# Cuniqlengths <- data.table:::Cuniqlengths
# Cfrank <- data.table:::Cfrank
# forderv <- data.table:::forderv
radixorder <- function(..., na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE, starts = FALSE, group.sizes = FALSE, sort = TRUE) {
z <- pairlist(...)
decreasing <- rep_len(as.logical(decreasing), length(z))
.Call(C_radixsort, na.last, decreasing, starts, group.sizes, sort, z)
radixorderv <- function(x, na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE, starts = FALSE, group.sizes = FALSE, sort = TRUE) {
z <- if(is.atomic(x)) pairlist(x) else as.pairlist(unclass(x))
decreasing <- rep_len(as.logical(decreasing), length(z))
.Call(C_radixsort, na.last, decreasing, starts, group.sizes, sort, z)
switchGRP <- function(x, na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE, starts = FALSE,
group.sizes = FALSE, sort = TRUE, = FALSE) {
if( return(.Call(C_group, x, starts, group.sizes))
z <- if(is.atomic(x)) pairlist(x) else as.pairlist(unclass(x))
decreasing <- rep_len(as.logical(decreasing), length(z))
.Call(C_radixsort, na.last, decreasing, starts, group.sizes, sort, z)
group <- function(x, starts = FALSE, group.sizes = FALSE) {
g <- .Call(C_group, x, starts, group.sizes)
oldClass(g) <- c("qG", "na.included")
gsplit <- function(x = NULL, g, use.g.names = FALSE, ...) {
if(!(is.list(g) && inherits(g, "GRP"))) g <- GRP(g, return.groups = use.g.names, call = FALSE, ...)
res <- if(is.null(x)) .Call(C_gsplit, 1L, g, TRUE) else if(length(unclass(x)) == length(g[[2L]]))
.Call(C_gsplit, x, g, FALSE) else if(is.object(x))
lapply(.Call(C_gsplit, 1L, g, TRUE), function(i) x[i]) else
stop("length(x) must match length(g)")
if(use.g.names) names(res) <- GRPnames(g, FALSE)
greorder <- function(x, g, ...) {
if(!(is.list(g) && inherits(g, "GRP"))) g <- GRP(g, return.groups = FALSE, call = FALSE, ...)
.Call(C_greorder, x, g)
G_guo <- function(g) {
if(is.atomic(g)) {
if(inherits(g, c("factor", "qG"))) {
if(inherits(g, "na.included") || !anyNA(unclass(g)))
return(list(if(is.factor(g)) fnlevels(g) else attr(g, "N.groups"), unattrib(g), NULL))
if(is.factor(g)) {
ng <- if(anyNA(lev <- attr(g, "levels"))) length(lev) else length(lev) + 1L
} else ng <- attr(g, "N.groups") + 1L
return(list(ng, copyv(unattrib(g), NA_integer_, ng), NULL))
g <- .Call(C_group, g, FALSE, FALSE)
return(list(attr(g,"N.groups"), g, NULL))
if(inherits(g, "GRP")) return(g)
g <- .Call(C_group, g, FALSE, FALSE)
return(list(attr(g,"N.groups"), g, NULL))
G_t <- function(x) {
if(is.null(x)) return(x)
# If integer time variable contains NA, does not break C++ code..
if(is.atomic(x)) {
if(is.object(x)) {
if(inherits(x, c("factor", "qG"))) return(x)
if(is.numeric(unclass(x))) return(timeid(x, factor = FALSE))
} else if(is.numeric(x)) {
# if(is.double(x)) message("Time variable is of type double, but not a date/time object. It is therefore coerced to integer and assumed to represent unitary timesteps. If this is not desired pass timeid(t). To silence this message pass as.integer(t).")
return(qG(x, na.exclude = FALSE, sort = TRUE, method = "hash")) # make sure it is sorted !
# if(is_GRP(x)) return(x[[2L]]) # Not necessary because GRP.default also returns it..
return(GRP.default(x, return.groups = FALSE, return.order = FALSE, sort = TRUE, call = FALSE)[[2L]])
GRP <- function(X, ...) UseMethod("GRP") # , X
# Added... could also do in GRP.default... but this is better, no etc... takes 4 microseconds. could do both ?? think about possible applications...
GRP.GRP <- function(X, ...) X
GRP.default <- function(X, by = NULL, sort = .op[["sort"]], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE,
return.groups = TRUE, return.order = sort, method = "auto",
call = TRUE, ...) { <- switch(method, auto = !sort, hash = TRUE, radix = FALSE, stop("method needs to be 'auto', 'hash' or 'radix'."))
if( stop("here na.last needs to be TRUE or FALSE, otherwise the GRP object does not match the data dimensions.")
if(is.list(X)) {
if(inherits(X, "GRP")) return(X)
if(is.null(by)) {
by <- seq_along(unclass(X))
namby <- attr(X, "names")
if(is.null(namby)) attr(X, "names") <- namby <- paste0("Group.", by)
o <- switchGRP(X, na.last, decreasing, return.groups || !, TRUE, sort,
} else {
if( {
namby <- all.vars(by, unique = FALSE)
by <- ckmatch(namby, attr(X, "names"))
} else if(is.character(by)) {
namby <- by
by <- ckmatch(by, attr(X, "names"))
} else {
by <- if(is.numeric(by)) as.integer(by) else if(is.logical(by)) which(by) else if(is.function(by)) which(vapply(unattrib(X), by, TRUE)) else
stop("by needs to be either a one-sided formula, character column names, column indices, a logical vector or selector function!")
namby <- attr(X, "names")[by]
if(is.null(namby)) {
namby <- paste0("Group.", seq_along(by))
attr(X, "names") <- paste0("Group.", seq_along(unclass(X))) # best ?
o <- switchGRP(.subset(X, by), na.last, decreasing, return.groups || !, TRUE, sort,
} else {
if(length(by)) stop("by can only be used to subset list / data.frame columns")
namby <- l1orlst(as.character(substitute(X))) # paste(all.vars(call), collapse = ".") # good in all circumstances ?
o <- switchGRP(X, na.last, decreasing, return.groups || !, TRUE, sort,
st <- attr(o, "starts")
gs <- attr(o, "group.sizes")
sorted <- if( NA else attr(o, "sorted")
if(return.order && ! ao <- attributes(o)[-2L]
attributes(o) <- NULL
if(return.groups) {
# if unit groups, don't subset rows...
if(length(gs) == length(o) && ( || sorted)) {
ust <- st
groups <- if(is.list(X)) .Call(C_subsetCols, X, by, FALSE) else `names<-`(list(X), namby)
} else {
ust <- if( || sorted) st else if(length(gs) == length(o)) o else .Call(C_subsetVector, o, st, FALSE) # o[st]
groups <- if(is.list(X)) .Call(C_subsetDT, X, ust, by, FALSE) else
`names<-`(list(.Call(C_subsetVector, X, ust, FALSE)), namby) # subsetVector preserves attributes (such as "label")
} else {
groups <- NULL
ust <- NULL
return(`oldClass<-`(list(N.groups = length(gs), = if( o else .Call(C_frankds, o, st, gs, sorted),
group.sizes = gs,
groups = groups,
group.vars = namby,
ordered = c(ordered = sort, sorted = sorted),
order = if(return.order && ! `attributes<-`(o, ao) else NULL, # `attributes<-`(o, attributes(o)[-2L]) This does a shallow copy on newer R versions # `attr<-`(o, "group.sizes", NULL): This deep-copies it..
group.starts = ust, # Does not need to be computed by group()
call = if(call) else NULL), "GRP"))
is_GRP <- function(x) inherits(x, "GRP")
is.GRP <- function(x) {
.Deprecated(msg = "'is.GRP' was renamed to 'is_GRP'. It will be removed end of 2023, see help('collapse-renamed').")
inherits(x, "GRP")
length.GRP <- function(x) length(x[[2L]])
GRPnames <- function(x, force.char = TRUE, sep = ".") { # , ...
groups <- x[[4L]]
if(is.null(groups)) return(NULL)
if(length(unclass(groups)) > 1L) return(, c(groups, list(sep = sep))))
if(force.char) tochar(.subset2(groups, 1L)) else .subset2(groups, 1L) # paste0(groups[[1L]]) prints "NA" but is slow, if assign with rownames<-, cannot have duplicate row names. But, attr<- "row.names" is fine !!
GRPid <- function(x, sort = FALSE, ...) {
if(!missing(...) && any(names(dots <- list(...)) == "g")) {
g <- dots$g
if(!inherits(g, "GRP")) stop("g must be a 'GRP' object")
res <- g$
if(!missing(x) && is.list(x)) return(lapply(x, function(y) res))
return(GRP(x, sort = sort, return.groups = FALSE, return.order = FALSE, call = FALSE, ...)$
GRPN <- function(x, expand = TRUE, ...) {
if(!missing(...) && any(names(dots <- list(...)) == "g")) {
g <- dots$g
if(!inherits(g, "GRP")) stop("g must be a 'GRP' object")
res <- if(any(names(dots) == "TRA")) .Call(C_subsetVector, g$group.sizes, g$, FALSE) else g$group.sizes
if(!missing(x) && is.list(x)) return(lapply(x, function(y) res))
g <- GRP(x, sort = FALSE, return.groups = FALSE, return.order = FALSE, call = FALSE, ...)
if(expand) .Call(C_subsetVector, g$group.sizes, g$, FALSE) else g$group.sizes
# dplyr-style n(): only for masking if collapse_mask = "all"
n_internal <- function(x, g, TRA, ...) {
if(missing(g)) {
if(missing(x)) stop("if data is not grouped need to call n() on a column")
return(if(is.list(x)) fnrow(x) else length(x))
if(!inherits(g, "GRP")) stop("g must be a 'GRP' object")
if(missing(TRA)) return(g$group.sizes)
.Call(C_subsetVector, g$group.sizes, g$, FALSE)
# group_names.GRP <- function(x, force.char = TRUE) {
# .Deprecated("GRPnames")
# GRPnames(x, force.char)
# }
print.GRP <- function(x, n = 6, ...) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
ord <- x[[6L]]
cat(paste0("collapse grouping object of length ", length(x[[2L]]), " with ",
x[[1L]], if(isTRUE(any(ord))) " ordered" else if(anyNA(ord)) "" else " unordered", " groups"), fill = TRUE)
cat("\nCall: ", paste0(deparse(x[["call"]]), if([2L])) "" else if(ord[2L]) ", X is sorted" else ", X is unsorted"), "\n\n", sep = "")
cat("Distribution of group sizes: ", fill = TRUE)
print.summaryDefault(summary.default(x[[3L]]), ...)
if(!is.null(x[[4L]])) {
ug <- unattrib(x[[4L]])
cat("\nGroups with sizes: ", fill = TRUE)
if(length(ug) == 1L) {
ug <- ug[[1L]]
if(length(ug) > 2L*n) {
ind <-[[1L]]-n+1L, x[[1L]])
print.default(setNames(x[[3L]][1:n], ug[1:n]), ...)
cat(" ---", fill = TRUE)
print.default(setNames(x[[3L]][ind], ug[ind]), ...)
} else print.default(setNames(x[[3L]], ug), ...)
} else {
if(length(ug[[1L]]) > 2L*n) {
ind <-[[1L]]-n+1L, x[[1L]])
print.default(setNames(x[[3L]][1:n],, c(lapply(ug, function(x) x[1:n]), list(sep = ".")))), ...)
cat(" ---", fill = TRUE)
print.default(setNames(x[[3L]][ind],, c(lapply(ug, function(x) x[ind]), list(sep = ".")))), ...)
} else print.default(setNames(x[[3L]],, c(ug, list(sep = ".")))), ...)
plot.GRP <- function(x, breaks = "auto", type = "l", horizontal = FALSE, ...) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
if(x[[1L]] <= 1e4) {
oldpar <- par(mfrow = if(horizontal) 1:2 else 2:1,
mar = c(3.9,4.1,2.1,1), mgp = c(2.5,1,0))
if(breaks == "auto") {
ugs <- fndistinct.default(x[[3L]])
breaks <- if(ugs > 80) 80 else ugs
if(x[[1L]] <= 1e4) plot(seq_len(x[[1L]]), x[[3L]], type = type, xlab = "Group id", ylab = "Group Size",
xlim = c(1L, x[[1L]]), ylim = c(0L, bmax(x[[3L]])),
main = paste0("Sizes of ", x[[1L]], if(isTRUE(any(x[[6L]]))) " Ordered" else if(anyNA(x[[6L]])) "" else " Unordered", " Groups"), frame.plot = FALSE, ...)
# grid()
if(breaks == 1L) plot(x[[3L]][1L], x[[1L]], type = "h", ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Group Size",
main = "Histogram of Group Sizes", frame.plot = FALSE, ...) else
hist(x[[3L]], breaks, xlab = "Group Size",
main = paste0("Histogram of Group Sizes", if(x[[1L]] > 1e4) paste0(" (N = ", x[[1L]], ")") else ""), ...)
as_factor_GRP <- function(x, ordered = FALSE, sep = ".") { # , ...
# if(is.factor(x)) return(x)
# if(!is_GRP(x)) stop("x must be a 'GRP' object")
f <- x[[2L]]
gr <- unclass(x[[4L]])
if(is.null(gr)) {
attr(f, "levels") <- as.character(seq_len(x[[1L]]))
} else {
if(length(gr) == 1L) {
attr(f, "levels") <- tochar(gr[[1L]]) # or formatC ?
} else {
attr(f, "levels") <-, c(gr, list(sep = sep)))
oldClass(f) <- if(ordered) c("ordered","factor","na.included") else c("factor","na.included") # previously if any(x[[6L]])
as.factor_GRP <- function(x, ordered = FALSE) {
.Deprecated(msg = "'as.factor_GRP' was renamed to 'as_factor_GRP'. It will be removed end of 2023, see help('collapse-renamed').")
as_factor_GRP(x, ordered)
finteraction <- function(..., factor = TRUE, ordered = FALSE, sort = factor && .op[["sort"]], method = "auto", sep = ".") { # does it drop levels ? -> Yes !
X <- if(...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) ..1 else list(...)
if(factor) return(as_factor_GRP(GRP.default(X, sort = sort, return.order = FALSE, method = method, call = FALSE), ordered, sep))
if(sort || method == "radix") {
g <- GRP.default(X, sort = sort, return.groups = FALSE, return.order = FALSE, method = method, call = FALSE)
res <- g[[2L]]
attr(res, "N.groups") <- g[[1L]]
} else res <- .Call(C_group, X, FALSE, FALSE)
oldClass(res) <- c(if(ordered) "ordered", "qG", "na.included")
itn <- function(...) finteraction(...)
GRP.qG <- function(X, ..., group.sizes = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
gvars <- l1orlst(as.character(substitute(X))) # paste(all.vars(call), collapse = ".") # good in all circumstances ?
ng <- attr(X, "N.groups")
grl <- return.groups && length(groups <- attr(X, "groups"))
if(!inherits(X, "na.included")) if(anyNA(unclass(X))) {
ng <- ng + 1L
X <- .Call(C_setcopyv, X, NA, ng, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) # X[] <- ng
if(grl) groups <- c(groups, NA)
st <- attr(X, "starts")
ordered <- is.ordered(X)
attributes(X) <- NULL
return(`oldClass<-`(list(N.groups = ng, = X,
group.sizes = if(group.sizes) .Call(C_fwtabulate, X, NULL, ng, FALSE) else NULL, # tabulate(X, ng) # .Internal(tabulate(X, ng))
groups = if(grl) `names<-`(list(groups), gvars) else NULL,
group.vars = gvars,
ordered = c(ordered = if(ordered) TRUE else NA, sorted = issorted(X)),
order = NULL, # starts = NULL, maxgrpn = NULL,
group.starts = st,
call = if(call) else NULL), "GRP"))
GRP.factor <- function(X, ..., group.sizes = TRUE, drop = FALSE, return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
nam <- l1orlst(as.character(substitute(X))) # paste(all.vars(call), collapse = ".") # good in all circumstances ?
if(!inherits(X, "na.included")) X <- addNA2(X)
if(drop) X <- .Call(Cpp_fdroplevels, X, FALSE)
lev <- attr(X, "levels")
nl <- length(lev)
ordered <- is.ordered(X)
attributes(X) <- NULL
return(`oldClass<-`(list(N.groups = nl, = X,
group.sizes = if(group.sizes) .Call(C_fwtabulate, X, NULL, nl, FALSE) else NULL, # tabulate(X, nl) # .Internal(tabulate(X, nl))
groups = if(return.groups) `names<-`(list(lev), nam) else NULL,
group.vars = nam,
ordered = c(ordered = if(ordered) TRUE else NA, sorted = issorted(X)),
order = NULL, # starts = NULL, maxgrpn = NULL,
group.starts = NULL,
call = if(call) else NULL), "GRP"))
GRP.pseries <- function(X, effect = 1L, ..., group.sizes = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) {
g <- unclass(findex(X)) # index cannot be atomic since plm always adds a time variable !
if(length(effect) > 1L) return(GRP.default(g[effect], ...))
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
# if(length(g) > 2L) {
# mlg <- -length(g)
# nam <- paste(names(g)[mlg], collapse = ".")
# g <- interaction(g[mlg], drop = TRUE)
# } else {
nam <- if(is.character(effect)) effect else names(g)[effect]
g <- g[[effect]] # Fastest way to do this ?
# }
lev <- attr(g, "levels")
nl <- length(lev)
ordered <- is.ordered(g)
attributes(g) <- NULL
return(`oldClass<-`(list(N.groups = nl, = g,
group.sizes = if(group.sizes) .Call(C_fwtabulate, g, NULL, nl, FALSE) else NULL, # tabulate(g, nl) # .Internal(tabulate(g, nl))
groups = if(return.groups) `names<-`(list(lev), nam) else NULL,
group.vars = nam,
ordered = c(ordered = if(ordered) TRUE else NA, sorted = issorted(g)),
order = NULL, # starts = NULL, maxgrpn = NULL,
group.starts = NULL,
call = if(call) else NULL), "GRP"))
GRP.pdata.frame <- function(X, effect = 1L, ..., group.sizes = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE)
GRP.pseries(X, effect, ..., group.sizes = group.sizes, return.groups = return.groups, call = call)
fgroup_by <- function(.X, ..., sort = .op[["sort"]], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = TRUE, return.groups = TRUE, return.order = sort, method = "auto") { # e <- substitute(list(...)) # faster but does not preserve attributes of unique groups !
clx <- oldClass(.X)
oldClass(.X) <- NULL
m <- match(c("GRP_df", "grouped_df", "data.frame"), clx, nomatch = 0L)
dots <- substitute(list(...))
# vars <- all.vars(dots, unique = FALSE)
# In case sequences of columns are passed... Think: can enable fgroup_by(mtcars, 1:cyl)
if(any(all_funs(dots) == ":")) { # length(vars)+1L != length(dots) && any(all.names(dots) == ":")
# Note that fgroup_by(mtcars, bla = round(mpg / cyl), vs:am) only groups by vs, and am. fselect(mtcars, bla = round(mpg / cyl), vs:am) also does the wrong thing.
nl <- `names<-`(as.vector(seq_along(.X), "list"), names(.X))
vars <- eval(substitute(c(...)), nl, parent.frame())
e <- .X[vars]
# This allows renaming...
if(length(nam_vars <- names(vars))) {
nonmiss <- nzchar(nam_vars)
names(e)[nonmiss] <- nam_vars[nonmiss]
# e <- fselect(if(m[2L]) fungroup(.X) else .X, ...)
} else {
e <- eval(dots, .X, parent.frame())
name <- names(e)
vars <- all.vars(dots, unique = FALSE)
# If something else than NSE cols is supplied, see
# Note: doesn't support fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl / vs), but ok, this should be named...
# fgroup_by(mtcars, c("cyl", "vs")) gives vars == character(0)
if(length(e) == 1L && is.null(name) && (length(vars) != 1L || !anyv(names(.X), vars))) { # !is.symbol(dots[[2L]]) || length(e[[1L]]) != length(.X[[1L]]) || is.function(e[[1L]] # Fixes #320
e <- .X[cols2int(e[[1L]], .X, names(.X), FALSE)]
} else {
if(length(name)) { # fgroup_by(mtcars, bla = round(mpg / cyl), vs, am)
nonmiss <- nzchar(name) # -> using as.character(dots[-1L]) instead of vars
if(!all(nonmiss)) names(e) <- `[<-`(as.character(dots[-1L]), nonmiss, value = name[nonmiss])
} else names(e) <- vars
attr(.X, "groups") <- GRP.default(e, NULL, sort, decreasing, na.last, return.groups, return.order, method, FALSE)
# if(any(clx == "sf")) oldClass(.X) <- clx[clx != "sf"]
# attr(.X, "groups") <- GRP.default(fselect(if(m[2L]) fungroup(.X) else .X, ...), NULL, sort, decreasing, na.last, TRUE, return.order, method, FALSE)
# Needed: wlddev %>% fgroup_by(country) gives error if dplyr is loaded. Also sf objects etc..
# .rows needs to be list(), NULL won't work !! Note: attaching a data.frame class calls data frame methods, even if "list" in front! -> Need GRP.grouped_df to restore object !
# attr(.X, "groups") <- `oldClass<-`(c(g, list(.rows = list())), c("GRP", "data.frame")) # `names<-`(eval(e, .X, parent.frame()), all.vars(e))
oldClass(.X) <- c("GRP_df", if(length(mp <- m[m != 0L])) clx[-mp] else clx, "grouped_df", if(m[3L]) "data.frame") # clx[-m] doesn't work if clx is only "data.table" for example
# simplest, but .X is coerced to data.frame. Through the above solution it can be a list and only receive the 'grouped_df' class
# add_cl <- c("grouped_df", "data.frame")
# oldClass(.X) <- c(fsetdiff(oldClass(.X), add_cl), add_cl)
if(any(clx == "data.table")) return(alc(.X))
gby <- fgroup_by
group_by_vars <- function(X, by = NULL, ...) {
clx <- oldClass(X)
oldClass(X) <- NULL
m <- match(c("GRP_df", "grouped_df", "data.frame"), clx, nomatch = 0L)
if(length(by)) by <- cols2int(by, X, names(X), FALSE)
attr(X, "groups") <- GRP.default(X[by], NULL, ..., call = FALSE) # Need to unclass because of sf and regrouping! (and some functions expect unclassed)
oldClass(X) <- c("GRP_df", if(length(mp <- m[m != 0L])) clx[-mp] else clx, "grouped_df", if(m[3L]) "data.frame")
if(any(clx == "data.table")) return(alc(X))
print.GRP_df <- function(x, ...) {
print(fungroup(x), ...) # better !! (the method could still print groups attribute etc. ) And can also get rid of .rows() in fgroup_by and other fuzz..
# but better keep for now, other functions in dplyr might check this and only preserve attributes if they exist. -> Nah. select(UGA_sf, addr_cname) doesn't work anyway..
# NextMethod()
g <- attr(x, "groups")
if(is_GRP(g)) { # Issue Patrice flagged !
# oldClass(g) <- NULL # could get rid of this if get rid of "data.frame" class.
if(length(g[[3L]])) {
su <- unclass(qsu.default(g[[3L]], stable.algo = FALSE))
stats <- if(su[4L] == su[5L]) paste0(" [", g[[1L]], " | ", round(su[2L]), " (", round(su[3L], 1L), ")]") else
paste0(" [", g[[1L]], " | ", round(su[2L]), " (", round(su[3L], 1L), ") ", su[4L], "-", su[5L], "]")
} else
stats <- paste0(" [", g[[1L]], " | ", round(length(g[[2L]]) / g[[1L]]), "]")
# Groups: # if(any(g[[6L]])) "ordered groups" else "unordered groups", -> ordered 99% of times...
cat("\nGrouped by: ", paste(g[[5L]], collapse = ", "), stats, "\n")
if(inherits(x, "pdata.frame"))
message("\nNote: 'pdata.frame' methods for flag, fdiff, fgrowth, fcumsum, fbetween, fwithin, fscale, qsu and varying\n take precedence over the 'grouped_df' methods for these functions.")
print.invisible <- function(x, ...) cat("")
# Still solve this properly for data.table...
`[.GRP_df` <- function(x, ...) {
clx <- oldClass(x)
if(any(clx == "data.table")) {
res <- NextMethod()
if(any(clx == "invisible")) { # for chaining...
clx <- clx[clx != "invisible"]
oldClass(res) <- clx # in case of early return (reduced rows)...
if(any(grepl(":=", .c(...)))) {
eval.parent(substitute(x <- res))
oldClass(res) <- c("invisible", clx) # return(invisible(res)) -> doesn't work here for some reason
} else {
if(!(is.list(res) && fnrow(res) == fnrow(x))) return(fungroup(res))
if(is.null(attr(res, "groups"))) attr(res, "groups") <- attr(x, "groups")
oldClass(res) <- clx
} else {
res <- `[`(fungroup(x), ...) # does not respect data.table properties, but better for sf data frame and others which check validity of "groups" attribute
if(!(is.list(res) && fnrow(res) == fnrow(x))) return(res)
attr(res, "groups") <- attr(x, "groups")
oldClass(res) <- clx
# missing doesn't work, its invisible return...
# `[.GRP_df` <- function(x, ...) {
# tstop <- function(x) if(missing(x)) NULL else x
# res <- tstop(NextMethod()) # better than above (problems with data.table method, but do further checks...)
# if(is.null(res)) return(NULL)
# if(!(is.list(res) && fnrow(res) == fnrow(x))) return(fungroup(res))
# if(is.null(g <- attr(res, "groups"))) attr(res, "groups") <- g
# oldClass(res) <- oldClass(x)
# return(res)
# }
# also needed to sort out errors with dplyr ...
`[[.GRP_df` <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("[[", fungroup(x)) # function(x, ..., exact = TRUE) .subset2(x, ..., exact = exact)
`[<-.GRP_df` <- function(x, ..., value) UseMethod("[<-", fungroup(x))
`[[<-.GRP_df` <- function(x, ..., value) UseMethod("[[<-", fungroup(x))
# Produce errors...
# print_GRP_df_core <- function(x) {
# g <- attr(x, "groups")
# cat("\nGrouped by: ", paste(g[[5L]], collapse = ", "),
# # if(any(g[[6L]])) "ordered groups" else "unordered groups", -> ordered 99% of times...
# paste0(" [", g[[1L]], " | ", round(length(g[[2L]]) / g[[1L]]), " (", round(fsd.default(g[[3L]]), 1), ")]"))
# if(inherits(x, "pdata.frame"))
# message("\nNote: 'pdata.frame' methods for flag, fdiff, fgrowth, fbetween, fwithin and varying\n take precedence over the 'grouped_df' methods for these functions.")
# }
# head.GRP_df <- function(x, ...) {
# NextMethod()
# print_GRP_df_core(x)
# }
# tail.GRP_df <- function(x, ...) {
# NextMethod()
# print_GRP_df_core(x)
# }
fungroup <- function(X, ...) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
clx <- oldClass(X)
attr(X, "groups") <- NULL
oldClass(X) <- fsetdiff(clx, c("GRP_df", "grouped_df")) # clx[clx != "grouped_df"]
if(any(clx == "data.table")) return(alc(X))
condCopyAttrib <- function(x, d) {
if(is.object(x)) return(x)
cld <- oldClass(d)
condalcSA(x, list(names = attr(x, "names"),
row.names = .set_row_names(.Call(C_fnrow, x)),
class = cld[cld %!in% c("GRP_df", "grouped_df", "sf", "pdata.frame", "indexed_frame")]),
any(cld == "data.table"))
# attr(d, "groups") <- NULL
# attr(d, "row.names") <- NULL
# x <- copyMostAttributes(x, d)
# attr(x, "row.names") <- rn
# oldClass(x) <- fsetdiff(cld, c("GRP_df", "grouped_df", "sf"))
# if(any(cld == "data.table")) return(alc(x))
# x
fgroup_vars <- function(X, return = "data") {
g <- attr(X, "groups")
if(!is.list(g)) stop("attr(X, 'groups') is not a grouping object")
vars <- if(is_GRP(g)) g[[5L]] else attr(g, "names")[-length(unclass(g))]
data = .Call(C_subsetCols, fungroup(X), ckmatch(vars, attr(X, "names")), TRUE),
unique = if(is_GRP(g)) condCopyAttrib(g[[4L]], X) else .Call(C_subsetCols, g, -length(unclass(g)), FALSE), # what about attr(*, ".drop") ??
names = vars,
indices = ckmatch(vars, attr(X, "names")),
named_indices = `names<-`(ckmatch(vars, attr(X, "names")), vars),
logical = `[<-`(logical(length(unclass(X))), ckmatch(vars, attr(X, "names")), TRUE),
named_logical = {
nam <- attr(X, "names")
`names<-`(`[<-`(logical(length(nam)), ckmatch(vars, nam), TRUE), nam)
stop("Unknown return option!"))
GRP.grouped_df <- function(X, ..., return.groups = TRUE, call = TRUE) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
# g <- unclass(attr(X, "groups"))
g <- attr(X, "groups")
if(is_GRP(g)) return(g) # return(`oldClass<-`(.subset(g, 1:8), "GRP")) # To avoid data.frame methods being called
if(!is.list(g)) stop("attr(X, 'groups') is not a grouping object")
oldClass(g) <- NULL
lg <- length(g)
gr <- g[[lg]]
ng <- length(gr)
gs <- vlengths(gr, FALSE)
id <- .Call(C_groups2GRP, gr, fnrow(X), gs)
return(`oldClass<-`(list(N.groups = ng, # The C code here speeds up things a lot !! = id, # Old: rep(seq_len(ng), gs)[order(unlist(gr, FALSE, FALSE))], # .Internal(radixsort(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, .Internal(unlist(gr, FALSE, FALSE))))
group.sizes = gs,
groups = if(return.groups) g[-lg] else NULL, # better reclass afterwards ? -> Nope, this is only used in internal codes...
group.vars = names(g)[-lg],
ordered = c(ordered = TRUE, sorted = issorted(id)), # Important to have NA here, otherwise wrong result in gsplit (wrong optimization)
order = NULL, # starts = NULL, maxgrpn = NULL,
group.starts = NULL,
call = if(call) else NULL), "GRP"))
is_qG <- function(x) is.integer(x) && inherits(x, "qG")
is.qG <- function(x) {
.Deprecated(msg = "'is.qG' was renamed to 'is_qG'. It will be removed end of 2023, see help('collapse-renamed').")
inherits(x, "qG")
na_rm2 <- function(x, sort) {
if(sort) return(if([length(x)])) x[-length(x)] else x)
na_rm(x) # if(anyNA(x)) x[!] else x # use na_rm here when speed fixed..
Csv <- function(x, i) .Call(C_subsetVector, x, i, FALSE)
# What about NA last option to radixsort ? -> Nah, vector o becomes too short...
radixfact <- function(x, sort, ord, fact, naincl, keep, retgrp = FALSE) {
o <- .Call(C_radixsort, TRUE, FALSE, fact || naincl || retgrp, naincl, sort, pairlist(x))
st <- attr(o, "starts")
sorted <- attr(o, "sorted")
f <- if(naincl) .Call(C_frankds, o, st, attr(o, "group.sizes"), sorted) else # Fastest? -> Seems so..
.Call(Cpp_groupid, x, if(sorted) NULL else o, 1L, TRUE, FALSE)
if(fact) {
if(keep) duplAttributes(f, x) else attributes(f) <- NULL
rawlev <- Csv(x, if(sorted) st else Csv(o, st))
attr(f, "levels") <- unattrib(tochar(if(naincl) rawlev else na_rm2(rawlev, sort)))
oldClass(f) <- c(if(ord) "ordered", "factor", if(naincl) "na.included")
} else {
if(naincl) attr(f, "N.groups") <- length(st) # the order is important, this before retgrp !!
if(retgrp) {
rawlev <- Csv(x, if(sorted) st else Csv(o, st))
attr(f, "groups") <- if(naincl) rawlev else na_rm2(rawlev, sort)
oldClass(f) <- c(if(ord) "ordered", "qG", if(naincl) "na.included")
# TODO: Why is numeric to character conversion so slow?...
groupfact <- function(x, ord, fact, naincl, keep, retgrp = FALSE) {
g <- .Call(C_groupat, x, fact || retgrp, naincl)
if(fact) {
st <- attr(g, "starts")
if(keep) duplAttributes(g, x) else attributes(g) <- NULL
attr(g, "levels") <- unattrib(tochar(if(length(st) == length(g)) x else Csv(x, st)))
oldClass(g) <- c(if(ord) "ordered", "factor", if(naincl) "na.included")
} else {
if(retgrp) {
st <- attr(g, "starts")
attributes(g) <- NULL
attr(g, "N.groups") <- length(st)
attr(g, "groups") <- if(length(st) == length(g)) x else Csv(x, st)
oldClass(g) <- c(if(ord) "ordered", "qG", if(naincl) "na.included")
# TODO: Why is numeric to character conversion so slow?... this really does away with the added speed...
groupfact_sorted <- function(x, ord, fact, naincl, keep, retgrp = FALSE) {
g <- .Call(C_groupat, x, TRUE, naincl)
st <- attr(g, "starts")
ng <- length(st)
lev <- if(ng == length(x)) x else Csv(x, st)
o <-
# TODO: keep always add class na.included?? -> Could add anyNA attribute as output from groupat... also for groupfact...
if(!attr(o, "sorted")) {
if(fact || retgrp) lev <- Csv(lev, o)
o <- # This is necessary. Can optimize??
g <- if(naincl) Csv(unattrib(o), g) else o[g] # [ propagates NA's
if(fact) {
if(keep) duplAttributes(g, x) else attributes(g) <- NULL
attr(g, "levels") <- unattrib(tochar(lev))
oldClass(g) <- c(if(ord) "ordered", "factor", if(naincl) "na.included")
} else {
attributes(g) <- NULL
attr(g, "N.groups") <- ng
if(retgrp) attr(g, "groups") <- lev
oldClass(g) <- c(if(ord) "ordered", "qG", if(naincl) "na.included")
hashfact <- function(x, sort, ord, fact, naincl, keep, retgrp = FALSE) {
if(sort) return(groupfact_sorted(x, ord, fact, naincl, keep, retgrp)) # return(.Call(Cpp_qF, x, ord, !naincl, keep, if(fact) 1L else 2L+retgrp))
groupfact(x, ord, fact, naincl, keep, retgrp)
as_factor_qG <- function(x, ordered = FALSE, na.exclude = TRUE) {
groups <- if(is.null(attr(x, "groups"))) as.character(seq_len(attr(x, "N.groups"))) else tochar(attr(x, "groups"))
nainc <- inherits(x, "na.included")
if(na.exclude || nainc) {
clx <- c(if(ordered) "ordered", "factor", if(nainc) "na.included") # can set unordered ??
} else {
if(anyNA(unclass(x))) {
x <- .Call(C_setcopyv, x, NA, attr(x, "N.groups") + 1L, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) # x[] <- attr(x, "N.groups") + 1L
groups <- c(groups, NA_character_) # faster doing groups[length(groups)+1] <- NA? -> Nope, what you have is fastest !
clx <- c(if(ordered) "ordered", "factor", "na.included")
return(`attributes<-`(x, list(levels = groups, class = clx)))
as.factor_qG <- function(x, ordered = FALSE, na.exclude = TRUE) {
.Deprecated(msg = "'as.factor_qG' was renamed to 'as_factor_qG'. It will be removed end of 2023, see help('collapse-renamed').")
as_factor_qG(x, ordered, na.exclude)
qF <- function(x, ordered = FALSE, na.exclude = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]], drop = FALSE,
keep.attr = TRUE, method = "auto") {
if(is.factor(x) && sort) {
if(!keep.attr && !all(names(ax <- attributes(x)) %in% c("levels", "class")))
attributes(x) <- ax[c("levels", "class")]
if(na.exclude || inherits(x, "na.included")) {
clx <- oldClass(x)
if(ordered && !any(clx == "ordered")) oldClass(x) <- c("ordered", clx) else
if(!ordered && any(clx == "ordered")) oldClass(x) <- clx[clx != "ordered"]
if(drop) return(.Call(Cpp_fdroplevels, x, !inherits(x, "na.included"))) else return(x)
x <- addNA2(x)
oldClass(x) <- c(if(ordered) "ordered", "factor", "na.included")
if(drop) return(.Call(Cpp_fdroplevels, x, FALSE)) else return(x)
if(is_qG(x)) return(as_factor_qG(x, ordered, na.exclude)) # && sort??
switch(method, # if((is.character(x) && !na.exclude) || (length(x) < 500 && !(is.character(x) && na.exclude)))
auto = if(is.double(x) && sort) # is.character(x) || is.logical(x) || !sort || length(x) < 500L
radixfact(x, sort, ordered, TRUE, !na.exclude, keep.attr) else if(sort && length(x) < 100000L && !is.object(x))
.Call(Cpp_qF, x, ordered, na.exclude, keep.attr, 1L) else
hashfact(x, sort, ordered, TRUE, !na.exclude, keep.attr),
radix = radixfact(x, sort, ordered, TRUE, !na.exclude, keep.attr),
hash = hashfact(x, sort, ordered, TRUE, !na.exclude, keep.attr), # .Call(Cpp_qF, x, sort, ordered, na.exclude, keep.attr, 1L),
rcpp_hash = .Call(Cpp_qF, x, ordered, na.exclude, keep.attr, 1L),
stop("Unknown method:", method))
qG <- function(x, ordered = FALSE, na.exclude = TRUE, sort = .op[["sort"]],
return.groups = FALSE, method = "auto") {
if(inherits(x, c("factor", "qG"))) {
nainc <- inherits(x, "na.included")
if(na.exclude || nainc || !anyNA(unclass(x))) {
newclx <- c(if(ordered) "ordered", "qG", if(nainc || !na.exclude) "na.included")
if(is.factor(x)) {
ax <- if(return.groups) list(N.groups = fnlevels(x), groups = attr(x, "levels"), class = newclx) else
list(N.groups = fnlevels(x), class = newclx)
} else {
ax <- if(return.groups) list(N.groups = attr(x, "N.groups"), groups = attr(x, "groups"), class = newclx) else
list(N.groups = attr(x, "N.groups"), class = newclx)
return(`attributes<-`(x, ax))
newclx <- c(if(ordered) "ordered", "qG", "na.included")
if(is.factor(x)) {
lev <- attr(x, "levels")
if(anyNA(lev)) ng <- length(lev) else {
ng <- length(lev) + 1L
if(return.groups) lev <- c(lev, NA_character_)
attributes(x) <- NULL # factor method seems faster, however cannot assign integer, must assign factor level...
} else {
if(return.groups && length(lev <- attr(x, "groups"))) lev <- c(lev, NA)
ng <- attr(x, "N.groups") + 1L
ax <- if(return.groups) list(N.groups = ng, groups = lev, class = newclx) else
list(N.groups = ng, class = newclx)
# x[] <- ng
return(`attributes<-`(.Call(C_setcopyv, x, NA, ng, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), ax))
switch(method, # if((is.character(x) && !na.exclude) || (length(x) < 500 && !(is.character(x) && na.exclude)))
auto = if(is.double(x) && sort) # is.character(x) || is.logical(x) || !sort || length(x) < 500L
radixfact(x, sort, ordered, FALSE, !na.exclude, FALSE, return.groups) else if(sort && length(x) < 100000L)
.Call(Cpp_qF, x, ordered, na.exclude, FALSE, 2L+return.groups) else
hashfact(x, sort, ordered, FALSE, !na.exclude, FALSE, return.groups),
radix = radixfact(x, sort, ordered, FALSE, !na.exclude, FALSE, return.groups),
hash = hashfact(x, sort, ordered, FALSE, !na.exclude, FALSE, return.groups), # .Call(Cpp_qF, x, sort, ordered, na.exclude, FALSE, 2L+return.groups),
rcpp_hash = .Call(Cpp_qF, x, ordered, na.exclude, FALSE, 2L+return.groups),
stop("Unknown method:", method))
radixuniquevec <- function(x, sort, na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE) {
o <- .Call(C_radixsort, na.last, decreasing, TRUE, FALSE, sort, pairlist(x))
if(attr(o, "maxgrpn") <= 1L && (!sort || attr(o, "sorted"))) return(x)
Csv(x, if(attr(o, "sorted")) attr(o, "starts") else Csv(o, attr(o, "starts")))
funique <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("funique")
funique.default <- function(x, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", ...) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
if(is.array(x)) stop("funique currently only supports atomic vectors and data.frames")
auto = if(sort && is.numeric(x) && length(x) > 500L) radixuniquevec(x, sort, ...) else
if(sort) .Call(Cpp_sortunique, x) else .Call(C_funique, x),
radix = radixuniquevec(x, sort, ...),
hash = if(sort) .Call(Cpp_sortunique, x) else .Call(C_funique, x),
stop("method needs to be 'auto', 'hash' or 'radix'.")) # , ... adding dots gives error message too strict, package default is warning..
# could make faster still... not using colsubset but something more simple... no attributes needed...
# Enable by formula use ?? by or cols ?? -> cols is clearer !! also with na_omit, by could imply by-group uniqueness check... <- function(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", ...) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...) <- switch(method, auto = !sort, hash = TRUE, radix = FALSE, stop("method needs to be 'auto', 'hash' or 'radix'."))
o <- switchGRP(if(is.null(cols)) x else colsubset(x, cols), starts = TRUE, sort = sort, =, ...)
if(( && length(o) == attr(o, "N.groups")) || (! && attr(o, "maxgrpn") <= 1L && (!sort || attr(o, "sorted")))) # return(x)
return(if(inherits(x, "data.table")) alc(x) else x)
st <- if( || attr(o, "sorted")) attr(o, "starts") else Csv(o, attr(o, "starts"))
rn <- attr(x, "row.names")
res <- .Call(C_subsetDT, x, st, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE)
if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(res)
attr(res, "row.names") <- Csv(rn, st)
## Problem: could be confused to mean unique values within groups. Also can use ffirst() to achieve something similar
# funique.grouped_df <- function(x, ...) {
# g <- GRP.grouped_df(x, call = FALSE)
# if(g[[1L]] == length(g[[2L]])) return(fungroup(x))
# st <- if(length(g$group.starts)) g$group.starts else .Call(C_ffirst, seq_along(g[[2L]]), g[[1L]], g[[2L]], NULL, FALSE)
# rn <- attr(x, "row.names")
# attr(x, "groups") <- NULL
# oldClass(x) <- fsetdiff(oldClass(x), c("GRP_df", "grouped_df"))
# res <- .Call(C_subsetDT, x, st, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE)
# if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(res)
# attr(res, "row.names") <- Csv(rn, st)
# res
# }
funique.list <- function(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", ...), cols, sort, method, ...)
funique.sf <- function(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", ...) { <- switch(method, auto = !sort, hash = TRUE, radix = FALSE, stop("method needs to be 'auto', 'hash' or 'radix'."))
cols <- if(is.null(cols)) whichv(attr(x, "names"), attr(x, "sf_column"), TRUE) else
cols2int(cols, x, attr(x, "names"), FALSE)
o <- switchGRP(.subset(x, cols), starts = TRUE, sort = sort, =, ...)
if(( && length(o) == attr(o, "N.groups")) || (! && attr(o, "maxgrpn") <= 1L && (!sort || attr(o, "sorted")))) return(x)
st <- if( || attr(o, "sorted")) attr(o, "starts") else Csv(o, attr(o, "starts"))
rn <- attr(x, "row.names")
res <- .Call(C_subsetDT, x, st, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE)
if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(res)
attr(res, "row.names") <- Csv(rn, st)
funique.pseries <- function(x, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", drop.index.levels = "id", ...) {
if(is.array(x)) stop("funique currently only supports atomic vectors and data.frames") <- switch(method, auto = !sort, hash = TRUE, radix = FALSE, stop("method needs to be 'auto', 'hash' or 'radix'."))
o <- switchGRP(x, starts = TRUE, sort = sort, =, ...)
if(( && length(o) == attr(o, "N.groups")) || (! && attr(o, "maxgrpn") <= 1L && (!sort || attr(o, "sorted")))) return(x)
st <- if( || attr(o, "sorted")) attr(o, "starts") else Csv(o, attr(o, "starts"))
res <- Csv(x, st)
if(length(names(x))) names(res) <- Csv(names(x), st)
index <- findex(x)
index_ss <- droplevels_index(.Call(C_subsetDT, index, st, seq_along(unclass(index)), FALSE), drop.index.levels)
attr(res, if(inherits(x, "indexed_series")) "index_df" else "index") <- index_ss
funique.pdata.frame <- function(x, cols = NULL, sort = FALSE, method = "auto", drop.index.levels = "id", ...) { <- switch(method, auto = !sort, hash = TRUE, radix = FALSE, stop("method needs to be 'auto', 'hash' or 'radix'."))
o <- switchGRP(if(is.null(cols)) x else colsubset(x, cols), starts = TRUE, sort = sort, =, ...)
if(( && length(o) == attr(o, "N.groups")) || (! && attr(o, "maxgrpn") <= 1L && (!sort || attr(o, "sorted")))) # return(x)
return(if(inherits(x, "data.table")) alc(x) else x)
st <- if( || attr(o, "sorted")) attr(o, "starts") else Csv(o, attr(o, "starts"))
rn <- attr(x, "row.names")
res <- .Call(C_subsetDT, x, st, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE)
if(!(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1")) attr(res, "row.names") <- Csv(rn, st)
index <- findex(x)
index_ss <- droplevels_index(.Call(C_subsetDT, index, st, seq_along(unclass(index)), FALSE), drop.index.levels)
if(inherits(x, "indexed_frame")) return(reindex(res, index_ss))
attr(res, "index") <- index_ss
fnunique <- function(x) {
if(is.list(x) && length(unclass(x)) == 1L) x <- .subset2(x, 1L)
if(is.atomic(x) && !is.complex(x)) .Call(C_fndistinct, x, NULL, FALSE, 1L) else
attr(.Call(C_group, x, FALSE, FALSE), "N.groups")
any_duplicated <- function(x) fnunique(x) < (if(is.atomic(x)) length(x) else .Call(C_fnrow, x))
fduplicated <- function(x, all = FALSE) {
if(all) {
g <- .Call(C_group, x, FALSE, FALSE)
ng <- attr(g, "N.groups")
if(ng == length(g)) return(.Call(C_alloc, FALSE, length(g), TRUE))
gs <- .Call(C_fwtabulate, g, NULL, ng, FALSE)
return(.Call(C_subsetVector, gs != 1L, g, FALSE))
g <- .Call(C_group, x, TRUE, FALSE)
starts <- attr(g, "starts")
if(length(starts) == length(g)) return(.Call(C_alloc, FALSE, length(g), TRUE))
.Call(C_setcopyv, .Call(C_alloc, TRUE, length(g), TRUE), starts, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)
fdroplevels <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("fdroplevels")
fdroplevels.default <- function(x, ...) {
message("Trying to drop levels from an unsupported object: returning object")
fdroplevels.factor <- function(x, ...) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
clx <- class(x)
if(!any(clx == "factor")) stop("x needs to be a factor")
.Call(Cpp_fdroplevels, x, !any(clx == "na.included"))
} <- function(x, ...) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
res <- duplAttributes(lapply(unattrib(x), function(y)
if(is.factor(y)) .Call(Cpp_fdroplevels, y, !inherits(y, "na.included")) else y), x)
if(inherits(x, "data.table")) return(alc(res))
fdroplevels.list <- function(x, ...) {
duplAttributes(lapply(unattrib(x), function(y)
if(is.factor(y)) .Call(Cpp_fdroplevels, y, !inherits(y, "na.included")) else y), x)
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