_indices <- function(temp, timeseries = FALSE, intervals = NULL){
  index <- c("maxDT", "minDT", "maxNT", "minNT",
             "DTR", "SU", "TR", "CFD",
             "WSDI", "CSDI", "T10p", "T90p")
  nr <- max(unique(temp$id))
  if (isTRUE(timeseries)) {
    ids <- unique(temp$id)
    temp <- split(temp, temp$id)
    # it might happen that when bins are not well distributed across dates
    # in that case the last values are dropped
    # for example, divide the periods of 7 days in a time series of 53 days
    # in that case, the last four observations are dropped to fit in a vector of
    # length == 49 (the maximum integer from dividing days/intervals)
    # organise bins, ids and dates
    temp <- lapply(temp, function(x){
      r <- dim(x)[[1]]
      bins <- floor(r / intervals)
      bins <- rep(1:bins, each = intervals, length.out = NA)
      x <- x[1:length(bins), ]
      x$id <- paste(x$id, bins, sep = "_")
    temp <- do.call("rbind", temp)
    # split by bins
    temp <- split(temp, temp$id)
    ind <- lapply(temp, function(x) {
      id <- strsplit(x$id[1], "_")[[1]][[1]]
      d <- x$date[[1]]
      tmax <- x$tmax
      tmin <- x$tmin

      i <- c(maxDT = .max_temperature(tmax),
             minDT = .min_temperature(tmax),
             maxNT = .max_temperature(tmin),
             minNT = .min_temperature(tmin),
             DTR   = .temperature_range(tmax, tmin),
             SU    = .summer_days(tmax),
             TR    = .tropical_nights(tmin),
             CFD   = .frosty_days(tmin),
             WSDI  = .max_wsdi(tmax),
             CSDI  = .max_csdi(tmin),
             T10p  = .t10p(tmin),
             T90p  = .t90p(tmax))
      i <- data.frame(id    = id,
                      date  = as.character(d),
                      index = names(i),
                      value = as.vector(unlist(i)), 
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ind <- do.call("rbind", ind)
    ind$id <- as.integer(ind$id)
    ind$index <- as.character(ind$index)
    ind$date <- .coerce2Date(ind$date)
    ind <- ind[order(ind$id), ]
    ind <- as.data.frame(ind, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    rownames(ind) <- seq_along(ind[, 1])
    ind <- ind[, c("id", "date", "index", "value")]
  if (isFALSE(timeseries)) {
    temp <- split(temp, temp$id)
    ind <- lapply(temp, function(x){
      tmax <- x$tmax
      tmin <- x$tmin
      x <- data.frame(maxDT = .max_temperature(tmax),
                      minDT = .min_temperature(tmax),
                      maxNT = .max_temperature(tmin),
                      minNT = .min_temperature(tmin),
                      DTR   = .temperature_range(tmax, tmin),
                      SU    = .summer_days(tmax),
                      TR    = .tropical_nights(tmin),
                      CFD   = .frosty_days(tmin),
                      WSDI  = .max_wsdi(tmax),
                      CSDI  = .max_csdi(tmin),
                      T10p  = .t10p(tmin),
                      T90p  = .t90p(tmax),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ind <- do.call("rbind", ind)
    ind <- as.data.frame(ind, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    integ <- c("DTR","SU","TR","CFD","WSDI","CSDI")
    ind[integ] <- lapply(ind[integ] , as.integer)
  class(ind) <- union("clima_df", class(ind))

#' Maximum warm spell duration
#' Maximum number of days with consecutive days
#'  when temp > 90th percentile
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @return the maximum warm spell duration index
#' @examples
#' set.seed(871)
#' x <- rnorm(30, 34)
#' .max_wsdi(x)
#' @noRd
.max_wsdi <- function(x) {
  if (all(is.na(x))) {
  q90 <- stats::quantile(x, probs = 0.9, na.rm = TRUE)
  # days above q90 should be returned as 0s
  ws <- as.integer(x < q90)
  # get the lengths of each sequency of zeros (0)
  keep <- rle(ws)$values
  keep <- keep == 0
  ws <- rle(ws)$lengths[keep]
  # if there is no value (empty()) then set as zero
  if (length(ws) == 0) {
    ws <- 0L
  # if there is values, take the maximum sequecy
  if (length(ws) != 0) {
    ws <- max(ws, na.rm = TRUE)
    ws <- as.integer(ws)

#' Maximum cool spell duration
#' Maximum number of days with consecutive days
#'  when temp < 10th percentile
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @return the maximum cool spell duration index
#' @examples
#' set.seed(871)
#' x <- runif(14, 6, 34)
#' .max_csdi(x)
#' @noRd
.max_csdi <- function(x) {

  if (all(is.na(x))) {
  q10 <- stats::quantile(x, probs = 0.1, na.rm = TRUE)
  # days below q10 should be returned as 0s
  cs <- as.integer(x > q10)
  # get the lengths of each sequency of zeros (0)
  keep <- rle(cs)$values
  keep <- keep == 0
  cs <- rle(cs)$lengths[keep]
  # if there is no value (empty()) then set as zero
  if (length(cs) == 0) {
    cs <- 0L
  # if there is values, take the maximum sequecy
  if (length(cs) != 0) {
    cs <- max(cs, na.rm = TRUE)
    cs <- as.integer(cs)

#' Maximum temperature
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @return the maximum temperature 
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(123)
#' x <- runif(10, 25, 34)
#' .max_temperature(x)
#' @noRd
.max_temperature <- function(x) {
  if (all(is.na(x))) {
  max(x, na.rm = TRUE)

#' Minimum temperature
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @return the minimum temperature 
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(123)
#' x <- runif(10, 25, 34)
#' .min_temperature(x)
#' @noRd
.min_temperature <- function(x) {
  if (all(is.na(x))) {
  min(x, na.rm = TRUE)

#' Diurnal temperature range
#' Compute mean mean difference between day and night
#' temperature (degree Celsius)
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @param y a numeric vector
#' @return the diurnal temperature range 
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(123)
#' day <- runif(10, 25, 34)
#' set.seed(321)
#' night <- runif(10, 21, 30)
#' .temperature_range(day, night)
#' @noRd
.temperature_range <- function(x, y) {
  if (all(is.na(c(x,y)))) {
  dtr <- x - y
  mean(dtr, na.rm = TRUE)

#' Summer days
#' Compute number of days with maximum temperature > 30 C
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @return the summer days index
#' @examples 
#' x <- c(30, NA, 31, 32, 34)
#' .summer_days(x)
#' @noRd
.summer_days <- function(x) {
  if (all(is.na(x))) {
  x <- x > 30
  x <- sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  x <- as.integer(x)

#' Tropical days
#' Compute number of nights with maximum temperature > 25 C
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @return the summer days index
#' @examples 
#' x <- c(22, NA, 23, 26, 27, 21)
#' .tropical_nights(x)
#' @noRd
.tropical_nights <- function(x) {
  if (all(is.na(x))) {
  x <- x > 25
  x <- sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  x <- as.integer(x)

#' Consecutive frosty days 
#' Compute number of consecutive days with temperature 
#' bellow 0 degree Celsius
#' @param x numeric vector
#' @return the CFD index
#' @examples
#' set.seed(12)
#' r <- runif(20, 0, 9)
#' r[c(1,4,9:12,17)] <- 0
#' .frosty_days(r)
#' @noRd
.frosty_days <- function(x) {
  if (all(is.na(x))) {
  # the function rle is applied
  # which looks for the sequencies of numbers
  # in this case, zeros (0)
  # take the maximum sequency
  # first all values x <= 0 are converted to zero (0)
  x <- x[!is.na(x)]
  fd <- ifelse(x <= 0, 0, 
               ifelse(x > 0, 2, x))
  # get the lengths of each sequency of zeros (0)
  keep <- rle(fd)$values
  keep <- keep == 0
  fd <- rle(fd)$lengths[keep]
  # if there is no value (empty()) then set as zero
  # which means there is no frosty days
  if (length(fd) == 0) {
    fd <- 0L
  # if there is values, take the maximum sequency
  if (length(fd) != 0) {
    fd <- max(fd, na.rm = TRUE)
    fd <- as.integer(fd)

#' Temp 90p
#' the value for the 90th percentile of temperature
#' #' @param x numeric vector
#' #' @examples 
#' set.seed(12)
#' r <- runif(20, 0, 9)
#' .t90p(r)
#' @noRd
.t90p <- function(x){
  if (all(is.na(x))) {
  x <- stats::quantile(x, probs = 0.9, na.rm = TRUE)
  x <- as.numeric(x)

#' Temp 10p
#' the value for the 10th percentile of temperature
#' @param x numeric vector
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(12)
#' r <- runif(20, 0, 9)
#' .t10p(r)
#' @noRd
.t10p <- function(x){
  if (all(is.na(x))) {
  x <- stats::quantile(x, probs = 0.1, na.rm = TRUE)
  x <- as.numeric(x)

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