
Defines functions ts_projection

Documented in ts_projection

#'@title Time Series Projection
#'@description Separates a `ts_data` object into input and output components for time series analysis.
#' This function is useful for preparing data for modeling, where the input and output variables are extracted from a time series dataset.
#'@param ts matrix or data.frame containing the time series.
#'@return returns a `ts_projection` object.
#'#setting up a ts_data
#'ts <- ts_data(sin_data$y, 10)
#'io <- ts_projection(ts)
#'#input data
#'#output data
ts_projection <- function(ts) {
  input <- ts
  output <- ts

  if (is.matrix(ts) || is.data.frame(ts)) {
    if (nrow(ts) > 1) {
      input <- ts[,1:(ncol(ts)-1)]
      colnames(input) <- colnames(ts)[1:(ncol(ts)-1)]
      output <- ts[,ncol(ts)]
      colnames(output) <- colnames(ts)[ncol(ts)]
    else {
      input <- ts_data(ts[,1:(ncol(ts)-1)], ncol(ts)-1)
      colnames(input) <- colnames(ts)[1:(ncol(ts)-1)]
      output <- ts_data(ts[,ncol(ts)], 1)
      colnames(output) <- colnames(ts)[ncol(ts)]

  proj <- list(input = input, output = output)
  attr(proj, "class") <- "ts_projection"

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daltoolbox documentation built on Nov. 3, 2024, 9:06 a.m.