# utility function for computing block-diagonal covariance matrices
isPosDef <- function(x) {
x_na <-
mis_rows <- apply(x_na, 1, all)
mis_cols <- apply(x_na, 2, all)
if (all(mis_rows) | all(mis_cols)) return(TRUE)
x_nomiss <- x[!mis_rows, !mis_cols]
x_eig <- eigen(x_nomiss)
all(x_eig$values > 0)
check_PD <- function(vcov_list) {
PD <- sapply(vcov_list, isPosDef)
if (!all(PD)) {
NPD_clusters <- names(vcov_list)[!PD]
warn_text <- paste(c("The following clusters have non-positive definite covariance matrices:", NPD_clusters), collapse = "\n")
} else {
#' Impute a block-diagonal covariance matrix
#' @description \code{impute_covariance_matrix} calculates a
#' block-diagonal covariance matrix, given the marginal variances, the block
#' structure, and an assumed correlation structure. Can be used to create
#' compound-symmetric structures, AR(1) auto-correlated structures, or
#' combinations thereof.
#' @param vi Vector of variances
#' @param cluster Vector indicating which effects belong to the same cluster.
#' Effects with the same value of `cluster` will be treated as correlated.
#' @param r Vector or numeric value of assumed constant correlation(s) between
#' effect size estimates from each study.
#' @param ti Vector of time-points describing temporal spacing of effects, for
#' use with auto-regressive correlation structures.
#' @param ar1 Vector or numeric value of assumed AR(1) auto-correlation(s)
#' between effect size estimates from each study. If specified, then \code{ti}
#' argument must be specified.
#' @param smooth_vi Logical indicating whether to smooth the marginal variances
#' by taking the average \code{vi} within each cluster. Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param subgroup Vector of category labels describing sub-groups of effects.
#' If non-null, effects that share the same category label and the same
#' cluster will be treated as correlated, but effects with different category
#' labels will be treated as uncorrelated, even if they come from the same
#' cluster.
#' @param return_list Optional logical indicating whether to return a list of
#' matrices (with one entry per block) or the full variance-covariance matrix.
#' @param check_PD Optional logical indicating whether to check whether each
#' covariance matrix is positive definite. If \code{TRUE} (the default), the
#' function will display a warning if any covariance matrix is not positive
#' definite.
#' @return If \code{cluster} is appropriately sorted, then a list of matrices,
#' with one entry per cluster, will be returned by default. If \code{cluster}
#' is out of order, then the full variance-covariance matrix will be returned
#' by default. The output structure can be controlled with the optional
#' \code{return_list} argument.
#' @details A block-diagonal variance-covariance matrix (possibly represented as
#' a list of matrices) with a specified structure. The structure depends on
#' whether the \code{r} argument, \code{ar1} argument, or both arguments are
#' specified. Let \eqn{v_{ij}}{v-ij} denote the specified variance for
#' effect \eqn{i}{i} in cluster \eqn{j}{j} and \eqn{C_{hij}}{C-hij} be
#' the covariance between effects \eqn{h}{h} and \eqn{i}{i} in cluster
#' \eqn{j}{j}. \itemize{ \item{If only \code{r} is specified,}{ each block
#' of the variance-covariance matrix will have a constant (compound symmetric)
#' correlation, so that \deqn{C_{hij} = r_j \sqrt{v_{hj} v_{ij},}}{C-hij =
#' r-j * sqrt(v-hj v-ij),} where \eqn{r_j}{r-j} is the specified correlation
#' for cluster \eqn{j}{j}. If only a single value is given in \code{r}, then
#' it will be used for every cluster.} \item{If only \code{ar1} is
#' specified,}{ each block of the variance-covariance matrix will have an
#' AR(1) auto-correlation structure, so that \deqn{C_{hij} = \phi_j^{|t_{hj}
#' - t_{ij}|} \sqrt{v_{hj} v_{ij},}}{C-hij = (ar1-j)^|t-hj - t-ij| * sqrt(v-hj
#' v-ij),} where \eqn{\phi_j}{ar1-j} is the specified auto-correlation
#' for cluster \eqn{j}{j} and \eqn{t_{hj}}{t-hj} and \eqn{t_{ij}}{t-ij}
#' are specified time-points corresponding to effects \eqn{h}{h} and
#' \eqn{i}{i} in cluster \eqn{j}{j}. If only a single value is given in
#' \code{ar1}, then it will be used for every cluster.} \item{If both \code{r}
#' and \code{ar1} are specified,}{ each block of the variance-covariance
#' matrix will have combination of compound symmetric and an AR(1)
#' auto-correlation structures, so that \deqn{C_{hij} = \left[r_j + (1 -
#' r_j)\phi_j^{|t_{hj} - t_{ij}|}\right] \sqrt{v_{hj} v_{ij},}}{C-hij = [r-j +
#' (1 - r-j)(ar1-j)^|t-hj - t-ij|] * sqrt(v-hj v-ij),} where
#' \eqn{r_j}{r-j} is the specified constant correlation for cluster
#' \eqn{j}{j}, \eqn{\phi_j}{ar1-j} is the specified auto-correlation for
#' cluster \eqn{j}{j} and \eqn{t_{hj}}{t-hj} and \eqn{t_{ij}}{t-ij} are
#' specified time-points corresponding to effects \eqn{h}{h} and
#' \eqn{i}{i} in cluster \eqn{j}{j}. If only single values are given in
#' \code{r} or \code{ar1}, they will be used for every cluster.} } If
#' \code{smooth_vi = TRUE}, then all of the variances within cluster
#' \eqn{j}{j} will be set equal to the average variance of cluster
#' \eqn{j}{j}, i.e., \deqn{v'_{ij} = \frac{1}{n_j} \sum_{i=1}^{n_j}
#' v_{ij}}{v-ij' = (v-1j + ... + v-nj,j) / n-j} for
#' \eqn{i=1,...,n_j}{i=1,...,n-j} and \eqn{j=1,...,k}{j=1,...,k}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("metafor", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' library(metafor)
#' # Constant correlation
#' data(SATcoaching)
#' V_list <- impute_covariance_matrix(vi = SATcoaching$V, cluster = SATcoaching$study, r = 0.66)
#' MVFE <- ~ 0 + test, V = V_list, data = SATcoaching)
#' conf_int(MVFE, vcov = "CR2", cluster = SATcoaching$study)
#' }
impute_covariance_matrix <- function(vi, cluster, r, ti, ar1,
smooth_vi = FALSE,
subgroup = NULL,
return_list = identical(as.factor(cluster), sort(as.factor(cluster))),
check_PD = TRUE) {
cluster <- droplevels(as.factor(cluster))
vi_list <- split(vi, cluster)
if (smooth_vi) vi_list <- lapply(vi_list, function(x) rep(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), length(x)))
if (missing(r) & missing(ar1)) stop("You must specify a value for r or for ar1.")
if (!missing(r)) {
r_list <- rep_len(r, length(vi_list))
if (missing(ar1)) {
vcov_list <- Map(function(V, rho) (rho + diag(1 - rho, nrow = length(V))) * tcrossprod(sqrt(V)),
V = vi_list,
rho = r_list)
if (!missing(ar1)) {
if (missing(ti)) stop("If you specify a value for ar1, you must provide a vector for ti.")
ti_list <- split(ti, cluster)
ar_list <- rep_len(ar1, length(vi_list))
if (missing(r)) {
vcov_list <- Map(function(V, time, phi) (phi^as.matrix(stats::dist(time))) * tcrossprod(sqrt(V)),
V = vi_list,
time = ti_list,
phi = ar_list)
} else {
vcov_list <- Map(function(V, rho, time, phi) (rho + (1 - rho) * phi^as.matrix(stats::dist(time))) * tcrossprod(sqrt(V)),
V = vi_list,
rho = r_list,
time = ti_list,
phi = ar_list)
vcov_list <- lapply(vcov_list, function(x) {
attr(x, "dimnames") <- NULL
if (!is.null(subgroup)) {
si_list <- split(subgroup, cluster)
subgroup_list <- lapply(si_list, function(x) sapply(x, function(y) y == x))
vcov_list <- Map(function(V, S) V * S, V = vcov_list, S = subgroup_list)
if (check_PD) check_PD(vcov_list)
if (return_list) {
} else {
vcov_mat <- unblock(vcov_list)
cluster_index <- order(order(cluster))
return(vcov_mat[cluster_index, cluster_index])
#' Impute a patterned block-diagonal covariance matrix
#' @description \code{pattern_covariance_matrix} calculates a
#' block-diagonal covariance matrix, given the marginal variances, the block
#' structure, and an assumed correlation structure defined by a patterned
#' correlation matrix.
#' @param vi Vector of variances
#' @param cluster Vector indicating which effects belong to the same cluster.
#' Effects with the same value of `cluster` will be treated as correlated.
#' @param pattern_level Vector of categories for each effect size, used to
#' determine which entry of the pattern matrix will be used to impute a
#' correlation.
#' @param r_pattern Patterned correlation matrix with row and column names
#' corresponding to the levels of \code{pattern}.
#' @inheritParams impute_covariance_matrix
#' @return If \code{cluster} is appropriately sorted, then a list of matrices,
#' with one entry per cluster, will be returned by default. If \code{cluster}
#' is out of order, then the full variance-covariance matrix will be returned
#' by default. The output structure can be controlled with the optional
#' \code{return_list} argument.
#' @details A block-diagonal variance-covariance matrix (possibly represented as
#' a list of matrices) with a specified correlation structure, defined by a
#' patterned correlation matrix. Let \eqn{v_{ij}}{v-ij} denote the specified
#' variance for effect \eqn{i}{i} in cluster \eqn{j}{j} and
#' \eqn{C_{hij}}{C-hij} be the covariance between effects \eqn{h}{h} and
#' \eqn{i}{i} in cluster \eqn{j}{j}. Let \eqn{p_{ij}}{p-ij} be the level
#' of the pattern variable for effect \eqn{i}{i} in cluster \eqn{j}{j},
#' taking a value in \eqn{1,...,C}{1,...,C}. A patterned correlation matrix
#' is defined as a set of correlations between pairs of effects taking each
#' possible combination of patterns. Formally, let \eqn{r_{cd}}{r-cd} be the
#' correlation between effects in categories \eqn{c}{c} and \eqn{d}{d},
#' respectively, where \eqn{r_{cd} = r_{dc}}{r-cd = r-dc}. Then the
#' covariance between effects \eqn{h}{h} and \eqn{i}{i} in cluster
#' \eqn{j}{j} is taken to be \deqn{C_{hij} = \sqrt{v_{hj} v_{ij}} \times
#' r_{p_{hj} p_{ij}}.}{C-hij = sqrt(v-hj v-ij) * r[p-hj, p-ij].}
#' Correlations between effect sizes within the same category are defined by the diagonal
#' values of the pattern matrix, which may take values less than one.
#' Combinations of pattern levels that do not occur in the patterned correlation matrix will be set equal to \code{r}.
#' If \code{smooth_vi = TRUE}, then all of the variances within cluster
#' \eqn{j}{j} will be set equal to the average variance of cluster
#' \eqn{j}{j}, i.e., \deqn{v'_{ij} = \frac{1}{n_j} \sum_{i=1}^{n_j}
#' v_{ij}}{v-ij' = (v-1j + ... + v-nj,j) / n-j} for
#' \eqn{i=1,...,n_j}{i=1,...,n-j} and \eqn{j=1,...,k}{j=1,...,k}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pkgs_available <-
#' requireNamespace("metafor", quietly = TRUE) &
#' requireNamespace("robumeta", quietly = TRUE)
#' if (pkgs_available) {
#' library(metafor)
#' data(oswald2013, package = "robumeta")
#' dat <- escalc(data = oswald2013, measure = "ZCOR", ri = R, ni = N)
#' subset_ids <- unique(dat$Study)[1:20]
#' dat <- subset(dat, Study %in% subset_ids)
#' # make a patterned correlation matrix
#' p_levels <- levels(dat$Crit.Cat)
#' r_pattern <- 0.7^as.matrix(dist(1:length(p_levels)))
#' diag(r_pattern) <- seq(0.75, 0.95, length.out = 6)
#' rownames(r_pattern) <- colnames(r_pattern) <- p_levels
#' # impute the covariance matrix using patterned correlations
#' V_list <- pattern_covariance_matrix(vi = dat$vi,
#' cluster = dat$Study,
#' pattern_level = dat$Crit.Cat,
#' r_pattern = r_pattern,
#' smooth_vi = TRUE)
#' # fit a model using imputed covariance matrix
#' MVFE <- ~ 0 + Crit.Cat, V = V_list,
#' random = ~ Crit.Cat | Study,
#' data = dat)
#' conf_int(MVFE, vcov = "CR2")
#' }
pattern_covariance_matrix <- function(vi, cluster, pattern_level, r_pattern, r,
smooth_vi = FALSE, subgroup = NULL,
return_list = identical(as.factor(cluster), sort(as.factor(cluster))),
check_PD = TRUE) {
if (missing(pattern_level)) stop("You must specify a vector for pattern_level.")
if (any([!]))) stop("The pattern_level vector cannot have missing values.")
pattern_level <- as.factor(pattern_level)
if (!identical(rownames(r_pattern),colnames(r_pattern))) stop("Row names of r_pattern must be identical to column names.")
mat_levels <- rownames(r_pattern)
p_levels <- levels(pattern_level)
if (!all(p_levels %in% mat_levels)) {
if (missing(r)) stop("At least one pattern_level is not available in r_pattern. Please specify a value for the r argument.")
np_levels <- nlevels(pattern_level)
r_pattern_full <- matrix(r, nrow = np_levels, ncol = np_levels)
rownames(r_pattern_full) <- colnames(r_pattern_full) <- p_levels
included_levels <- intersect(mat_levels, p_levels)
r_pattern_full[included_levels, included_levels] <- r_pattern[included_levels, included_levels]
r_pattern <- r_pattern_full
cluster <- droplevels(as.factor(cluster))
pattern_list <- split(pattern_level, cluster)
cor_list <- lapply(pattern_list, function(x) {
res <- r_pattern[x, x, drop=FALSE]
diag(res) <- 1
vi_list <- split(vi, cluster)
if (smooth_vi) vi_list <- lapply(vi_list, function(x) rep(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), length(x)))
vcov_list <- Map(function(V, r_mat) r_mat * tcrossprod(sqrt(V)),
V = vi_list,
r_mat = cor_list)
if (!is.null(subgroup)) {
si_list <- split(subgroup, cluster)
subgroup_list <- lapply(si_list, function(x) sapply(x, function(y) y == x))
vcov_list <- Map(function(V, S) V * S, V = vcov_list, S = subgroup_list)
if (check_PD) check_PD(vcov_list)
if (return_list) {
} else {
vcov_mat <- unblock(vcov_list)
cluster_index <- order(order(cluster))
return(vcov_mat[cluster_index, cluster_index])
# vcovCR with defaults
#' Cluster-robust variance-covariance matrix for a robu object.
#' \code{vcovCR} returns a sandwich estimate of the variance-covariance matrix
#' of a set of regression coefficient estimates from a
#' \code{\link[metafor]{}} object.
#' @param cluster Optional expression or vector indicating which observations
#' belong to the same cluster. If not specified, will be set to the factor in
#' the random-effects structure with the fewest distinct levels. Caveat
#' emptor: the function does not check that the random effects are nested.
#' @param target Optional matrix or vector describing the working
#' variance-covariance model used to calculate the \code{CR2} and \code{CR4}
#' adjustment matrices. If not specified, the target is taken to be the
#' estimated variance-covariance structure of the \code{} object.
#' @inheritParams vcovCR
#' @return An object of class \code{c("vcovCR","clubSandwich")}, which consists
#' of a matrix of the estimated variance of and covariances between the
#' regression coefficient estimates.
#' @seealso \code{\link{vcovCR}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pkgs_available <-
#' requireNamespace("metafor", quietly = TRUE) &
#' requireNamespace("metadat", quietly = TRUE)
#' if (pkgs_available) withAutoprint({
#' library(metafor)
#' data(dat.assink2016, package = "metadat")
#' mfor_fit <- ~ year + deltype,
#' V = vi, random = ~ 1 | study / esid,
#' data = dat.assink2016)
#' mfor_fit
#' mfor_CR2 <- vcovCR(mfor_fit, type = "CR2")
#' mfor_CR2
#' coef_test(mfor_fit, vcov = mfor_CR2, test = c("Satterthwaite", "saddlepoint"))
#' Wald_test(mfor_fit, constraints = constrain_zero(3:4), vcov = mfor_CR2)
#' })
#' <- function(obj, cluster, type, target, inverse_var, form = "sandwich", ...) {
if (obj$withR) stop(" does not work with fixed correlation matrices in the R argument.")
if (missing(cluster)) {
cluster <-
} else {
# check that random effects are nested within clustering variable
mod_struct <- parse_structure(obj)
if (length(cluster) != NROW(mod_struct$cluster_dat)) {
cluster <- cluster[obj$]
nested <- test_nested(cluster, fac = mod_struct$cluster_dat)
if (!all(nested)) stop("Random effects are not nested within clustering variable.")
if (missing(target)) {
target <- NULL
inverse_var <- is.null(obj$W)
} else {
if (missing(inverse_var)) inverse_var <- FALSE
vcov_CR(obj, cluster = cluster, type = type,
target = target, inverse_var = inverse_var, form = form)
# coef()
# residuals_CS()
# vcov()
# model_matrix
# Get (model-based) working variance matrix
#' @export <- function(obj, cluster) {
tV <- matrix_list(obj$M, cluster, "both")
if (!all(sapply(tV, is.matrix))) tV <- lapply(tV, as.matrix)
# Get weighting matrix
#' @export <- function(obj, cluster) {
if (is.null(obj$W)) {
V_list <- targetVariance(obj, cluster)
Wm <- lapply(V_list, function(v) chol2inv(chol(v)))
} else{
Wm <- matrix_list(obj$W, cluster, "both")
if (!all(sapply(Wm, is.matrix))) Wm <- lapply(Wm, as.matrix)
# Get outer-most clustering variable
get_structure <- function(obj) {
data.frame(G = obj$withG, H = obj$withH, R = obj$withR, S = obj$withS)
test_nested <- function(cluster, fac) {
if (is.list(fac)) {
res <- sapply(fac, test_nested, cluster = cluster)
groupings <- tapply(cluster, fac, function(x) length(unique(x)))
nest_structure <- function(x) {
if (length(x) == 1) return(x)
y <- x
for (i in 2:length(x)) {
names(y)[i] <- paste(names(x)[1:i], collapse = "/")
y[i] <-, c(x[1:i], sep = "/"))
parse_structure <- function(obj) {
level_dat <- vector(mode = "integer")
cluster_dat <- data.frame(row.names = 1:obj$k)
if (obj$withG) {
level_dat[["G"]] <- obj$g.nlevels[[2]]
cluster_dat$G <- obj$mf.g$outer
if (obj$withH) {
level_dat[["H"]] <- obj$h.nlevels[[2]]
cluster_dat$H <- obj$mf.h$outer
if (obj$withS) {
s_levels <- obj$s.nlevels
names(s_levels) <- obj$s.names
level_dat <- c(level_dat, s_levels)
mf_r <- lapply(obj$mf.r, nest_structure)
mf_all <-, mf_r)
mf_s <- mf_all[obj$s.names]
cluster_dat <- cbind(cluster_dat, mf_s)
cluster_dat <- droplevels(cluster_dat)
list(level_dat = level_dat, cluster_dat = cluster_dat)
#' Detect cluster structure of an object
#' \code{} returns a vector of ID variables for the highest level of clustering in a fitted \code{} model.
#' @param obj A fitted \code{} object.
#' @return A a vector of ID variables for the highest level of clustering in \code{obj}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("metafor", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' library(metafor)
#' data(dat.assink2016, package = "metadat")
#' mfor_fit <- ~ year + deltype,
#' V = vi, random = ~ 1 | study / esid,
#' data = dat.assink2016)
#' }
#' <- function(obj) {
if (!inherits(obj, "")) stop("`obj` must be a fitted model.")
if (obj$withR) stop(" does not work with fixed correlation matrices in the R argument.")
# parse model structure
mod_struct <- parse_structure(obj)
if (length(mod_struct$level_dat) == 0L) stop("No clustering variable specified.")
# determine cluster with smallest number of levels
highest_cluster <- names(mod_struct$level_dat)[which.min(mod_struct$level_dat)]
cluster <- mod_struct$cluster_dat[[highest_cluster]]
# check that random effects are nested within clustering variable
nested <- test_nested(cluster, fac = mod_struct$cluster_dat)
if (!all(nested)) stop("Random effects are not nested within clustering")
# clean up
if (!is.factor(cluster)) cluster <- as.factor(cluster)
# Get bread matrix and scaling constant
#' @export <- function(x, ...) {
if (inherits(x, "robust.rma")) {
cluster <-
W <- weightMatrix(x, cluster = cluster)
X_mat <- model_matrix(x)
X_list <- matrix_list(X_mat, fac = cluster, dim = "row")
XWX_list <- Map(function(x, w) t(x) %*% w %*% x, x = X_list, w = W)
XWX <- Reduce(`+`, XWX_list)
} else {
if (is.null(x$W)) {
B <- vcov(x) * nobs(x)
} else {
X_mat <- model_matrix(x)
XWX <- t(X_mat) %*% x$W %*% X_mat
B <- chol2inv(chol(XWX)) * nobs(x)
rownames(B) <- colnames(B) <- colnames(X_mat)
#' @export <- function(obj) {
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