
Defines functions lookupDataset loadDatasetFromURL is.crunchURL loadDataset listDatasets datasets

Documented in datasets listDatasets loadDataset

#' Get a catalog of datasets
#' Crunch datasets are collected in folders called "projects". `datasets()` can
#' be used to filter a project's contents to see only datasets (and not other
#' projects). You can also use it to pull a catalog of datasets from search
#' results.
#' The `datasets()<-` assignment function provides an alternative method for
#' moving a dataset into a project. This may be more convenient in some cases
#' than using [mv()].
#' @param x a `ProjectFolder` or `SearchResults` that may contain datasets
#' @param value For assignment, a `CrunchDataset` to move
#' @return When `x` is a `ProjectFolder`, `datasets()` returns the folder with
#' its "index" filtered to contain only datasets; otherwise, it returns an
#' object of class `DatasetCatalog`. The assignment function returns the
#' project `x` with the given dataset added to it.
#' @name datasets
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get the names of the datasets contained in a project
#' projects() %>%
#'     cd("Important Clients") %>%
#'     datasets() %>%
#'     names()
#' # The assignment method lets you move a dataset to a project
#' proj <- cd(projects(), "Important Clients")
#' ds <- loadDataset("New important client survey")
#' datasets(proj) <- ds
#' }
datasets <- function(x = getAPIRoot()) {
    # TODO: deprecate the dataset catalog, i.e. `datasets()`
    if (inherits(x, "SearchResults")) {
        ## This is close enough to a dataset catalog
        out <- structure(list(index = x$datasets), class = "shoji")
    } else if (is.project(x)) {
        ## This is a ProjectFolder, so filter it to only datasets
        ## TODO: explicit test, though this is called in loadDataset
        return(x[types(x) %in% "dataset"])
    } else {
        out <- crGET(paste0(shojiURL(x, "catalogs", "datasets"), "all"))

#' Get the names of datasets in a project
#' `listDatasets()` is a convenience function for quickly seeing what datasets
#' are in a project. It is equivalent to `names(datasets(proj))`, with some
#' additional optional arguments.
#' Specifying `listDatasets(shiny = TRUE)` will, instead of printing dataset
#' names, load a Shiny gadget that provides a GUI for navigating the project
#' tree to find a dataset, if you're running in RStudio.
#' @param kind character specifying whether to look in active, archived, or all
#' datasets. Default is "active", i.e. non-archived.
#' @param project `ProjectFolder` entity, character name of a project, or
#' `NULL`, the default. If a Project entity or reference is supplied, the
#' function will display datasets from that Project's datasets. If `NULL`,
#' your personal folder will be used.
#' @param refresh logical: should the function check the Crunch API for new
#' datasets? Default is FALSE.
#' @param shiny logical: launch a Shiny gadget to help select the right dataset.
#' The gadget will return a valid `loadDataset()` call which loads the selected
#' dataset. The gadget requires RStudio, as well as the `crunchy` package.
#' @return A character vector of dataset names, each of which would be a valid
#' input for [loadDataset()]
#' @export
listDatasets <- function(kind = c("active", "all", "archived"),
                         project = NULL,
                         refresh = FALSE,
                         shiny = FALSE) {
    if (shiny) {
        listDatasetGadget(kind, refresh)
    } else {
        Call <- match.call()
        if (refresh) {
        if (is.null(project)) {
                "As of crunch 1.26.0, listDatasets() with no project specified ",
                "only lists your 'personal' datasets (those that you created) ",
                "and not those that were shared with you.",
                option = "crunch.list.personal.msg"
            project <- "~"
        if (is.character(project)) {
            project <- cd(projects(), project)
        if (!is.project(project)) {
                "Project ", deparseAndFlatten(eval.parent(Call$project)),
                " is not valid"
        ## Grab just the datasets
        dscat <- datasets(project)
        ## Subset as indicated
        kind <- match.arg(kind)
        if (kind == "active") {
            dscat <- active(dscat)
        } else if (kind == "archived") {
            dscat <- archived(dscat)

#' Load a Crunch Dataset
#' This function gives you a Dataset object, which refers to a dataset hosted on
#' the Crunch platform. With this Dataset, you can perform lots of data cleaning
#' and analysis as if the dataset were fully resident on your computer, without
#' having to pull data locally.
#' You can specify a dataset to load by its human-friendly "name", possibly also
#' by indicating a project (folder) to find it in. This makes code more
#' readable, but it does mean that if the dataset is renamed or moved to a
#' different folder, your code may no longer work. The fastest, most reliable
#' way to use `loadDataset()` is to provide a URL to the dataset--the dataset's
#' URL will never change.
#' @param dataset character, the name or path to a Crunch dataset to load, or a
#' dataset URL. If `dataset` is a path to a dataset in a project, the path will
#' be be parsed and walked, relative to `project` if specified, and the
#' function will look for the dataset inside that project. If no path is
#' specified and no `project` provided, the function will call a search API to
#' do an exact string match on dataset names.
#' @param kind character specifying whether to look in active, archived, or all
#' datasets. Default is "active", i.e. non-archived.
#' @param project `ProjectFolder` entity, character name (path) to a project, or
#' `NULL`, the default. If a Project entity or reference is supplied, either
#' here or as a path in `dataset`, the dataset lookup will be limited to that
#' project only.
#' @param refresh logical: should the function check the Crunch API for new
#' datasets? Default is `FALSE`.
#' @return An object of class `CrunchDataset`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ds <- loadDatasets("A special dataset")
#' ds2 <- loadDatasets("~/My dataset")
#' ds3 <- loadDataset("My dataset", project = "~") # Same as ds2
#' ds4 <- loadDataset("https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/bd3ad2/")
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso See [cd()] for details of parsing and walking dataset folder/project
#' paths.
loadDataset <- function(dataset,
                        kind = c("active", "all", "archived"),
                        project = NULL,
                        refresh = FALSE) {
    if (inherits(dataset, "DatasetTuple")) {

    if (refresh) {
    if (is.character(dataset)) {
        if (is.crunchURL(dataset)) {
            ## Just load it, no other querying needed
        ## See if "dataset" is a path or name
        found <- lookupDataset(dataset, project = project)
        ## Subset as indicated.
        found <- switch(match.arg(kind),
            active = active(found),
            all = found,
            archived = archived(found)
        if (length(found) == 0) {
            halt(dQuote(dataset), " not found")
        ## This odd selecting behavior handles the multiple matches case
        out <- found[[names(found)[1]]]
        if (!is.dataset(out)) {
            ## There is inconsistency btw DatasetCatalog and ProjectFolder
            out <- entity(out)
    } else if (is.whole(dataset)) {
            "'dataset' should be a character dataset name, path, or URL. ",
            "Loading by numeric index is deprecated."
        dsname <- listDatasets(kind = kind, project = project)[dataset]
        if (is.na(dsname)) {
            halt("subscript out of bounds")
            kind = kind,
            project = project
    } else {
            "'dataset' should be a character dataset name, path, or URL, ",
            "not an object of class ", class(dataset)

is.crunchURL <- function(x) {
    # /api/ check is for redacted mocks that prune the scheme://host
    # We don't only use that check because web app URLs don't include /api/
    # Note that this does pass through URLs that are to resources inside a
    # dataset, such as /api/datasets/123/variables/.
    # Call `datasetReference()` on the return to get a dataset URL
    is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L && grepl("^http|^/api/", x) # nolint

loadDatasetFromURL <- function(url) {
    ## Load dataset without touching a dataset catalog
    if (!grepl("/api/", url)) { # nolint
        ## It's a web app URL, probably. Turn it into an API URL
        url <- datasetReference(url)
    dataset <- CrunchDataset(crGET(url))
    tuple(dataset) <- DatasetTuple(
        entity_url = self(dataset),
        body = dataset@body,
        index_url = shojiURL(dataset, "catalogs", "parent")

lookupDataset <- function(x, project = NULL) {
    # x is assumed to be either a dataset name or a path to a dataset by name
    # return is a dataset catalog with dataset tuples matching that name,
    # potentially scoped to a specified project
    Call <- match.call()

    # First, see if there is a path, and if so, walk it, possibly relative to
    # `project`
    dspath <- parseFolderPath(x)
    x <- tail(dspath, 1)
    if (length(dspath) == 1 && is.null(project)) {
        # If don't have a project, query by name

    # Resolve `project`
    if (is.null(project)) {
        project <- projects()
    } else if (!is.project(project)) {
        ## Project name, URL, or index
        project <- projects()[[project]]
    if (is.null(project)) {
        ## Means a project was specified (like by name) but it didn't exist
            "Project ", deparseAndFlatten(eval.parent(Call$project)),
            " is not valid"

    # If there is a path in `x`, walk it within `project`
    if (length(dspath) > 1) {
        project <- cd(project, dspath[-length(dspath)])

    # Filter the project folder to be only datasets matching this name
    return(datasets(project[names(project) == x]))

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crunch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:03 a.m.