
Defines functions choose_uncompress_function get_desc parse_package_files

parse_package_files <- function(files, md5s, fields) {

  ## We work in temp dir
  dir.create(tmp <- tempfile())
  on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  ## Extract and parse DESCRIPTION. If there is a warning, then
  ## this is probably because uncompressing the file has failed.
  ## If there is an error, then we could not extract DESCRIPTION,
  ## but even in this case there will be a warning as well...
  pkgs <- lapply(files, function(file) {
    "!DEBUG Parsing `basename(file)`"
    desc <- get_desc(file)
    if (is.null(desc)) return(NULL)
    row <- desc$get(fields)
    if (is.na(row["Package"])) warning("No package name in ", sQuote(file))
    if (is.na(row["Version"])) warning("No version number in ", sQuote(file))
  valid <- ! vapply(pkgs, is.null, TRUE)

  ## Make it into a DF
  pkgs <- drop_nulls(pkgs)
  pkgs <- vapply(pkgs, c, FUN.VALUE = fields)
  df <- as.data.frame(t(pkgs))
  names(df) <- fields

  ## Stick in MD5
  df$MD5sum <- md5s[valid]

  ## Add file names
  df$File <- basename(files[valid])

  ## Some extra fields
  df$Filesize <- as.character(file.size(files[valid]))

  ## Standardize licenses, or NA, like in tools
  license_info <- analyze_licenses(df$License)
  df$License <- ifelse(license_info$is_standardizable,


#' @importFrom desc description

get_desc <- function(file) {
      desc <- description$new(file)
      v <- desc$get("Version")
      if (!is.na(v)) desc$set("Version", str_trim(v))
    error = function(e) {
        "Cannot extract valid DESCRIPTION, ", sQuote(file),
        " will be ignored ",

#' @importFrom utils untar unzip

choose_uncompress_function <- function(file) {
  if (grepl("_.*\\.zip$", file)) {
    function(...) unzip(..., unzip = "internal")

  } else if (grepl("_.*\\.tar\\..*$", file) || grepl("_.*\\.tgz$", file)) {
    function(...) untar(..., tar = "internal")

  } else {
    stop("Don't know how to handle file: ", file)

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cranlike documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:20 p.m.