
Defines functions conText

Documented in conText

#' Embedding regression
#' Estimates an embedding regression model with options to use bootstrapping to estimate confidence
#' intervals and a permutation test for inference (see https://github.com/prodriguezsosa/conText for details.)
#' @param formula a symbolic description of the model to be fitted with a target word as a DV e.g.
#' `immigrant ~ party + gender`. To use a phrase as a DV, place it in quotations e.g.
#' `"immigrant refugees" ~ party + gender`. To use all covariates included in the data,
#' you can use `.` on RHS, e.g.`immigrant ~ .`. If you wish to treat the full document as you DV, rather
#' than a single target word, use `.` on the LHS e.g. `. ~ party + gender`. If you wish to use all covariates
#' on the RHS use `immigrant ~ .`. Any `character` or `factor` covariates will automatically be converted
#' to a set of binary (`0/1`s) indicator variables for each group, leaving the first level out of the regression.
#' @param data a quanteda `tokens-class` object with the necessary document variables. Covariates must be
#' either binary indicator variables or "trasnformable" into binary indicator variables. conText will automatically
#' transform any non-indicator variables into binary indicator variables (multiple if more than 2 classes),
#' leaving out a "base" category.
#' @inheritParams dem
#' @param bootstrap (logical) if TRUE, use bootstrapping -- sample from texts with replacement and
#' re-run regression on each sample. Required to get std. errors.
#' @param num_bootstraps (numeric) number of bootstraps to use (at least 100)
#' @param confidence_level (numeric in (0,1)) confidence level e.g. 0.95
#' @param stratify (logical) if TRUE, stratify by discrete covariates when bootstrapping.
#' @param permute (logical) if TRUE, compute empirical p-values using permutation test
#' @param num_permutations (numeric) number of permutations to use
#' @inheritParams tokens_context
#' @return a `conText-class` object - a D x M matrix with D = dimensions
#' of the pre-trained feature embeddings provided and M = number of covariates
#' including the intercept. These represent the estimated regression coefficients.
#' These can be combined to compute ALC embeddings for different combinations of covariates.
#' The object also includes various informative attributes, importantly
#' a `data.frame` with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{`coefficient`}{(character) name of (covariate) coefficient.}
#'  \item{`value`}{(numeric) norm of the corresponding beta coefficient.}
#'  \item{`std.error`}{(numeric) (if bootstrap = TRUE) std. error of the norm of the beta coefficient.}
#'  \item{`lower.ci`}{(numeric) (if bootstrap = TRUE) lower bound of the confidence interval.}
#'  \item{`upper.ci`}{(numeric) (if bootstrap = TRUE) upper bound of the confidence interval.}
#'  \item{`p.value`}{(numeric) (if permute = TRUE) empirical p.value of the norm of the coefficient.}
#'  }
#' @export
#' @rdname conText
#' @keywords conText
#' @examples
#' library(quanteda)
#' # tokenize corpus
#' toks <- tokens(cr_sample_corpus)
#' ## given the target word "immigration"
#' set.seed(2021L)
#' model1 <- conText(formula = immigration ~ party + gender,
#'                  data = toks,
#'                  pre_trained = cr_glove_subset,
#'                  transform = TRUE, transform_matrix = cr_transform,
#'                  bootstrap = TRUE,
#'                  num_bootstraps = 100,
#'                  confidence_level = 0.95,
#'                  stratify = FALSE,
#'                  permute = TRUE, num_permutations = 10,
#'                  window = 6, case_insensitive = TRUE,
#'                  verbose = FALSE)
#' # notice, character/factor covariates are automatically "dummified"
#' rownames(model1)
#' # the beta coefficient 'partyR' in this case corresponds to the alc embedding
#' # of "immigration" for Republican party speeches
#' # (normed) coefficient table
#' model1@normed_coefficients
conText <- function(formula, data, pre_trained, transform = TRUE, transform_matrix, bootstrap = TRUE, num_bootstraps = 100, confidence_level = 0.95, stratify = FALSE, permute = TRUE, num_permutations = 100, window = 6L, valuetype = c("glob", "regex", "fixed"), case_insensitive = TRUE, hard_cut = FALSE, verbose = TRUE){

  # initial checks
  if(class(data)[1] != "tokens") stop("data must be of class tokens", call. = FALSE)
  if(!transform && !is.null(transform_matrix)) warning('Warning: transform = FALSE means transform_matrix argument was ignored. If that was not your intention, use transform = TRUE.', call. = FALSE)
  if(any(grepl("factor\\(", formula))) stop('It seems you are using factor() in "formula" to create a factor variable. \n Please create it directly in "data" and re-run conText.', call. = FALSE) # pre-empt users using lm type notation
  if(bootstrap && (confidence_level >= 1 || confidence_level<=0)) stop('"confidence_level" must be a numeric value between 0 and 1.', call. = FALSE) # check confidence level is between 0 and 1
  if(bootstrap && num_bootstraps < 100) stop('num_bootstraps must be at least 100') # check num_bootstraps >= 100

  # extract dependent variable
  target <- as.character(formula[[2]])

  # mirror lm convention: if DV is "." then full text is embedded, ow find and embed the context around DV
  if(length(target) == 1 && target == "."){

    toks <- data
    docvars <- quanteda::docvars(toks)


    if(length(target) > 1) target <- target[2:length(target)]

    # create a corpus of contexts
    toks <- tokens_context(x = data, pattern = target, window = window, valuetype = valuetype, case_insensitive = case_insensitive, hard_cut = hard_cut, verbose = verbose)
    docvars <- quanteda::docvars(toks) %>% dplyr::select(-pattern)



  # extract covariates names
  if(formula[[3]] == "."){covariates <- names(docvars)}else{ # follows lm convention, if DV = ., regress on all variables in data
    covariates <- setdiff(stringr::str_squish(unlist(strsplit(as.character(formula[[3]]), '+', fixed = TRUE))), '') # to allow for phrase DVs
    covs_not_in_data <- covariates[!(covariates %in% names(docvars))]
    if(length(covs_not_in_data) > 0) stop("the following covariates could not be found in the data: ", paste0(covs_not_in_data, collapse = ", "))

  # select covariates
  cov_vars <- docvars %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(covariates))

  # check which covariates are binary dummy variables
  numeric_vars <- c(names(which(sapply(cov_vars, is.numeric))), names(which(sapply(cov_vars, is.integer))))
  non_numeric_vars <- setdiff(covariates, numeric_vars)

  # dummify non-numeric/integer variables
  # see: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/fastDummies/fastDummies.pdf
    cov_vars <- fastDummies::dummy_cols(cov_vars, select_columns = non_numeric_vars, remove_first_dummy = TRUE, remove_selected_columns = TRUE, ignore_na = TRUE)

  # add intercept
  cov_vars <- cov_vars %>% dplyr::mutate('(Intercept)' = 1)

  # create new corpus
  quanteda::docvars(toks) <- cov_vars

  # create document-feature matrix
  toks_dfm <- quanteda::dfm(toks, tolower = FALSE)

  # embed toks to get dependent variable
  toks_dem <- dem(x = toks_dfm, pre_trained = pre_trained, transform_matrix = transform_matrix, transform = transform, verbose = verbose)
  Y <- toks_dem
  if(verbose) cat('total observations included in regression:', nrow(Y), '\n')

  # regressors
  X <- toks_dem@docvars

  # run full sample ols
  full_sample_out <- run_ols(Y = Y, X = X)

  # outputs
  beta_coefficients <- full_sample_out$betas
  norm_tibble <- dplyr::tibble(coefficient = names(full_sample_out$normed_betas), normed.estimate = unname(full_sample_out$normed_betas))

  # -------------------
  # bootstrapping
  # -------------------


    if(verbose) cat('starting bootstrapping \n')

    # bootstrapped ols
    bootstrap_out <- replicate(num_bootstraps, bootstrap_ols(Y = Y, X = X, stratify = stratify), simplify = FALSE)

    # average betas
    betas <- lapply(bootstrap_out, '[[', 'betas')
    bs_betas <- Reduce("+",betas)/length(betas)

    # summary statistics for normed betas
    normed_betas <- lapply(bootstrap_out, '[[', 'normed_betas') %>% do.call(rbind,.)
    mean_normed_betas <- apply(normed_betas, 2, mean)
    stderror_normed_betas <- apply(normed_betas, 2, sd)
    ci_normed_betas <- apply(normed_betas, 2, function(x) x[order(x)])[c(round((1-confidence_level)*num_bootstraps),round(confidence_level*num_bootstraps)),] %>% as.matrix()
    bs_normed_betas <- dplyr::tibble(coefficient = names(mean_normed_betas), normed.estimate = unname(mean_normed_betas), std.error = unname(stderror_normed_betas), lower.ci = unname(ci_normed_betas[1,]), upper.ci = unname(ci_normed_betas[2,]))

    # output
    beta_coefficients <- bs_betas
    norm_tibble <- bs_normed_betas

    # notice
    if(verbose) cat('done with bootstrapping \n')


  # -------------------
  # permutation
  # -------------------


    if(verbose) cat('starting permutations \n')

    # permuted ols
    permute_out <- replicate(num_permutations, permute_ols(Y = Y, X = X), simplify = FALSE)

    # compute empirical p-value
    permuted_normed_betas <- lapply(permute_out, '[[', 'normed_betas') %>% do.call(rbind,.)
    empirical_pvalue <- sweep(permuted_normed_betas, 2, 1/full_sample_out$normed_betas, '*')
    empirical_pvalue <- apply(empirical_pvalue, 2, function(x) sum(x>1)/length(x))

    # bind with results
    norm_tibble <- cbind(norm_tibble, p.value = unname(empirical_pvalue))

    if(verbose) cat('done with permutations \n')


  # -------------------
  # build conText object
  # -------------------
  result <- build_conText(Class = 'conText',
                          x_conText = beta_coefficients,
                          normed_coefficients = norm_tibble,
                          features = toks_dem@features,
                          Dimnames = list(
                            rows = rownames(beta_coefficients),
                            columns = NULL))

  # print the normed coefficient table


# -----------------------------
# -----------------------------

#' Permute OLS
#' Estimate empirical p-value using permutated regression
#' @param Y vector of regression model's dependent variable (embedded context)
#' @param X data.frame of model independent variables (covariates)
#' @return list with two elements, `betas` = list of beta_coefficients (D dimensional vectors);
#' `normed_betas` = tibble with the norm of the non-intercept coefficients
permute_ols <- function(Y = NULL, X = NULL){

  # shuffle Y
  Y_permuted <- Y[sample(1:nrow(Y), replace = FALSE),]

  # run ols
  ols_out <- run_ols(Y = Y_permuted, X = X)

  # output


#' Bootstrap OLS
#' Bootstrap model coefficients and standard errors
#' @param Y vector of regression model's dependent variable (embedded context)
#' @param X data.frame of model independent variables (covariates)
#' @param stratify covariates to stratify when bootstrapping
#' @return list with two elements, `betas` = list of beta_coefficients (D dimensional vectors);
#' `normed_betas` = tibble with the norm of the non-intercept coefficients
bootstrap_ols <- function(Y = NULL, X = NULL, stratify = NULL){

  # label instances
  X_bs <- cbind(obs = 1:nrow(X), X)

  # sample observations with replacement
  if (stratify) {

    # identify discrete covariates to stratify over
    discrete_vars <- setdiff(colnames(X_bs)[sapply(X_bs, is.numeric)], c("obs", "(Intercept)"))

    # sample with stratification if there are discrete variables to stratify over
    if(length(discrete_vars) > 0) X_bs <- X_bs %>% dplyr::group_by_at(discrete_vars) %>% dplyr::sample_n(size = dplyr::n(), replace = TRUE) %>% dplyr::ungroup()
      warning('no discrete covariate to stratify over. Will proceed without stratifying.', call. = FALSE)
      X_bs <- dplyr::sample_n(X_bs, size = nrow(X_bs), replace = TRUE)

  } else{

    X_bs <- dplyr::sample_n(X_bs, size = nrow(X_bs), replace = TRUE)


  #X_bs <- dplyr::sample_n(X_bs, size = nrow(X_bs), replace = TRUE)

  # subset Y to sampled observations
  Y_bs <- Y[X_bs$obs,]

  # remove observation label
  X_bs <- X_bs[,-1]

  # run ols
  ols_out <- run_ols(Y = Y_bs, X = X_bs)

  # output

#' Run OLS
#' Bootstrap model coefficients and standard errors
#' @param Y vector of regression model's dependent variable (embedded context)
#' @param X data.frame of model independent variables (covariates)
#' @return list with two elements, `betas` = list of beta_coefficients (D dimensional vectors);
#' `normed_betas` = tibble with the norm of the non-intercept coefficients
run_ols <- function(Y = NULL, X = NULL){

  # convert X to a matrix
  X_mat <- as.matrix(X, ncol = ncol(X))

  # compute OLS bets hats
  betas <- solve(t(X_mat)%*%X_mat)%*%t(X_mat)%*%Y

  # normed betas
  vars <- setdiff(colnames(X), "(Intercept)") # identify non-intercept covariates (norm of intercept is not all that informative)
  normed_betas <- apply(matrix(betas[vars,], nrow = length(vars)), 1, function(x) norm(matrix(x, nrow = 1), type = "f")) %>% setNames(vars)

  # output
  return(list('betas' = betas, 'normed_betas' = normed_betas))


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conText documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:32 p.m.