
Defines functions as.data.frame.descr print.descr print_descr_grouped print_descr_default `[.descr` descr.grouped_df descr.default descr descr_core sorttable2D fsorttable

Documented in as.data.frame.descr descr descr.default descr.grouped_df print.descr

# Super fast tabulation of a single atomic vector, with various sorting options
fsorttable <- function(x, srt, w = NULL) {
  if(is.factor(x)) {
    lev <- attr(x, "levels")
    t <- .Call(C_fwtabulate, x, w, length(lev), !inherits(x, "na.included")) # tabulate(x, nbins = length(lev)) # skips missing values !!
    names(t) <- lev
    sorted <- TRUE
  } else {
    sorted <- FALSE
    g <- .Call(C_groupat, x, TRUE, FALSE) # FALSE = keeps NA
    t <- .Call(C_fwtabulate, g, w, attr(g, "N.groups"), TRUE) # TRUE = check for NA's and skip them
    names(t) <- Csv(x, attr(g, "starts"))
    # This seems is slightly faster with not too many distinct values, but less straightforward
    # g <- .Call(C_group, x, TRUE, is.null(w))
    # t <- if(is.null(w)) attr(g, "group.sizes") else
    #   .Call(C_fwtabulate, g, w, attr(g, "N.groups"), FALSE)
    # nam <- Csv(x, attr(g, "starts"))
    # names(t) <- nam
    # if(anyNA(nam)) t <- t[-whichNA(nam)]
    value = if(sorted || attr(o <- forder.int(names(t)), "sorted")) t else t[o],
    # "quick" sort seems best, based on multiple datasets, but "radix" (second best) keeps ties in order...
    # sort.int(t, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE, na.last = TRUE)
    freq = if(attr(o <- forder.int(t, decreasing = TRUE), "sorted")) t else t[o],
    none = t,
    stop("sort.table must be one of 'value', 'freq' or 'none'"))

# Same for grouped data, building on qtab()
sorttable2D <- function(x, f, srt, w = NULL) {
  if(is.factor(x)) sorted <- TRUE
  else {
    sorted <- switch(srt, value = TRUE, FALSE)
    x <- qF(x, sort = sorted)
  t <- qtab(x, f, w = w, dnn = NULL)
         value = if(sorted || attr(o <- forder.int(dimnames(t)[[1L]]), "sorted")) t else t[o, , drop = FALSE],
         freq = if(attr(o <- forder.int(frowSums(t), decreasing = TRUE), "sorted")) t else t[o, , drop = FALSE],
         none = t,
         stop("sort.table must be one of 'value', 'freq' or 'none'"))
# Extended version including totals and transpose option: better do that in print!
# sorttable2D <- function(x, f, srt, w = NULL, transpose = FALSE) {
#   if(is.factor(x)) sorted <- TRUE
#   else {
#     sorted <- switch(srt, value = TRUE, FALSE)
#     x <- qF(x, sort = sorted)
#   }
#   if(transpose) {
#     t <- qtab(f, x, w = w, dnn = NULL)
#     tot <- unattrib(fsummCcc(t))
#     t <- rbind(t, Total = tot)
#   } else {
#     t <- qtab(x, f, w = w, dnn = NULL)
#     tot <- if(is.double(w)) frowSums(t) else as.integer(frowSums(t))
#     t <- cbind(t, Total = tot)
#   }
#   switch(srt,
#          value = if(sorted || attr(o <- forder.int(dimnames(t)[[1L+transpose]]), "sorted")) t else if(transpose) t[, o, drop = FALSE] else t[o, , drop = FALSE],
#          freq = if(attr(o <- forder.int(tot, decreasing = TRUE), "sorted")) t else if(transpose) t[, o, drop = FALSE] else t[o, , drop = FALSE],
#          none = t,
#          stop("sort.table must be one of 'value', 'freq' or 'none'"))
# }

# X = wlddev; by = ~ income; w = ~ replace_NA(POP);
# cols = NULL; Ndistinct = TRUE; higher = TRUE; table = TRUE; sort.table = "freq"
# Qprobs = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99); Qtype = 7L
# label.attr = 'label'; stepwise = FALSE; nam = "wlddev"; dotsok = TRUE
# fndistinctC = collapse:::fndistinctC; fsumC = collapse:::fsumC;
# fsorttable = collapse:::fsorttable; frowSums = collapse:::frowSums

# Expects X to be a plain list and nam the name of the dataset
descr_core <- function(X, nam, by = NULL, w = NULL, Ndistinct = TRUE, higher = TRUE, table = TRUE, sort.table = "freq",
                       Qprobs = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99), Qtype = 7L,
                       label.attr = "label", stepwise = FALSE, ...) {

  dotsok <- if(missing(...)) TRUE else names(substitute(c(...))[-1L]) %!in% c("pid", "g")

  # Checking for numeric data
  num <- .Call(C_vtypes, X, 1L) # vapply(unattrib(X), is.numeric, TRUE)
  Nnum <- bsum(num)

  # Define functions to process numeric data
  if(Nnum > 0L) {

    if(Ndistinct && dotsok) {
      armat <- if(is.null(by)) function(x, y) c(x[1L], Ndist = y, x[-1L]) else
                               function(x, y) cbind(x[, 1L, drop = FALSE], Ndist = y, x[, -1L, drop = FALSE])
      numstats <- function(x, ...) armat(qsu.default(x, by, w = w, higher = higher, ...), fndistinctC(x, by))
    } else numstats <- function(x, ...) qsu.default(x, by, w = w, higher = higher, ...)

    quantiles <- if(is.null(by)) function(x) .quantile(x, Qprobs, w, type = Qtype, names = TRUE) else
                                 function(x) BY.default(x, by, .quantile, probs = Qprobs, w = w, type = Qtype, names = TRUE, expand.wide = TRUE)

    # This function will be applied to different columns.
    descrnum <- if(is.numeric(Qprobs)) function(x, ...) list(Class = class(x), Label = attr(x, label.attr), Stats = numstats(x, ...),
                                                             Quant = quantiles(x)) else
                                       function(x, ...) list(Class = class(x), Label = attr(x, label.attr), Stats = numstats(x, ...))

  # Non-numeric data, assumed to have at least some categorical variables (could also be date)
  if(Nnum != length(num)) {

    if(table && !is.null(by)) {
      f <- as_factor_GRP(by)

      tabstats <- if(Ndistinct && is.null(w))
        function(tab) cbind(N = fsummCcc(tab), Ndist = fsummCcc(tab > 0L)) else if(Ndistinct)
        function(tab) cbind(WeightSum = fsummCcc(tab), Ndist = fsummCcc(tab > 0L)) else if(is.null(w))
        function(tab) cbind(N = fsummCcc(tab)) else function(tab) cbind(WeightSum = fsummCcc(tab))

      descrcat <- function(x) {
        tab <- sorttable2D(x, f, sort.table, w)
        list(Class = class(x), Label = attr(x, label.attr),
             Stats = tabstats(tab),
             Table = tab)
    } else if(table) {

      tabstats <- if(Ndistinct && is.null(w))
        function(tab) c(N = fsumC(tab), Ndist = length(tab)) else if(Ndistinct)
        function(tab) c(WeightSum = fsumC(tab), Ndist = length(tab)) else if(is.null(w))
        function(tab) `names<-`(fsumC(tab), "N") else function(tab) `names<-`(fsumC(tab), "WeightSum")

      descrcat <- function(x) {
        tab <- fsorttable(x, sort.table, w)
        list(Class = class(x), Label = attr(x, label.attr),
             Stats = tabstats(tab),
             Table = tab)
    } else {
      descrcat <- function(x) list(Class = class(x), Label = attr(x, label.attr),
                                   Stats = if(Ndistinct) c(N = fnobsC(x), Ndist = fndistinctC(x)) else `names<-`(fnobsC(x), "N"))


  descrdate <- if(is.null(by)) function(x) list(Class = class(x), Label = attr(x, label.attr),
                                                Stats = `attr<-`(c(if(Ndistinct) c(N = fnobsC(x), Ndist = fndistinctC(x)) else `names<-`(fnobsC(x), "N"), `names<-`(.range(x), c("Min", "Max"))), "attrib", attributes(x))) else
                               function(x) list(Class = class(x), Label = attr(x, label.attr),
                                                Stats = `attr<-`(cbind(N = fnobs.default(x, by), Ndist = if(Ndistinct) fndistinctC(x, by) else NULL,
                                                                       Min = fmin.default(x, by, na.rm = TRUE, use.g.names = FALSE),
                                                                       Max = fmax.default(x, by, na.rm = TRUE, use.g.names = FALSE)), "attrib", attributes(x)))

  # Result vector and attributes
  res <- vector('list', length(X))
  ares <- list(names = names(X), name = nam, N = fnrow(X),
               arstat = !dotsok, table = table, groups = by, weights = w, class = "descr")

  # Computation
  if(stepwise) { # This means we compute one by one, mainly for printing...
    attributes(res) <- ares
    print(res, header = 2L) # Only header
    for(i in seq_along(X)) {
      invisible(readline(prompt = sprintf("Press [enter] for variable %s/%s or [esc] to exit", i, length(res))))
      xi <- X[[i]]
      res[[i]] <- if(is.numeric(xi)) descrnum(xi, ...) else if(is_date(xi)) descrdate(xi) else descrcat(xi)
      print(res[i], header = FALSE)
  } else {
    if(Nnum) res[num] <- lapply(X[num], descrnum, ...)
    if(Nnum != length(num)) {
      date <- vapply(unattrib(X), is_date, TRUE)
      if(any(date)) {
        res[date] <- lapply(X[date], descrdate)
        cat <- !(num | date)
      } else cat <- !num
      res[cat] <- lapply(X[cat], descrcat)
    attributes(res) <- ares
  return(if(stepwise) invisible(res) else res)

# Since v1.9.0, descr() is generic, with a grouped_df method
descr <- function(X, ...) UseMethod("descr")

descr.default <- function(X, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL, Ndistinct = TRUE, higher = TRUE, table = TRUE, sort.table = "freq",
                          Qprobs = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99), Qtype = 7L,
                          label.attr = "label", stepwise = FALSE, ...) {

  # Getting input information
  nam <- l1orlst(as.character(substitute(X)))

  # Unclassing and (if necessary) transforming X
  if(is.list(X)) {
    is_sf <- inherits(X, "sf")
    # if(inherits(X, "POSIXlt")) X <- list(X = as.POSIXct(X))
    if(inherits(X, "pdata.frame")) X <- unindex(X)
    class(X) <- NULL
    if(is_sf) X[[attr(X, "sf_column")]] <- NULL
  } else {
    if(inherits(X, "pseries")) X <- unindex(X)
    is_1D <- is.null(dim(X))
    X <- unclass(qDF(X))
    if(is_1D) names(X) <- nam

  # Processing by and w arguments: inspired by qsu()
  if(is.call(by) || is.call(w)) {
    v <- NULL
    if(is.call(by)) {
      if(length(by) == 3L) {
        v <- ckmatch(all.vars(by[[2L]]), names(X))
        byn <- ckmatch(all.vars(by[[3L]]), names(X))
      } else byn <- ckmatch(all.vars(by), names(X))
      by <- GRP.default(X, byn, call = FALSE) # , ...
    } else {
      if(!is.null(by)) by <- GRP.default(by, call = FALSE) # , ...
      byn <- NULL
    if(is.call(w)) {
      widn <- ckmatch(all.vars(w), names(X))
      w <- eval(w[[2L]], X, attr(w, ".Environment"))
    } else widn <- NULL
    X <- X[if(length(v)) v else if(is.null(cols)) -c(byn, widn) else cols2int(cols, X, names(X), FALSE)]
  } else {
    if(!is.null(by)) by <- GRP.default(by, call = FALSE) # , ...
    if(length(cols)) X <- X[cols2int(cols, X, names(X), FALSE)]

  descr_core(X, nam, by, w, Ndistinct, higher, table, sort.table, Qprobs, Qtype, label.attr, stepwise, ...)

# Benefit of grouped_df method: better control on how data is grouped with fgroup_by(), selection with fselect() etc.
descr.grouped_df <- function(X, w = NULL, Ndistinct = TRUE, higher = TRUE, table = TRUE, sort.table = "freq",
                             Qprobs = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99), Qtype = 7L,
                             label.attr = "label", stepwise = FALSE, ...) {

  # Getting input information
  nam <- l1orlst(as.character(substitute(X)))
  wsym <- substitute(w)
  by <- GRP.grouped_df(X, call = FALSE)

  # Unclassing and (if necessary) transforming X
  is_sf <- inherits(X, "sf")
  if(inherits(X, "pdata.frame")) X <- unindex(X)
  class(X) <- NULL
  if(is_sf) X[[attr(X, "sf_column")]] <- NULL

  # Getting group indices
  byn <- which(names(X) %in% by[[5L]])
  # Processing weights and combining indices with group indices
  if(!is.null(wsym)) {
    w <- eval(wsym, X, parent.frame()) # This allows w to be a function of multiple variables
    if(length(wn <- which(names(X) %in% all.vars(wsym)))) {
      if(any(byn %in% wn)) stop("Weights coincide with grouping variables!")
      byn <- c(byn, wn)

  if(length(byn)) X <- X[-byn] # Subsetting X

  descr_core(X, nam, by, w, Ndistinct, higher, table, sort.table, Qprobs, Qtype, label.attr, stepwise, ...)

# Methods ----------------------------------------------------------

`[.descr` <- function(x, ...) copyMostAttributes(.subset(x, ...), x)

print_descr_default <- function(x, n = 14, perc = TRUE, digits = 2, t.table = TRUE, summary = TRUE,
                                reverse = FALSE, stepwise = FALSE, header = TRUE, wsum = NULL) {
  w <- paste(rep("-", .Options$width), collapse = "")
  arstat <- attr(x, "arstat")
  DSname <- attr(x, "name")
  DSN <- attr(x, "N")
  wsuml <- !is.null(wsum)
  if(wsuml) {
    cb <- function(a, b) if(t.table) cbind(WeightSum = a, Perc = b) else formatC(rbind(WeightSum = a, Perc = b), drop0trailing = TRUE)
    ct <- function(z) if(t.table) cbind(WeightSum = z) else z
  } else {
    cb <- function(a, b) if(t.table) cbind(Freq = a, Perc = b) else formatC(rbind(Freq = a, Perc = b), drop0trailing = TRUE)
    ct <- function(z) if(t.table) cbind(Freq = z) else z
  if(reverse) x <- rev.default(x) else if(header) {
    cat('Dataset: ', DSname,', ',length(x), ' Variables, N = ', DSN, if(wsuml) paste0(", WeightSum = ", wsum) else "", "\n", sep = "")
    cat(w, "\n", sep = "")
  nam <- names(x) # Needs to be here
  if(header < 2L) for(i in seq_along(x)) {
    if(stepwise) invisible(readline(prompt = sprintf("Press [enter] for variable %s/%s or [esc] to exit", i, length(x))))
    xi <- x[[i]]
    cat(nam[i], " (", strclp(xi[[1L]]), "): ", xi[[2L]], "\n", sep = "")
    stat <- xi[[3L]]
    TN <- if(wsuml && names(stat)[1L] == "WeightSum") wsum else DSN
    if(stat[[1L]] < TN) cat("Statistics (", round((1-stat[[1L]]/TN)*100, digits), "% NAs)\n", sep = "")
    else cat("Statistics\n")
    if(any(xi[[1L]] %in% c("Date", "POSIXct")))
      print.default(c(stat[1:2], setNames(as.character(setAttributes(stat[3:4], attr(stat, "attrib"))), c("Min", "Max"))),
                     quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, print.gap = 2)
    else print.qsu(stat, digits)
    if(length(xi) > 3L) {
      if(arstat) cat("\n")
      if(names(xi)[4L] == "Table") {
        t <- unclass(xi[[4L]])
        if(length(t) <= n) {
          if(perc) print.default(cb(t, round(t/bsum(t)*100, digits)), right = TRUE, print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE) else
        } else {
          t1 <- t[seq_len(n)]
          st <- bsum(t)
          rem <- `names<-`(st-bsum(t1), sprintf("... %s Others", length(t)-n))
          if(perc) {
            pct <- unattrib(t1)/st*100
            print.default(cb(c(t1, rem), round(c(pct, 100-bsum(pct)), digits)), right = TRUE, print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
            # cat("...\n")
          } else {
            print.table(ct(c(t1, rem)))
            # cat("...\n")
          if(summary) {
            cat("\nSummary of Table", if(wsuml) "WeightSums\n" else "Frequencies\n")
            print.summaryDefault(summary.default(t), digits)
      } else {
        print.qsu(xi[[4L]], digits)
    cat(w, "\n", sep = "") # More compressed -> better !
    # cat("\n", w, "\n", sep = "")
  if(reverse && header) cat('Dataset: ', DSname,', ',length(x), ' Variables, N = ', DSN, if(wsuml) paste0(", WeightSum = ", wsum) else "", "\n", sep = "")

print_descr_grouped <- function(x, n = 14, perc = TRUE, digits = 2, t.table = TRUE, summary = TRUE, total = TRUE,
                                reverse = FALSE, stepwise = FALSE, header = TRUE, wsum = NULL) {
  w <- paste(rep("-", .Options$width), collapse = "")
  arstat <- attr(x, "arstat")
  DSname <- attr(x, "name")
  DSN <- attr(x, "N")
  g <- attr(x, "groups")
  wsuml <- !is.null(wsum)
  if(header) {
    gs <- g$group.sizes
    dim(gs) <- c(length(gs), 1L)
    dimnames(gs) <- list(GRPnames(g), "N")
    if(wsuml) gs <- cbind(gs, WeightSum = fsum(attr(x, "weights"), g, use.g.names = FALSE, fill = TRUE))
    if(perc) {
      gs <- if(wsuml) cbind(gs, setColnames(round(fsum(gs, TRA = "%"), digits), c("Perc", "Perc")))[, c(1L, 3L, 2L, 4L)] else
        cbind(gs, Perc = round(fsum(drop(gs), TRA = "%"), digits))
  if(reverse) x <- rev.default(x) else if(header) {
    cat('Dataset: ', DSname, ', ', length(x), ' Variables, N = ', DSN, if(wsuml) paste0(", WeightSum = ", wsum) else "",
        "\nGrouped by: ", paste(g$group.vars, collapse = ", "), " [", g$N.groups, "]\n", sep = "")
    print.qsu(gs, digits)
    cat(w, "\n", sep = "")
  nam <- names(x) # Needs to be here
  if(header < 2L) for(i in seq_along(x)) {
    if(stepwise) invisible(readline(prompt = sprintf("Press [enter] for variable %s/%s or [esc] to exit", i, length(x))))
    xi <- x[[i]]
    cat(nam[i], " (", strclp(xi[[1L]]),"): ", xi[[2L]], "\n", sep = "")
    stat <- xi[[3L]]
    Ni <- fsummCcc(stat[, 1L, drop = FALSE]) # to get the name
    TN <- if(wsuml && names(Ni) == "WeightSum") wsum else DSN
    if(Ni < TN) cat("Statistics (", names(Ni), " = ", Ni, ", ", round((1-Ni/TN)*100, digits), "% NAs)\n", sep = "")
    else cat("Statistics (", names(Ni), " = ", Ni, ")\n", sep = "")
    if(any(xi[[1L]] %in% c("Date", "POSIXct"))) {
      stat12 <- stat[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
      if(perc) stat12 <- cbind(stat12[, 1L, drop = FALSE], Perc = round(stat12[, 1L]/bsum(stat12[, 1L])*100, digits), stat12[, 2L, drop = FALSE])
      print.default(cbind(stat12, matrix(as.character(setAttributes(stat[, 3:4], attr(stat, "attrib"))),
                                 ncol = 2, dimnames =  list(NULL, c("Min", "Max")))),
                    quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, print.gap = 2)
    } else {
      if(perc) stat <- cbind(stat[, 1L, drop = FALSE], Perc = stat[, 1L]/bsum(stat[, 1L])*100, stat[, -1L, drop = FALSE])
      print.qsu(stat, digits)
    if(length(xi) > 3L) { # Table or quantiles
      if(names(xi)[4L] == "Table") {
        if(perc) cat("\nTable (", if(wsuml) "WeightSum" else "Freq", " Perc)\n", sep = "") else cat("\nTable\n")
        t <- qM(xi[[4L]])
        if(total) t <- cbind(t, Total = if(is.integer(t)) as.integer(frowSums(t)) else frowSums(t))
        if(nrow(t) <= n) { # TODO: revisit !
          tab <- t
          if(perc) pct <- fsum.matrix(tab, TRA = "%", na.rm = FALSE, nthreads = 1L)
        } else {
          t1 <- t[seq_len(n), , drop = FALSE]
          st <- fsummCcc(t, drop = FALSE)
          rem <- st - fsummCcc(t1)
          dimnames(rem)[[1L]] <- sprintf("... %s Others", nrow(t)-n)
          tab <- rbind(t1, rem)
          if(perc) pct <- tab %r/% st * 100 # dimnames(tab)[[2L]] <- paste0(dimnames(tab)[[2L]], "\nFreq  Perc")
        if(perc) {
          tab <- duplAttributes(paste(tab, format(pct, digits = digits, justify = "right")), tab)
          print.default(if(t.table) tab else t(tab), right = TRUE, print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
        } else print.table(if(t.table) tab else t(tab), digits = digits)
        if(summary && nrow(t) > n) {
          cat("\nSummary of Table", if(wsuml) "WeightSums\n" else "Frequencies\n")
          print.summaryDefault(summary.default(t), digits)
      } else {
        print.qsu(xi[[4L]], digits)
    cat(w, "\n", sep = "")
  if(reverse && header) {
    cat("Grouped by: ", paste(g$group.vars, collapse = ", "), " [", g$N.groups, "]\n", sep = "")
    print.qsu(gs, digits)
    cat('\nDataset: ', DSname, ', ', length(x), ' Variables, N = ', DSN, if(wsuml) paste0(", WeightSum = ", wsum) else "", "\n", sep = "")

print.descr <- function(x, n = 14, perc = TRUE, digits = .op[["digits"]], t.table = TRUE, total = TRUE, compact = FALSE,
                        summary = !compact, reverse = FALSE, stepwise = FALSE, ...) {
  if(missing(...) || is.null(header <- list(...)$header)) header <- TRUE
  oldClass(x) <- NULL
  wsum <- if(is.null(weights <- attr(x, "weights"))) NULL else fsumC(weights)
  if(is.null(attr(x, "groups"))) {
    if(compact) x <- fdapply(x, function(z) if(is.null(z[["Quant"]])) z else c(z[1:2], list(Stats = c(z[[3L]], z[[4L]]))))
    return(print_descr_default(x, n, perc, digits, t.table, summary, reverse, stepwise, header, wsum))
  if(compact) x <- fdapply(x, function(z) if(is.null(z[["Quant"]])) z else c(z[1:2], list(Stats = cbind(z[[3L]], z[[4L]]))))
  print_descr_grouped(x, n, perc, digits, t.table, summary, total, reverse, stepwise, header, wsum)

# Note: This does not work for array stats (using g or pid.. )
as.data.frame.descr <- function(x, ..., gid = "Group") {
   if(attr(x, "arstat")) stop("Cannot handle arrays of statistics created by passing the pid or g arguments to qsu.default()!")
  g <- attr(x, "groups")
  # w <- attr(x, "weights")
  nam <- attr(x, "names")
  attributes(x) <- NULL # faster lapply
  if(is.null(g)) {
     r <- lapply(x, function(z) c(list(Class = strclp(z[[1L]]), Label = null2NA(z[[2L]])),
                 as.vector(z[[3L]], "list"), if(is.null(quant <- z[["Quant"]])) NULL else as.vector(quant, "list")))
  } else {
    gnam <- GRPnames(g)
    r <- lapply(x, function(z) c(list(Class = strclp(z[[1L]]), Label = null2NA(z[[2L]]), Group = gnam),
               .Call(Cpp_mctl, z[[3L]], TRUE, 0L), if(is.null(quant <- z[["Quant"]])) NULL else .Call(Cpp_mctl, quant, TRUE, 0L)))
  names(r) <- nam
   r <- .Call(C_rbindlist, r, TRUE, TRUE, "Variable")
   if(!is.null(g) && gid[1L] != "Group") names(r)[4L] <- gid[1L]
   if(allNA(r[["Label"]])) r[["Label"]] <- NULL
   # if(length(w) && length(r[["WeightSum"]]) && length(r[["N"]])) { # Too complex...
   #   nam <- c("WeightSum", "N", "Ndist")
   #   ind <- match(nam, names(r))
   #   r[sort.int() ind] <- r[ind]
   #   names(r)[ind] <-
   # }
   attr(r, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(.Call(C_fnrow, r))
   class(r) <- "data.frame"

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collapse documentation built on Nov. 13, 2023, 1:08 a.m.