
Defines functions `exclusion<-` idsToURLs exclusion .setActiveFilter .getActiveFilter .newFilter newFilter

Documented in exclusion newFilter

#' Get or set a dataset's filters
#' You can build and save filters in the Crunch web app, and these filters
#' are stored in a `FilterCatalog`. This function allows you to retrieve
#' and modify those filters.
#' @param x a CrunchDataset
#' @param value for the setter, a FilterCatalog
#' @return an object of class FilterCatalog containing references to Filter
#' entities usable in the web application. (Setter returns the Dataset.)
#' @name filter-catalog
#' @aliases filters filters<-

#' @rdname filter-catalog
#' @export
setMethod("filters", "CrunchDataset", function(x) {
    FilterCatalog(crGET(shojiURL(x, "catalogs", "filters")))

#' @rdname filter-catalog
#' @export
setMethod("filters<-", "CrunchDataset", function(x, value) x)

#' @rdname crunch-extract
#' @export
setMethod("[[", c("FilterCatalog", "numeric"), function(x, i, ...) {
    getEntity(x, i, CrunchFilter, ...)

#' @rdname crunch-extract
#' @export
    "[[<-", c("FilterCatalog", "character", "missing", "CrunchLogicalExpr"),
    function(x, i, j, value) {
        stopifnot(length(i) == 1)
        if (i %in% names(x)) {
            crPATCH(urls(x)[match(i, names(x))],
                body = toJSON(list(expression = zcl(value)))
            ## Editing expression doesn't require invalidating the catalog
        } else {
            ## Creating a new filter
            f <- .newFilter(i, value, catalog_url = self(x))

#' Create a new filter
#' This function creates a new filter for a CrunchDataset. You can achieve the same results
#' by assigning into a dataset's filters catalog using[filters()], but this may be a more natural
#' way to think of the action, particularly when you want to do something with
#' the filter entity after you create it.
#' @param name character name for the filter
#' @param expression CrunchLogicalExpr with which to make a filter entity
#' @param catalog FilterCatalog in which to create the new filter. May also
#' provide a dataset entity. If omitted, the function will attempt to infer the
#' dataset (and thus its FilterCatalog) from the contents of `expression`.
#' @param ... Additional filter attributes to set, such as `is_public`.
#' @return A `CrunchFilter` object.
#' @export
newFilter <- function(name, expression, catalog = NULL, ...) {
    if (is.null(catalog)) {
        obj <- ShojiEntity(crGET(datasetReference(expression)))
        catalog_url <- shojiURL(obj, "catalogs", "filters")
    } else if (is.dataset(catalog)) {
        catalog_url <- shojiURL(catalog, "catalogs", "filters")
    } else if (inherits(catalog, "FilterCatalog")) {
        catalog_url <- self(catalog)
    } else {
            "Cannot create a filter entity on an object of class ",
    u <- .newFilter(name, expression, catalog_url, ...)

## Internal function to do the POSTing, both in [[ and in newFilter
.newFilter <- function(name, expression, catalog_url, ...) {
    crPOST(catalog_url, body = toJSON(list(
        name = name,
        expression = zcl(expression), ...

#' @rdname crunch-extract
#' @export
    "[[<-", c("FilterCatalog", "numeric", "missing", "CrunchLogicalExpr"),
    function(x, i, j, value) {
        stopifnot(length(i) == 1)
        if (i %in% seq_along(urls(x))) {
                body = toJSON(list(expression = zcl(value)))
            ## Editing expression doesn't require invalidating the catalog
        } else {
            halt("Subscript out of bounds: ", i)

#' @rdname crunch-extract
#' @export
    "[[<-", c("FilterCatalog", "character", "missing", "CrunchFilter"),
    function(x, i, j, value) {
        if (i %in% names(x)) {
            ## Assume server update of the entity already happened in a
            ## separate request. So just refresh.
        } else {
            ## Unlikely to be here given current CrunchFilter implementation
            ## (only comes from extracting from catalog)

#' @rdname crunch-extract
#' @export
    "[[<-", c("FilterCatalog", "numeric", "missing", "CrunchFilter"),
    function(x, i, j, value) {
        if (i %in% seq_len(length(x))) {
            ## See above.
            ## Assume server update of the entity already happened in a
            ## separate request. So just refresh.
        } else {
            ## Unlikely to be here given current CrunchFilter implementation
            ## (only comes from extracting from catalog)

setMethod("appliedFilters", "CrunchDataset", function(x) {
    out <- ShojiOrder(crGET(shojiURL(x, "views", "applied_filters")))

    "appliedFilters<-", c("CrunchDataset", "CrunchFilter"),
    function(x, value) {
        b <- list(graph = I(list(self(value))))
        crPUT(shojiURL(x, "views", "applied_filters"), body = toJSON(b))

.getActiveFilter <- function(x) {
    f <- expr <- x@filter
    if (inherits(f, "CrunchLogicalExpr")) {
        ## To check for an empty filter expression, get the @expression
        ## Can't assume f is CrunchLogicalExpr because x could be CrunchExpr
        expr <- f@expression
    } else {
        ## Pretend that the filter of a CrunchExpr can be CrunchLogicalExpr
        f <- CrunchLogicalExpr(
            expression = expr,
            dataset_url = datasetReference(x) %||% ""
    if (!length(expr)) {
        ## No active filter. Return NULL
        f <- NULL

.setActiveFilter <- function(x, value) {
    if (!inherits(value, "CrunchLogicalExpr")) {
        value <- CrunchLogicalExpr(
            expression = value %||% list(),
            dataset_url = datasetReference(x) %||% ""
    x@filter <- value

setMethod("activeFilter", "CrunchDataset", .getActiveFilter)
setMethod("activeFilter<-", "CrunchDataset", .setActiveFilter)

setMethod("activeFilter", "CrunchVariable", .getActiveFilter)
setMethod("activeFilter<-", "CrunchVariable", .setActiveFilter)

setMethod("activeFilter", "Subvariables", .getActiveFilter)
setMethod("activeFilter<-", "Subvariables", .setActiveFilter)

setMethod("activeFilter", "CrunchExpr", .getActiveFilter)
setMethod("activeFilter<-", "CrunchExpr", function(x, value) {
    ## CrunchExpr @filter can't be CrunchLogicalExpr bc of cyclical deps
    ## so it's the @expression of that (list)
    if (is.null(value)) {
        value <- list()
    } else if (inherits(value, "CrunchLogicalExpr")) {
        value <- value@expression
    x@filter <- value

setMethod("activeFilter", "list", function(x) NULL)

## See dataset-extract.R for .updateActiveFilter

#' View and set exclusion filters
#' Exclusion filters express logic that defines a set of rows that should be
#' dropped from the dataset. The rows aren't permanently deleted---you can
#' recover them at any time by removing the exclusion filter---but they are
#' omitted from all views and calculations, as if they had been deleted.
#' Note that exclusion filters work opposite from how "normal" filters work.
#' That is, a regular filter expression defines the subset of rows to operate
#' on: it says "keep these rows." An exclusion filter defines which rows to
#' omit. Applying a filter expression as a query filter will have the
#' opposite effect if applied as an exclusion. Indeed, applying it as both
#' query filter and exclusion at the same time will result in 0 rows.
#' @param x a Dataset
#' @param value an object of class \code{CrunchLogicalExpr}, or \code{NULL}
#' @return \code{exclusion} returns a \code{CrunchFilter} if there is one,
#' else \code{NULL}. The setter returns \code{x} with the filter set.
#' @export
exclusion <- function(x) {
    ef <- crGET(shojiURL(x, "fragment", "exclusion"))
    e <- ef$body$expression
    if (length(e)) {
        ## We have a non-empty filter
        ## Server is returning variable IDs. Make them into URLs
        ## TODO: remove this
        e <- idsToURLs(e, variableCatalogURL(x))
        return(CrunchLogicalExpr(expression = e, dataset_url = self(x)))
    } else {

idsToURLs <- function(expr, base_url) {
    ## Recurse, looking for every variable: id and make it variable: url
    if (is.list(expr)) {
        if (length(expr) == 1 &&
            identical(names(expr), "variable") &&
            !endsWith(expr[["variable"]], "/")) {
            ## This is a variable ref that is an id. Absolutize.
            expr[["variable"]] <- absoluteURL(
                paste0("./", gsub("\\.", "/subvariables/", expr), "/"),
        } else {
            ## Recurse.
            return(lapply(expr, idsToURLs, base_url))
    } else {

#' @rdname exclusion
#' @export
`exclusion<-` <- function(x, value) {
    if (inherits(value, "CrunchLogicalExpr")) {
        payload <- zcl(value)
    } else if (is.null(value)) {
        payload <- emptyObject()
    } else {
            dQuote("value"), " must be a CrunchLogicalExpr or NULL, not ",
    crPATCH(shojiURL(x, "fragment", "exclusion"),
        body = toJSON(list(expression = payload))

    "expr", "CrunchFilter",
    function(x) {
        ## TODO: remove this when server sends URLs instead of ids
        e <- idsToURLs(
            absoluteURL("../../variables/", self(x))
        if (length(e)) {
            return(CrunchLogicalExpr(expression = e))
        } else {

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crunch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:03 a.m.