
Defines functions gl.filter.maf

Documented in gl.filter.maf

#' @name gl.filter.maf
#' @title Filters loci on the basis of minor allele frequency (MAF) in a 
#' genlight
#'  {adegenet} object
#' @description
#' This script calculates the minor allele frequency for each locus and updates
#' the locus metadata for FreqHomRef, FreqHomSnp, FreqHets and MAF (if it
#' exists). It then uses the updated metadata for MAF to filter loci.
#' @details 
#' Careful consideration needs to be given to the settings to be used for this 
#' fucntion. When the filter is applied globally (i.e. \code{by.pop=FALSE}) but 
#' the data include multiple population, there is the risk to remove markers 
#' because the allele frequencies is low (at global level) but the allele 
#' frequencies
#' for the same markers may be high within some of the populations (especially 
#' if 
#' the per-population sample size is small). Similarly, not always it is a 
#' sensible choice to run this function using \code{by.pop=TRUE} because allele 
#' that are rare in a population may be very common in other, but the (possible) 
#' allele frequencies will depend on the sample size within each population. 
#' Where the purpose of filtering for MAF is to remove possible spurious alleles 
#' (i.e. sequencing errors), it is perhaps better to filter based on the number 
#' of times an allele is observed (MAC, Minimum Allele Count), under the 
#' assumption that if an allele is observed >MAC, it is fairly rare to be an 
#' error.
#' \bold{From v2.1} The threshold can take values > 1. In this case, these are 
#' interpreted as a threshold for MAC.
#' @param x Name of the genlight object containing the SNP data [required].
#' @param threshold Threshold MAF -- loci with a MAF less than the threshold
#' will be removed. If a value > 1 is provided it will be 
#' interpreted as MAC (i.e. the minimum number of times an allele needs to be 
#' observed) [default 0.01].
#' @param by.pop Whether MAF should be calculated by population [default FALSE].
#' @param pop.limit Minimum number of populations in which MAF should be less 
#' than the threshold for a locus to be filtered out. Only used if by.pop=TRUE. 
#' The default value is half of the populations [default ceiling(nPop(x)/2)].
#' @param ind.limit Minimum number of individuals that a population should 
#' contain to calculate MAF. Only used if by.pop=TRUE [default 10].
#' @param recalc Recalculate the locus metadata statistics if any individuals
#' are deleted in the filtering [default FALSE].
#' @param plot.out Specify if histograms of call rate, before and after, are to
#' be produced [default TRUE].
#' @param plot_theme User specified theme for the plot [default theme_dartR()].
#' @param plot_colors_pop A color palette for population plots
#' [default discrete_palette].
#' @param plot_colors_all List of two color names for the borders and fill of
#' the overall plot [default two_colors].
#' @param bins Number of bins to display in histograms [default 25].
#' @param save2tmp If TRUE, saves any ggplots and listings to the session
#'  temporary directory (tempdir) [default FALSE].
#' @param verbose Verbosity: 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2,
#' progress log; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report
#'  [default 2, unless specified using gl.set.verbosity].
#' @return The reduced genlight dataset
#' @export
#' @family filter functions
#' @author Custodian: Luis Mijangos -- Post to
#'  \url{https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dartr}
#' @examples
#' result <- gl.filter.monomorphs(testset.gl)
#' result <- gl.filter.maf(result, threshold=0.05, verbose=3)

gl.filter.maf <- function(x,
                          threshold = 0.01,
                          by.pop = FALSE,
                          pop.limit = ceiling(nPop(x)/2),
                          ind.limit = 10,
                          recalc = FALSE,
                          plot.out = TRUE,
                          plot_theme = theme_dartR(),
                          plot_colors_pop = discrete_palette,
                          plot_colors_all = two_colors,
                          bins = 25,
                          save2tmp = FALSE,
                          verbose = NULL) {
    hold <- x 
    verbose <- gl.check.verbosity(verbose)
        plot.out <- FALSE
    funname <- match.call()[[1]]
    utils.flag.start(func = funname,
                     build = "Josh",
                     verbosity = verbose)
    datatype <- utils.check.datatype(x, verbose = verbose)
    # Work around a bug in adegenet if genlight object is created by subsetting
    if (nLoc(x) != nrow(x@other$loc.metrics)) {
                "The number of rows in the loc.metrics table does not match the 
                number of loci in your genlight object!"
    # Set a population if none is specified (such as if the genlight object has 
    #been generated manually)
    if (is.null(pop(x)) |
        is.na(length(pop(x))) | length(pop(x)) <= 0) {
        if (verbose >= 2) {
                    "  Population assignments not detected, individuals assigned
                    to a single population labelled 'pop1'\n"
        pop(x) <- array("pop1", dim = nInd(x))
        pop(x) <- as.factor(pop(x))
    # Check for monomorphic loci
    tmp <- gl.filter.monomorphs(x, verbose = 0)
    if ((nLoc(tmp) < nLoc(x)) & verbose >= 2) {
        cat(warn("  Warning: genlight object contains monomorphic loci\n"))
    if(threshold >= 1) threshold <- threshold/(length(indNames(x))*
    if (threshold > 0.5 | threshold <= 0) {
                "  Warning: threshold must be in the range (0,0.5], but usually 
                small, set to 0.01\n"
        threshold <- 0.01
    # DO THE JOB
        if (verbose >= 2) {
                "  Removing loci with MAF <",threshold, "in at least",pop.limit,
                "populations and recalculating FreqHoms and FreqHets\n"
        #x <- utils.recalc.maf(x, verbose = 0)
        pop.list <- seppop(x)
        # getting populations with more than ind.limit
        ind_per_pop <- which(unlist(lapply(pop.list, nInd))>=ind.limit)
        pop.list <- pop.list[ind_per_pop]
        # recalculating MAF by population
        pop.list <- lapply(pop.list,utils.recalc.maf,verbose=0)
        # getting loci with MAF < threshold
        loci.list <- lapply(pop.list,function(y){
             y$other$loc.metrics$maf <= threshold
        # getting the loci in which MAF < threshold and in at least pop.limit
        # populations
        loci.list <- Reduce("+",loci.list)
        loci.list <- which(loci.list>=pop.limit)
          x2 <- x[, -loci.list]
          x2@other$loc.metrics <- x@other$loc.metrics[-loci.list,]
        x2 <- utils.recalc.maf(x2, verbose = 0)
        # Recalculate the relevant loc.metrics
        if (verbose >= 2) {
                "  Removing loci with MAF <",threshold, "over all the dataset 
                and recalculating FreqHoms and FreqHets\n"
        x <- utils.recalc.maf(x, verbose = 0)
        # Remove loci with NA count <= 1-threshold
        index <- x@other$loc.metrics$maf >= threshold
          x2 <- x[, index]
          x2@other$loc.metrics <- x@other$loc.metrics[index,]
        x2 <- utils.recalc.maf(x2, verbose = 0)
    if(plot.out & by.pop==FALSE){
        popn.hold <- FALSE
        maf <- NULL
    # Plot a histogram of MAF
    maf_pre <- data.frame(x@other$loc.metrics$maf)
    colnames(maf_pre) <- "maf"
    min <- min(maf_pre, threshold, na.rm = TRUE)
    min <- trunc(min * 100) / 100
    p1 <-
        ggplot(as.data.frame(maf_pre), aes(x = maf)) + 
geom_histogram(bins=bins,color=plot_colors_all[1],fill = plot_colors_all[2]) +
        coord_cartesian(xlim = c(min, 0.5)) + 
        geom_vline(xintercept = threshold,color = "red",size = 1) + 
        xlab("Pre-filter SNP MAF\nOver all populations") + 
        ylab("Count") +
    maf_post <- data.frame(x2@other$loc.metrics$maf)
    colnames(maf_post) <- "maf"
    min <- min(maf_post, threshold, na.rm = TRUE)
    min <- trunc(min * 100) / 100

    p2 <-
        ggplot(as.data.frame(maf_post), aes(x = maf)) + 
geom_histogram(bins = bins,color = plot_colors_all[1],fill=plot_colors_all[2]) +
        coord_cartesian(xlim = c(min, 0.5)) + 
        geom_vline(xintercept = threshold,color = "red", size = 1) + 
        xlab("Post-filter SNP MAF\nOver all populations") + 
        ylab("Count") +
    if(plot.out & by.pop==TRUE){
        # plots pre
        pops_maf_pre <- seppop(x)
        mafs_plots_pre <- lapply(pops_maf_pre, function(z) {
            pop_name <- popNames(z)
            z$other$loc.metrics <- as.data.frame(z$other$loc.metrics)
            z <- gl.filter.monomorphs(z, verbose = 0)
            z <- gl.recalc.metrics(z, verbose = 0)
            mafs_per_pop <- z$other$loc.metrics$maf
            p_temp <-
                ggplot(as.data.frame(mafs_per_pop), aes(x = mafs_per_pop)) + 
geom_histogram(bins = bins, color = "black", fill = plot_colors_pop(bins)) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = threshold,color = "red",size = 1) +
                xlab("Pre-filter SNP MAF") + 
                ylab("Count") + 
                xlim(0, 0.5) + 
                plot_theme + 
                ggtitle(paste(popNames(z), "n =", nInd(z)))
        # plots post
        pops_maf_post <- seppop(x2)
        mafs_plots_post <- lapply(pops_maf_post, function(z) {
            pop_name <- popNames(z)
            z$other$loc.metrics <- as.data.frame(z$other$loc.metrics)
            z <- gl.filter.monomorphs(z, verbose = 0)
            z <- gl.recalc.metrics(z, verbose = 0)
            mafs_per_pop <- z$other$loc.metrics$maf
            p_temp <-
                ggplot(as.data.frame(mafs_per_pop), aes(x = mafs_per_pop)) + 
geom_histogram(bins = bins, color = "black", fill = plot_colors_pop(bins)) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = threshold,color = "red",size = 1) + 
                xlab("Post-filter SNP MAF\n") + 
                ylab("Count") + 
                xlim(0, 0.5) + 

        plots_pops_merge <- lapply(1:length(pops_maf_pre),function(y){
            plot_temp <- mafs_plots_pre[[y]] / mafs_plots_post[[y]]
        # Check for status -- any populations with ind > ind.limit; and is 
        #nPop > 1
        ind_per_pop <- unlist(lapply(pops_maf_pre, nInd))
        test_pop <-
            as.data.frame(cbind(pop = names(ind_per_pop),ind_per_pop))
        test_pop$ind_per_pop <- as.numeric(test_pop$ind_per_pop)
        maf_pre <- data.frame(x@other$loc.metrics$maf)
        colnames(maf_pre) <- "maf"
        maf_post <- data.frame(x2@other$loc.metrics$maf)
        colnames(maf_post) <- "maf"
        # testing which populations comply with thresholds
        popn.hold <-
            test_pop[which(test_pop$ind_per_pop >= ind.limit), "pop"]
        names(plots_pops_merge) <- popn.hold
        mafs_plots_print <- plots_pops_merge[popn.hold]
        if (length(popn.hold) > 1) {
            p_all_pre <-
                ggplot(as.data.frame(maf_pre), aes(x = maf)) + 
                geom_histogram(bins = bins,
                               color = plot_colors_all[1],
                               fill = plot_colors_all[2]) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = threshold,color = "red",size = 1) + 
                xlab("Pre-filter SNP MAF\nOver all populations") + 
                ylab("Count") + 
                xlim(0, 0.5) + 
            p_all_post <-
                ggplot(as.data.frame(maf_post), aes(x = maf)) + 
                geom_histogram(bins = bins,
                               color = plot_colors_all[1],
                               fill = plot_colors_all[2]) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = threshold,color = "red",size = 1) + 
                xlab("Post-filter SNP MAF\nOver all populations") + 
                ylab("Count") + 
                xlim(0, 0.5) + 
            p2 <- p_all_pre / p_all_post
            p3 <- mafs_plots_print
        if (length(popn.hold) == 0) {
            if (verbose >= 1) {
                        "  No populations met minimum limits on number of 
                        individuals or loci, reporting for overall\n"
            p_all_pre <-
                ggplot(as.data.frame(maf_pre), aes(x = maf)) + 
                geom_histogram(bins = bins,
                               color = plot_colors_all[1],
                               fill = plot_colors_all[2]) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = threshold,color = "red",size = 1) + 
                xlab("Pre-filter SNP MAF\nOver all populations") + 
                ylab("Count") + 
                xlim(0, 0.5) + 
            p_all_post <-
                ggplot(as.data.frame(maf_post), aes(x = maf)) + 
                geom_histogram(bins = bins,
                               color = plot_colors_all[1],
                               fill = plot_colors_all[2]) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = threshold,color = "red",size = 1) + 
                xlab("Post-filter SNP MAF\nOver all populations") + 
                ylab("Count") + 
                xlim(0, 0.5) + 
            p3 <- p_all_pre / p_all_post
        if (length(popn.hold) == 1) {
            if (verbose >= 3) {
                        "  Only one population met minimum limits on number of 
                        individuals or loci\n"
            p_all_pre <-
                ggplot(as.data.frame(maf_pre), aes(x = maf)) + 
                geom_histogram(bins = bins,
                               color = plot_colors_all[1],
                               fill = plot_colors_all[2]) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = threshold,color = "red",size = 1) + 
                xlab("Pre-filter SNP MAF") + 
                ylab("Count") + 
                xlim(0, 0.5) + 
            p_all_post <-
                ggplot(as.data.frame(maf_post), aes(x = maf)) + 
                geom_histogram(bins = bins,
                               color = plot_colors_all[1],
                               fill = plot_colors_all[2]) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = threshold,color = "red",size = 1) + 
                xlab("Post-filter SNP MAF") + 
                ylab("Count") + 
                xlim(0, 0.5) + 
            p3 <- p_all_pre / p_all_post
        if (nPop(x2) == 1) {
            if (verbose >= 1) {
                cat(important("  Only one population specified\n"))
            title.str <-
                paste("Minor Allele Frequency\n", pop(x2)[1])
            p_all_pre <-
                ggplot(as.data.frame(maf_pre), aes(x = maf)) + 
                geom_histogram(bins = bins,
                               color = plot_colors_all[1],
                               fill = plot_colors_all[2]) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = threshold,color = "red",size = 1) + 
                xlab("Pre-filter SNP MAF") + 
                ylab("Count") + 
                xlim(0, 0.5) + 
            p_all_post <-
                ggplot(as.data.frame(maf_post), aes(x = maf)) + 
                geom_histogram(bins = bins,
                               color = plot_colors_all[1],
                               fill = plot_colors_all[2]) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = threshold,color = "red",size = 1) + 
                xlab("Post-filter SNP MAF") + 
                ylab("Count") + 
                xlim(0, 0.5) + 
            p3 <- p_all_pre / p_all_post
    if (recalc) {
        # Recalculate all metrics(flags reset in utils scripts)
        x2 <- gl.recalc.metrics(x2, verbose = verbose)
    } else {

  # Reset the flags as FALSE for all metrics except MAF (dealt with elsewhere)
        x2@other$loc.metrics.flags$AvgPIC <- FALSE
        x2@other$loc.metrics.flags$OneRatioRef <- FALSE
        x2@other$loc.metrics.flags$OneRatioSnp <- FALSE
        x2@other$loc.metrics.flags$PICRef <- FALSE
        x2@other$loc.metrics.flags$PICSnp <- FALSE
        x2@other$loc.metrics.flags$FreqHets <- FALSE
        x2@other$loc.metrics.flags$FreqHomRef <- FALSE
        x2@other$loc.metrics.flags$FreqHomSnp <- FALSE
        x2@other$loc.metrics.flags$CallRate <- FALSE
        x2@other$loc.metrics.flags$allna <- FALSE
    if (verbose >= 3) {
        cat("  Summary of filtered dataset\n")
        cat("  MAF for loci >", threshold, "\n")
        cat("  Initial number of loci:", nLoc(x), "\n")
        cat("  Number of loci deleted:", nLoc(x) - nLoc(x2), "\n")
        cat("  Final number of loci:", nLoc(x2), "\n")
    # PRINTING OUTPUTS using package patchwork
    if (plot.out) {
        if (length(popn.hold) > 1 & by.pop==TRUE) {
            p3 <- c(p3,p2)
            p3 <- (p1 / p2) + plot_layout(heights = c(1, 1))
    if (save2tmp & plot.out) {
        # creating temp file names
        temp_plot <- tempfile(pattern = "Plot_")
        match_call <-
                   collapse = "_")
        # saving to tempdir
        saveRDS(list(match_call, p3), file = temp_plot)
        if (verbose >= 2) {
            cat(report("  Saving ggplot(s) to the session tempfile\n"))
                    "  NOTE: Retrieve output files from tempdir using 
                    gl.list.reports() and gl.print.reports()\n"
    nh <- length(x2@other$history)
    x2@other$history[[nh + 1]] <- match.call()
    if (verbose > 0) {
        cat(report("Completed:", funname, "\n"))

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