#### $Id: fanny.q 6953 2015-06-18 09:30:24Z maechler $
fanny <- function(x, k, diss = inherits(x, "dist"), memb.exp = 2,
metric = c("euclidean", "manhattan", "SqEuclidean"),
stand = FALSE, iniMem.p = NULL, cluster.only = FALSE,
keep.diss = !diss && !cluster.only && n < 100, = !diss && !cluster.only,
maxit = 500, tol = 1e-15, trace.lev = 0)
if((diss <- as.logical(diss))) {
## check type of input vector
if(anyNA(x)) stop("NA values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed.")
if(data.class(x) != "dissimilarity") { # try to convert to
if(!is.null(dim(x))) {
x <- as.dist(x) # or give an error
} else {
## possibly convert input *vector*
if(!is.numeric(x) || <- sizeDiss(x)))
stop("'x' is not and cannot be converted to class \"dissimilarity\"")
attr(x, "Size") <- n
class(x) <- dissiCl
if(is.null(attr(x,"Metric"))) attr(x, "Metric") <- "unspecified"
## prepare arguments for the Fortran call
n <- attr(x, "Size")
dv <- as.double(c(x, 0))# add extra one
jp <- 1
mdata <- FALSE
ndyst <- 0L
x2 <- double(n)
jdyss <- 1
else {
## check input matrix and standardize, if necessary
x <- data.matrix(x)
if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("x is not a numeric dataframe or matrix.")
x2 <- if(stand) scale(x, scale = apply(x, 2, meanabsdev)) else x
metric <- match.arg(metric)
## put info about metric, size and NAs in arguments for the Fortran call
ndyst <- which(metric == eval(formals()$metric))# 1, 2, or 3
n <- nrow(x2)
jp <- ncol(x2)
if((mdata <- any(inax <- { # TRUE if x[] has any NAs
jtmd <- as.integer(ifelse(apply(inax, 2, any), -1, 1))
## VALue for MISsing DATa
valmisdat <- 1.1* max(abs(range(x2, na.rm=TRUE)))
x2[inax] <- valmisdat
dv <- double(1 + (n * (n - 1))/2)
jdyss <- 0
if((k <- as.integer(k)) < 1 || k > n%/%2 - 1)
stop("'k' (number of clusters) must be in {1,2, .., n/2 -1}")
if(length(memb.exp) != 1 || (memb.exp <- as.double(memb.exp)) < 1
|| memb.exp == Inf)
stop("'memb.exp' must be a finite number > 1")
if((maxit <- as.integer(maxit)[1]) < 0)
stop("'maxit' must be non-negative integer")
computeP <- is.null(iniMem.p) # default: determine initial membership in C
if(computeP)# default: determine initial membership in C
iniMem.p <- matrix(0., n, k)# all 0 -> will be used as 'code'
else {
dm <- dim(iniMem.p)
if(length(dm) !=2 || !all(dm == c(n,k)) ||
!is.numeric(iniMem.p) || any(iniMem.p < 0) ||
!isTRUE(all.equal(unname(rowSums(iniMem.p)), rep(1, n))))
stop("'iniMem.p' must be a nonnegative n * k matrix with rowSums == 1")
if(!is.double(iniMem.p)) storage.mode(iniMem.p) <- "double"
stopifnot(length(cluster.only) == 1)
stopifnot(length(trace.lev) == 1)
## call Fortran routine
storage.mode(x2) <- "double"
res <- .C(cl_fanny,
dis = dv,
ok = as.integer(jdyss),
if(mdata) rep(valmisdat, jp) else double(1),
if(mdata) jtmd else integer(jp),
integer(n), # nsend
integer(n), # nelem
integer(n), # negbr
double(n), # syl
p = iniMem.p,
dp = matrix(0., n, k),# < must all be 0 on entry!
avsil = double(k),# 'pt'
integer(k), # nfuzz
double(k), # esp
double(k), # ef
double(n), # dvec
ttsil = as.double(0),
obj = as.double(c(cluster.only, trace.lev, computeP, 0)),# in & out!
clu = integer(n),
silinf = if(cluster.only) 0. else matrix(0., n, 4),
memb.exp = memb.exp,# = 'r'
tol = as.double(tol),
maxit = maxit)
if(!(converged <- res$maxit > 0)) {
"FANNY algorithm has not converged in 'maxit' = %d iterations",
if(!cluster.only) sildim <- res$silinf[, 4]
if(diss) {
if(keep.diss) disv <- x
labs <- attr(x, "Labels")
else {
## give warning if some dissimilarities are missing.
if(res$ok == -1)
stop("No clustering performed, NA-values in the dissimilarity matrix.")
labs <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
if(keep.diss) {
disv <- res$dis[ - (1 + (n * (n - 1))/2)] # drop the extra one
disv[disv == -1] <- NA
class(disv) <- dissiCl
attr(disv, "Size") <- nrow(x)
attr(disv, "Metric") <- metric
attr(disv, "Labels") <- labs
## add labels, dimnames, etc to Fortran output:
if(length(labs) != 0) {
if(!cluster.only) sildim <- labs[sildim]
dimnames(res$p) <- list(labs, NULL)
names(res$clu) <- labs
coeff <- if(memb.exp == 2) res$obj[3:4] else {
## usual partition coefficient with " ^ 2 " :
cf <- sum(res$p ^ 2) / n
c(cf, (k * cf - 1)/(k - 1))
names(coeff) <- c("dunn_coeff", "normalized")
if(abs(coeff["normalized"]) < 1e-7)
warning("the memberships are all very close to 1/k. Maybe decrease 'memb.exp' ?")
k.crisp <- res$obj[1]
res$obj <- c("objective" = res$obj[2])
r <- list(membership = res$p, coeff = coeff, memb.exp = memb.exp,
clustering = res$clu, k.crisp = k.crisp,
# 'obj*': also containing iterations for back compatibility:
objective = c(res$obj, "tolerance" = res$tol),
convergence = c(iterations = res$maxit, converged = converged, maxit = maxit),
diss = if(keep.diss) disv,
call =
if(k != 1 && !cluster.only) {
dimnames(res$silinf) <- list(sildim,
c("cluster", "neighbor", "sil_width", ""))
r$silinfo <- list(widths = res$silinf[, -4],
clus.avg.widths = res$avsil[1:k],
avg.width = res$ttsil)
if( && !diss) {
if(mdata) x2[x2 == valmisdat] <- NA
r$data <- x2
class(r) <- c("fanny", "partition")
## non-exported:
.print.fanny <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) {
cat("Fuzzy Clustering object of class 'fanny' :")
print(formatC(cbind(" " = c("m.ship.expon." = x$memb.exp,
x$objective[c("objective", "tolerance")],
x$convergence, "n" = nrow(x$membership))),
digits = digits),
quote = FALSE, ...)
k <- ncol(x$membership)
cat("Membership coefficients (in %, rounded):\n"); print(round(100 * x$membership), ...)
cat("Fuzzyness coefficients:\n"); print(x$coeff, digits = digits, ...)
cat("Closest hard clustering:\n"); print(x$clustering, ...)
if(x$k.crisp < k)
cat(sprintf("k_crisp (= %d) < k !!\n", x$k.crisp))
print.fanny <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
.print.fanny(x, digits = digits, ...)
cat("\nAvailable components:\n")
print(names(x), ...)
summary.fanny <- function(object, ...)
class(object) <- "summary.fanny"
print.summary.fanny <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
.print.fanny(x, digits = digits, ...)
if(length(x$silinfo) != 0) {
cat("\nSilhouette plot information:\n")
print(x$silinfo[[1]], ...)
cat("Average silhouette width per cluster:\n")
print(x$silinfo[[2]], ...)
cat("Average silhouette width of total data set:\n")
print(x$silinfo[[3]], ...)
if(!is.null(x$diss)) { ## Dissimilarities:
cat("\n"); print(summary(x$diss, ...))
cat("\nAvailable components:\n"); print(names(x), ...)
## FIXME: Export and document these! -----------------------
## Convert crisp clustering vector to fuzzy membership matrix
as.membership <- function(clustering, keep.names = TRUE) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(clustering), clustering == round(clustering))
n <- length(clustering)
k <- length(u <- sort(unique(clustering)))
r <- matrix(0L, n, k)
if(k == 0 || n == 0) return(r)
dimnames(r) <- list(names(clustering), NULL)
if(any(u != 1:k)) clustering <- match(clustering, u)
r[cbind(1:n, clustering)] <- 1L
## "Generalized Inverse" transformation:
## Convert fuzzy membership matrix to closest crisp clustering vector
toCrisp <- function(m)
dm <- dim(m)
if(length(dm) != 2 || !is.numeric(m) || any(m < 0) ||
!isTRUE(all.equal(unname(rowSums(m)), rep(1, dm[1]))))
stop("'m', a membership matrix, must be nonnegative with rowSums == 1")
apply(m, 1, which.max)
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