
Defines functions dlm.main

#' @export
dlm.main <- 
  function(formula , data , x , y , q , remove , type = 2){
  remove.main <- FALSE
  remove.original <- remove
  if (type == 1){
    remove <- unlist(remove)
    remove.intercept <- FALSE
    if ( sum(remove %in% -1) >= 1 ){ # See if remove intercept
      remove.intercept <- TRUE
      remove <- remove[which(remove != -1)]
    if (sum(remove == 0) > 0){ 
      remove.main <- TRUE
      remove <- remove[which(remove != 0)]
    n <- length(x)
    r <- length(remove)
    design <- array(NA, dim = c(length((q+1):n),(q+2-r)))
    design.colnames <- array(NA, q+2-r)
    design[,1] <- y[(q+1):n]
    design[,2] <- x[(q+1):n]
    design.colnames[1] <- "y.t"
    design.colnames[2] <- "x.t"
    if (remove.intercept){
      modelStr <- "y.t ~ -1 + x.t +"
    } else {
      modelStr <- "y.t ~ x.t +"
    seq <- 3:(q+2) 
    seq <- seq[ ! seq %in% (remove+2)] # remove the lags to be dropped from the list
    count <- 2 
    for (i in seq){
      count <- count + 1
      design[,count] <- x[(q-(i-3)):(n-(i-2))]
      design.colnames[count] <- paste0("x.",(i-2))
    design <- data.frame(design)
    colnames(design) <- design.colnames
    modelStr <- paste0(modelStr, " + x.",(i-3))
    if (remove.main){ 
      modelStr <- gsub(" x.t \\+" , "" , modelStr) 
      design <- design[-2]
    if (remove.intercept){
      model.formula <- as.formula(y.t ~ . -1)
    } else {
      model.formula <- as.formula(y.t ~ .)
    model <- lm(formula = model.formula , design )
    output <- list(model = model, designMatrix = design , q = q , removed = remove.original) # HD: v 1.1.9 remove)
    model$call <- "Y ~ X"
  } else if (type == 2){
    n <- nrow(data)
    vars <- formula.tools::get.vars(formula)
    remove.intercept <- FALSE
    if ( attr(terms(formula),"intercept") == 0 ){ # See if remove intercept
      remove.intercept <- TRUE
    dep <- vars[1] #get the name of dependent variable as a string
    indeps <- vars[2:length(vars)] # get the names of independents variables
    indepData <- data[,indeps] # get the data for independent series
    if (length(vars) > 2){ # If the number of independent series is greater than 1
      k <- ncol(indepData) # the number of independent series
      remove.main <- array(FALSE , k)
      design <- array(NA, dim = c(length((q+1):n) , (q+1) , k)) # the first dimension keeps the design matrix for each independent series
      design.colnames <- array(NA, (k*q+k))
      modelStr <- paste0(dep, " ~ ")
      depVar <- data[(q+1):n , dep]
      count <- 0
      design2 <- list()
      for (j  in 1:k){
        count <- count + 1
        design[ , 1 , j] <- indepData[(q+1):n , j]
        design.colnames[count] <- paste0(vars[j + 1] , ".t")
        modelStr <- paste0(modelStr , vars[j + 1] , ".t + ")
        seq <- 2:(q+1) 
        if (is.null(remove[[indeps[j]]]) == FALSE){
          if (sum(remove[[indeps[j]]] == 0) > 0){ 
            remove.main[j] <- TRUE
            remove[[indeps[j]]] <- remove[[indeps[j]]][which(remove[[indeps[j]]] != 0)]
          seq <- seq[ ! seq %in% ( remove[[indeps[j]]] + 1)] # remove the lags to be dropped from the list
        count2 <- 1 
        for (i in seq){#2:(q+1)){
          count2 <- count2 + 1
          count <- count + 1
          design[, count2 , j] <- indepData[(q-(i-2)):(n-(i-1)), j ]
          design.colnames[count] <- paste0(vars[j + 1] , "." , (i-1))
          modelStr <- paste0(modelStr, vars[j + 1] , "." , (i-1) , " + ")
        if (is.null(remove[[indeps[j]]]) == FALSE){# If there is something to remove, you will have columns with all NAs! Get rid of them.
          design2[[j]] <- design[ , colSums(is.na(design[ , , j])) < nrow(design[, , j]) , j]
        } else {
          design2[[j]] <- design[ , , j]
        if (remove.main[j]){ 
          design2[[j]] <- design2[[j]][ , -1]
          design.colnames <- design.colnames[which( design.colnames != paste0(vars[j + 1], ".t") )]
          modelStr <- gsub(paste0(vars[j + 1] , ".t \\+") , "" , modelStr) 
      if (is.null(remove) == FALSE){
        design <- design2
    } else {
      k <- 1 # the number of independent series
      design <- array(NA, dim = c(length((q+1):n) , (q+1))) # the first dimension keeps the design matrix for each independent series
      design.colnames <- array(NA, (k*q+k))
      modelStr <- paste0(dep, " ~ ")
      depVar <- data[(q+1):n , dep]
      count <- 1
      design[ , 1] <- indepData[(q+1):n]
      design.colnames[count] <- paste0(vars[2] , ".t")
      modelStr <- paste0(modelStr , vars[2] , ".t + ")
      seq <- 2:(q+1) 
      if (is.null(remove) == FALSE){
        if ( is.list(remove) == TRUE){
          remove <- unlist(remove)
          if (sum(remove == 0) > 0){ 
            remove.main <- TRUE
            remove <- remove[which(remove != 0)]
        seq <- seq[ ! seq %in% ( remove[which(is.na(remove) == FALSE )]  + 1)] # remove the lags to be dropped from the list
      count2 <- 1 
      for (i in seq){
        count <- count + 1
        count2 <- count2 + 1
        design[, count2] <- indepData[(q-(i-2)):(n-(i-1))]
        design.colnames[count] <- paste0(vars[2] , "." , (i-1))
        modelStr <- paste0(modelStr, vars[2] , "." , (i-1) , " + ")
      if (remove.main){ 
        # print(paste0(indeps ,".t \\+"))
        # print(modelStr)
        modelStr <- gsub(paste0(indeps ,".t +") , "" , modelStr) 
        # print(modelStr)
        design <- design[,-1]
        design.colnames <- design.colnames[-1]
    design.colnames <- design.colnames[which(!is.na(design.colnames))]
    design <- data.frame(depVar , design)
    colnames(design) <- c(dep , design.colnames[1:(length(design)-1)])
    model.formula <- substr(modelStr, 1, nchar(modelStr)-3) 
    if (remove.intercept){
      model.formula <- paste0(model.formula, " -1")
      model <- lm(as.formula(model.formula) , design )
    } else {
      model <- lm(as.formula(model.formula) , design )
    output <- list(model = model, designMatrix = design , k = (length(vars) - 1) , q = q , removed = remove.original , formula = formula , data = data)
    model$call <- toString(formula)

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dLagM documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 9:07 a.m.