#' @include class-EffectScenario.R
#' Set effect endpoints
#' Effect endpoints calculated by functions such as [effect()] and [epx()]
#' can be enabled and disabled. If an endpoint is not required for an assessment,
#' it should be disabled for reasons of computational efficiency. Please refer
#' to the model description for a list of available endpoints.
#' @param x vector of `EffectScenario` objects
#' @param endpoints `character` vector of endpoint names
#' @return Modified `EffectScenario` objects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Only enable reproduction (R) endpoint for americamysis scenario
#' americamysis %>%
#' set_endpoints("R") %>%
#' effect()
#' # Enable endpoints length (L) and reproduction (R)
#' americamysis %>%
#' set_endpoints(c("L","R")) %>%
#' effect()
set_endpoints <- function(x, endpoints) {
if(is.vector(x)) {
return(sapply(x, function(sc) set_endpoints(sc,endpoints)))
if(length(endpoints) == 0)
x@endpoints <- unlist(endpoints)
#' Set output times
#' Minimum and maximum output times define the simulated period for a scenario.
#' Simulation results will be returned for each output time, see [simulate()].
#' Be aware that output times may be modified by [set_exposure()]. Precision of
#' simulation results may be influenced by chosen output times, see [simulate()]
#' for more information.
#' @seealso [simulate()]
#' @param x vector of [scenarios]
#' @param times `numerical` vector
#' @return Vector of modified `ExposureScenario` objects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Set simulated period to [2,4] with output intervals of length 1
#' minnow_it %>% set_times(c(2,3,4))
#' # Decrease output interval length to 0.1
#' minnow_it %>% set_times(seq(2, 4, 0.1))
set_times <- function(x, times) {
if(is.vector(x)) {
return(sapply(x, function(sc) set_times(sc,times)))
if(!is.vector(times) | !is.numeric(times))
stop("invalid type")
x@times <- times
#' Set mode of action
#' Updates the model parameter `MoA` to a certain value
#' @param x vector of `EffectScenario` objects
#' @param code a code for a mode of action
#' @return modified `EffectScenario` objects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Set MoA=8, i.e. hazard during oogenesis
#' americamysis %>%
#' set_mode_of_action(8) %>%
#' effect(method="ode45")
#' # alternative approach using the parameter directly
#' americamysis %>%
#' set_param(c(MoA=8)) %>%
#' effect(method="ode45")
set_mode_of_action <- function(x, code) {
return(sapply(x, set_mode_of_action, code))
if(!("MoA" %in% x@param.req))
stop("model does not support modes of action")
set_param(x, c(MoA=code))
#' @describeIn set_mode_of_action Shorthand version
#' @export
set_moa <- function(x, code) {
set_mode_of_action(x, code)
# Set/copy all slots to a new scenario
# Can be used to copy scenario properties to a new scenario object of another
# model, e.g. copy properties of a Lemna_Schmitt scenario to Lemna_SchmittThold.
# @param x an `EffectScenario` to modify
# @param tmpl an `EffectScenario` to copy properties from
# @return modified `EffectScenario` objects
# @examples
# # Apply scenario properties from one model to another
# Lemna_SchmittThold() %>%
# set_all(metsulfuron)
#' @importFrom methods slot slotNames slot<-
set_all <- function(x, tmpl) {
return(sapply(x, set_all, tmpl))
if(!is_scenario(x) | !is_scenario(tmpl))
stop("argument is not an EffectScenario object")
trgt_slots <- slotNames(x)
tmpl_slots <- slotNames(tmpl)
exclude <- c("name","param.req","forcings.req")
for(nm in intersect(trgt_slots, tmpl_slots)) {
if(nm %in% exclude) next
slot(x, nm) <- slot(tmpl, nm)
#' Set a tag
#' Sets the user-defined, custom tag of a scenario. Tags
#' can be helpful to quickly distinguish scenarios of the same model type.
#' @param x (vector of) `EffectScenario` objects
#' @param tag vector of `character`
#' @return (vector of) modified `EffectScenario` objects
#' @seealso [get_tag()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # set a custom tag
#' myscenario <- GUTS_RED_SD() %>% set_tag("My Custom Tag")
#' # returns `My Custom Tag`
#' get_tag(myscenario)
#' # the tag also appears in the scenario overview
#' myscenario
set_tag <- function(x, tag) {
if(is.vector(x)) {
if(length(tag) == 1)
return(sapply(x, set_tag, tag=tag))
else if(length(tag) == length(x))
return(purrr::map2(x, tag, set_tag))
stop("mismatch of number of scenarios and tags", call.=FALSE)
stop("argument is not an effect scenario", call.=FALSE)
if(length(tag) > 1)
stop("mismatch of number of scenarios and tags", call.=FALSE)
x@tag <- tag
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