
Defines functions isDDSym anyDots dotsOrMissing pasteExpr stop0 warning0 checkCall matchCall findVar matchName checkPrimopCall anyMissing checkUsagePackage checkUsageEnv checkUsage checkUsageEnterGlobal checkUsageFinishLocals suppressVar checkUsageEnterLocal addLocalFunDef incLocalSrcInfo incLocalUsageValue setLocalUsageValue getLocalUsageValue getLocalUsageEntry checkUsageStartLocals findGlobals mkLinkHandler checkDotsAssignVar isClosureFunDef isSimpleFunDef isUtilsVar isStatsVar getCollectUsageHandler addCollectUsageHandler doNothing collectUsageIsLocal signalUsageIssue collectUsageFun collectUsageCall collectUsageArgs collectUsageLeaf collectUsage makeUsageCollector flattenAssignment makeAssgnFcn apdef evalseq getAssignedVar findFuncLocals findOwnerEnv findLocals findLocalsList collectLocalsLocalHandler checkSymOrString collectLocalsForHandler collectLocalsAssignHandler dropMissings getCollectLocalsHandler collectLocals makeLocalsCollector foldCall foldLeaf isFoldable isConstantValue constantFoldEnv constantFold exitFolder makeConstantFolder callCC showTreeLeaf showTreeCall showTree makeCodeWalker walkCode mkHash is.baseenv is.emptyenv

Documented in checkUsage checkUsageEnv checkUsagePackage collectLocals collectUsage constantFold findFuncLocals findGlobals findLocals findLocalsList flattenAssignment getAssignedVar isConstantValue makeCodeWalker makeConstantFolder makeLocalsCollector makeUsageCollector showTree walkCode

## This code is a complete hack, may or may not work, etc..
## Use your own risk.  You have been warned.
## This file is generated from ../noweb/codetools.nw; make changes there.

## Environment utilities

.BaseEnv <- if (exists("baseenv")) baseenv() else NULL
.EmptyEnv <- if (exists("emptyenv")) emptyenv() else NULL

is.emptyenv <- function(e) identical(e, .EmptyEnv)
is.baseenv <- function(e) identical(e, .BaseEnv)

mkHash <- function() new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = .EmptyEnv)

## Code walker

walkCode <- function(e, w = makeCodeWalker()) {
    if (typeof(e) == "language") {
        if (typeof(e[[1]]) %in% c("symbol", "character")) {
            h <- w$handler(as.character(e[[1]]), w)
            if (! is.null(h)) h(e, w)
            else w$call(e, w)
        else w$call(e, w)
    else w$leaf(e, w)
makeCodeWalker <- function(...,
                           handler = function (v, w) NULL,
                           call = function(e, w)
                               for (ee in as.list(e))
                                   if (! missing(ee)) walkCode(ee, w),
                           leaf = function(e, w) print(e))
     list(handler = handler, call = call, leaf = leaf, ...)

## Call tree display

showTree <- function(e, write = cat) {
    w <- makeCodeWalker(call = showTreeCall, leaf = showTreeLeaf,
                        write = write)
    walkCode(e, w)
showTreeCall <- function(e, w) {
    walkCode(e[[1]], w)
    for (a in as.list(e[-1])) {
        w$write(" ")
        if (missing(a))
            walkCode(a, w)
showTreeLeaf <- function(e, w) {
    if (typeof(e) == "symbol") {
        if (e == "(") w$write("\"(\"")
        else if (e == "{") w$write("\"{\"")
        else w$write(e)
    else w$write(deparse(e))

## Call with current continuation

if (! exists("callCC"))
callCC <- function(fun) {
    value <- NULL
    delayedAssign("throw", return(value))
    fun(function(v) { value <<- v; throw })

## Constant folding

makeConstantFolder <- function(...,
                               leaf = foldLeaf,
                               handler = function(v, w)
                                   if (w$foldable(v, w)) foldCall,
                               call = function(e, w) exitFolder(e, w),
                               exit = function(e, w)
                                  stop0(paste("not a foldable expression:",
                                        deparse(e, width.cutoff = 500))),
                               isLocal = function(v, w) FALSE,
                               foldable = isFoldable,
                               isConstant = isConstantValue,
                               signal = function(e, msg, w) warning0(msg))
     list(handler = handler, call = call, exit = exit, leaf = leaf,
          isLocal = isLocal, foldable = isFoldable,
          isConstant = isConstant, signal = signal, ...)

exitFolder <- function(e, w) {
    w$exit(e, w)
    stop0("constant folding cannot continue")
constantFold <- function(e, env = NULL, fail = NULL) {
    job <- function(exit) {
        isLocal <- function(v, w) as.character(v) %in% env
        doExit <- function(e, w) exit(fail)
        w <- makeConstantFolder(isLocal = isLocal, exit = doExit)
        walkCode(e, w)
constantFoldEnv <- function(e, env = .GlobalEnv, fail = NULL) {
    isLocal <- function(v, w) {
        vname <- as.character(v)
        while (! identical(env, .GlobalEnv)) {
            if (exists(vname, env, inherits = FALSE))
            env <- parent.env(env)
    job <- function(exit) {
        doExit <- function(e, w) exit(fail)
        w <- makeConstantFolder(isLocal = isLocal, exit = doExit)
        walkCode(e, w)
    tryCatch(callCC(job), error = function(e) fail)
isConstantValue <- function(v, w)
    is.null(v) ||
    (is.null(attributes(v)) && is.atomic(v)) ||
    (is.list(v) && (identical(v, .Platform) || identical(v, .Machine)))
isFoldable <- function(v, w)
    ((typeof(v) == "symbol" || typeof(v) == "character") &&
     as.character(v) %in% foldFuns && ! w$isLocal(v, w))

foldFuns <- c("+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "(",
              ">", ">=", "==", "!=", "<", "<=", "||", "&&", "!",
              "|", "&", "%%",
              "sqrt", "log", "exp",
              "c", "as.integer", "vector", "integer","numeric","character",
              "cos", "sin", "tan", "acos", "asin", "atan", "atan2",
              "is.R", "$", "[", "[[")
constNames <- c("pi", "T", "F", ".Platform", ".Machine")

foldLeaf <- function(e, w) {
    if (is.name(e) && as.character(e) %in% constNames && ! w$isLocal(e, w))
        e <- get(as.character(e), envir = .BaseEnv)
    if (! w$isConstant(e)) exitFolder(e, w)
foldCall <- function(e, w) {
    fname <- as.character(e[[1]])
    if (fname == "$") {
        args <- list(walkCode(e[[2]], w), e[[3]])
        foldable <- w$isConstant(args[[1]], w)
    else {
        args <- lapply(e[-1], function(e) walkCode(e, w))
        foldable <- all(sapply(args, w$isConstant, w))
    if (foldable) {
        msg <- try({ v <- do.call(fname, args); NULL }, silent = TRUE)
        if (! is.null(msg)) {
            w$signal(e, msg, w)
            exitFolder(e, w)
        else if (w$isConstant(v, w)) v
        else exitFolder(e, w)
    else exitFolder(e, w)

## Finding local variables

makeLocalsCollector <- function(...,
                                leaf = function (e, w) character(0),
                                handler = getCollectLocalsHandler,
                                isLocal = function(v, w) FALSE,
                                exit = function(e, msg, w) stop0(msg),
                                collect = function(v, e, w) print(v))
    makeCodeWalker(leaf = leaf, handler = handler, collect = collect,
                   isLocal = isLocal, exit = exit)
collectLocals <- function(e, collect) {
    w <- makeLocalsCollector(collect = collect)
    walkCode(e, w)
getCollectLocalsHandler <- function(v, w) {
           "=" =,
           "<-" = collectLocalsAssignHandler,
           "for" = collectLocalsForHandler,
           "function" =,
           "~" = function(e, w) character(0),
           "local" = if (! w$isLocal(v, w))
           ## **** could add handler for bquote() here that looks at the .()'s,
           ## **** ..(), and extra args, but creating locals there is not very
           ## **** sensible, so handle like quote() for now.
           "bquote" =,
           "expression" =,
           "Quote" =,
           "quote" = if (! w$isLocal(v, w))
               function(e, w) character(0),
           "delayedAssign" =,
           "assign" = function(e, w)
               if (length(e) == 3 && is.character(e[[2]]) &&
                   length(e[[2]]) == 1) {
                   w$collect(e[[2]], e, w)
                   walkCode(e[[3]], w)
               else for (a in dropMissings(e[-1])) walkCode(a, w))
dropMissings <- function(x) {
    lx <- as.list(x)
    ix <- rep(TRUE, length(x))
    for (i in seq_along(ix)) {
        a <- lx[[i]]
        if (missing(a)) ix[i] <- FALSE
collectLocalsAssignHandler <- function(e, w) {
    w$collect(getAssignedVar(e), e, w)
    walkCode(e[[2]], w)
    walkCode(e[[3]], w)

collectLocalsForHandler <- function(e, w) {
    signal <- function(msg) w$exit(e, msg, w)
    w$collect(as.character(checkSymOrString(e[[2]], signal)), e, w)
    walkCode(e[[3]], w)
    walkCode(e[[4]], w)

checkSymOrString <- function(e, signal = stop) {
    type <- typeof(e)
    if (type == "symbol" || type == "character") e
    else signal("not a symbol or string")
collectLocalsLocalHandler <- function(e, w) {
    if (length(e) == 2) # no explicit env
    else for (a in dropMissings(e[-1])) walkCode(a, w)
findLocalsList <- function(elist, envir = .BaseEnv) {
    localStopFuns <- c("expression", "quote", "Quote", "local")
    if (is.character(envir))
        locals <- envir
        locals <- localStopFuns[! sapply(localStopFuns,isBaseVar, envir)]
    specialSyntaxFuns <- c("~", "<-", "=", "for", "function")
    sf <- unique(c(locals, localStopFuns))
    nsf <- length(sf)
    collect <- function(v, e, w) assign(v, TRUE, envir = env)
    isLocal <- function(v, w) as.character(v) %in% sf
    w <- makeLocalsCollector(collect = collect, isLocal = isLocal)
    repeat {
        env <- mkHash()
        for (e in elist) walkCode(e, w)
        isloc <- sapply(sf, exists, envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
        last.nsf <- nsf
        sf <- unique(c(locals, sf[isloc]))
        nsf <- length(sf)
        if (last.nsf == nsf) {
            vals <- ls(env, all.names = TRUE)
            rdsf <- vals %in% specialSyntaxFuns
            if (any(rdsf))
                warning0(paste("local assignments to syntactic functions:",

findLocals <- function(e, envir = .BaseEnv)
    findLocalsList(list(e), envir)
findOwnerEnv <- function(v, env, stop = NA, default = NA) {
    while (! identical(env, stop))
        if (exists(v, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))
        else if (is.emptyenv(env))
        else env <- parent.env(env)
isBaseVar <- function (v, env) {
    e <- findOwnerEnv(v, env)
    is.baseenv(e) || identical(e, .BaseNamespaceEnv) || v == "@<-"
findFuncLocals <- function(formals, body)
   findLocalsList(c(list(body), dropMissings(formals)))

## Assignment handling

getAssignedVar <- function(e) {
    v <- e[[2]]
    if (missing(v))
        stop0(paste("bad assignment:", pasteExpr(e)))
    else if (typeof(v) %in% c("symbol", "character"))
    else {
        while (typeof(v) == "language") {
            if (length(v) < 2)
                stop0(paste("bad assignment:", pasteExpr(e)))
            v <- v[[2]]
            if (missing(v))
                stop0(paste("bad assignment:", pasteExpr(e)))
        if (typeof(v) != "symbol")
            stop0(paste("bad assignment:", pasteExpr(e)))

evalseq <- function(e) {
    if (typeof(e) == "language") {
        v <- evalseq(e[[2]])
        e[[2]] <- as.name("*tmp*")
        c(v, list(e))
    else list(e)
apdef <- function(e) {
    v <- NULL
    tmp <- as.name("*tmp*")
    tmpv <- as.name("*tmpv*")
    while (typeof(e) == "language") {
        ef <- e
        ef[[1]] <- makeAssgnFcn(e[[1]])
        if (typeof(ef[[2]]) == "language")
            ef[[2]] <- tmp
        ef$value <- tmpv
        v <- c(v, list(ef))
        e <- e[[2]]
makeAssgnFcn <- function(fun) {
    if (typeof(fun) == "symbol")
        as.name(paste0(as.character(fun), "<-"))
    else {
        if (getRversion() >= "2.13.0" &&
            typeof(fun) == "language" && typeof(fun[[1]]) == "symbol" &&
            as.character(fun[[1]]) %in% c("::", ":::") &&
            length(fun) == 3 && typeof(fun[[3]]) == "symbol") {
            fun[[3]] <- as.name(paste0(as.character(fun[[3]]), "<-"))
                 " is not a valid function in complex assignments")
flattenAssignment <- function(e) {
    if (typeof(e) == "language")
        list(evalseq(e[[2]]), apdef(e))
    else list(NULL, NULL)

## Collecting usage information

makeUsageCollector <- function(fun, ..., name = NULL,
                               enterLocal = doNothing,
                               enterGlobal = doNothing,
                               enterInternal = doNothing,
                               startCollectLocals = doNothing,
                               finishCollectLocals = doNothing,
                               warn = warning0,
                               signal = signalUsageIssue) {
    if (typeof(fun) == "closure")
        env <- environment(fun)
        env <- .GlobalEnv
    makeCodeWalker(..., name = name,
                   enterLocal = enterLocal,
                   enterGlobal = enterGlobal,
                   enterInternal = enterInternal,
                   startCollectLocals = startCollectLocals,
                   finishCollectLocals = finishCollectLocals,
                   warn = warn,
                   signal = signal,
                   leaf = collectUsageLeaf,
                   call = collectUsageCall,
                   handler = getCollectUsageHandler,
                   globalenv = env,
                   env = env,
                   name = NULL,
                   srcfile = NULL,
                   frow = NULL,
                   lrow = NULL,
                   isLocal = collectUsageIsLocal)

collectUsage <- function(fun, name = "<anonymous>", ...) {
    w <- makeUsageCollector(fun, ...)
    collectUsageFun(name, formals(fun), body(fun), w)
collectUsageLeaf  <- function(v, w) {
    if (typeof(v) == "symbol") {
        vn <- as.character(v)
        if (v == "...")
            w$signal("... may be used in an incorrect context", w)
        else if (isDDSym(v)) {
            if (w$isLocal("...", w))
                w$enterLocal("variable", "...", v, w)
                w$signal(paste(v, "may be used in an incorrect context"), w)
        else if (w$isLocal(vn, w))
            w$enterLocal("variable", vn, v, w)
        else if (! vn %in% c("*tmp*", "*tmpv*"))
            w$enterGlobal("variable", vn, v, w)

collectUsageArgs <- function(e, w) {
    for (a in dropMissings(e[-1]))
        if (typeof(a) == "symbol" && a == "...") {
            if (w$isLocal("...", w))
                w$enterLocal("variable", "...", a, w)
                w$signal(paste(a, "may be used in an incorrect context:",
                               pasteExpr(e)), w)
        else walkCode(a, w)

collectUsageCall <- function(e, w) {
    if (typeof(e[[1]]) %in% c("symbol", "character")) {
        fn <- as.character(e[[1]])
        if (w$isLocal(fn, w))
            w$enterLocal("function", fn, e, w)
        else w$enterGlobal("function", fn, e, w)
    else walkCode(e[[1]], w)
    collectUsageArgs(e, w)

collectUsageFun <- function(name, formals, body, w) {
    w$name <- c(w$name, name)
    parnames <- names(formals)
    locals <- findFuncLocals(formals, body)
    w$env <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = w$env)
    for (n in c(parnames, locals))
        assign(n, TRUE, w$env)
    w$startCollectLocals(parnames, locals, w)
    for (a in dropMissings(formals)) walkCode(a, w)
    walkCode(body, w)

signalUsageIssue <- function(m, w) {
    if (!is.null(w$frow) && !is.na(w$frow)) {
        fname <- w$srcfile
        if (w$frow == w$lrow)
            loc <- paste(" (", fname, ":",  w$frow, ")", sep = "")
        else loc <- paste(" (", fname, ":", w$frow, "-", w$lrow, ")", sep = "")
    else loc <- NULL

    w$warn(paste(paste(w$name, collapse = " : "), ": ", m, loc, "\n", sep = ""))

# **** is this the right handling of ..n things?
# **** signal (possible) error if used in wrong context?
# **** also need error for ... when not present
# **** maybe better done in leaf?
collectUsageIsLocal <- function(v, w) {
    if (isDDSym(v)) v <- "..."
    ! is.baseenv(findOwnerEnv(v, w$env, stop = w$globalenv,
                              default = .BaseEnv))

doNothing <- function(...) NULL

## Usage collectors for some standard functions

collectUsageHandlers <- mkHash()

# 'where' is ignored for now
addCollectUsageHandler <- function(v, where, fun)
    assign(v, fun, envir = collectUsageHandlers)

getCollectUsageHandler <- function(v, w)
    if (exists(v, envir = collectUsageHandlers, inherits = FALSE) &&
        (isBaseVar(v, w$env) ||
         isStatsVar(v, w$env) || isUtilsVar(v, w$env) || # **** for now
         v == "Quote" ))  # **** yet another glorious hack!!!
        get(v, envir = collectUsageHandlers)
##**** this is (yet another) temporary hack
isStatsVar <- function(v, env) {
    e <- findOwnerEnv(v, env)
    if (! identical(e, NA) &&
        exists(v, envir = e, inherits = FALSE, mode = "function")) {
        f <- get(v, envir = e, inherits = FALSE, mode = "function")
        identical(environment(f), getNamespace("stats"))
    else FALSE
isUtilsVar <- function(v, env) {
    e <- findOwnerEnv(v, env)
    if (! identical(e, NA) &&
        exists(v, envir = e, inherits = FALSE, mode = "function")) {
        f <- get(v, envir = e, inherits = FALSE, mode = "function")
        identical(environment(f), getNamespace("utils"))
    else FALSE

isSimpleFunDef <- function(e, w)
    typeof(e[[2]]) != "language" && typeof(e[[3]]) == "language" &&
    typeof(e[[3]][[1]]) %in% c("symbol", "character") &&
    e[[3]][[1]] == "function" && isBaseVar("function", w$env)

isClosureFunDef <- function(e, w)
    typeof(e[[2]]) != "language" && typeof(e[[3]]) == "closure"

checkDotsAssignVar <- function(v, w) {
    if (v == "...") {
        w$signal("... may be used in an incorrect context", w)
    else if (isDDSym(v)) {
        w$signal(paste(v, "may be used in an incorrect context"), w)
    else TRUE

#**** proceeds even if "..." or "..1", etc--is that right?
    h <- function(e, w) {
        w$enterGlobal("function", as.character(e[[1]]), e, w)
        v <- getAssignedVar(e)
        checkDotsAssignVar(v, w)
        w$enterLocal("<-", v, e, w)
        if (isSimpleFunDef(e, w))
            collectUsageFun(v, e[[3]][[2]], e[[3]][[3]], w)
        else if (isClosureFunDef(e, w)) { ## to handle inlined S4 methods
            fun <- e[[3]]
            w$globalenv <- environment(fun)
            w$env = environment(fun)
            collectUsageFun(v, formals(fun), body(fun), w)
        else {
            if (typeof(e[[2]]) == "language") {
                fa <- flattenAssignment(e[[2]])
                for (a in fa)
                    for (b in a) walkCode(b, w)
            walkCode(e[[3]], w)
    addCollectUsageHandler("<-", "base", h)
    addCollectUsageHandler("=", "base", h)

#**** would be better to use match.call in most of these
#**** proceeds even if "..." or "..1", etc--is that right?
addCollectUsageHandler("<<-", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "<<-", e, w)
    v <- getAssignedVar(e)
    checkDotsAssignVar(v, w)
    if (w$isLocal(v, w))
        w$enterLocal("<<-", v, e, w)
    else w$enterGlobal("<<-", v, e, w)
    if (typeof(e[[2]]) == "language") {
        fa <- flattenAssignment(e[[2]])
        for (a in fa)
            for (b in a) walkCode(b, w)
    walkCode(e[[3]], w)

addCollectUsageHandler("for", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "for", e, w)
    v <- as.character(e[[2]])
    w$enterLocal("for", v, e, w)
    walkCode(e[[3]], w)
    walkCode(e[[4]], w)

addCollectUsageHandler("{", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "{", e, w)
    w$srcfile <- attr(e, "srcfile")$filename
    if (length(e)>1){
        for ( i in 2 : length(e)){      
            if ( !is.null(attr(e, "srcref")[[i]])){
                w$frow <- attr(e, "srcref")[[i]][[1]]
                w$lrow <- attr(e, "srcref")[[i]][[3]]
            walkCode(e[[i]], w)

#**** is this the right way to handle :: and ::: ??
#**** maybe record package/name space?
    h <- function(e, w)
        w$enterGlobal("function", as.character(e[[1]]), e, w)
    addCollectUsageHandler("~", "base", h)
    addCollectUsageHandler("quote", "base", h)
    addCollectUsageHandler("Quote", "methods", h)
    addCollectUsageHandler("expression", "base", h)
    addCollectUsageHandler("::", "base", h)
    addCollectUsageHandler(":::", "base", h)

#**** add counter to anonymous functions to distinguish??
addCollectUsageHandler("function", "base", function(e, w)
    collectUsageFun("<anonymous>", e[[2]], e[[3]], w))

addCollectUsageHandler("local", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "local", e, w)
    if (length(e) == 2)
        collectUsageFun("<local>", NULL, e[[2]], w)
    else collectUsageArgs(e, w)

addCollectUsageHandler("assign", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "assign", e, w)
    if (length(e) == 3 && is.character(e[[2]]) && length(e[[2]]) == 1) {
        w$enterLocal("<-", e[[2]], e, w)
        walkCode(e[[3]], w)
    else collectUsageArgs(e, w)

addCollectUsageHandler("with", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "with", e, w)
    if (identical(w$skipWith, TRUE))
        walkCode(e[[2]], w)
    else collectUsageArgs(e, w)

    h <- function(e, w) {
        w$enterGlobal("function", as.character(e[[1]]), e, w)
        walkCode(e[[2]], w)
    addCollectUsageHandler("$", "base", h)
    addCollectUsageHandler("@", "base", h)

    h <- function(e, w) {
        w$enterGlobal("function", as.character(e[[1]]), e, w)
        walkCode(e[[2]], w)
        walkCode(e[[4]], w)
    addCollectUsageHandler("$<-", "base", h)
    addCollectUsageHandler("@<-", "base", h)

addCollectUsageHandler(".Internal", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", ".Internal", e, w)
    if (length(e) != 2)
        w$signal(paste("wrong number of arguments to '.Internal':",
                       pasteExpr(e)), w)
    else if (typeof(e[[2]]) == "language") {
        w$enterInternal(e[[2]][[1]], e[[2]], w)
        collectUsageArgs(e[[2]], w)
    else w$signal(paste("bad argument to '.Internal':", pasteExpr(e[[2]])), w)

addCollectUsageHandler("substitute", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "substitute", e, w)
    if (length(e) > 3)
        w$signal("wrong number of arguments to 'substitute'", w)
    if (length(e) == 3) {
        a <- e[[3]]
        if (! missing(a)) walkCode(a, w)

addCollectUsageHandler("bquote", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "bquote", e, w)
    if (! anyDots(e)) {
        e <- tryCatch(match.call(base::bquote, e), error = function(e) NULL)
        if (! is.null(e) && length(e) >= 2) {
            ## check .() and ..() arguments in -expr`, but only if
            ## 'where' is not supplied
            if (! "where" %in% names(e)) {
                bqchk <- function(e) {
                    if (is.call(e)) {
                        ## really should only allow for ..() is 'splice =
                        ## TRUE' is given, but that is awkward to check
                        if (is.name(e[[1L]]) && length(e) == 2 &&
                            as.character(e[[1]]) %in% c(".", ".."))
                            walkCode(e[[2]], w)
                        else lapply(e, bqchk)

            ## check usage in any additional arguments
            for (a in as.list(e)[-(1 : 2)])
                walkCode(a, w)
addCollectUsageHandler("library", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "library", e, w)
    if (length(e) > 2)
        for(a in dropMissings(e[-(1:2)])) walkCode(a, w)
addCollectUsageHandler("require", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "require", e, w)
    if (length(e) > 2)
        for(a in dropMissings(e[-(1:2)])) walkCode(a, w)
addCollectUsageHandler("data", "utils", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "data", e, w)
mkLinkHandler <- function(family, okLinks) {
    function(e, w) {
        w$enterGlobal("function", family, e, w)
        if (length(e) >= 2) {
            if (is.character(e[[2]])) {
                if (! (e[[2]] %in% okLinks))
                    w$signal(paste("link", sQuote(e[[2]]), "not available for",
                                   sQuote(family)), w)
            else if (! is.name(e[[2]]) || ! as.character(e[[2]]) %in% okLinks)
                walkCode(e[[2]], w)
addCollectUsageHandler("detach", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "detach", e, w)
    if (length(e) > 2)
        for(a in dropMissings(e[-(1:2)])) walkCode(a, w)
addCollectUsageHandler("binomial", "stats",
                                     c("logit", "probit", "cloglog",
                                       "cauchit", "log")))
addCollectUsageHandler("gaussian", "stats",
                                     c("inverse", "log", "identity")))
addCollectUsageHandler("Gamma", "stats",
                                     c("inverse", "log", "identity")))
addCollectUsageHandler("poisson", "stats",
                                     c("log", "identity", "sqrt")))
addCollectUsageHandler("quasibinomial", "stats",
                                     c("logit", "probit", "cloglog",
                                       "cauchit", "log")))
addCollectUsageHandler("quasipoisson", "stats",
                                     c("log", "identity", "sqrt")))
addCollectUsageHandler("quasi", "stats", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "quasi", e, w)
    # **** don't look at arguments for now.  Need to use match.call
    # **** to get this right and trap errors. Later ...

addCollectUsageHandler("if", "base", function(e, w) {
    w$enterGlobal("function", "if", e, w)
    test <- constantFoldEnv(e[[2]], w$env)
    if (is.logical(test) && length(test) == 1 && ! is.na(test)) {
        walkCode(e[[2]], w)
        if (test) walkCode(e[[3]], w)
        else if (length(e) > 3) walkCode(e[[4]], w)
    else collectUsageArgs(e, w)

## Finding global variables

findGlobals <- function(fun, merge = TRUE) {
    vars <- mkHash()
    funs <- mkHash()
    enter  <- function(type, v, e, w)
        if (type == "function")
            assign(v, TRUE, funs)
        else assign(v, TRUE, vars)
    collectUsage(fun, enterGlobal = enter)
    fnames <- ls(funs, all.names = TRUE)
    vnames <- ls(vars, all.names = TRUE)
    if (merge)
        sort(unique(c(vnames, fnames)))
    else list(functions = fnames, variables = vnames)

## Checking function and variable usage

checkUsageStartLocals <- function(parnames, locals, w) {
    env <- w$env
    nplocals <- locals[! locals %in% parnames]
    attr(env, "checkUsageFrame") <- env # for sanity check
    mkentry <- function(parameter) {
        entry <- mkHash()
        assign("parameter", parameter, envir = entry)
        assign("assigns", 0, envir = entry)
        assign("varuses", 0, envir = entry)
        assign("funuses", 0, envir = entry)
        assign("funforms", NULL, envir = entry)
        assign("loopvars", 0, envir = entry)
        assign("srcinfo", NULL, envir = entry)
    for (v in parnames) assign(v, mkentry(TRUE), envir = env)
    for (v in nplocals) assign(v, mkentry(FALSE), envir = env)

getLocalUsageEntry <- function(vn, w) {
    env <- findOwnerEnv(vn, w$env, stop = w$globalenv, default = .BaseEnv)
    if (is.baseenv(env)) stop("no local variable entry")
    if (! identical(env, attr(env, "checkUsageFrame")))
        stop("sanity check on local usage frame failed")
    entry <- get(vn, envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
    if (! is.environment(entry)) stop("bad local variable entry")

getLocalUsageValue <- function(vn, which, w)
    get(which, getLocalUsageEntry(vn, w), inherits = FALSE)

setLocalUsageValue <- function(vn, which, value, w)
    assign(which, value, envir = getLocalUsageEntry(vn, w))

incLocalUsageValue <- function(vn, which, w) {
    entry <- getLocalUsageEntry(vn, w)
    value <- get(which, entry, inherits = FALSE)
    assign(which, value + 1, entry)

incLocalSrcInfo <- function(vn, w) {
    entry <- getLocalUsageEntry(vn, w)
    value <- get("srcinfo", entry, inherits = FALSE)
    new <- list(srcfile = if (is.null(w$srcfile)) NA_character_ else w$srcfile,
                frow = if (is.null(w$frow)) NA_integer_ else w$frow,
                lrow = if (is.null(w$lrow)) NA_integer_ else w$lrow)
    new <- as.data.frame(new, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if (is.null(value))
        value <- new
        value <- rbind(value, new)
    assign("srcinfo", value, entry)

addLocalFunDef <- function(vn, e, w) {
    entry <- getLocalUsageEntry(vn, w)
    value <- get("funforms", entry, inherits = FALSE)
    assign("funforms", c(value, list(e[[3]][[2]])), entry)

checkUsageEnterLocal <- function(type, n, e, w) {
    if (type %in% c("<-", "<<-") && isSimpleFunDef(e, w))
        type <- "fundef"
        "<-" =,
        "<<-" = incLocalUsageValue(n, "assigns", w),
        "variable" = incLocalUsageValue(n, "varuses", w),
        "function" = incLocalUsageValue(n, "funuses", w),
        "for" = incLocalUsageValue(n, "loopvars", w),
        "fundef" = addLocalFunDef(n, e, w))

suppressVar <- function(n, suppress) {
    if (is.logical(suppress)) {
        if (suppress) TRUE else FALSE
    else n %in% suppress

#**** need test code
#**** merge warnings?
checkUsageFinishLocals <- function(w) {
    vars <- ls(w$env, all.names = TRUE)
    for (v in vars) {
        if (! suppressVar(v, w$suppressLocal)) {
            parameter <- getLocalUsageValue(v, "parameter", w)
            assigns <- getLocalUsageValue(v, "assigns", w)
            varuses <- getLocalUsageValue(v, "varuses", w)
            funuses <- getLocalUsageValue(v, "funuses", w)
            loopvars <- getLocalUsageValue(v, "loopvars", w)
            funforms <- getLocalUsageValue(v, "funforms", w)
            uses <- max(varuses, funuses, loopvars)

            srcinfo <- getLocalUsageValue(v, "srcinfo", w)
            w$srcfile <- srcinfo[1,"srcfile"]
            w$frow <- srcinfo[1,"frow"]
            w$lrow <- srcinfo[1,"lrow"]

            if (parameter) {
                if (! suppressVar(v, w$suppressParamAssigns) && assigns > 0)
                    w$signal(paste("parameter", sQuote(v),
                                   "changed by assignment"), w)
                else if (! suppressVar(v, w$suppressParamUnused) &&
                         uses == 0 && v != "...")
                    w$signal(paste("parameter", sQuote(v), "may not be used"),
            else {
                if (uses == 0) {
                    if (! suppressVar(v, w$suppressLocalUnused))
                        w$signal(paste("local variable", sQuote(v),
                                       "assigned but may not be used"), w)
                else if (funuses > 0 && is.null(funforms)) {
                    if (! suppressVar(v, w$suppressNoLocalFun))
                        w$signal(paste("local variable", sQuote(v),
                                       "used as function with no apparent",
                                       "local function definition"), w)
            if (! suppressVar(v, w$suppressFundefMismatch) &&
                length(funforms) > 1) {
                first <- funforms[[1]]
                nfirst <- names(first)
                for (d in funforms[-1])
                    if (! identical(first, d) ||
                        ! identical(nfirst, names(d))) {
                        w$signal(paste("multiple local function",
                                       "definitions for", sQuote(v),
                                       "with different formal arguments"), w)

#**** warn if non-function used as variable (most likely get false positives)
#**** merge warnings?
checkUsageEnterGlobal <- function(type, n, e, w) {
    if (type == "function") {
        if (exists(n, envir = w$globalenv, mode = "function")) {
            # **** better call check here
            def <- get(n, envir = w$globalenv, mode = "function")
            if (typeof(def) == "closure")
                checkCall(def, e, function(m) w$signal(m, w))
            else {
                isBuiltin <- typeof(def) == "builtin"
                checkPrimopCall(n, e, isBuiltin, function(m) w$signal(m, w))
        else if (! suppressVar(n, w$suppressUndefined))
            w$signal(paste("no visible global function definition for",
                           sQuote(n)), w)
    else if (type == "variable") {
        if (! exists(n, w$globalenv) && ! suppressVar(n, w$suppressUndefined))
            w$signal(paste("no visible binding for global variable",
                           sQuote(n)), w)
    else if (type == "<<-") {
        if (! exists(n, w$globalenv))
            w$signal(paste("no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to",
                           sQuote(n)), w)

dfltSuppressUndefined <- c(".Generic", ".Method", ".Class",
    ".split.valid.screens", ".split.cur.screen", ".split.saved.pars",
    ".split.screens", ".split.par.list", "last.dump")

#**** merge undefined variable warnings per top level function (at least)
#**** allow complete suppress or by name for all??
checkUsage <- function(fun, name = "<anonymous>",
                       report = cat,
                       all = FALSE,
                       suppressLocal = FALSE,
                       suppressParamAssigns = ! all,
                       suppressParamUnused = !all,
                       suppressFundefMismatch = FALSE,
                       suppressLocalUnused = FALSE,
                       suppressNoLocalFun = ! all,
                       skipWith = FALSE,
                       suppressUndefined = dfltSuppressUndefined,
                       suppressPartialMatchArgs = TRUE) {
    if (is.null(getOption("warnPartialMatchArgs")))
        options(warnPartialMatchArgs = FALSE)
    if (! suppressPartialMatchArgs) {
        oldOpts <- options(warnPartialMatchArgs = TRUE)
    tryCatch(collectUsage(fun, name = name,
                          warn = report,
                          suppressLocal = suppressLocal,
                          suppressParamAssigns = suppressParamAssigns,
                          suppressParamUnused = suppressParamUnused,
                          suppressFundefMismatch = suppressFundefMismatch,
                          suppressLocalUnused = suppressLocalUnused,
                          suppressNoLocalFun = suppressNoLocalFun,
                          skipWith = skipWith,
                          enterGlobal = checkUsageEnterGlobal,
                          enterLocal = checkUsageEnterLocal,
                          startCollectLocals = checkUsageStartLocals,
                          finishCollectLocals = checkUsageFinishLocals,
                          suppressUndefined = suppressUndefined,
                          suppressPartialMatchArgs = suppressPartialMatchArgs),
             error = function(e) {
                         report(paste0(name, ": Error while checking: ",
                                       conditionMessage(e), "\n"))

checkUsageEnv <- function(env, ...) {
    for (n in ls(env, all.names=TRUE)) {
        v <- get(n, envir = env)
        if (typeof(v)=="closure")
            checkUsage(v, name = n, ...)
checkUsagePackage <- function(pack, ...) {
    pname <- paste("package", pack, sep = ":")
    if (! pname %in% search())
        stop("package must be loaded")
    if (pack %in% loadedNamespaces())
        checkUsageEnv(getNamespace(pack), ...)
    else checkUsageEnv(as.environment(pname), ...)
#++++ check against internal arg count?

primopArgCounts <- mkHash()

anyMissing <- function(args) {
    for (i in 1:length(args)) {
        a <-args[[i]]
        if (missing(a)) return(TRUE) #**** better test?

noMissingAllowed <- c("c")

checkPrimopCall <- function(fn, e, isBuiltin, signal = warning0) {
    if (anyMissing(e[-1])) {
        if (isBuiltin || fn %in% noMissingAllowed)
            signal(paste("missing arguments not allowed in calls to",
    if (exists(".GenericArgsEnv") && exists(fn, get(".GenericArgsEnv"))) {
        def <- get(fn, envir = get(".GenericArgsEnv"))
        checkCall(def, e, signal)
    else if (exists(".ArgsEnv") && exists(fn, get(".ArgsEnv"))) {
        def <- get(fn, envir = get(".ArgsEnv"))
        checkCall(def, e, signal)
    else if (exists(fn, envir = primopArgCounts, inherits = FALSE)) {
        argc <- get(fn, envir = primopArgCounts)
        if (! any(argc == (length(e) - 1))) {
            signal(paste("wrong number of arguments to", sQuote(fn)))
        else TRUE
    else TRUE

    zeroArgPrims <- c("break", "browser", "gc.time", "globalenv",
                      "interactive", "nargs", "next", "proc.time")
    for (fn in zeroArgPrims) assign(fn, 0, envir = primopArgCounts)

    zeroOrOneArgPrims <- c("invisible")
    for (fn in zeroOrOneArgPrims) assign(fn, 0:1, envir = primopArgCounts)

    oneArgPrims <- c("!", "(", "abs", "sqrt", "cos", "sin", "tan", "acos",
                     "asin", "atan", "Re", "Im", "Mod", "Arg", "Conj",
                     "cosh", "sinh", "tanh", "acosh", "asinh", "atanh",
                     "sign", "length", "repeat", ".Primitive",
                     "class", "oldClass", "standardGeneric", "unclass",
                     "ceiling", "floor", "trunc",
                     "is.array", "is.atomic", "is.call", "is.character",
                     "is.complex", "is.double",
                     "is.environment", "is.expression", "is.finite",
                     "is.function", "is.infinite", "is.integer",
                     "is.language", "is.list", "is.loaded", "is.logical",
                     "is.matrix", "is.na", "is.name", "is.nan", "is.null",
                     "is.numeric", "is.object", "is.pairlist", "is.real",
                     "is.recursive", "is.single", "is.symbol",
                     "debug", "undebug", "as.character", "as.call",
                     "as.environment", "attributes", "cumsum", "cumprod",
                     "cummax", "cummin", "dim", "dimnames", "exp", "missing",
                     "pos.to.env", ".primTrace", ".primUntrace",
                     "symbol.C", "symbol.For")
    for (fn in oneArgPrims) assign(fn, 1, envir = primopArgCounts)

    oneOrTwoArgPrims <- c("+", "-")
    for (fn in oneOrTwoArgPrims) assign(fn, 1:2, envir = primopArgCounts)

    twoArgPrims <- c("*", "/", "%%", "^", "<", "<=", "==", ">", ">=",
                     "|", "||", ":", "!=", "&", "&&", "%/%", "%*%",
                     "while", "attr", "attributes<-", "class<-",
                     "oldClass<-", "dim<-", "dimnames<-", "environment<-",
                     "length<-", "reg.finalizer")
    for (fn in twoArgPrims) assign(fn, 2, envir = primopArgCounts)

    assign("on.exit", 0:2, primopArgCounts)

matchName <- function(name, list)
    if (match(as.character(name), list, 0)) TRUE else FALSE

findVar <- function(e, env) matchName(e, env)

      matchCall <- function(def, call, ...) {
    ## the ... machinations are needed to prevent match.call from signaling
    ## an error when the call contains a ... argument, and to work with
    ## versions of match.call that do or do not have the envir argument
    ## added for R 3.2.0
    fun <- function(...) 
        match.call(def, call, FALSE)

checkCall <- function(def, call, signal = warning0) {
    testMatch <- function() 
        ## withCallingHandlers is used to capture partial argument
        ## matching warnings if enabled.
        withCallingHandlers(matchCall(def, call),
            warning = function(w) {
                msg <- conditionMessage(w)
                signal(paste("warning in ",
                             deparse(call, width.cutoff = 500),
                             ": ", msg, sep=""))
    msg <- tryCatch({testMatch(); NULL},
                    error = function(e) conditionMessage(e))
    if (! is.null(msg)) {
        emsg <- paste("possible error in ", deparse(call, width.cutoff = 500),
                      ": ", msg, sep="")
        if (! is.null(signal)) signal(emsg)
    else TRUE

## Various utilities

warning0 <- function(msg) warning(msg, call.=FALSE)
stop0 <- function(msg) stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
pasteExpr <- function(e, prefix = "\n    ") {
    de <- deparse(e)
    if (length(de) == 1) sQuote(de)
    else paste(prefix, deparse(e), collapse="")
dotsOrMissing <- function(args) {
    for (i in 1:length(args)) {
        a <-args[[i]]
        if (missing(a)) return(TRUE) #**** better test?
        if (typeof(a) == "symbol" && a == "...") return(TRUE)

anyDots <- function(args) {
    for (i in 1:length(args)) {
        a <-args[[i]]
        if (! missing(a) && typeof(a) == "symbol" && a == "...")

isDDSym <- function(name) {
    (is.symbol(name) || is.character(name)) &&
    length(grep("^\\.\\.[[:digit:]]+$", as.character(name))) != 0

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