
Defines functions nato0 similarFeatures filterFeatures defineEIC createNetwork createNetwork.xcmsSet createNetwork.XCMSnExp

Documented in createNetwork createNetwork.XCMSnExp createNetwork.xcmsSet


nato0 <- function(mat) {
    newmat = mat
    newmat[is.na(newmat)] = 0

similarFeatures <- function(cosine, peaklist, mzerror = 0.000005,
                            rtdiff = 0.0001, intdiff = 0.0001) {
    # identify peaks with very similar cosine correlation, m/z, rt and intensity
    network <- igraph::graph.adjacency(cosine, weighted = T,
                                       diag = F, mode = "undirected")
    # identify edges with weight almost 1
    edges0.99 <- igraph::get.edges(
        network,igraph::E(network)[igraph::E(network)$weight > 0.99]) 
    if( nrow(edges0.99) > 0) {
   # now check if this features have similar values of m/z,
   # retention time and intensity, if this is true, filter the repeated feature
    repeated.peaks <- sapply(1:nrow(edges0.99), function(x) {
        rows <- peaklist[as.numeric(edges0.99[x,]),
        error <- abs(rows[1,] - rows[2,])/rows[1,]
        res <- sum( c(error["mz"] <= mzerror,
                      error["rt"] <= rtdiff,
                      error["maxo"] <= intdiff) ) == 3
    if( sum(repeated.peaks) == 0 ) {
        nodes.delete = NULL } else {
                                filtered.edges <- 
                                if(sum(repeated.peaks) == 1) {
                                    # only one peak filtered
                                    nodes.delete <- 
                                        min(filtered.edges) } else{
                                                                nodes.delete <- sapply(1:nrow(filtered.edges),
                                                                                       function(x) { min(filtered.edges[x,])
    } else { nodes.delete = NULL }

filterFeatures <- function(cosinus, peaklist, mzerror = 5e-6 , rtdiff = 1e-4, intdiff = 1e-4 ) {
    # function to filter artifacts from signal processing before network
    newpeaklist <- peaklist
    newcosinus <- cosinus
    deleteN <- similarFeatures(cosinus, peaklist, mzerror = mzerror,
                               rtdiff = rtdiff, intdiff = intdiff)
    if( !is.null(deleteN) ) {
        newpeaklist <- newpeaklist[-1*deleteN,]
        newcosinus <- newcosinus[-1*deleteN, -1*deleteN]
    return(list(cosTotal = newcosinus, peaklist = newpeaklist, deleted = deleteN))

defineEIC <- function(xdata) {
    mzs.xdata <- MSnbase::mz(xdata)
    rts.xdata <- MSnbase::rtime(xdata)
    its.xdata <- MSnbase::intensity(xdata)
    peaks <- xcms::chromPeaks(xdata)
    EIC <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = nrow(peaks),
                  ncol = length(rts.xdata))

    for( i in 1:nrow(peaks) ){
        peak <- peaks[i,]
        posrtmin = which(rts.xdata == peak["rtmin"])
        posrtmax = which(rts.xdata == peak["rtmax"])
        peakint <- unlist(lapply((posrtmin+1):(posrtmax-1),function(y) {
            mzposc <- which(mzs.xdata[[y]] >= peak["mzmin"])
            finalpos <- mzposc[which(mzs.xdata[[y]][mzposc] <= peak["mzmax"])]
            if(length(finalpos) == 0) {
                int <- 0
            } else {
                int <- mean(its.xdata[[y]][finalpos])
        EIC[i,(posrtmin+1):(posrtmax-1)] <- peakint

#' @export
#' @title Generic function to create a similarity network from processed m/z data
#' @description
#' This function creates a similarity network with nodes as features
#' and weighted edges as the cosine similarity between those nodes.
#' Edges with weights = 0 are not included in the network. Nodes
#' without edges are not included in the network. This network will
#' be used to define clique groups and find annotation within this
#' groups.
#' @details Signal processing algorithms may output artefact features.
#' Sometimes they produce two artefact features which are almost identical
#' This artefacts may lead to errors in the computation of the clique
#' groups, so it is recommended to set 'filter' = TRUE to drop repeated
#' features.
#' @param mzData An object with processed m/z data, see 'methods' for
#' valid class types.
#' @param peaklist Is a data.frame feature info for m/z data.
#' put each feature in a row and a column 'mz' for mass data, 
#' retention time column 'rt' and intensity in column 'maxo'.
#' @param filter If TRUE, filter out very similar features
#' that have a correlation similarity > 0.99 and equal values of m/z,
#' retention time and intensity.
#' @param mzerror Relative error for m/z, if relative error 
#' between two features is below that value that features
#' are considered with similar m/z value.
#' @param rtdiff Relative error for retention time, if 
#' relative error between two features is below that value
#' that features are considered with similar retention time
#' @param intdiff Relative error for intensity, if relative
#' error between two features is below that value that
#' features are considered with similar intensity
#' @return This function returns a list with the similarity
#' network and the filtered peaklist if 'filter' = TRUE. If
#' filter = FALSE the peaklist is returned unmodified.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(cliqueMS)
#' mzfile <- system.file("standards.mzXML", package = "cliqueMS")
#' rawMS <- MSnbase::readMSData(files = mzfile, mode = "onDisk")
#' cpw <- xcms::CentWaveParam(ppm = 15, peakwidth = c(5,20), snthresh = 10)
#' msnExp <- xcms::findChromPeaks(rawMS, cpw)
#' peaklist = as.data.frame(xcms::chromPeaks(msnExp))
#' netlist = createNetwork(msnExp, peaklist, filter = TRUE)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{getCliques}}
createNetwork <- function(mzData, peaklist, filter = TRUE,
                          mzerror = 5e-6, intdiff = 1e-4, rtdiff = 1e-4) UseMethod("createNetwork")

#' @export
#' @title Function to create a similarity network from 'xcmsSet' processed m/z data
#' @description
#' This function creates a similarity network with nodes as features
#' and weighted edges as the cosine similarity between those nodes.
#' Edges with weights = 0 are not included in the network. Nodes
#' without edges are not included in the network. This network will
#' be used to define clique groups and find annotation within this
#' groups.
#' @details Signal processing algorithms may output artefact features.
#' Sometimes they produce two artefact features which are almost identical
#' This artefacts may lead to errors in the computation of the clique
#' groups, so it is recommended to set 'filter' = TRUE to drop repeated
#' features.
#' CAMERA package has to be installed to use this method.
#' @param mzData A 'xcmsSet' object with processed m/z data
#' @param peaklist Is a data.frame feature info for m/z data.
#' put each feature in a row and a column 'mz' for mass data, 
#' retention time column 'rt' and intensity in column 'maxo'.
#' @param filter If TRUE, filter out very similar features
#' that have a correlation similarity > 0.99 and equal values of m/z,
#' retention time and intensity.
#' @param mzerror Relative error for m/z, if relative error 
#' between two features is below that value that features
#' are considered with similar m/z value.
#' @param rtdiff Relative error for retention time, if 
#' relative error between two features is below that value
#' that features are considered with similar retention time
#' @param intdiff Relative error for intensity, if relative
#' error between two features is below that value that
#' features are considered with similar intensity
#' @return This function returns a list with the similarity
#' network and the filtered peaklist if 'filter' = TRUE. If
#' filter = FALSE the peaklist is returned unmodified.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(cliqueMS)
#' mzfile <- system.file("standards.mzXML", package = "cliqueMS")
#' msSet <- xcms::xcmsSet(files = mzfile, method = "centWave",
#' ppm = 15, peakwidth = c(5,20), snthresh = 10)
#' netlist = createNetwork.xcmsSet(msSet, msSet@peaks, filter = TRUE)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{getCliques}}
createNetwork.xcmsSet <- function(mzData, peaklist, filter = TRUE, mzerror = 5e-6, intdiff = 1e-4, rtdiff = 1e-4) {
    #function to create similarity network from processed ms data
    # it filters peaks with very high similarity (0.99 >), m/z, intensity and retention time
    # get profile matrix from m/z data
    if (!requireNamespace("CAMERA", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package CAMERA needed for 'xcmsSet' processed data. Please use
'XCMSnExp' objects or install package CAMERA.",
             call. = FALSE)
    if(class(mzData) != "xcmsSet") stop("mzData should be of class xcmsSet")
    xsan <- CAMERA::xsAnnotate(mzData)
    EIC <- CAMERA::getAllPeakEICs(xsan, rep(1,nrow(peaklist)))
    eicmat <- EIC$EIC
    eicmatnoNA <- nato0(eicmat)
    sparseeic <- as(t(eicmatnoNA), "sparseMatrix")
    cosTotal <- qlcMatrix::cosSparse(sparseeic) # compute cosine corr
    if(filter == T) {
        filterOut <- filterFeatures(cosTotal, peaklist,
                                    mzerror = mzerror,
                                    rtdiff = rtdiff,
                                    intdiff = intdiff)
        cosTotal <- filterOut$cosTotal
        peaklist <- filterOut$peaklist
        cat(paste("Features filtered:",
                  sep = " "))
    network <- igraph::graph.adjacency(cosTotal, weighted = TRUE,
                                       diag = FALSE, mode = "undirected")
    igraph::V(network)$id = 1:nrow(peaklist)
    # remove edges that are zero
    nozeroEdges = igraph::E(network)[which(igraph::E(network)$weight != 0)]
    network <- igraph::subgraph.edges(network, nozeroEdges)
    igraph::E(network)$weight <- round(igraph::E(network)$weight,
                                       digits = 10)
    # change similarity of 1 to 0.99999999 to non avoid 'nan'
    igraph::E(network)$weight[which(igraph::E(network)$weight == 1)] <- 0.99999999999
    return(list(network = network, peaklist = peaklist))

#' @export
#' @title Function to create a similarity network from 'XCMSnExp' processed m/z data
#' @description
#' This function creates a similarity network with nodes as features
#' and weighted edges as the cosine similarity between those nodes.
#' Edges with weights = 0 are not included in the network. Nodes
#' without edges are not included in the network. This network will
#' be used to define clique groups and find annotation within this
#' groups.
#' @details Signal processing algorithms may output artefact features.
#' Sometimes they produce two artefact features which are almost identical
#' This artefacts may lead to errors in the computation of the clique
#' groups, so it is recommended to set 'filter' = TRUE to drop repeated
#' features.
#' @param mzData A 'XCMSnExp' object with processed m/z data
#' @param peaklist Is a data.frame feature info for m/z data.
#' put each feature in a row and a column 'mz' for mass data, 
#' retention time column 'rt' and intensity in column 'maxo'.
#' @param filter If TRUE, filter out very similar features
#' that have a correlation similarity > 0.99 and equal values of m/z,
#' retention time and intensity.
#' @param mzerror Relative error for m/z, if relative error 
#' between two features is below that value that features
#' are considered with similar m/z value.
#' @param rtdiff Relative error for retention time, if 
#' relative error between two features is below that value
#' that features are considered with similar retention time
#' @param intdiff Relative error for intensity, if relative
#' error between two features is below that value that
#' features are considered with similar intensity
#' @return This function returns a list with the similarity
#' network and the filtered peaklist if 'filter' = TRUE. If
#' filter = FALSE the peaklist is returned unmodified.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(cliqueMS)
#' mzfile <- system.file("standards.mzXML", package = "cliqueMS")
#' rawMS <- MSnbase::readMSData(files = mzfile, mode = "onDisk")
#' cpw <- xcms::CentWaveParam(ppm = 15, peakwidth = c(5,20), snthresh = 10)
#' msnExp <- xcms::findChromPeaks(rawMS, cpw)
#' peaklist = as.data.frame(xcms::chromPeaks(msnExp))
#' netlist = createNetwork(msnExp, peaklist, filter = TRUE)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{getCliques}}
createNetwork.XCMSnExp <- function(mzData, peaklist, filter = TRUE, mzerror = 5e-6, intdiff = 1e-4, rtdiff = 1e-4) {
    #function to create similarity network from processed ms data
    # it filters peaks with very high similarity (0.99 >), m/z, intensity and retention time
    # get profile matrix from m/z data
    if(class(mzData) != "XCMSnExp") stop("mzData should be of class XCMSnExp")
    eicmat <- defineEIC(mzData)
    sparseeic <- as(t(eicmat), "sparseMatrix")
    cosTotal <- qlcMatrix::cosSparse(sparseeic) # compute cosine corr
    if(filter == T) {
        filterOut <- filterFeatures(cosTotal, peaklist,
                                    mzerror = mzerror,
                                    rtdiff = rtdiff,
                                    intdiff = intdiff)
        cosTotal <- filterOut$cosTotal
        peaklist <- filterOut$peaklist
        cat(paste("Features filtered:",
                  sep = " "))
    network <- igraph::graph.adjacency(cosTotal, weighted = TRUE,
                                       diag = FALSE, mode = "undirected")
    igraph::V(network)$id = 1:nrow(peaklist)
    # remove edges that are zero
    nozeroEdges = igraph::E(network)[which(igraph::E(network)$weight != 0)]
    network <- igraph::subgraph.edges(network, nozeroEdges)
    igraph::E(network)$weight <- round(igraph::E(network)$weight,
                                       digits = 10)
    # change similarity of 1 to 0.99999999 to non avoid 'nan'
    igraph::E(network)$weight[which(igraph::E(network)$weight == 1)] <- 0.99999999999
    return(list(network = network, peaklist = peaklist))

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cliqueMS documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:32 p.m.