
#' @title Convert a matrix of semi-processed DICOM images to root particle counts, volumes, and surface areas
#' @description Calculates the number of root/rhizome particles, volumes, and surface areas, for different size classes.  This version accommodates calibration curves with >4 calibrants, and uses density thresholds converted to Hounsfield Units using the calibration curve (rather than direct calibration rod values) to partition sediment components. 
#' @details Calculates the number of root/rhizome particles, volumes, and surface areas, for different size classes. This function requires that values be Hounsfield Units (i.e., data must be semi-processed from the raw DICOM imagery).
#' @usage getRoots(mat.list, pixelA, diameter.classes = c(1, 2, 2.5, 10),
#' class.names = diameter.classes,
#' thickness = 0.625,
#' means     = c(-850.3233, 63.912, 271.7827, 1345.0696),
#' sds       = c(77.6953, 14.1728, 39.2814, 45.4129), 
#' densities = c(0.0012, 1, 1.23, 2.2),
#' pixel.minimum = 4)
#' @param mat.list list of DICOM images for a sediment core (values in Hounsfield Units)
#' @param pixelA pixel area (mm2)
#' @param diameter.classes an integer vector of diameter cut points. Units are mm (zero is added in automatically).
#' @param class.names not used presently
#' @param thickness slice thickness for computed tomography image series (mm)
#' @param means mean values (units = Hounsfield Units) for calibration rods used.
#' @param sds standard deviations (units = Hounsfield Units) for calibration rods used. Must be in the same order as \code{means}.
#' @param densities numeric vector of known cal rod densities. Must be in the same order as \code{means} and \code{sds}.
#' @param pixel.minimum minimum number of pixels needed for a clump to be identified as a root
#' @return value \code{getRoots} returns a dataframe with one row per CT slice. Values returned are the number, volume (cm3), and surface area (cm2) of particles in each size class with an upper bound defined in \code{diameter.classes}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{convert}}
#' @examples
#' ct.slope <- unique(extractHeader(core_426$hdr, "RescaleSlope"))
#' ct.int   <- unique(extractHeader(core_426$hdr, "RescaleIntercept")) 
#' # convert raw units to Hounsfield units
#' HU_426 <- lapply(core_426$img, function(x) x*ct.slope + ct.int)
#' rootChars <- getRoots(HU_426, pixelA = 0.0596,
#' diameter.classes = c(2.5, 10))
#' \dontrun{
#' # plot using "ggplot" package after transforming with "reshape2" package
#' area.long <- reshape2::melt(rootChars, id.vars = c("depth"), 
#'    measure.vars = grep("Area", names(rootChars)))
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data = area.long, ggplot2::aes(y = -depth, x = value, 
#'    color = variable)) + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::theme_classic() + 
#'    ggplot2::xlab("root external surface area per slice (cm2)")
#' }
#' @importFrom raster freq
#' @importFrom raster match
#' @importFrom raster boundaries
#' @importFrom raster clump
#' @importFrom igraph union
#' @importFrom igraph decompose
#' @importFrom igraph spectrum
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom oro.dicom extractHeader
#' @importFrom oro.dicom readDICOM
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @export

getRoots <- function (mat.list, pixelA, 
                      diameter.classes = c(1, 2, 2.5, 10), # mm, targets clumps less than or equal to "diameter" argument
                      class.names = diameter.classes,
                      thickness = 0.625, # mm
                      means     = c(-850.3233, 63.912, 271.7827, 1345.0696),  # all cal rod units are in Hounsfield Units
                      sds       = c(77.6953, 14.1728, 39.2814, 45.4129),  # in same order as means. units are in Hounsfield Units
                      densities = c(0.0012, 1, 1.23, 2.2),
                      pixel.minimum = 4) {
  # function creates dataframe with root/rhizome numbers and perimeter(!) for each depth interval
  cat("\n Processing root data: \n")
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(mat.list), initial = 0, style = 3)
  ##### section added 20190922 to separate calibration curve from component partitioning
  densitydf <- data.frame(HU = means, density = densities)
  summary(lm1 <- stats::lm(density ~ HU, data = densitydf)) # density in g/cm3
  if (summary(lm1)$r.squared < 0.95) { # print message to console if r2 < 0.95 
    message(cat("\n Note: Calibration curve has limited explanatory power; r2 = ", round(summary(lm1)$r.squared, 3), "\n"))
  densToHU <- stats::lm(HU ~ density, data = densitydf)
  partition.means <- stats::predict(densToHU, newdata = data.frame(density = c(0.0012, 1, 1.23, 2.2))) # this is hard-coded to reflect partitioning in Davey et al. 2011
  air.proxy   <- which.min(abs(means - partition.means[1])) # which element to use for air SD?
  water.proxy <- which.min(abs(means - partition.means[2])) # which element to use for water SD?
  Si.proxy    <- which.min(abs(means - partition.means[3])) # which element to use for Si SD?
  glass.proxy <- which.min(abs(means - partition.means[4])) # which element to use for glass SD?
  partition.sds   <- c(sds[c(air.proxy, water.proxy, Si.proxy, glass.proxy)])
  ### now, set means and SDs used for partitioning
  airHU      <- partition.means[1]
  airSD      <- partition.sds[1]
  waterHU    <- partition.means[2]
  waterSD    <- partition.sds[2]
  SiHU       <- partition.means[3]
  SiSD       <- partition.sds[3]
  glassHU    <- partition.means[4]
  glassSD    <- partition.sds[4]
  ##### end section added 20190922
  voxelVol <- pixelA * thickness / 1e3 # cm3
  air.UB <- airHU + airSD # lower bound on R&R, exclusive. earl adds 1 to this quantity to start next category
  water.LB <- waterHU - waterSD # upper bound on R&R, inclusive
  # clump IDs extracted on basis of area
  # with rule: clumps must be greater than 1 pixel
  # this rule is based on comparison of ImageJ and R results
  diams <- c(0, diameter.classes) # revise diameter classes to include zero
  thresh.A <- pi*(diams/2)^2 # convert diameter to area
  thresh.pixels <- round(thresh.A / pixelA)  # convert area to no of pixels (irregular clumps are included; should maybe use floor() instead of round())
  thresh.pixels[1] <- pixel.minimum
  for (i in 1:length(mat.list)) {
    depth <- thickness * i / 10 # cm
    temp <- mat.list[[i]]
    ### adjust here to get size class mass estimates
    temp[(temp > air.UB) & (temp <= water.LB)] <- 1 # isolate pixels with R&R density, change to 1
    temp[!temp == 1] <- NA # make sure only two values exist: 1, NA
    if(length(temp) == 0) next 
    if (sum(!is.na(temp)) > 0) {
      rmat <- raster::raster(temp)
      rmat.int <- raster::clump(rmat, directions = 8, gaps = FALSE)
      clump.sub1 <- data.frame(freq(rmat.int))
      for (j in 2:length(diams)) {
        # select clumps with less than x pixels
        clump.sub <- clump.sub1[ (clump.sub1$count <= thresh.pixels[j]) & 
                                   (clump.sub1$count > thresh.pixels[j-1]) & 
                                   !is.na(clump.sub1$value), ] #clump.sub$A <- clump.sub$count * pixelArea
        if (nrow(clump.sub) > 0) {
          includeID <- as.vector(clump.sub$value) # record IDs from clumps which met the criteria in previous step
          rootVol  <- sum(as.vector(clump.sub$count) * voxelVol) # sum clump volumes in cm3
          # get root perimeter (then multiply by thickness to calculate external surface area)
          # make a new raster to be sieved
          maskSieve <- rmat.int
          # assign NA to all clumps whose IDs are NOT found in excludeID
          # maskSieve[!maskSieve %in% includeID] <- NA # 
          maskSieve <- raster::match(maskSieve, includeID)
          # calculate perimeter based on clump results # plot(boundaries(maskSieve, classes = FALSE, directions = 8, asNA = TRUE))
          a2 <- raster::freq(raster::boundaries(maskSieve, classes = FALSE, directions = 8, asNA = TRUE), value = 1) # number of "1"s x pixelSide = edge length
          a3 <- a2 * sqrt(pixelA) # mm of edge length; sqrt() reflects assumption that one side of pixel contributes to perimeter (neglects corners; lower-bound estimate) # (sqrt(2*sqrt(pixelArea)^2) - sqrt(pixelArea)) / sqrt(pixelArea)
          numberOfClumps <- nrow(clump.sub)
          rootSurfaceArea <- a3 * thickness / 100 # edge length (mm) * thickness (mm) = mm2 /100 = cm2 of external root surface area in slice
          # rootSurfaceVol <- rootSurfaceArea * (thickness / 10) # cm3 # tdh: probably not a meaningful parameter
          outDatInt <- data.frame(particles = numberOfClumps, surfArea = rootSurfaceArea, rootVolume = rootVol) #,surfaceVol = rootSurfaceVol)
          names(outDatInt) <- paste0(names(outDatInt), ".", diams[j - 1], "_", diams[j], "mm")
        } else if (nrow(clump.sub) == 0) {
          a3 <- 0
          outDatInt <- data.frame(particles = 0, surfArea = 0, rootVolume = 0)
          names(outDatInt) <- paste0(names(outDatInt), ".", diams[j - 1], "_", diams[j], "mm")
        if (j == 2) {
          outDatInt2 <- outDatInt 
        } else {
          outDatInt2 <- cbind(outDatInt2, outDatInt)
    } else if (sum(!is.na(temp)) == 0) { # fill in zeroes if there aren't any clumps
      for (j in 2:length(diams)) {
        outDatInt <- data.frame(particles = 0, surfArea = 0, rootVolume = 0)
        names(outDatInt) <- paste0(names(outDatInt), ".", diams[j - 1], "_", diams[j], "mm")
        if (j == 2) {
          outDatInt2 <- outDatInt 
        } else {
          outDatInt2 <- cbind(outDatInt2, outDatInt)
    # combine dfs from individual layers
    # convert NAs to zeroes
    outDatInt2$depth <- depth
    if ((i > 1)  & exists("outDat")) {
      ### this is to avoid use of plyr::rbind.fill
      missing.names.outDat <- which(!names(outDatInt2) %in% names(outDat))
      missing.names.newRow <- which(!names(outDat) %in% names(outDatInt2))
      if (length(missing.names.outDat) > 0) {
        outDat[, names(outDatInt2)[missing.names.outDat]] <- NA
      if (length(missing.names.newRow) > 0) {
        outDatInt2[, names(outDat)[missing.names.newRow]] <- NA
      outDatInt2 <- outDatInt2[, names(outDat)] # re-organize if necessary, to match column order in outDat
      # equivalent to: outDat <- plyr::rbind.fill(list(outDat, outDatInt2)) # preserve all columns
      outDat <- rbind(outDat, outDatInt2)
    } else {
      outDat <- outDatInt2
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  outDat <- outDat[ , order(names(outDat))] # sort columns alphabetically (by material), rather than size class
  ### TODO: aggregate parameters
  outDat$structures <- base::rowSums(outDat[, grep("particles", names(outDat))])
  outDat$totArea    <- base::rowSums(outDat[, grep("Area", names(outDat))])
  # outDat$totVol <- base::rowSums(outDat[, grep("Vol", names(outDat))])

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coreCT documentation built on Feb. 5, 2021, 5:06 p.m.