
Defines functions cluster.wild.glm

Documented in cluster.wild.glm

#' Wild Cluster Bootstrapped p-Values For Linear Family GLM
#' This software estimates p-values using wild cluster bootstrapped t-statistics for linear family GLM models (Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller 2008). Residuals are repeatedly re-sampled by cluster to form a pseudo-dependent variable, a model is estimated for each re-sampled data set, and inference is based on the sampling distribution of the pivotal (t) statistic. Users may choose whether to impose the null hypothesis for independent variables; the null is never imposed for the intercept or any model that includes factor variables, interactions, or polynomials (although manually specified versions of these can circumvent the restriction). Confidence intervals are only reported when the null hypothesis is \emph{not} imposed.
#' @param mod A linear (identity link) model estimated using \code{glm}.
#' @param dat The data set used to estimate \code{mod}.
#' @param cluster A formula of the clustering variable.
#' @param ci.level What confidence level should CIs reflect? (Note: only reported when \code{impose.null == FALSE}).
#' @param impose.null Should we impose the null Ho?
#' @param boot.reps The number of bootstrap samples to draw.
#' @param report Should a table of results be printed to the console?
#' @param prog.bar Show a progress bar of the bootstrap (= TRUE) or not (= FALSE).
#' @param output.replicates Should the cluster bootstrap coefficient replicates be output (= TRUE) or not (= FALSE)? Only available when impose.null = FALSE.
#' @param seed Random number seed for replicability (default is NULL).
#' @return A list with the elements
#' \item{p.values}{A matrix of the estimated p-values.}
#' \item{ci}{A matrix of confidence intervals (if null not imposed).}
#' @author Justin Esarey
#' @note Code to estimate GLM clustered standard errors by Mahmood Arai: http://thetarzan.wordpress.com/2011/06/11/clustered-standard-errors-in-r/. Cluster SE degrees of freedom correction = (M/(M-1)) with M = the number of clusters.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #########################################
#' # example one: predict chicken weight
#' #########################################
#' # predict chick weight using diet, do not impose the null hypothesis
#' # because of factor variable "Diet"
#' data(ChickWeight)
#' weight.mod <- glm(formula = weight~Diet,data=ChickWeight)
#' cluster.wd.w.1 <-cluster.wild.glm(weight.mod, dat = ChickWeight,cluster = ~Chick, boot.reps = 1000)
#' # impose null
#' dum <- model.matrix(~ ChickWeight$Diet)
#' ChickWeight$Diet2 <- as.numeric(dum[,2])
#' ChickWeight$Diet3 <- as.numeric(dum[,3])
#' ChickWeight$Diet4 <- as.numeric(dum[,4])
#' weight.mod2 <- glm(formula = weight~Diet2+Diet3+Diet4,data=ChickWeight)
#' cluster.wd.w.2 <-cluster.wild.glm(weight.mod2, dat = ChickWeight,cluster = ~Chick, boot.reps = 1000)
#' ############################################################################
#' # example two: linear model of whether respondent has a university degree
#' #              with interaction between gender and age + country FEs
#' ############################################################################
#' require(effects)
#' data(WVS)
#' WVS$degree.n <- as.numeric(WVS$degree)
#' WVS$gender.n <- as.numeric(WVS$gender)
#' WVS$genderXage <- WVS$gender.n * WVS$age
#' lin.model <- glm(degree.n ~ gender.n + age + genderXage + religion, data=WVS)
#' # compute marginal effect of male gender on probability of obtaining a university degree
#' # using conventional standard errors
#' age.vec <- seq(from=18, to=90, by=1)
#' me.age <- coefficients(lin.model)[2] + coefficients(lin.model)[4]*age.vec
#' plot(me.age ~ age.vec, type="l", ylim=c(-0.1, 0.1), xlab="age", 
#'      ylab="ME of male gender on Pr(university degree)")
#' se.age <- sqrt( vcov(lin.model)[2,2] + vcov(lin.model)[4,4]*(age.vec)^2 +
#'                 2*vcov(lin.model)[2,4]*age.vec)
#' ci.h <- me.age + qt(0.975, lower.tail=T, df=lin.model$df.residual) * se.age
#' ci.l <- me.age - qt(0.975, lower.tail=T, df=lin.model$df.residual) * se.age
#' lines(ci.h ~ age.vec, lty=2)
#' lines(ci.l ~ age.vec, lty=2)
#' # cluster on country, compute CIs for marginal effect of gender on degree attainment
#' clust.wild.result <- cluster.wild.glm(lin.model, WVS, ~ country, 
#'                                       impose.null = F, report = T, 
#'                                       output.replicates=T)
#' replicates <- clust.wild.result$replicates
#' me.boot <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=dim(replicates)[1], ncol=length(age.vec))
#' for(i in 1:dim(replicates)[1]){
#'   me.boot[i,] <- replicates[i,"gender.n"] + replicates[i,"genderXage"]*age.vec
#' }
#' ci.wild <- apply(FUN=quantile, X=me.boot, MARGIN=2, probs=c(0.025, 0.975))
#' # a little lowess smoothing applied to compensate for discontinuities 
#' # arising from shifting between replicates
#' lines(lowess(ci.wild[1,] ~ age.vec), lty=3)
#' lines(lowess(ci.wild[2,] ~ age.vec), lty=3)
#' # finishing touches to plot
#' legend(lty=c(1,2,3), "topleft",
#'        legend=c("Model Marginal Effect", "Conventional 95% CI",
#'                 "Wild BS 95% CI"))
#' }
#' @rdname cluster.wild.glm
#' @importFrom lmtest coeftest
#' @importFrom sandwich estfun
#' @importFrom sandwich sandwich
#' @references Esarey, Justin, and Andrew Menger. 2017. "Practical and Effective Approaches to Dealing with Clustered Data." \emph{Political Science Research and Methods} forthcoming: 1-35. <URL:http://jee3.web.rice.edu/cluster-paper.pdf>.
#' @references Cameron, A. Colin, Jonah B. Gelbach, and Douglas L. Miller. 2008. "Bootstrap-Based Improvements for Inference with Clustered Errors." \emph{The Review of Economics and Statistics} 90(3): 414-427. <DOI:10.1162/rest.90.3.414>.
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @export

cluster.wild.glm<-function(mod, dat, cluster, ci.level = 0.95, impose.null = TRUE, boot.reps = 1000, 
                           report = TRUE, prog.bar = TRUE, output.replicates = FALSE,
  # compensate for bizarre R formula updating bug
  # thanks to Jason Thorpe for reporting!
  form.old <- update(mod$formula, 1 ~ 1 )
  while(form.old != mod$formula){
    form.old <- mod$formula
    invisible(mod <- update(mod, formula = .~.))

  if(is.null(seed)==F){                                               # if user supplies a seed, set it
             error = function(e){return("seed must be a valid integer")}, 
             warning = function(w){return(NA)}) 
  if(mod$family[1] != "gaussian" | mod$family[2] != "identity"){
    stop("Use only with gaussian family models with a linear link")
  if(output.replicates == TRUE & impose.null == TRUE){
    stop("Recovering bootstrap replicates requires setting impose.null = FALSE")
  form <- mod$formula                                            # what is the formula of this model?
  variables <- all.vars(form)                                    # what variables are in this model?
  clust.name <- all.vars(cluster)                                # what is the name of the clustering variable?
  used.idx <- which(rownames(dat) %in% rownames(mod$model))      # what were the actively used observations in the model?
  dat <- dat[used.idx,]                                          # keep only active observations
  clust <- as.vector(unlist(dat[[clust.name]]))                  # store cluster index in convenient vector
  G<-length(unique(clust))                                       # how many clusters are in this model?
  # ind.variables <- attr(mod$terms, "term.labels")              # what independent variables are in this model? (deprecated)
  "%w/o%" <- function(x, y) x[!x %in% y]                         # create a without function (see ?match)
  dv <- variables %w/o% all.vars(update(form, 1 ~ .))            # what is the dependent variable?
  ind.variables.data <- all.vars(update(form, 1 ~ .))            # RHS variables in this model (before variable transforms)
  ind.variables.names.full <- names(coefficients(mod))           # printed names of coefs (w/ intercept)
  ind.variables.names <- rownames(summary(mod)$coefficients)     # printed names of coefs (w/ intercept), neglecting drops
  ind.variables <- ind.variables.names %w/o% "(Intercept)"       # what independent variables are in this model, neglecting drops and intercept?

  # in case dv is wrapped in a function, need to set it to its functional value
  # so that residuals can be added w/o incident
  dat$dv.new <- mod$y                                            # add transformed DV into data set
  form.new <- update(form, dv.new ~ .)                           # substitute in new dV

  # check to see whether any IVs are factors
  fac <- max(0,min(length(mod$xlevels),1))
  # do not impose the null for factor variables
  if( fac == 1 & impose.null == TRUE){
    cat("\n","\n", "Note: null not imposed (factor variables are present).", "\n", "\n")
  # check whether there are (automatic) interaction terms
  interaction <- max(attr(mod$terms,"order"), 1)
  # do not impose the null for interaction terms
  if( interaction > 1 & impose.null == TRUE){
    cat("\n","\n", "Note: null not imposed (interactions are present).", "\n", "\n")
  # check for polynomial terms
  poly.check <- max(unlist(lapply(mod$model, FUN=class))=="poly")
  # do not impose the null for polynomial terms
  if( poly.check == 1 & impose.null == TRUE){
    cat("\n","\n", "Note: null not imposed (polynomial terms are present).", "\n", "\n")
  # load in a function to create clustered standard errors
  # by Mahmood Arai: http://thetarzan.wordpress.com/2011/06/11/clustered-standard-errors-in-r/
  cl   <- function(dat, fm, cluster){
    #require(sandwich, quietly = TRUE)
    #require(lmtest, quietly = TRUE)
    M <- length(unique(cluster))
    N <- length(cluster)
    K <- fm$rank
    dfc <- (M/(M-1))
    uj  <- apply(estfun(fm),2, function(x) tapply(x, cluster, sum));
    vcovCL <- dfc*sandwich(fm, meat.=crossprod(uj)/N)
    coeftest(fm, vcovCL) }
  se.clust <- cl(dat, mod, clust)[ind.variables.names,2]               # retrieve the clustered SEs
  beta.mod <- coefficients(mod)[ind.variables.names]                   # retrieve the estimated coefficients
  w <- beta.mod / se.clust                                             # calculate the wald test statistics
  # if the null is to be imposed, execute the following code
    p.store <- c()                                                            # store wild boostrapped p-values
    w.store <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=boot.reps, ncol=length(ind.variables))    # store bootstrapped test statistics
    if(attr(mod$terms, "intercept") == 1 ){offset <- 1}else{offset <- 0}

    # no factors, so remove any variables that were dropped from original model
    # (code from http://www.cookbook-r.com/Formulas/Creating_a_formula_from_a_string/)
    form.new <- as.formula(paste("dv.new", paste(ind.variables, collapse = " + "), sep=" ~ "))
    for(j in 1:length(ind.variables)){
      if(prog.bar==TRUE){cat("Independent variable being bootstrapped: ", ind.variables[j], "\n")}
      # run model imposing the null hypothesis
      form.null <- as.formula( paste ("dv.new", "~", paste( ind.variables[1:length(ind.variables) %w/o% j], collapse= " + " ) ) )
      mod.null <- glm(form.null, data = dat, family = mod$family)
      null.resid <- residuals(mod.null)
      boot.dat <- dat           # copy the data set into a bootstrap resampling dataset
      wald.store <- c()         # create a container for storing the test statistics    
      if(prog.bar==TRUE){pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = boot.reps, initial = 0, style = 3)}
      for(i in 1:boot.reps){
        if(prog.bar==TRUE){setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=i)}
        # assign wild bootstrap weights
        weight <- c(1, -1)[rbinom(G, size=1, prob=0.5)                   # assign wild bootstrap weights
                           + 1][match(clust, unique(clust))]    
        pseudo.resid <- null.resid*weight                                # create pseudo-residuals using weights
        pseudo.dv <- predict(mod.null)+ pseudo.resid                     # create pseudo-observations using pseudo-residuals
        boot.dat[,"dv.new"] <- pseudo.dv                                 # create a bootstrap replicate data set (note dv.new)
        boot.mod <- glm(form.new, data = boot.dat, family = mod$family)  # run a model on the bootstrap replicate data (note form.new)
        se.boot <- cl(boot.dat, boot.mod, clust)[offset+j,2]             # retrieve the bootstrap clustered SE
        beta.boot <- coefficients(boot.mod)[offset+j]                    # store the bootstrap beta coefficient
        wald.store[i] <- beta.boot / se.boot                             # store the bootstrap test statistic
      p.store[j] <- 1 - ( sum( abs(w[offset + j]) > abs(wald.store) ) / boot.reps )    # calculate the wild bootstrap p-value
      w.store[,j] <- wald.store
    # calculate t-stat for intercept, if present, w/o imposing the null
    if(attr(mod$terms, "intercept") == 1 ){
      if(prog.bar==TRUE){cat("Independent variable being bootstrapped:  Intercept (null not imposed)", "\n")}
      # don't impose the null for the constant (but still call it null.resid)
      null.resid <- residuals(mod)
      boot.dat <- dat           # copy the data set into a bootstrap resampling dataset
      wald.store <- c()         # create a container for storing the test statistics    
      if(prog.bar==TRUE){pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = boot.reps, initial = 0, style = 3)}
      for(i in 1:boot.reps){
        if(prog.bar==TRUE){setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=i)}
        weight <- c(1, -1)[rbinom(G, size=1, prob=0.5)                   # assign wild bootstrap weights
                    + 1][match(clust, unique(clust))]    
        pseudo.resid <- null.resid*weight                                # create pseudo-residuals using weights
        pseudo.dv <- predict(mod)+ pseudo.resid                          # create pseudo-observations using pseudo-residuals
        boot.dat[,"dv.new"] <- pseudo.dv                                 # create a bootstrap replicate data set (note dv.new)
        boot.mod <- glm(form.new, data = boot.dat, family = mod$family)  # run a model on the bootstrap replicate data (note form.new)
        se.boot <- cl(boot.dat, boot.mod, clust)[1,2]                    # retrieve the bootstrap clustered SE
        beta.boot <- coefficients(boot.mod)[1]                           # store the bootstrap beta coefficient
        wald.store[i] <- (beta.boot - beta.mod[1]) / se.boot             # store the bootstrap test statistic
      p.store <- c( 1 - ( sum( abs(w[1]) > abs(wald.store) ) / boot.reps ), p.store)    # calculate the wild bootstrap p-value
      w.store <- cbind(wald.store, w.store)

    ci.lo = NULL
    ci.hi = NULL
    print.ci = NULL
    out.ci = NULL
  # if the null is NOT to be imposed...
    if(prog.bar==TRUE){cat("Wild Cluster bootstrapping w/o imposing null...", "\n")}

    boot.dat <- dat                                              # copy the data set into a bootstrap resampling dataset
    w.store <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=boot.reps, ncol=length(ind.variables.names))    # store bootstrapped test statistics
    # keep track of the beta bootstrap replicates for possible output
    rep.store <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=boot.reps, ncol=length(beta.mod))
    colnames(rep.store) <- ind.variables.names
    resid <- residuals(mod)                                                         # get the residuals for the model
    if(prog.bar==TRUE){pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = boot.reps, initial = 0, style = 3)}
    for(i in 1:boot.reps){
      if(prog.bar==TRUE){setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=i)}
      weight <- c(1, -1)[rbinom(G, size=1, prob=0.5)                   # assign wild bootstrap weights
                         + 1][match(clust, unique(clust))] 
      pseudo.resid <- resid*weight                                     # create pseudo-residuals using weights
      pseudo.dv <- predict(mod)+ pseudo.resid                          # create pseudo-observations using pseudo-residuals
      boot.dat[,"dv.new"] <- pseudo.dv                                 # create a bootstrap replicate data set (note dv.new)
      boot.mod <- glm(form.new, data = boot.dat, family = mod$family)  # run a model on the bootstrap replicate data (note form.new)
      se.boot <- cl(boot.dat, boot.mod, clust)[,2]                     # retrieve the bootstrap clustered SE
      beta.boot <- coefficients(boot.mod)[ind.variables.names]         # store the bootstrap beta coefficient
      w.store[i,] <- (beta.boot-beta.mod) / se.boot                    # store the bootstrap test statistic
      rep.store[i,] <- beta.boot                                       # store the bootstrap beta for output
    comp.fun<-function(vec2, vec1){as.numeric(vec1>vec2)}                            # a simple function comparing v1 to v2
    p.store.s <- t(apply(X = abs(w.store), FUN=comp.fun, MARGIN = 1, vec1 = abs(w))) # compare the BS test stats to orig. result
    if(dim(p.store.s)[1] == 1){
      p.store <- 1 - ( sum(p.store.s) / dim(w.store)[1] )                          # calculate the cluster bootstrap p-value
      p.store <- 1 - ( colSums(p.store.s) / dim(w.store)[1] )                          # calculate the cluster bootstrap p-value

    # compute critical t-statistics for CIs
    crit.t <- apply(X=abs(w.store), MARGIN=2, FUN=quantile, probs=ci.level )
    ci.lo <- beta.mod - crit.t*se.clust
    ci.hi <- beta.mod + crit.t*se.clust


    print.ci <- cbind(ind.variables.names, ci.lo, ci.hi)
    print.ci <- rbind(c("variable name", "CI lower", "CI higher"), print.ci)
    out.ci <- cbind(ci.lo, ci.hi)
    rownames(out.ci) <- ind.variables.names
    colnames(out.ci) <- c("CI lower", "CI higher")
  out <- matrix(p.store, ncol=1)
  colnames(out) <- c("wild cluster BS p-value")
  rownames(out) <- ind.variables.names
  out.p <- cbind(ind.variables.names, round(out, 3))
  out.p <- rbind(c("variable name", "wild cluster BS p-value"), out.p)
  printmat <- function(m){
    write.table(format(m, justify="right"), row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F, sep = "   ")
    cat("\n", "\n", "Wild Cluster Bootstrapped p-values: ", "\n", "\n")
    if(is.null(print.ci) == FALSE){
      cat("\n", "Confidence Intervals (derived from bootstrapped t-statistics): ", "\n", "\n")

    if(length(ind.variables.names) < length(ind.variables.names.full)){
    cat("\n", "\n", "****", "Note: ", length(ind.variables.names.full) - length(ind.variables.names), " variables were unidentified in the model and are not reported.", "****", "\n", sep="")
    cat("Variables not reported:", "\n", sep="")
    cat(ind.variables.names.full[!ind.variables.names.full %in% ind.variables.names], sep=", ")
    cat("\n", "\n")

  out.list[["ci"]] <- out.ci
  if(output.replicates == TRUE){out.list[["replicates"]] <- rep.store}

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clusterSEs documentation built on April 6, 2021, 1:06 a.m.