
Defines functions forecast.ardlDlm

#' @export
forecast.ardlDlm <-
  function( model , x , h = 1 , interval = FALSE, level =0.95 , nSim = 500 ){
    alpha <- 1 - level
    h <- round(h)
    if (h < 0){
      stop("The number of forecasts must be a positive integer!")
    if ((is.null(model$formula) == TRUE) & (is.null(model$removed) == TRUE)){
      stop("When 'x' and 'y' are used to fit the model and some elements of the model are removed, you must use 'model' 
           and 'formula' instead of 'x' and 'y' to fit the model and send the new data as a matrix into the forecast() function.")
    if (is.matrix(x) == FALSE){
      type <- 1
      if (length(x) < h){
        stop("The number of forecasts must be greater than or equal to the value of h!")
    } else {
      if ((is.null(model$removed$p) == TRUE) & (is.null(model$removed$q) == TRUE)){
        type <- 2
      } else {
        type <- 3
      if (ncol(x) != h){
        stop("The number of columns of x must be equal to the value of h!")
    if (interval == TRUE){
      if ((alpha < 0.0001) | (alpha > 0.9999)){
        stop("Confidence level must be in betweeen 0 and 1!")
      if ((floor(nSim*alpha)<=1) | (ceiling(nSim*alpha)>= (nSim-2))){
        stop("The value of level is not suitable for computations!")
    if (interval == FALSE){
      res <- ardlDlmForecast.main(model = model , x = x , h = h , type = type)
    } else {
      CI <- data.frame(array(NA, dim = c(nSim , h) ))
      for ( i in 1:nSim){
        eps <- rnorm(h , 0 , sqrt( deviance(model$model)/df.residual(model$model) ))
        CI[ i , ] <- ardlDlmForecast.main(model = model , x = x , h = h , type = type, epsilon = eps)$forecasts
      limits <- matrix(NA, nrow = h , ncol = 2)
      for (j in 1:h){
        limits[j , ] <- quantile(CI[,j],type=8,prob=c(alpha/2,(1-alpha/2)))
      frc <- ardlDlmForecast.main(model = model , x = x , h = h , type = type)  
      forecasts <- data.frame(limits[ , 1], frc , limits[ , 2])
      colnames(forecasts) <- c(paste0(level*100,"% LB"),"Forecast",paste0(level*100,"% UB"))
      if ((sum(forecasts[, 1 ] < forecasts[ , 2 ]) != nrow(forecasts)) | (sum(forecasts[, 3 ] > forecasts[ , 2 ]) != nrow(forecasts)) ){
        stop("Monte Carlo approach used to find prediction intervals produced inappropriate resutls please increase 
             the number of simulattions and run the function again.")
      res <- list(forecasts = forecasts)
    res$call <- match.call()
    class(res) <- c("forecast.ardlDlm" , "dLagM")

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dLagM documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 9:07 a.m.