
"interaction.ABC.plot" <- function(response, x.factor, groups.factor, trace.factor, data, 
                                   fun="mean", title="A:B:C Interaction Plot", 
                                   xlab, ylab, key.title, lwd=4, columns=2, 
                                   ggplotFuncs = NULL, ...)
  # form data.frame containing the means of the response variable for the three factors
  name.r <- deparse(substitute(response))
  name.x <- deparse(substitute(x.factor))
  name.g <- deparse(substitute(groups.factor))
  name.t <- deparse(substitute(trace.factor))
  lev.x <- levels(as.factor(data[[match(name.x, names(data))]]))
  lev.g <- levels(as.factor(data[[match(name.g, names(data))]]))
  lev.t <- levels(as.factor(data[[match(name.t, names(data))]]))
  no.x <- length(lev.x)
  no.g <- length(lev.g)
  no.t <- length(lev.x)
  fnames <- list(x.factor = lev.x, groups.factor = lev.g, trace.factor = lev.t)
  data.means <- fac.gen(generate = fnames, order="yates")
  data.means <- data.frame(data.means, as.vector(tapply(data[[match(name.r, names(data))]], 
                                                        list(data[[match(name.x, names(data))]],
                                                             data[[match(name.g, names(data))]], 
                                                             data[[match(name.t, names(data))]]), FUN=mean, simplify=T)))
  dimnames(data.means)[[2]] <- c(name.x, name.g, name.t, name.r)
  levels.x <- levels(data.means[[name.x]])
  if (any(is.na(levels.x)))
    stop("The x.factor has NA as a level")
# if x.factor has numeric levels then coerce it to a numberic for plotting
  if (!any(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(levels.x)))))
    data.means[[name.x]] <- as.numfac(data.means[[name.x]])
# set up arguments for plot
  if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- deparse(substitute(x.factor))
  if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- deparse(substitute(response))
  if (missing(key.title)) key.title <- deparse(substitute(groups.factor))
  formula.plot <- formula(paste(deparse(substitute(response)), " ~ as.numeric(", 
                                deparse(substitute(x.factor)), ") | ", deparse(substitute(trace.factor))))
  # do the plot
   addfacname <- function(string)
    string <- paste(name.t,": ", as.character(string), sep="")
  int.plot <- ggplot(data=data.means, 
                     aes(x = .data[[!!name.x]], y = .data[[!!name.r]], 
                         linetype = .data[[!!name.g]], 
                         colour = .data[[!!name.g]], 
                         group = .data[[!!name.g]]), ...) +
                     geom_line() + geom_point() + 
                     labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, group=key.title) +
                     facet_grid(formula(paste("~ ", name.t, sep="")), 
                                labeller = labeller(.cols = addfacname))
  if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
    for (f in ggplotFuncs)
      int.plot <- int.plot + f

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