
Defines functions processData

Documented in processData

#' Process a dataset.
#' This function is intended to automate all data processing
#' steps for use in the 'clinDataReview' reports using config files.
#' @param processing List with processing steps for the data.
#' Each element in the list should be a named list containing the parameters
#' for the specific processing function. The name specifies the processing
#' step, among: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item 'annotate' for \code{\link{annotateData}} (\code{annotations} parameter)
#' \item 'filter' for \code{\link{filterData}} (\code{filters} parameter)
#' \item 'transform' for \code{\link{transformData}} (\code{transformations} parameter)
#' }
#' Multiple steps of each kind can be specified after each other (e.g. 1: filter,
#' 2: transform,  3: filter, ...).\cr
#' If a filter step is specified as a list of multiple filters, the filters are run 
#' \strong{independently of each other on the entire dataset} (see the documentation of \code{filters} in 
#' \code{\link{filterData}}). \cr
#' If filters should be run \strong{sequentially}, i.e. filter from step 2
#' should be applied on the filtered dataset from step 1, \strong{separated 
#' filtering steps} should be specified, e.g. \cr
#' \code{list(filter = list(var = "ANL01FL", value = "Y"), 
#' filter = list(var = "PARAM", value = "QTCF"))}
#' @param ... Any parameters passed to all processing functions
#' (if this parameter is available).
#' If specified, these parameters shouldn't be specified also in \code{processing}.
#' @inheritParams clinDataReview-common-args
#' @return Data.frame with processed \code{data},
#' with extra attribute: \code{labelVars}.
#' @author Laure Cougnaud
#' @example inst/examples/processData-example.R
#' @importFrom methods formalArgs
#' @export
processData <- function(data, processing, labelVars = NULL, ...){
		stop("'processing' should be a list.")
	# Names of the parameter for each processing function
	processParamNames <- c(filter = "filters", annotate = "annotations", transform = "transformations")
	argsExtra <- list(...)
	for(iStep in seq_along(processing)){
		processI <- processing[[iStep]]
			stop("Processing step: '", iStep, "' is not specified (list not named).")
		processTypeI <- names(processI)
		# get adequate function name
		processFctI <- switch(processTypeI,
			filter = clinDataReview::filterData,
			annotate = clinDataReview::annotateData,
			transform = clinDataReview::transformData,
			stop("Processing step: '", iStep, "' not available in the package.")
		argsExtraProcessI <- argsExtra[intersect(names(argsExtra), formalArgs(processFctI))]
		# get input parameters
		argsProcessFctI <- c(
			list(data = data, labelVars = labelVars),
			setNames(processI, processParamNames[processTypeI]),
			stop("Duplicated parameters as input for processing step: ", iStep, ".")
		# run processing step
		data <- do.call(processFctI, argsProcessFctI)
		labelVars <- attr(data, "labelVars")
	attr(data, "labelVars") <- labelVars

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clinDataReview documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:03 a.m.