
#' Add a Transformation Function to a Distributed Data Object
#' Add a transformation function to be applied to each subset of a distributed data object
#' @param obj a distributed data object
#' @param fn a function to be applied to each subset of \code{obj} - see details
#' @param name optional name of the transformation
#' @param params a named list of objects external to \code{obj} that are needed in the transformation function (most should be taken care of automatically such that this is rarely necessary to specify)
#' @param packages a vector of R package names that contain functions used in \code{fn} (most should be taken care of automatically such that this is rarely necessary to specify)
#' @return The distributed data object provided by \code{obj}, with the tranformation included as one of the attributes of the returned object.
#' @details When you add a transformation to a distributed data object, the transformation is not applied immediately, but is deferred until a function that kicks off a computation is done.  These include \code{\link{divide}}, \code{\link{recombine}}, \code{\link{drJoin}}, \code{\link{drLapply}}, \code{\link{drFilter}}, \code{\link{drSample}}, \code{drSubset}.  When any of these are invoked on an object with a transformation attached to it, the transformation will be applied in the map phase of the MapReduce computation prior to any other computation.  The transformation will also be applied any time a subset of the data is requested.  Although the data has not been physically transformed after a call of \code{addTransform}, we can think of it conceptually as already being transformed.
#' To force the transformation to be immediately calculated on all subsets use: \code{drPersist(dat, output = ...)}.
#' The function provided by \code{fn} can either accept one or two parameters.  If it accepts one parameter, the value of a key-value pair is passed in.  It if accepts two parameters, it is passed the key as the first parameter and the value as the second parameter.  The return value of \code{fn} is treated as a value of a key-value pair unless the return type comes from \code{\link{kvPair}}.
#' When \code{addTransform} is called, it is tested on a subset of the data to make sure we have all of the necessary global variables and packages loaded necessary to portably perform the transformation.
#' It is possible to add multiple transformations to a distributed data object, in which case they are applied in the order supplied, but only one transform should be necessary.
#' The transformation function must not return NULL on any data subset, although it can return an empty object of the correct shape to match othersubsets (e.g. a data.frame with the correct columns but zero rows).
#' @example man-roxygen/transform.R
#' @export
addTransform <- function(obj, fn, name = NULL, params = NULL, packages = NULL) {
  if(!inherits(obj, "ddo"))
    stop("object must be a distributed data object")

  fnName <- as.character(substitute(fn))

    stop("argument 'fn' must be a function")

  # strip fn attributes
  attributes(fn) <- NULL

  # if the function belongs to a package, we don't want to pass the function
  # this can cause namespace issues
  # instead make an outer function that calls it
  # packageName() is too broad
  fnPackage <- NULL
  fnInPackage <- FALSE
  if(isNamespace(environment(fn))) {
    fnPackage <- getNamespaceName(environment(fn))
    fnInPackage <- exists(fnName, where = environment(fn), inherits = FALSE)

  if(!is.null(fnPackage) && fnInPackage) {
    fn <- function(x) {
      do.call(fnName, list(x = x))
    params <- list(fnName = fnName)
    packages <- fnPackage
  } else {
    # attach any global variables if they are needed by the function
    message("*** finding global variables used in 'fn'...", appendLF = FALSE)
    globalVarList <- drGetGlobals(fn)

    if(length(globalVarList$vars) > 0) {
      message("\n  found: ",
        paste(names(globalVarList$vars), collapse = ", "))
    } else {
      message(" [none]")

    globalVarList$packages <- setdiff(globalVarList$packages, "base")
    if(length(globalVarList$packages) > 0)
      message("  package dependencies: ",
        paste(globalVarList$packages, collapse = ", "))

    # if user supplies param with same name, the first will be honored
    # so if globalVarList found the parameter, that will be used
    params <- c(globalVarList$vars, params)
    packages <- unique(c(globalVarList$packages, packages))

  environment(fn) <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)

  # get any existing transformation functions
  # and add the new one to the list
  transFns <- attr(obj, "transforms")$transFns
    transFns <- list()

  # add function and necessary globals / packages
  idx <- length(transFns) + 1
  transFns[[idx]] <- list(fn = fn, params = params, packages = packages)
    name <- paste("transform", idx, sep = "")
  names(transFns)[idx] <- name
  message("*** testing 'fn' on a subset...", appendLF = FALSE)
  env <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
  environment(fn) <- env
  assign("fn", fn, envir = env)
  nms <- names(params)
  for(i in seq_along(params)) {
      environment(params[[i]]) <- env

    assign(nms[i], params[[i]], envir = env)
  assign("x", obj[[1]], envir = env)
  assign("kvApply", kvApply, envir = env)

  res <- try(evalq(kvApply(x, fn), envir = env))
  if(inherits(res, "try-error")) {
    stop("'fn' ran with errors on a subset:\n\n  ", geterrmessage(), "\nTo fix your transformation function, interactively test it out on a subset.  If that works, some global parameters may not have been detected.  You can specify explictly any global parameters or functions your transformation depends on through the 'params' argument.", call. = FALSE, sep = "")
  message(" ok")

  classes <- class(obj)
  if(!is.data.frame(res$value)) {
    classes <- setdiff(classes, "ddf")
    varNames <- NULL
  } else {
    varNames <- lapply(res$value, class)
    # if original wasn't a ddf, make this one
    ind <- which(classes == "ddo")
    classes <- c(classes[1:ind], "ddf", classes[(ind + 1):length(classes)])

  # TODO: add attributes for transformed data
  # add attributes to other
  attr(obj, "transforms") <- list(
    transFns = transFns,
    varNames = varNames

  class(obj) <- c("transformed", classes)

loadTransformPkgs <- function(transFns) {
  allPackages <- unique(do.call(c, lapply(transFns, function(x) x$packages)))
  for(pkg in allPackages)
    suppressMessages(require(pkg, character.only = TRUE))

#' Set up transformation environment
#' This is called internally in the map phase of datadr MapReduce jobs.  It is not meant for use outside of there, but is exported for convenience.
#' Given an environment and collection of transformations, it populates the environment with the global variables in the transformations.
#' @param transFns from the "transforms" attribute of a ddo object
#' @param env the environment in which to evaluate the transformations
#' @example man-roxygen/transform.R
#' @export
setupTransformEnv <- function(transFns, env = NULL) {
    env <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
  for(i in seq_along(transFns)) {
    nms <- names(transFns[[i]]$params)
    for(j in seq_along(transFns[[i]]$params)) {
        environment(transFns[[i]]$params[[j]]) <- env
      assign(nms[j], transFns[[i]]$params[[j]], envir = env)

#' Apply transformation function(s)
#' This is called internally in the map phase of datadr MapReduce jobs.  It is not meant for use outside of there, but is exported for convenience.
#' @param transFns from the "transforms" attribute of a ddo object
#' @param x a subset of the object
#' @param env the environment in which to evaluate the function (should be instantiated from calling \code{\link{setupTransformEnv}}) - if \code{NULL}, the environment will be set up for you
#' @example man-roxygen/transform.R
#' @export
applyTransform <- function(transFns, x, env = NULL) {
  if(is.null(transFns)) {
  } else {
    if(is.null(env)) {
      # load required packages
      env <- setupTransformEnv(transFns)
    res <- x
    # nms <- names(transFns)
    for(i in seq_along(transFns)) {
      assign("x", res, envir = env)
      curFn <- transFns[[i]]$fn
      fEnvName <- environmentName(environment(curFn))
      if(!fEnvName %in% loadedNamespaces()) {
        attributes(curFn) <- NULL
        environment(curFn) <- env
      assign("fn", curFn, envir = env)
      # message(paste("*** applying transformation", nms[i]))
      res <- try(eval(expression({kvApply(x, fn)}), envir = env), silent = TRUE)
      if(inherits(res, "try-error")) {
        if(length(x[[1]] == 1) && is.character(x[[1]])) {
          keyStr <- x[[1]]
        } else {
          keyStr <- digest::digest(x[[1]])
        stop(keyStr, ": attempt to apply transformation failed with error: ", geterrmessage(), call. = FALSE)
      # res <- kvApply(res, curFn)
    if(is.null(attr(res[[2]], "split")))
      attributes(res[[2]])$split <- attr(x[[2]], "split")

# addFilter?
# addSample?

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datadr documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:06 p.m.