
Defines functions gl.read.silicodart

Documented in gl.read.silicodart

#' @name gl.read.silicodart
#' @title Imports presence/absence data from SilicoDArT to genlight \{agegenet\}
#' format (ploidy=1)
#' @description
#' DaRT provide the data as a matrix of entities (individual animals) across the
#'  top and attributes (P/A of sequenced fragment) down the side in a format
#'  that is unique to DArT. This program reads the data in to adegenet format
#'  for consistency with other programming activity. The script may require
#'  modification as DArT modify their data formats from time to time.
#' @details
#' gl.read.silicodart() opens the data file (csv comma delimited) and skips the
#' first n=topskip lines. The script assumes that the next line contains the
#' entity labels (specimen ids) followed immediately by the SNP data for the
#' first locus.
#' It reads the presence/absence data into a matrix of 1s and 0s, and inputs the
#'  locus metadata and specimen metadata. The locus metadata comprises a series
#'  of columns of values for each locus including the essential columns of
#'  CloneID and the desirable variables Reproducibility and PIC. Refer to
#'   documentation provide by DArT for an explanation of these columns.
#' The specimen metadata provides the opportunity to reassign specimens to
#'  populations, and to add other data relevant to the specimen. The key
#'  variables are id (specimen identity which must be the same and in the same
#'  order as the SilicoDArT file, each unique), pop (population assignment), lat
#'  (latitude, optional) and lon (longitude, optional). id, pop, lat, lon are
#'  the column headers in the csv file. Other optional columns can be added.
#' The data matrix, locus names (forced to be unique), locus metadata, specimen
#'  names, specimen metadata are combined into a genind object. Refer to the
#'  documentation for \{adegenet\} for further details.
#' @param filename Name of csv file containing the SilicoDArT data [required].
#' @param ind.metafile Name of csv file containing metadata assigned to each
#' entity (individual) [default NULL].
#' @param nas Missing data character [default '-'].
#' @param topskip Number of rows to skip before the header row (containing the
#' specimen identities) [optional].
#' @param lastmetric Specifies the last non genetic column (Default is
#' 'Reproducibility'). Be sure to check if that is true, otherwise the number of
#' individuals will not match. You can also specify the last column by a number
#'  [default "Reproducibility"].
#' @param probar Show progress bar [default TRUE].
#' @param verbose Verbosity: 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2,
#' progress log; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report
#' [default 2, or as set by gl.set.verbose()].
#' @return An object of class \code{genlight} with ploidy set to 1, containing
#' the presence/absence data, and locus and individual metadata.
#' @export
#' @author Custodian: Bernd Gruber -- Post to
#'  \url{https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dartr}
#' @examples
#' silicodartfile <- system.file('extdata','testset_SilicoDArT.csv', package='dartR')
#' metadata <- system.file('extdata',ind.metafile ='testset_metadata_silicodart.csv', package='dartR')
#' testset.gs <- gl.read.silicodart(filename = silicodartfile, ind.metafile = metadata)
#' @seealso \code{\link{gl.read.dart}}

gl.read.silicodart <- function(filename,
                               ind.metafile = NULL,
                               nas = "-",
                               topskip = NULL,
                               lastmetric = "Reproducibility",
                               probar = TRUE,
                               verbose = NULL) {
    verbose <- gl.check.verbosity(verbose)
    funname <- match.call()[[1]]
    utils.flag.start(func = funname,
                     build = "Jackson",
                     verbosity = verbose)
    # DO THE JOB
    if (verbose >= 2) {
        cat(report("  Reading data from file:", filename, "\n"))
        cat(report("    This may take some time, please wait!\n"))
    if (is.null(topskip)) {
        if (verbose >= 2) {
            cat(report("  Topskip not provided. Guessing topskip...\n"))
        tdummy <-
                na.strings = nas,
                check.names = FALSE,
                nrows = 20,
                header = FALSE,
                stringsAsFactors = TRUE
        nskip <- sum(tdummy[, 1] == "*")
        if (nskip > 0) {
            topskip <- nskip
            cat(paste("  Set topskip to ", nskip, ". Proceeding ...\n"))
        } else {
                    "Could not determine topskip (the number of rows that need to be skipped. Please provide it manually.\n"
    snpraw <-
            na.strings = nas,
            skip = topskip,
            check.names = FALSE,
            stringsAsFactors = TRUE
    if (is.character(lastmetric)) {
        lmet <- which(lastmetric == names(snpraw))
        if (length(lmet) == 0) {
                    "Could not determine number of data columns based on",
    } else {
        lmet <- lastmetric
    ind.names <- colnames(snpraw)[(lmet + 1):ncol(snpraw)]
    ind.names <-
        trimws(ind.names, which = "both")  #trim for spaces
    if (length(ind.names) != length(unique(ind.names))) {
        cat(report("  The following labels for individuals are not unique:\n"))
                "Warning: Rendering locus names unique with sequential suffix _1, _2 for duplicates.\n"
        ind.names <- make.unique(ind.names)
    datas <- snpraw[, (lmet + 1):ncol(snpraw)]
    nrows <-1  #there is no two row SilicoFormat??
    stdmetricscols <- 1:lmet
    if (verbose >= 2) {
        cat("    Added the following locus metrics:\n")
        cat(paste(paste(names(snpraw)[stdmetricscols], collapse = " "), ".\n"))
    covmetrics <- snpraw[, stdmetricscols]
    nind <- ncol(datas)
    nsnp <- nrow(covmetrics) / nrows
    if (verbose >= 2) {
                "  Recognised:",
                "individuals and",
                "Sequence Tags using",
    if (max(datas, na.rm = TRUE) != 1 ||
        min(datas, na.rm = TRUE) != 0) {
        stop(error("Fatal Error: Tag P/A data must be 0 or 1!\n"))
    if (verbose >= 2) {
        cat(report("  Starting conversion to a genlight object ....\n"))
            "    Please note conversion of bigger data sets will take some time!\n"
                "    Once finished, we recommend you save the object using gl.save(object, file=\"object.rdata\")\n"
    # create unique locnames based on cloneID
    index <-
    if (length(index > 0)) {
        cat(warn("  Warning: Locus names [CloneIDs] are not unique!\n"))
                "         Rendering locus names unique with sequential suffix _1, _2 for duplicates.\n"
        for (i in 1:length(index)) {
            loc <- index[i]
            i2 <- which(covmetrics$CloneID %in% loc)
            covmetrics$CloneID[i2] <-
                paste0(covmetrics$CloneID[i2], "_", 1:length(i2))
    glout <-
            gen = t(datas),
            ploidy = 1,
            ind.names = ind.names,
            loc.names = covmetrics$CloneID
    # add loc.metrics
    glout@other$loc.metrics <- covmetrics
    if (!is.null(ind.metafile)) {
            paste("  Adding individual metadata:", ind.metafile, ".\n")
        ind.cov <-
                     header = T,
                     stringsAsFactors = T)
        # is there an entry for every individual
        id.col <-match("id", names(ind.cov))
        if (is.na(id.col)) {
            stop(error("Fatal Error: There is no id column\n"))
        } else {
            ind.cov[, id.col] <-
                trimws(ind.cov[, id.col], which = "both")  #trim spaces
            if (length(ind.cov[, id.col]) != length(unique(ind.cov[, id.col]))) {
                        "Fatal Error: Individual names are not unique. You need to change them!\n"
            # reorder
            if (length(ind.cov[, id.col]) != length(names(datas))) {
                        "  Warning: Ids for individual metadata does not match in number the ids in the SNP data file. Maybe this is fine if a subset matches.\n"
            ord <- match(names(datas), ind.cov[, id.col])
            ord <- ord[!is.na(ord)]
            if (length(ord) > 1 & length(ord) <= nind) {
                        "  Ids for individual metadata (at least a subset of) are matching!\n  Found ",
                        length(ord == nind),
                        "matching ids out of",
                        "ids provided in the ind.metadata file. Subsetting loci now!.\n "
                ord2 <-
                    match(ind.cov[ord, id.col], indNames(glout))
                glout <- glout[ord2,]
            } else {
                stop(error("Fatal Error: Ids are not matching!!!!\n"))
        pop.col <-match("pop", names(ind.cov))
        if (is.na(pop.col)) {
            cat(warn("  Please note: there is no pop column\n"))
            pop(out) <- array(NA, nInd(glout))
            cat(warn("  Warning: Created pop column with NAs\n"))
        } else {
            pop(glout) <- as.factor(ind.cov[ord, pop.col])
            cat(report("    Added pop factor.\n"))
        lat.col <-match("lat", names(ind.cov))
        lon.col <-match("lon", names(ind.cov))
        if (is.na(lat.col)) {
            cat(warn("  Please note: there is no lat column\n"))
        if (is.na(lon.col)) {
            cat(warn("  Please note: there is no lon column\n"))
        if (!is.na(lat.col) & !is.na(lon.col)) {
            glout@other$latlon <- ind.cov[ord, c(lat.col, lon.col)]
            rownames(glout@other$latlon) <- ind.cov[ord, id.col]
            cat(report("    Added latlon data.\n"))
        # known.col <- names( ind.cov) %in% c('id','pop', 'lat', 'lon') known.col <- ifelse(is.na(known.col), , known.col) other.col <-
        # names(ind.cov)[!known.col]
        other.col <- names(ind.cov)
        if (length(other.col > 0)) {
            glout@other$ind.metrics <- ind.cov[ord, other.col, drop = FALSE]
            rownames(glout@other$ind.metrics) <-
                ind.cov[ord, id.col]
                    "    Added ",
                    " to the other$ind.metrics slot.\n"
    if (is.null(glout@other$history)) {
        glout@other$history <- list(match.call())
    # add recalc flags (TRUE=up-to-date, FALSE=no longer valid) all potential headers that can be relculated
    recalc.flags <-
    glout@other$loc.metrics.flags <-
        data.frame(matrix(TRUE, nrow = 1, ncol = length(recalc.flags)))
    names(glout@other$loc.metrics.flags) <- recalc.flags
    glout@other$verbose <- 2
    if (verbose >= 1) {
        cat(report("  Genlight object created to hold Tag P/A data\n"))
        cat(report(paste("Completed:", funname, "\n")))

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dartR documentation built on June 8, 2023, 6:48 a.m.