
Defines functions check_profile import_exposure_text read_single_exposure

Documented in import_exposure_text

#' Read an exposure profile
#' Read a single exposure profile at 'pathtofile' from a character seperated
#' text file in a table format. The expected table format includes the columns
#' `time` and `conc` for the concentration at each timestep.
#' @param pathtofile the path where the exposure profile is found
#' @param sep the field separator character
#' @return the exposure profile
#' @noRd
read_single_exposure <- function(pathtofile, sep = "\t"){
  profile <- utils::read.table(pathtofile, header = TRUE, sep = sep) %>%
    attempt::attempt(msg=paste0("Could not read file ",pathtofile))

  if (is(profile, "try-error")) {
    profile <- NULL

  checkedProfile <- check_profile(profile)

  if(length(checkedProfile) & !("trial" %in% colnames(checkedProfile))){
    checkedProfile[,"trial"] <- "1"
  } else {
    checkedProfile[,"trial"] <- as.character(checkedProfile[,"trial"])


#' Import exposure profiles from text files
#' Read several exposure profiles at their corresponding paths at 'pathtofiles'.
#' The exposure profiles are read for each file that are character seperated
#' text files in a table format. The expected table format includes the columns
#' `time` and `conc` for the concentration at each timestep.
#' @param pathtofiles path to files
#' @param profileNames the names of the profiles
#' @param sep the field separator character
#' @return list of exposure profiles
#' @export
import_exposure_text <- function(pathtofiles, profileNames=NA, sep = "\t"){
  if ( any(sapply(profileNames, is.na)) ) {
    profileNames <- basename(pathtofiles) %>%
  } else {
    profileNames <- profileNames
  raw_profiles <- lapply(pathtofiles, read_single_exposure, sep = sep)
  names(raw_profiles) <- profileNames

  # any incorrect profiles?
  flagCorrect <- do.call(c, lapply(raw_profiles,function(x) length(x)!=0))
  raw_profiles <- raw_profiles[flagCorrect]


#' Check exposure profile
#' @param p the exposure profile
#' @return the profile or NULL if not correct
#' @noRd
check_profile <- function(p){
  # check if has content
  if (!length(p)){
    out <- "File is empty"

  # check if two or more columns
  if (ncol(p) < 2){
    out <- "File is not a plain-text file with two or more columns."

  # check if necessary columns are available
  if (!all( c("time", "conc") %in% colnames(p) )){
    out <- "Not all necessary columns ('time' and 'conc') available."

  # check if columns give numeric data
  colClasses <- c(class(p[,'time']), class(p[,'conc']))
  acceptedClass <- !any(!(colClasses %in% c("numeric", "integer")))
  if (!acceptedClass){
    out <- "The columns are neither 'numeric' nor 'integers'."
  out <- p


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cvasi documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.