
Defines functions crwPredict

Documented in crwPredict

#' Predict animal locations and velocities using a fitted CTCRW model and
#' calculate measurement error fit statistics

#' The \code{crwMEfilter} function uses a fitted model object from
#' \code{crwMLE} to predict animal locations (with estimated uncertainty) at
#' times in the original data set and supplemented by times in \code{predTime}.
#' If \code{speedEst} is set to \code{TRUE}, then animal log-speed is also
#' estimated. In addition, the measurement error shock detection filter of de
#' Jong and Penzer (1998) is also calculated to provide a measure for outlier
#' detection.

#' The requirements for \code{data} are the same as those for fitting the model
#' in \code{\link{crwMLE}}.
#' @param object.crwFit A model object from \code{\link{crwMLE}}.
#' @param predTime vector of desired prediction times (numeric or POSIXct). Alternatively, a character vector specifying a time interval (see Details).
#' @param return.type character. Should be one of \code{"minimal","flat","list"} (see Details).
#' @param ... Additional arguments for testing new features
#' @details 
#' \itemize{
#' \item("predTime"){
#' \code{predTime} can be either passed as a separate vector of POSIXct or 
#' numeric values for all prediction times expected in the returned object. 
#' Note, previous versions of \code{crwPredict} would return both times 
#' specified via \code{predTime} as well as each original observed time. This is
#'  no longer the default (see \item{return.type}). If the original data were 
#'  provided as a POSIXct type, then \code{crwPredict} can derive a sequence of 
#'  regularly spaced prediction times from the original data. This is specified 
#'  by providing a character string that corresponds to the \code{by} argument 
#'  of the \code{seq.POSIXt} function (e.g. '1 hour', '30 mins'). 
#'  \code{crwPredict} will round the first observed time up to the nearest unit 
#'  (e.g. '1 hour' will round up to the nearest hour, '30 mins' will round up to 
#'  the nearest minute) and start the sequence from there. The last observation 
#'  time is truncated down to the nearest unit to specify the end time.
#' }
#' }
#' @return
#' There are three possible return types specified with \code{return.type}:
#' \item{minimal}{a data.frame with a minimal set of columns: 
#' \code{date_time,mu.x,mu.y,se.mu.x,se.mu.y}}
#' \item{flat}{a data set is returned with the
#' columns of the original data plus the state estimates, standard errors (se),
#' and speed estimates}
#' \item{list}{List with the following elements:}
#' \item{originalData}{A data.frame with \code{data} merged with
#' \code{predTime}.}
#' \item{alpha.hat}{Predicted state}
#' \item{Var.hat}{array where \code{Var.hat[,,i]} is the prediction
#' covariance matrix for \code{alpha.hat[,i]}.}
#' @author Devin S. Johnson
#' @references de Jong, P. and Penzer, J. (1998) Diagnosing shocks in time
#' series. Journal of the American Statistical Association 93:796-806.
#' @export

crwPredict=function(object.crwFit, predTime=NULL, return.type="minimal", ...)
  if(inherits(object.crwFit, "error")) stop("Model was not fit correctly, please revisit fitting stage!")
  data <- as.data.frame(object.crwFit$data)
  tn <- object.crwFit$Time.name
  driftMod <- object.crwFit$random.drift
  mov.mf <- object.crwFit$mov.mf
  activity <- object.crwFit$activity
  err.mfX <- object.crwFit$err.mfX
  err.mfY <- object.crwFit$err.mfY
  rho = object.crwFit$rho
  par <- object.crwFit$par
  n.errX <- object.crwFit$n.errX
  n.errY <- object.crwFit$n.errY
  n.mov <- object.crwFit$n.mov
  fixPar = object.crwFit$fixPar
  theta = object.crwFit$par[is.na(fixPar)]
  ## the typical expectation is for tn to be POSIXct. But, some users may decide
  ## to pass a numeric time vector. Here, we'll confirm numeric or POSIXct and
  ## set return_posix to TRUE unless the submitted values are numeric. In the
  ## case where the data values are one and the predTime values are another, we
  ## will convert to POSIXct and return POSIXct
  return_posix <- ifelse((inherits(predTime,"POSIXct") | inherits(predTime, "character")) & 
                         TRUE, FALSE)
  if(!return_posix) {
    # if(inherits(predTime,"numeric") && inherits(data[, tn],"numeric")) {
    #   warning("numeric time values detected. numeric values will be returned.")
    # } 
    if(inherits(predTime,"numeric") && inherits(data[, tn], "POSIXct")) {
      # warning("predTime provided as numeric. converting it to POSIXct.")
      stop("predTime provided as numeric and original time data was POSIX!")
      # predTime <- lubridate::as_datetime(predTime)
    if(inherits(predTime,"POSIXct") && inherits(data[, tn], "numeric")) {
      # warning("input data time column provided as numeric. converting to POSIXct")
      stop("predTime provided as POSIX and original data was numeric!")
      # data[, tn] <- lubridate::as_datetime(data[, tn])
    if(inherits(predTime,"character")) {
      if(!inherits(data[,tn],"POSIXct")) stop("Character specification of predTime can only be used with POSIX times in the original data!")
      t_int <- unlist(strsplit(predTime, " "))
      if(t_int[2] %in% c("sec","secs","min","mins","hour","hours","day","days")) {
        min_dt <- min(data[,tn],na.rm=TRUE)
        max_dt <- max(data[,tn],na.rm=TRUE)
        min_dt <- lubridate::ceiling_date(min_dt,t_int[2])
        max_dt <- lubridate::floor_date(max_dt,t_int[2])
        predTime <- seq(min_dt, max_dt, by = predTime)
      } else {
        stop("predTime not specified correctly. see documentation for seq.POSIXt")
    if(inherits(predTime, "POSIXct")){
      ts = attr(object.crwFit, "time.scale")
      predTime = as.numeric(predTime)/ts
    ## Data setup ##
    if(min(predTime) <  min(data$TimeNum)) {
      warning("Predictions times given before first observation!\nOnly those after first observation will be used.")
      predTime <- predTime[predTime>=min(data$TimeNum)]
    origTime <- data$TimeNum
    if (is.null(data$locType)) {
      data$locType <- "o"
    predData <- data.frame(predTime, "p")
    names(predData) <- c("TimeNum", "locType")
    # predTime <- as.numeric(predTime)
    data <- merge(data, predData,
                  by=c("TimeNum", "locType"), all=TRUE)
    dups <- duplicated(data$TimeNum) #& data[,"locType"]==1
    data <- data[!dups, ]
    mov.mf <- as.matrix(expandPred(x=mov.mf, Time=origTime, predTime=predTime))
    if (!is.null(activity)) activity <- as.matrix(expandPred(x=activity, Time=origTime, predTime=predTime))
    if (!is.null(err.mfX)) err.mfX <- as.matrix(expandPred(x=err.mfX, Time=origTime, predTime=predTime))
    if (!is.null(err.mfY)) err.mfY <- as.matrix(expandPred(x=err.mfY, Time=origTime, predTime=predTime))
    if (!is.null(rho)) rho <- as.matrix(expandPred(x=rho, Time=origTime, predTime=predTime))
    data$locType[data$TimeNum%in%predTime] <- 'p'
  } else{
    data$locType <- "o"

  delta <- c(diff(data$TimeNum), 1)
  y = as.matrix(data[,object.crwFit$coord])
  noObs <- as.numeric(is.na(y[,1]) | is.na(y[,2]))
  y[noObs==1,] = 0
  N = nrow(y)
  ### Process parameters for C++
  argslist = par2arglist(theta, fixPar, y, noObs, delta,
                         mov.mf, err.mfX, err.mfY, rho, activity,
                         n.errX, n.errY, n.mov, driftMod)
  if (driftMod) {
    out = CTCRWPREDICT_DRIFT(y, argslist$Hmat, argslist$b, argslist$b.drift, argslist$sig2, 
                             argslist$sig2.drift, delta, noObs, argslist$active, argslist$a, argslist$P)
  } else {
    out=CTCRWPREDICT(y, argslist$Hmat, argslist$b, argslist$sig2, delta, noObs, argslist$active, argslist$a, argslist$P)
  pred <- data.frame(t(out$pred))
  if (driftMod) {
    names(pred) <- c("mu.x", "theta.x", "gamma.x","mu.y", "theta.y", "gamma.y")
  } else names(pred) <- c("mu.x", "nu.x", "mu.y","nu.y")
  var <- zapsmall(out$predVar)
  speed = sqrt(apply(as.matrix(pred[,2:(2+driftMod)]), 1, sum)^2 + 
                 apply(as.matrix(pred[,(4+driftMod):(4+2*driftMod)]), 1, sum)^2)
  obsFit <- data.frame(predObs.x=out$predObs[1,],
  obsFit$outlier.chisq <- as.vector(out$chisq)
  obsFit$naive.p.val <- 1 - pchisq(obsFit$outlier.chisq, 2)
  out <- list(originalData=fillCols(data), alpha.hat=pred, 
              V.hat=var, speed=speed, loglik=out$ll)
    out$originalData[,tn] = lubridate::as_datetime(out$originalData$TimeNum*ts)
  } else out$originalData[,tn] = out$originalData$TimeNum
  # if(getUseAvail){
  #   idx <- data$locType=="p"
  #   movMatsPred <- getQT(sig2[idx], b[idx], sig2.drift[idx], b.drift[idx], delta=c(diff(data[idx,tn]),1), driftMod)
  #   TmatP <- movMatsPred$Tmat
  #   QmatP <- movMatsPred$Qmat
  #   avail <- t(sapply(1:(nrow(TmatP)-1), makeAvail, Tmat=TmatP, Qmat=QmatP, predx=predx[idx,], predy=predy[idx,], 
  #                     vary=vary[,,idx], varx=varx[,,idx], driftMod=driftMod, lonadj=lonAdjVals[idx]))
  #   avail <- cbind(data[idx,tn][-1], avail)
  #   colnames(avail) <- c(tn, "meanAvail.x", "meanAvail.y", "varAvail.x", "varAvail.y")
  #   use <- cbind(data[idx,tn], predx[idx,1], predy[idx,1], varx[1,1,idx], vary[1,1,idx])[-1,]
  #   colnames(use) <- c(tn, "meanUse.x", "meanUse.y", "varUse.x", "varUse.y")
  #   UseAvail.lst <- list(use=use, avail=avail)
  # }
  # else UseAvail.lst=NULL
  if (return.type == "flat") {
    out <- fillCols(crawl::flatten(out))
    attr(out, "flat") <- TRUE
    attr(out, "coord") <- c(x=object.crwFit$coord[1], y=object.crwFit$coord[2])
    attr(out, "random.drift") <- driftMod
    attr(out, "activity.model") <- !is.null(object.crwFit$activity)
    attr(out, "Time.name") <- tn
    attr(out, "time.scale") = ts
    attr(out,"epsg") <- attr(object.crwFit,"epsg")
    attr(out,"proj4") <- attr(object.crwFit,"proj4")
  } else if (return.type == "list") {
    out <- append(out, list(fit.test=obsFit))
    attr(out, "flat") <- FALSE
    attr(out, "coord") <- c(x=object.crwFit$coord[1], y=object.crwFit$coord[2])
    attr(out, "random.drift") <- driftMod
    attr(out, "activity.model") <- !is.null(object.crwFit$activity)
    attr(out, "Time.name") <- tn
    attr(out, "time.scale") = ts
    attr(out,"epsg") <- attr(object.crwFit,"epsg")
    attr(out,"proj4") <- attr(object.crwFit,"proj4")
  } else if (return.type == "minimal") {
    out <- fillCols(out$originalData)
    out <- cbind(out, pred)
    attr(out, "flat") <- TRUE
    attr(out, "coord") <- c(x=object.crwFit$coord[1], y=object.crwFit$coord[2])
    attr(out, "random.drift") <- driftMod
    attr(out, "activity.model") <- !is.null(object.crwFit$activity)
    attr(out, "Time.name") <- tn
    attr(out, "time.scale") = ts
    attr(out,"epsg") <- attr(object.crwFit,"epsg")
    attr(out,"proj4") <- attr(object.crwFit,"proj4")
  class(out) <- c(class(out),"crwPredict")

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crawl documentation built on Oct. 10, 2022, 1:07 a.m.