
loadModule("cmq_master", TRUE) # CMQMaster C++ class

#' Class for basic queuing system functions
#' Provides the basic functions needed to communicate between machines
#' This should abstract most functions of rZMQ so the scheduler
#' implementations can rely on the higher level functionality
Pool = R6::R6Class("Pool",
    public = list(
        initialize = function(addr=sample(host()), reuse=TRUE) {
            private$master = methods::new(CMQMaster)
            # ZeroMQ allows connecting by node name, but binding must be either
            # a numerical IP or an interfacet name. This is a bit of a hack to
            # seem to allow node-name bindings
            nodename = Sys.info()["nodename"]
            addr = sub(nodename, "*", addr, fixed=TRUE)
            bound = private$master$listen(addr)
            private$addr = sub("", nodename, bound, fixed=TRUE)
            private$timer = proc.time()
            private$reuse = reuse

        print = function() {
            cat(sprintf("<clustermq> worker pool with %i member(s)\n", self$workers$n()))

        info = function() {
            info = private$master$list_workers()
            times = do.call(rbind, info$time)[,1:3]
            mem = function(field) sapply(info$mem, function(m) sum(m[,field] * c(56,1)))
            do.call(data.frame, c(info[c("worker", "status")], as.data.frame(times),
                                  list(mem.used=mem("used"), mem.max=mem("max used"))))

        add = function(qsys, n, ...) {
            self$workers = qsys$new(addr=private$addr, master=private$master, n_jobs=n, ...)

        env = function(...) {
            args = list(...)
            for (name in names(args)) {
#                if (inherits(args[[name]], "function"))
#                    environment(args[[fname]]) = .GlobalEnv
                private$master$add_env(name, args[[name]])

        pkg = function(...) {
            args = as.list(...)
            for (elm in args)

        ### START pre-0.9 compatibility functions (deprecated)
        set_common_data = function(..., export=list(), pkgs=c(), token="") {
            do.call(self$env, c(list(...), export))
            if (length(pkgs) > 0)
                do.call(self$pkg, as.list(pkgs))
            private$token = token
        send_common_data = function() {
            .Deprecated("handled implicitly")
        send_shutdown_worker = function() {
        send_call = function(expr, env=list(), ref=substitute(expr)) {
            pcall = quote(substitute(expr))
            do.call(self$send, c(list(cmd=eval(pcall)), env))
        receive_data = function() {
            rd = self$recv()
            list(result=rd, warnings=c(), errors=c(), token=private$token)
        ### END pre-0.9 compatibility functions (deprecated)

        send = function(cmd, ...) {
            pcall = quote(substitute(cmd))
            cmd = as.expression(do.call(substitute, list(eval(pcall), env=list(...))))
        send_shutdown = function() {
        send_wait = function(wait=50) {

        recv = function() {

        cleanup = function(timeout=5000) {
            # ^^ replace with: (1) try close connections, and (2) close socket

            times = private$master$list_workers()$time
            times = times[sapply(times, length) != 0]
            max_mem = max(c(self$info()[["mem.max"]]+2e8, 0), na.rm=TRUE) # add 200 Mb
            max_mem_str = format(structure(max_mem, class="object_size"), units="auto")

            wt = Reduce(`+`, times) / length(times)
            rt = proc.time() - private$timer
            if (! inherits(wt, "proc_time"))
                wt = rep(NA, 3)
            rt3_fmt = difftime(as.POSIXct(rt[[3]], origin="1970-01-01"),
                               as.POSIXct(0, origin="1970-01-01"), units="auto")
            rt3_str = sprintf("%.1f %s", rt3_fmt, attr(rt3_fmt, "units"))

            fmt = "Master: [%s %.1f%% CPU]; Worker: [avg %.1f%% CPU, max %s]"
            message(sprintf(fmt, rt3_str, 100*(rt[[1]]+rt[[2]])/rt[[3]],
                            100*(wt[[1]]+wt[[2]])/wt[[3]], max_mem_str))


        workers = NULL

    active = list(
        workers_total = function() {
            ls_w = private$master$list_workers()
            length(ls_w$worker) + ls_w$pending
        workers_running = function() {
            ls_w = private$master$list_workers()
            sum(ls_w$status == "active")
        reusable = function() private$reuse

    private = list(
        token = NULL, ### pre-0.9 compatibility functions (deprecated)

        master = NULL,
        addr = NULL,
        timer = NULL,
        reuse = NULL,

        finalize = function() {

    cloneable = FALSE

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clustermq documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 5:06 p.m.