
Defines functions .get_style .set_style .format_col_pval format_col .apply_style

Documented in format_col

.apply_style <- function(x, style) {
  x.ret <- x

  if(!is.null(style[["fg"]])) {
    fg.style <- make_style(style$fg)
    x.ret <- fg.style(x.ret)

  if(!is.null(style$bg)) {
    bg.style <- make_style(style$bg, bg=TRUE)
    x.ret <- bg.style(x.ret)

  if(!is.null(style$decoration)) {
    if("bold" %in% style$decoration)      { x.ret <- bold(x.ret) }
    if("italic" %in% style$decoration && !.colorDF_DataEnv[["noitalic"]])    { x.ret <- italic(x.ret) }
    if("inverse" %in% style$decoration)   { x.ret <- inverse(x.ret) }
    if("underline" %in% style$decoration) { x.ret <- underline(x.ret) }

#' Format a vector using styles
#' Format a vector (data frame column) aligning, rounding the numbers and
#' adding color.
#' @param x a vector
#' @param min.width minimum width of a column
#' @param max.width maximum width of a column
#' @param col_name optional: a column name (see Details)
#' @param style A list with style definition
#' @param format Whether the vector should be formatted and aligned
#' @param col_width optional: width to which elements of the vector should be aligned
#' @param df_style style for the whole data frame
#' @param prefix prefix (column separator) to add to each element of x
#' @export 
format_col <- function(x, col_name=NULL, style=NULL, df_style=NULL, format=TRUE, col_width=NULL, prefix=" ", min.width=5L, max.width=NULL) {

  if(is.null(style)) style <- list()
  if(!is.numeric(x)) { style$is.numeric <- NULL ; style$is.pval <- NULL } 
  if(is.null(col_name)) { col_name <- "" }
  digits <- style$digits %OR% df_style$digits %OR% getOption("digits")
  prefix <- df_style$sep %OR% prefix

  min.width <- as.integer(min.width)
  max.width <- (as.integer(max.width) - nchar(prefix)) %OR% Inf

  x.ret <- as.character(x)

  if(format) {
    if(!is.null(style$is.pval)) {
      x.ret <- format.pval(x, digits=digits)
    } else if(!is.null(style$is.numeric)) {
      x.ret <- format(x, digits=digits)

  x.ret[is.na(x.ret)] <- "NA"

  if(is.null(col_width)) { col_width <- max(min.width, nchar(c(col_name, x.ret)), na.rm=TRUE) }
  if(max.width < min(col_width)) { col_width <- max.width }

  if(format) { 
    sel <- nchar(x.ret) > col_width
    x.ret[sel] <- paste0(substr(x.ret[sel], 1, col_width - 1), .colorDF_chars$ellipsis)
    x.ret <- col_align(x.ret, width=col_width, align=style$align) 

  na <- style$fg_na %OR% df_style$fg_na
  if(any(is.na(x)) && !is.null(na)) {
    na.style <- make_style(na)
    x.ret[ is.na(x) ] <- na.style(x.ret[is.na(x)])

  ## fancy
  if(!is.null(style$pattern) && !is.null(style$fg_match)) {
    tmp <- as.character(x)
    sel <- grepl(style$pattern, tmp)
    fg.style <- make_style(style$fg_match)
    x.ret[sel] <- fg.style(x.ret[sel])

  if(is.numeric(x) && !is.null(style$is.pval)) {
    x.ret <- .format_col_pval(x, x.ret, col_name=col_name, style)

  if(is.numeric(x) && !is.null(style$fg_neg)) {
    fg.style <- make_style(style$fg_neg)
    sel <- !is.na(x) & x < 0
    x.ret[sel] <- fg.style(x.ret[sel])

  if(is.logical(x)) {
    if(!is.null(style$fg_true)) {
      sel <- !is.na(x) & x 
      x.ret[sel] <- make_style(style$fg_true)(x.ret[sel])

    if(!is.null(style$fg_false)) {
      sel <- !is.na(x) & !x 
      x.ret[sel] <- make_style(style$fg_false)(x.ret[sel])

  ## standard key words: fg, bg, decoration
  x.ret <- .apply_style(x.ret, style)
  x.ret <- paste0(prefix, x.ret)

  attr(x.ret, ".width") <- as.integer(col_width)

## special formatter for p values
.format_col_pval <- function(x, x.ret, col_name=NULL, style) {

  if(is.null(style$sign.thr)) style$sign.thr <- 0.05 

  sel <- !is.na(x) & x < style$sign.thr

  if(!is.null(style$fg_sign)) {
    fg.style <- make_style(style$fg_sign)
    x.ret[sel] <- fg.style(x.ret[sel])


.set_style <- function(x, style=NULL) {
  if(is.null(style)) style <- .get_style()
  attr(x, ".style") <- style

## return 
.get_style <- function(x=NULL, style=NULL, theme=NULL) {

  ## First, maybe style has been directly provided
  if(!is.null(style)) return(style)

  ## or theme
  .themes <- .theme_env[[".themes"]]
  if(!is.null(theme)) {
    if(!is.null(.themes[[theme]])) {
    } else {
      warning(sprintf("No such theme: %s", theme))

  ## otherwise, if x and x has a style, return it
  if(!is.null(x)) {
    .st <- attr(x, ".style")
    if(!is.null(.st)) { return(.st) }

  ## finally, return default style
  default <- getOption("colorDF_theme") %OR% 1

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colorDF documentation built on Sept. 26, 2022, 5:06 p.m.