
Defines functions extract_population cmaES cma_es

Documented in cma_es cmaES extract_population

## cmaes.R - covariance matrix adapting evolutionary strategy

##' Global optimization procedure using a covariance matrix adapting
##' evolutionary strategy.
##' Note that arguments after \code{\dots} must be matched exactly.
##' By default this function performs minimization, but it will
##' maximize if \code{control$fnscale} is negative. It can usually be
##' used as a drop in replacement for \code{optim}, but do note, that
##' no sophisticated convergence detection is included. Therefore you
##' need to choose \code{maxit} appropriately.
##' If you set \code{vectorize==TRUE}, \code{fn} will be passed matrix
##' arguments during optimization. The columns correspond to the
##' \code{lambda} new individuals created in each iteration of the
##' ES. In this case \code{fn} must return a numeric vector of
##' \code{lambda} corresponding function values. This enables you to
##' do up to \code{lambda} function evaluations in parallel.
##' The \code{control} argument is a list that can supply any of the
##' following components:
##' \describe{
##'   \item{\code{fnscale}}{An overall scaling to be applied to the value
##'     of \code{fn} during optimization. If negative,
##'     turns the problem into a maximization problem. Optimization is
##'     performed on \code{fn(par)/fnscale}.}
##'   \item{\code{maxit}}{The maximum number of iterations. Defaults to
##'     \eqn{100*D^2}, where \eqn{D} is the dimension of the parameter space.}
##'   \item{\code{stopfitness}}{Stop if function value is smaller than or
##'     equal to \code{stopfitness}. This is the only way for the CMA-ES
##'     to \dQuote{converge}.}
##'   \item{keep.best}{return the best overall solution and not the best
##'     solution in the last population. Defaults to true.}
##'   \item{\code{sigma}}{Inital variance estimates. Can be a single
##'     number or a vector of length \eqn{D}, where \eqn{D} is the dimension
##'     of the parameter space.}
##'   \item{\code{mu}}{Population size.}
##'   \item{\code{lambda}}{Number of offspring. Must be greater than or
##'     equal to \code{mu}.}
##'   \item{\code{weights}}{Recombination weights}
##'   \item{\code{damps}}{Damping for step-size}
##'   \item{\code{cs}}{Cumulation constant for step-size}
##'   \item{\code{ccum}}{Cumulation constant for covariance matrix}
##'   \item{\code{vectorized}}{Is the function \code{fn} vectorized?}
##'   \item{\code{ccov.1}}{Learning rate for rank-one update}
##'   \item{\code{ccov.mu}}{Learning rate for rank-mu update}
##'   \item{\code{diag.sigma}}{Save current step size \eqn{\sigma}{sigma}
##'     in each iteration.}
##'   \item{\code{diag.eigen}}{Save current principle components
##'     of the covariance matrix \eqn{C}{C} in each iteration.}
##'   \item{\code{diag.pop}}{Save current population in each iteration.}
##'   \item{\code{diag.value}}{Save function values of the current
##'     population in each iteration.}}
##' @param par Initial values for the parameters to be optimized over.
##' @param fn A function to be minimized (or maximized), with first
##'   argument the vector of parameters over which minimization is to
##'   take place. It should return a scalar result.
##' @param \dots Further arguments to be passed to \code{fn}.
##' @param lower Lower bounds on the variables.
##' @param upper Upper bounds on the variables.
##' @param control A list of control parameters. See \sQuote{Details}.
##' @return A list with components: \describe{
##'   \item{par}{The best set of parameters found.}
##'   \item{value}{The value of \code{fn} corresponding to \code{par}.}
##'   \item{counts}{A two-element integer vector giving the number of calls
##'     to \code{fn}. The second element is always zero for call
##'     compatibility with \code{optim}.}
##'   \item{convergence}{An integer code. \code{0} indicates successful
##'     convergence. Possible error codes are \describe{
##'       \item{\code{1}}{indicates that the iteration limit \code{maxit}
##'         had been reached.}}}
##'   \item{message}{Always set to \code{NULL}, provided for call
##'     compatibility with \code{optim}.}
##'   \item{diagnostic}{List containing diagnostic information. Possible elements
##'     are: \describe{
##'       \item{sigma}{Vector containing the step size \eqn{\sigma}{sigma}
##'         for each iteration.}
##'       \item{eigen}{\eqn{d \times niter}{d * niter} matrix containing the
##'         principle components of the covariance matrix \eqn{C}{C}.}
##'       \item{pop}{An \eqn{d\times\mu\times niter}{d * mu * niter} array
##'         containing all populations. The last dimension is the iteration
##'         and the second dimension the individual.}
##'      \item{value}{A \eqn{niter \times \mu}{niter x mu} matrix
##'        containing the function values of each population. The first
##'        dimension is the iteration, the second one the individual.}}
##'    These are only present if the respective diagnostic control variable is
##'    set to \code{TRUE}.}}
##' @source The code is based on \file{purecmaes.m} by N. Hansen.
##' @seealso \code{\link{extract_population}}
##' @references Hansen, N. (2006). The CMA Evolution Strategy: A Comparing Review. In
##'   J.A. Lozano, P. Larranga, I. Inza and E. Bengoetxea (eds.). Towards a
##'   new evolutionary computation. Advances in estimation of distribution
##'   algorithms. pp. 75-102, Springer
##' @author Olaf Mersmann \email{olafm@@statistik.tu-dortmund.de} and
##'   David Arnu \email{david.arnu@@tu-dortmun.de}
##' @title Covariance matrix adapting evolutionary strategy
##' @keywords optimize
##' @export
cma_es <- function(par, fn, ..., lower, upper, control = list()) {
  norm <- function(x) {

  controlParam <- function(name, default) {
    v <- control[[name]]
    if (is.null(v)) {
    } else {

  ## Inital solution:
  xmean <- par
  N <- length(xmean)
  ## Box constraints:
  if (missing(lower)) {
    lower <- rep(-Inf, N)
  } else if (length(lower) == 1) {
    lower <- rep(lower, N)

  if (missing(upper)) {
    upper <- rep(Inf, N)
  } else if (length(upper) == 1) {
    upper <- rep(upper, N)

  ## Parameters:
  trace <- controlParam("trace", FALSE)
  fnscale <- controlParam("fnscale", 1)
  stopfitness <- controlParam("stopfitness", -Inf)
  maxiter <- controlParam("maxit", 100 * N^2)
  sigma <- controlParam("sigma", 0.5)
  sc_tolx <- controlParam("stop.tolx", 1e-12 * sigma) ## Undocumented stop criterion
  keep.best <- controlParam("keep.best", TRUE)
  vectorized <- controlParam("vectorized", FALSE)

  ## Logging options:
  log.all <- controlParam("diag", FALSE)
  log.sigma <- controlParam("diag.sigma", log.all)
  log.eigen <- controlParam("diag.eigen", log.all)
  log.value <- controlParam("diag.value", log.all)
  log.pop <- controlParam("diag.pop", log.all)

  ## Strategy parameter setting (defaults as recommended by Nicolas Hansen):
  lambda <- controlParam("lambda", 4 + floor(3 * log(N)))
  mu <- controlParam("mu", floor(lambda / 2))
  weights <- controlParam("weights", log(mu + 1) - log(1:mu))
  weights <- weights / sum(weights)
  mueff <- controlParam("mueff", sum(weights)^2 / sum(weights^2))
  cc <- controlParam("ccum", 4 / (N + 4))
  cs <- controlParam("cs", (mueff + 2) / (N + mueff + 3))
  mucov <- controlParam("ccov.mu", mueff)
  ccov <- controlParam(
    (1 / mucov) * 2 / (N + 1.4)^2
      + (1 - 1 / mucov) * ((2 * mucov - 1) / ((N + 2)^2 + 2 * mucov))
  damps <- controlParam(
    1 + 2 * max(0, sqrt((mueff - 1) / (N + 1)) - 1) + cs

  ## Safety checks:
  stopifnot(length(upper) == N)
  stopifnot(length(lower) == N)
  stopifnot(all(lower < upper))
  stopifnot(length(sigma) == 1)

  ## Bookkeeping variables for the best solution found so far:
  best.fit <- Inf
  best.par <- NULL

  ## Preallocate logging structures:
  if (log.sigma) {
    sigma.log <- numeric(maxiter)
  if (log.eigen) {
    eigen.log <- matrix(0, nrow = maxiter, ncol = N)
  if (log.value) {
    value.log <- matrix(0, nrow = maxiter, ncol = mu)
  if (log.pop) {
    pop.log <- array(0, c(N, mu, maxiter))

  ## Initialize dynamic (internal) strategy parameters and constants
  pc <- rep(0.0, N)
  ps <- rep(0.0, N)
  B <- diag(N)
  D <- diag(N)
  BD <- B %*% D
  C <- BD %*% t(BD)

  chiN <- sqrt(N) * (1 - 1 / (4 * N) + 1 / (21 * N^2))

  iter <- 0L ## Number of iterations
  counteval <- 0L ## Number of function evaluations
  cviol <- 0L ## Number of constraint violations
  msg <- NULL ## Reason for terminating
  nm <- names(par) ## Names of parameters

  ## Preallocate work arrays:
  arx <- matrix(0.0, nrow = N, ncol = lambda)
  arfitness <- numeric(lambda)
  while (iter < maxiter) {
    iter <- iter + 1L

    if (!keep.best) {
      best.fit <- Inf
      best.par <- NULL
    if (log.sigma) {
      sigma.log[iter] <- sigma

    ## Generate new population:
    arz <- matrix(rnorm(N * lambda), ncol = lambda)
    arx <- xmean + sigma * (BD %*% arz)
    vx <- ifelse(arx > lower, ifelse(arx < upper, arx, upper), lower)
    if (!is.null(nm)) {
      rownames(vx) <- nm
    pen <- 1 + colSums((arx - vx)^2)
    pen[!is.finite(pen)] <- .Machine$double.xmax / 2
    cviol <- cviol + sum(pen > 1)

    if (vectorized) {
      y <- fn(vx, ...) * fnscale
    } else {
      y <- apply(vx, 2, function(x) fn(x, ...) * fnscale)
    counteval <- counteval + lambda

    arfitness <- y * pen
    valid <- pen <= 1
    if (any(valid)) {
      wb <- which.min(y[valid])
      if (y[valid][wb] < best.fit) {
        best.fit <- y[valid][wb]
        best.par <- arx[, valid, drop = FALSE][, wb]

    ## Order fitness:
    arindex <- order(arfitness)
    arfitness <- arfitness[arindex]

    aripop <- arindex[1:mu]
    selx <- arx[, aripop]
    xmean <- drop(selx %*% weights)
    selz <- arz[, aripop]
    zmean <- drop(selz %*% weights)

    ## Save selected x value:
    if (log.pop) pop.log[, , iter] <- selx
    if (log.value) value.log[iter, ] <- arfitness[aripop]

    ## Cumulation: Update evolutionary paths
    ps <- (1 - cs) * ps + sqrt(cs * (2 - cs) * mueff) * (B %*% zmean)
    hsig <- drop((norm(ps) / sqrt(1 - (1 - cs)^(2 * counteval / lambda)) / chiN) < (1.4 + 2 / (N + 1)))
    pc <- (1 - cc) * pc + hsig * sqrt(cc * (2 - cc) * mueff) * drop(BD %*% zmean)

    ## Adapt Covariance Matrix:
    BDz <- BD %*% selz
    C <- (1 - ccov) * C + ccov * (1 / mucov) *
      (pc %o% pc + (1 - hsig) * cc * (2 - cc) * C) +
      ccov * (1 - 1 / mucov) * BDz %*% diag(weights) %*% t(BDz)

    ## Adapt step size sigma:
    sigma <- sigma * exp((norm(ps) / chiN - 1) * cs / damps)

    e <- eigen(C, symmetric = TRUE)
    if (log.eigen) {
      eigen.log[iter, ] <- rev(sort(e$values))

    if (!all(e$values >= sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * abs(e$values[1]))) {
      msg <- "Covariance matrix 'C' is numerically not positive definite."

    B <- e$vectors
    D <- diag(sqrt(e$values), length(e$values))
    BD <- B %*% D

    ## break if fit:
    if (arfitness[1] <= stopfitness * fnscale) {
      msg <- "Stop fitness reached."

    ## Check stop conditions:

    ## Condition 1 (sd < tolx in all directions):
    if (all(D < sc_tolx) && all(sigma * pc < sc_tolx)) {
      msg <- "All standard deviations smaller than tolerance."

    ## Escape from flat-land:
    if (arfitness[1] == arfitness[min(1 + floor(lambda / 2), 2 + ceiling(lambda / 4))]) {
      sigma <- sigma * exp(0.2 + cs / damps)
      if (trace) {
        message("Flat fitness function. Increasing sigma.")
    if (trace) {
        "Iteration %i of %i: current fitness %f",
        iter, maxiter, arfitness[1] * fnscale
  cnt <- c(`function` = as.integer(counteval), gradient = NA)

  log <- list()
  ## Subset lognostic data to only include those iterations which
  ## where actually performed.
  if (log.value) log$value <- value.log[1:iter, ]
  if (log.sigma) log$sigma <- sigma.log[1:iter]
  if (log.eigen) log$eigen <- eigen.log[1:iter, ]
  if (log.pop) log$pop <- pop.log[, , 1:iter]

  ## Drop names from value object
  names(best.fit) <- NULL
  res <- list(
    par = best.par,
    value = best.fit / fnscale,
    counts = cnt,
    convergence = ifelse(iter >= maxiter, 1L, 0L),
    message = msg,
    constr.violations = cviol,
    diagnostic = log
  class(res) <- "cma_es.result"

##' @rdname cma_es
##' @export
cmaES <- function(...) {

##' Extract the \code{iter}-th population
##' Return the population of the \code{iter}-th iteration of the
##' CMA-ES algorithm. For this to work, the populations must be saved
##' in the result object. This is achieved by setting
##' \code{diag.pop=TRUE} in the \code{control} list. Function values
##' are included in the result if present in the result object.
##' @param res A \code{cma_es} result object.
##' @param iter Which population to return.
##' @return A list containing the population as the \code{par} element
##'   and possibly the function values in \code{value} if they are
##'   present in the result object.
##' @export
extract_population <- function(res, iter) {
  stopifnot(inherits(res, "cma_es.result"))

  if (is.null(res$diagnostic$pop)) {
    stop("Result object contains no population. ",
      "Please set diag.pop in the control list and rerun cma_es.",
      call. = FALSE
  if (iter > dim(res$diagnostic$pop)[3]) {
    stop("iter out of range.")

  if (is.null(res$diagnostic$value)) {
    warning("Result object contains no function values. ",
      "Please set diag.value if you also want function values and rerun cma_es.",
      call. = FALSE
    par = res$diagnostic$pop[, , iter],
    value = res$diagnostic$value[iter, ]

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