fixedPar: Fix a Subset of a Copula Parameter Vector

fixParamR Documentation

Fix a Subset of a Copula Parameter Vector


It is sometimes useful to keep fixed some components of a copula parameter vector whereas the others are “free” and will be estimated, e.g., by fitCopula.

The first two functions set or modify the “fixedness”, whereas isFree(), isFreeP() and nParam() are utilities enquiring about the “fixedness” of the parameters (of a copula).


fixParam(param, fixed = TRUE)
fixedParam(copula) <- value

## S4 method for signature 'copula'
## and specific '*Copula' methods
## S4 method for signature 'copula'
nParam(copula, freeOnly = FALSE)
## and specific '*Copula' methods



numeric parameter vector

fixed, value

logical vector of the same length as param indicating for each component param[j] if it is (going to be) fixed or not.


a "copula" object.


logical (scalar) indicating if only free parameters should be counted or all.


fixParam(param) returns a numeric vector with attribute "fixed"(a logical, either TRUE or vector of the same length as param) to indicate which components of param are to be held fixed or not.

fixedParam<-, a generic function, returns a "copula" object with a partly fixed parameter (slot), i.e., corresponding to fixParam() above.

See Also

fitCopula for fitting; t-copulas, tCopula(*, df.fixed=TRUE) now uses parameter fixing for "df".

setTheta() for setting or changing the non-fixed parameter values.


nc1 <- normalCopula(dim = 3, fixParam(c(.6,.3,.2), c(TRUE, FALSE,FALSE)),
                    dispstr = "un")
nc13 <- nc12 <- nc1
fixedParam(nc12) <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE) ; nc12
fixedParam(nc13) <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) ; nc13
set.seed(17); x <- rCopula(100, nc1)
summary(f.13 <- fitCopula(nc13, x, method = "ml"))
f.13@copula  # 'rho.2' is estimated; the others kept fixed

## Setting to 'FALSE' (removes the "fixed" parts completely):
nc0 <- nc13; fixedParam(nc0) <- FALSE

copula documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:16 a.m.