
#' Counterfactuals Class
#' @description 
#' A `Counterfactuals` object should be created by the `$find_counterfactuals` method of \link{CounterfactualMethodRegr} 
#' or \link{CounterfactualMethodClassif}.
#' It contains the counterfactuals and has several methods for their evaluation and visualization.
#' @references 
#' Gower, J. C. (1971), "A general coefficient of similarity and some of its properties". Biometrics, 27, 623–637.
Counterfactuals = R6::R6Class("Counterfactuals",
  public = list(
    #' @description 
    #' Creates a new `Counterfactuals` object.
    #' This method should only be called by the `$find_counterfactuals` methods of \link{CounterfactualMethodRegr} 
    #' and \link{CounterfactualMethodClassif}.
    #' @param cfactuals (`data.table`) \cr
    #'  The counterfactuals. Must have the same column names and types as `predictor$data$X`.
    #' @template lower_upper
    #' @template x_interest
    #' @template predictor
    #' @param method (`character`) \cr
    #' Name of the method with which counterfactuals were generated. Default is 
    #' NULL which means that no name is provided.
    #' @param param_set (\link[paradox]{ParamSet})\cr
    #'  A \link[paradox]{ParamSet} based on the features of `predictor$data$X`.
    #' @param desired (`list(1)` | `list(2)`)\cr
    #'  A `list` with the desired properties of the counterfactuals. It should have one element `desired_outcome` for 
    #'  regression tasks (\link{CounterfactualMethodRegr}) and two elements `desired_class` and `desired_prob` 
    #'  for classification tasks (\link{CounterfactualMethodClassif}).
    initialize = function(cfactuals, predictor, x_interest, param_set, desired, method = NULL) {
      assert_class(predictor, "Predictor")
      assert_data_frame(x_interest, nrows = 1L)
      assert_true(ncol(cfactuals) == ncol(x_interest))
      assert_class(param_set, "ParamSet")
      assert_list(desired, min.len = 1L, max.len = 2L)
      assert_character(method, null.ok = TRUE)
      assert_names(names(cfactuals), permutation.of = names(predictor$data$X))
      setcolorder(cfactuals, names(predictor$data$X))
      if (any(sapply(cfactuals, typeof) != sapply(predictor$data$X, typeof))) {
        stop("Columns of `cfactuals` and `predictor$data$X` must have the same types.")
      factor_columns = names(cfactuals)[sapply(cfactuals, is.factor)]
      if (length(factor_columns) > 0L) {
        for (col in factor_columns) {
            cfactuals[[col]], levels = levels(predictor$data$X[[col]]), ordered = is.ordered(predictor$data$X[[col]])
      private$.method = method
      private$predictor = predictor
      private$param_set = param_set
      private$diff = make_cfactuals_diff(cfactuals, x_interest)
      private$.fulldata = cfactuals
      private$.data = cfactuals
      private$.x_interest = x_interest
      private$.desired = desired
      private$.distance_function = gower_dist
      private$.method = method
    #' @description 
    #' Evaluates the counterfactuals. It returns the counterfactuals together with the evaluation `measures`.
    #' @param measures (`character`) \cr
    #'  The name of one or more evaluation measures.
    #'  The following measures are available: 
    #'   * `dist_x_interest`: The distance of a counterfactual to `x_interest` measured by Gower's 
    #'   dissimilarity measure (Gower 1971).  
    #'   * `dist_target`: The absolute distance of the prediction for a counterfactual to the interval `desired_outcome`
    #'                    (regression tasks) or `desired_prob` (classification tasks).      
    #'   * `no_changed`: The number of feature changes w.r.t. `x_interest`.   
    #'   * `dist_train`: The (weighted) distance to the `k` nearest training data points measured by Gower's 
    #'   dissimilarity measure (Gower 1971).
    #'   * `minimality`: The number of changed features that each could be set to the 
    #'   value of `x_interest` while keeping the desired prediction value.
    #' @param show_diff (`logical(1)`)\cr
    #'  Should the counterfactuals be displayed as their differences to `x_interest`? Default is `FALSE`.
    #'  If set to `TRUE`, positive values for numeric features indicate an increase compared to the feature value in
    #'  `x_interest`, negative values indicate a decrease. For factors, the feature value is displayed if it differs 
    #'  from `x_interest`; `NA` means "no difference" in both cases.       
    #' @param k (`integerish(1)`) \cr
    #'  How many nearest training points should be considered for computing the `dist_train` measure? Default is `1L`.  
    #' @param weights (`numeric(k)` | `NULL`) \cr
    #'  How should the `k` nearest training points be weighted when computing the `dist_train` measure? If `NULL`
    #'  (default) then all `k` points are weighted equally. If a numeric vector of length `k` is given, the i-th element
    #'  specifies the weight of the i-th closest data point.
    #' @md
    evaluate = function(measures = c("dist_x_interest", "dist_target", "no_changed", "dist_train", "minimality"), 
      show_diff = FALSE, k = 1L, weights = NULL) {
      assert_names(measures, subset.of = c("dist_x_interest", "dist_target", "no_changed", "dist_train", "minimality"))
      assert_number(k, lower = 1, upper = nrow(private$predictor$data$X))
      assert_numeric(weights, any.missing = FALSE, len = k, null.ok = TRUE)
      assert_data_table(self$data, min.rows = 1L)
      if (show_diff) {
        evals = private$diff
      } else {
        evals = private$.data
      if ("dist_x_interest" %in% measures) {
        evals$dist_x_interest = as.vector(eval_distance(private$.distance_function, private$.data, private$.x_interest, private$predictor$data$X))
      if ("no_changed" %in% measures) {
        evals$no_changed = count_changes(private$.data, private$.x_interest)
      if ("dist_train" %in% measures) {
        dist_matrix = eval_distance(private$.distance_function, private$.data, private$predictor$data$X, private$predictor$data$X)
        evals$dist_train = t(apply(dist_matrix, 1L, function(x) sort(x)))[, 1L]
      if ("dist_target" %in% measures) {
        pred_column = private$get_pred_column()
        pred = self$predict()[[pred_column]]
        if (private$predictor$task == "classification") {
          target = private$.desired$desired_prob
        } else {
          target = private$.desired$desired_outcome
        evals$dist_target = sapply(
          pred, function(x) ifelse(between(x, target[1L], target[2L]), 0, min(abs(x - target)))
      if ("minimality" %in% measures) {
        nofeat = rep(0, nrow(private$.data))
        for (feature in private$predictor$data$feature.names) {
          transdata = private$.data
          if (all(transdata[[feature]] == self$x_interest[[feature]])) {
          transdata[[feature]] = self$x_interest[[feature]]
          pred_column = private$get_pred_column()
          newpred = private$predictor$predict(transdata)[[pred_column]]
          if (private$predictor$task == "classification") {
            target = private$.desired$desired_prob
          } else {
            target = private$.desired$desired_outcome
            dist_target2 = sapply(
              newpred, function(x) ifelse(between(x, target[1L], target[2L]), 0, min(abs(x - target)))
          id = which(dist_target2 == 0 & private$.data[[feature]] != self$x_interest[[feature]])
          if (length(id) > 0) {
            nofeat[id] = nofeat[id] + 1
        evals$minimality = nofeat
      if ("dist_target" %in% measures) {
        setorder(evals, dist_target)
    #' @description 
    #' Evaluates a set of counterfactuals. It returns the evaluation `measures`.
    #' @param measures (`character`) \cr
    #'  The name of one or more evaluation measures.
    #'  The following measures are available: 
    #'   * `diversity`: Diversity of returned counterfactuals in the feature space
    #'   * `no_nondom`: Number of counterfactuals that are not dominated by other 
    #'   counterfactuals. 
    #'   * `frac_nondom`: Fraction of counterfactuals that are not dominated by
    #'   other counterfactuals  
    #'   * `hypervolume`: Hypervolume of the induced Pareto front
    #' @param nadir (`numeric`) \cr Max objective values to calculate dominated hypervolume. 
    #' Only considered, if `hypervolume` is one of the `measures`.
    #' May be a scalar, in which case it is used for all four objectives, 
    #' or a vector of length 4.
    #' Default is NULL, meaning the nadir point by Dandl et al. (2020) is used: 
    #' (min distance between prediction of `x_interest` to `desired_prob/_outcome`, 
    #' 1, number of features, 1).
    evaluate_set = function(measures = c("diversity", "no_nondom", "frac_nondom", "hypervolume"), nadir = NULL) {
      assert_names(measures, subset.of = c("diversity", "no_nondom", "frac_nondom", "hypervolume"))
      assert_numeric(nadir, min.len = 1L, max.len = 4L, null.ok = TRUE)
      if (nrow(private$.data) <= 1) {
        message("number of counterfactuals <= 1, no evaluation of set could be conducted")
      evals = data.table(matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = length(measures)))
      evals = setNames(evals, measures)
      if ("diversity" %in% measures) {
        dist_matrix = eval_distance(private$.distance_function, x = private$.data, 
          y = private$.data, data = private$predictor$data$X)
        evals$diversity = mean(dist_matrix[lower.tri(dist_matrix)])
      if (any(c("no_nondom", "frac_nondom", "hypervolume") %in% measures)) {
        res = self$evaluate()[, c("dist_target", "dist_x_interest", "no_changed", "dist_train")]
        if (any(c("no_nondom", "frac_nondom") %in% measures)) {
          idnondom = miesmuschel::rank_nondominated(-as.matrix(res))$fronts == 1
          if ("no_nondom" %in% measures) evals$no_nondom = sum(idnondom)
          if ("frac_nondom" %in% measures) evals$frac_nondom = sum(idnondom)/nrow(res)
        if ("hypervolume" %in% measures) {
          if (private$predictor$task == "classification") {
            target = private$.desired$desired_prob
          } else {
            target = private$.desired$desired_outcome
          pred_column = private$get_pred_column()
          y_hat_interest = private$predictor$predict(self$x_interest)[[pred_column]]
          if (is.null(nadir)) {
            nadir = c(min(abs(y_hat_interest - target)), 1, ncol(self$x_interest), 1) 
          evals$hypervolume = miesmuschel::domhv(
            nadir = -nadir, 
            on_worse_than_nadir = "quiet"
    #' @description Returns the predictions for the counterfactuals.
    predict = function() {
    #' @description Subset data to those meeting the desired prediction, 
    #' Process could be reverted using `revert_subset_to_valid()`.
    subset_to_valid = function() {
      if (!private$.subsetted) {
        # [] necessary to ensure that $data prints the data on the first call
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34270165/when-and-why-does-print-need-two-attempts-to-print-a-data-table
        private$.data =  self$evaluate(measures = "dist_target")[dist_target == 0][, dist_target := NULL][]
        private$diff = make_cfactuals_diff(private$.data, self$x_interest)
        private$.subsetted = TRUE
      } else {
        message("Counterfactuals were already subsetted beforehand")
    #' @description Subset data to those meeting the desired prediction, 
    #' Process could be reverted using `revert_subset_to_valid()`.
    revert_subset_to_valid = function() {
      if (private$.subsetted) {
        private$.data = private$.fulldata
        private$.subsetted = FALSE
      } else {
        message("Nothing can be reversed, subsetting to valid ones was not conducted beforehand")
    #' @description Plots a parallel plot that connects the (scaled) feature values of each counterfactual and highlights
    #' `x_interest` in blue.
    #' @param feature_names (`character` | `NULL`)\cr
    #'  The names of the (numeric) features to display. If `NULL` (default) all features are displayed.
    #' @param row_ids (`integerish` | `NULL`)\cr
    #'  The row ids of the counterfactuals to display. If `NULL` (default) all counterfactuals are displayed.
    #' @param digits_min_max Maximum number of digits for the minimum and maximum features values. Default is `2L`.
    plot_parallel = function(feature_names = NULL, row_ids = NULL, digits_min_max = 2L) {
      if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package 'ggplot2' needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
      if (!requireNamespace("GGally", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package 'GGally' needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
      assert_data_table(self$data, min.rows = 1L)
      if (is.null(feature_names)) {
        feature_names = names(private$.data)
      assert_names(feature_names, subset.of = names(private$.data))
      if (is.null(row_ids)) {
        row_ids = 1:nrow(private$.data)
      assert_integerish(row_ids, lower = 1L, upper = nrow(private$.data))
      assert_integerish(digits_min_max, len = 1L, lower = 1L)
      cfactuals = private$.data[row_ids, ..feature_names]
      dt = rbind(cfactuals, self$x_interest[, ..feature_names])
      feat_nam = copy(names(dt))
      is_character_col = names(dt)[sapply(dt, is.character)]
      if (length(is_character_col) > 0) {
        dt_char = sapply(dt[, ..is_character_col], as.numeric)
        dt[, (is_character_col) := NULL]
        dt = cbind(dt, dt_char)
      is_factor_col = names(dt)[sapply(dt, is.factor)]
      if (length(is_factor_col) > 0) {
        dt_fact = sapply(dt[, ..is_factor_col], unclass)
        dt[, (is_factor_col) := NULL]
        dt = cbind(dt, dt_fact)
      dt = dt[, ..feat_nam]
      line_colors = c(rep("gray", nrow(cfactuals)), "blue")
      names(line_colors) <- rownames(dt)
      dt[, rn := rownames(dt)]
      param.set = self$.__enclos_env__$private$param.set
      val.f = private$param_set$levels
      val.f = val.f[lapply(val.f,length)>0]
      GGally::ggparcoord(dt, 1:(ncol(dt)-1), groupColumn = "rn", scale = "uniminmax", showPoints = TRUE,
        alphaLines = 0.8) +
        ggplot2::theme_bw() +
        ggplot2::ylim(c(-0.1, 1.1)) +
        ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none") +
        ggplot2::ylab("scaled feature values") +
        ggplot2::xlab("variables") +
        ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = -15, vjust = .2, hjust=0.5)) +
        ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(name = "rows", values = line_colors) +
          "text", x = 1:length(feat_nam), y = 1.05, size = 3.5,
          label = sapply(feat_nam, function(nam) {
            feat_max = round(max(dt[, ..nam], na.rm = TRUE), digits = digits_min_max)
            if (nam %in% names(val.f)) {
              feat_max = val.f[[nam]][feat_max]
        ) +
          "text", x = 1:length(feat_nam), y = -0.05, size = 3.5,
          label = sapply(feat_nam, function(nam) {
            feat_min = round(min(dt[, ..nam], na.rm = TRUE), digits = digits_min_max)
            feat_max = round(max(dt[, ..nam], na.rm = TRUE), digits = digits_min_max)
            if (feat_min == feat_max) return("")
            if (nam %in% names(val.f)) {
              feat_min = val.f[[nam]][feat_min]
    #' @description Plots a bar chart with the frequency of feature changes across all counterfactuals.
    #' @param subset_zero (`logical(1)`)\cr
    #'  Should unchanged features be excluded from the plot? Default is `FALSE`.
    plot_freq_of_feature_changes = function(subset_zero = FALSE) {
      if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package 'ggplot2' needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
      freq = self$get_freq_of_feature_changes(subset_zero)
      df_freq = data.frame(var_name = names(freq), freq = freq)
      ggplot2::ggplot(df_freq, ggplot2::aes(x = reorder(var_name, freq), y = freq)) +
        ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.9) +
        ggplot2::labs(x = ggplot2::element_blank(), y = "Relative frequency") +
        ggplot2::coord_flip() +
    #' @description Returns the frequency of feature changes across all counterfactuals.
    #' @param subset_zero (`logical(1)`)\cr
    #'  Should unchanged features be excluded? Default is `FALSE`.
    #' @return A (named) `numeric` vector with the frequency of feature changes.
    get_freq_of_feature_changes = function(subset_zero = FALSE) {
      assert_data_table(self$data, min.rows = 1L)
      feature_names = names(private$.x_interest)
      diff_features = private$diff[, feature_names, with = FALSE]
      freq = colMeans(!is.na(diff_features), na.rm = TRUE)
      if (subset_zero) {
        freq = freq[freq != 0]
      sort(freq, decreasing = TRUE)
    #' @description Creates a surface plot for two features. `x_interest` is represented as a white dot and 
    #' all counterfactuals that differ from `x_interest` **only** in the two selected features are represented as black dots.
    #' The tick marks next to the axes show the marginal distribution of the observed data (`predictor$data$X`). \cr
    #' The exact plot type depends on the selected feature types and number of features:
    #'  * 2 numeric features: surface plot
    #'  * 2 non-numeric features: heatmap
    #'  * 1 numeric or non-numeric feature: line graph
    #' @param feature_names (`character(2)`)\cr
    #'  The names of the features to plot.
    #' @param grid_size (`integerish(1)`)\cr
    #'  The grid size of the plot. It is ignored in case of two `non-numeric` features. Default is `250L`.
    #' @md
    plot_surface = function(feature_names, grid_size = 250L) {
      if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package 'ggplot2' needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
      assert_data_table(self$data, min.rows = 1L)
      assert_names(feature_names, subset.of = names(private$.data))
      diff_rel_feats = private$diff[, ..feature_names]
      n_changes_total = count_changes(private$.data, private$.x_interest)
      n_changes_rel_feats = rowSums(!is.na(diff_rel_feats))
      has_changes_in_rel_feats_only = (n_changes_rel_feats == n_changes_total)
      cfactuals_plotted = private$.data[which(has_changes_in_rel_feats_only)]
        grid_size, private$param_set, cfactuals_plotted, private$.x_interest, private$predictor, feature_names, 
    #' @description Prints the `Counterfactuals` object.
    print = function() {
      desired = private$.desired
      cat(nrow(private$.data), "Counterfactual(s) \n \n")
      if (private$predictor$task == "classification") {
        cat("Desired class:", desired$desired_class, "\n")
        if (desired$desired_prob[1L] != desired$desired_prob[2L]) {
            "Desired predicted probability range: [", desired$desired_prob[1L], ", ", 
            desired$desired_prob[2L],  "] \n \n", sep = ""
        } else {
          cat("Desired predicted probability:", private$.desired$desired_prob[1L], "\n \n")
      } else {
        if (private$.desired$desired_outcome[1L] != private$.desired$desired_outcome[2L]) {
            "Desired outcome range: [", desired$desired_outcome[1L], ", ", 
            desired$desired_outcome[2L],  "] \n \n", sep = ""
        } else {
          cat("Desired outcome:", private$.desired$desired_outcome[1L], "\n \n")
      cat("Head: \n")
      print(head(private$.data, 3L))
  active = list(
    #' @field desired (`list(1)` | `list(2)`)\cr
    #'  A `list` with the desired properties of the counterfactuals.  
    #'  For regression tasks it has one element `desired_outcome` (\link{CounterfactualMethodRegr}) and for 
    #'  classification tasks two elements `desired_class` and `desired_prob` (\link{CounterfactualMethodClassif}).
    desired = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        stop("`$desired` is read only", call. = FALSE)
    #' @field data (`data.table`)\cr
    #'  The counterfactuals for `x_interest`.
    data = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        stop("`$data` is read only", call. = FALSE)
    #' @field x_interest (`data.table(1)`) \cr
    #'   A single row with the observation of interest.
    x_interest = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        stop("`$x_interest` is read only", call. = FALSE)
    #' @field distance_function (`function()`) \cr
    #'  The distance function used in the second and fourth evaluation measure.
    #'  The function must have three arguments:
    #'  `x`, `y`, and `data` and return a `numeric` matrix. If set to `NULL` (default), then Gower distance (Gower 1971) is used.
    distance_function = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        assert_function(value, args = c("x", "y", "data"), ordered = TRUE)
        private$.distance_function = value
    #' @field method (`character`) \cr
    #'   A single row with the observation of interest.
    method = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        stop("`$method` is read only", call. = FALSE)
  private = list(
    predictor = NULL,
    param_set = NULL,
    diff = NULL,
    task = NULL, 
    .desired = NULL,
    .data = NULL,
    .fulldata = NULL,
    .subsetted = FALSE,
    .x_interest = NULL,
    .distance_function = NULL,
    .method = NULL,
    get_pred_column = function() {
      if (private$predictor$task == "classification") {
      } else {

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counterfactuals documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:17 p.m.