
Defines functions refine.DN

Documented in refine.DN

refine.DN = function(x,
                     EV.tol = .9,
                     max.splits = 5,
                     min.nugget.size = 2,
                     seed = 291102,
                     no.cores = (detectCores() - 1),
                     make.pbs = TRUE){

  # Argument checking/fixing ####

  # bind global variable 'i'
  i = NULL

  # make sure DN is of class datanugget
  if (!inherits(DN,"datanugget")){

    stop('DN must be of class "datanugget"')


  # make sure EV.tol is of class numeric
  if (!is.numeric(EV.tol)){

    stop('EV.tol must be of class "numeric"')


  # make sure EV.tol is within (0,1)
  if (EV.tol >= 1 |
      EV.tol <= 0){

    stop('EV.tol must be within (0,1)')


  # make sure min.nugget.size is of class numeric
  if (!is.numeric(min.nugget.size)){

    stop('min.nugget.size must be of class "numeric"')


  # convert min.nugget size to an integer
  min.nugget.size = floor(min.nugget.size)

  # make sure min.nugget.size is greater than 1 is of class datanugget
  if (min.nugget.size < 2){

    stop('min.nugget.size must be a number greater than 2')


  # make sure max.splits is a number
  if (!(class(max.splits) %in% c("numeric",

    stop('max.splits must be of class "numeric" or "integer"')


  # convert max.splits to an integer
  max.splits = floor(max.splits)

  # make sure seed is numeric
  if (!is.numeric(seed)){

    stop('seed must be of class "numeric"')


  # make sure no.cores is numeric
  if (!is.numeric(no.cores)){

    stop('no.cores must be of class "numeric"')


  # make sure make.pbs is TRUE or FALSE
  if (!is.logical(make.pbs)){

    stop('make.pbs must be TRUE OR FALSE')


  # Function ####

  # set the random seed

  # convert no.cores to integer
  no.cores = floor(no.cores)

  # check if user wants to use parallel processing
  if (no.cores != 0){

    # create the cluster for parallel processing
    cl = makeCluster(no.cores)

    # engage the cluster for parallel processing


  # retrieve the data nuggets and data nugget assignments
  DN.information = DN$`Data Nuggets`
  DN.assignments = DN$`Data Nugget Assignments`

  # check if the max EV of the data nugget is relevant
  if (!is.null(ncol(x))){

    # check if user wants to use parallel processing
    if (no.cores != 0){

      # find the data nuggets with the largest max EVs
      tmp.max.EVs = foreach(i = 1:nrow(DN.information),
                                 .combine = c)  %dopar%


          # retrieve locations of observations assigned to this data nugget
          assign.locs = which(DN.assignments == i)

          # check that there is more than one observation in this data nugget
          if (length(assign.locs) > 1 &
              DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] ==
                             DN.information[i, "Data Nugget"], "Scale"] > 0){

            # retrieve observations
            assign.obs = x[assign.locs, ]

            # retrieve the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
            eigen.values = eigen(cov(assign.obs))$values

            # retrieve the top eigenvalue
            max.EV = eigen.values[1]


            max.EV = 0


          # return the eigenvalue ratio



      # initialize the vector of data nugget max EVs
      tmp.max.EVs = NULL

      # cycle through the data nuggets
      for (i in 1:nrow(DN.information)){

        # retrieve locations of observations assigned to this data nugget
        assign.locs = which(DN.assignments == i)

        # check that there is more than one observation in this data nugget
        if (length(assign.locs) > 1 &
            DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] ==
                           DN.information[i, "Data Nugget"], "Scale"] > 0){

          # retrieve observations
          assign.obs = x[assign.locs, ]

          # retrieve the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
          eigen.values = eigen(cov(assign.obs))$values

          # retrieve the top eigenvalue
          max.EV = eigen.values[1]


          max.EV = 0


        # return the eigenvalue ratio
        tmp.max.EVs = c(tmp.max.EVs,



    # retrieve the original threshold for shape
    orig.threshold = as.numeric(quantile(tmp.max.EVs[tmp.max.EVs!= 0],
                                         probs = EV.tol))

    # retrieve the data nuggets with max EVs larger than the max EV tolerance
    large.max.EVs = which(tmp.max.EVs > orig.threshold)

    # retrieve the amount of data nuggets with large shapes
    cur.LS.num = length(large.max.EVs)

    # initialize new amount of data nuggets with large shapes
    new.LS.num = cur.LS.num + 1

    # initialize the number of split attempts
    split.attempts = 0

    # initialize progress bar
    message("splitting data nuggets according to max EV...")

    # perform the following operations while the number of data nuggets with large max EVs is
    # both > 0 and different from the previous number
    while(cur.LS.num > 0 &
          new.LS.num > 0 &
          cur.LS.num != new.LS.num &
          split.attempts < max.splits){

      # increase the number of split attempts
      split.attempts = split.attempts + 1

      # print split attempt
      message(paste("split #",
                    sep = ""))

      # reset the current ammount of data nuggets with large shapes
      cur.LS.num = new.LS.num

      # initialize shift for new nuggets
      shift = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"])

      # check if user wants to use parallel processing
      if (no.cores != 0){

        # check if user wants a progress bar
        if (make.pbs == TRUE){

          # initialize progress bar
          pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0,
                              max = length(large.max.EVs))

          # update the progress bar
          progress = function(n){setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)}
          opts = list(progress = progress)

          # split data nuggets with large shapes
          tmp.new.DN.information = foreach(i = large.max.EVs,
                                           .combine = rbind,
                                           .options.snow = opts)  %dopar%


              # retrieve the temporary assignments
              tmp.DN.assignments = DN.assignments

              # retrieve locations of observations assigned to this data nugget
              assign.locs = which(tmp.DN.assignments == i)

              # retrieve observations
              assign.obs = x[assign.locs, ]

              # check if the current data nugget can be split
              if (nrow(assign.obs) >= 2*min.nugget.size){

                # check if there are more than 2 observations assigned to this nugget
                if (nrow(assign.obs) > 2){

                  # if so, split the nugget into two nuggets with k means
                  new.nugget.info = kmeans(x = assign.obs,
                                           centers = 2,
                                           iter.max = 1000,
                                           nstart = 25)

                  # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                  tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = shift + 2*(which(large.max.EVs == i)-1) + new.nugget.info$cluster

                  # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                  new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                  # create new data nugget names
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = shift + 2*(which(large.max.EVs == i)-1) + 1:2

                  # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                  new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[1, ]
                  new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[2, ]

                  # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = c(sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 1),
                                                        sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 2))

                  # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                  new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                  new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                  # retrieve the shape for the new data nuggets
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) > 1){

                    if (ncol(x) == 1){

                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs1, ])


                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs1, ])))/ncol(x)



                    new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = 0


                  if (length(new.assign.locs2) > 1){

                    if (ncol(x) == 1){

                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs2, ])


                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs2, ])))/ncol(x)



                    new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = 0


                  # check if either of the new nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                      length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                    new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                      DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                    new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                              collapse = ",")

                    new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                              collapse = ",")


                    new.DN.information = NULL



                  # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                  tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2

                  # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                  new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                  # create new data nugget names
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = c(max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2)

                  # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                  new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[1, ]
                  new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[2, ]

                  # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = 1

                  # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                  new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                  new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                  # check if the new data nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                      length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                    new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                      DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                    new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                              collapse = ",")

                    new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                              collapse = ",")


                    new.DN.information = NULL






          # close the progress bar


          # split data nuggets with large shapes
          tmp.new.DN.information = foreach(i = large.max.EVs,
                                           .combine = rbind)  %dopar%


              # retrieve the temporary assignments
              tmp.DN.assignments = DN.assignments

              # retrieve locations of observations assigned to this data nugget
              assign.locs = which(tmp.DN.assignments == i)

              # retrieve observations
              assign.obs = x[assign.locs, ]

              # check if the current data nugget can be split
              if (nrow(assign.obs) >= 2*min.nugget.size){

                # check if there are more than 2 observations assigned to this nugget
                if (nrow(assign.obs) > 2){

                  # if so, split the nugget into two nuggets with k means
                  new.nugget.info = kmeans(x = assign.obs,
                                           centers = 2,
                                           iter.max = 1000,
                                           nstart = 25)

                  # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                  tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = shift + 2*(which(large.max.EVs == i)-1) + new.nugget.info$cluster

                  # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                  new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                  # create new data nugget names
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = shift + 2*(which(large.max.EVs == i)-1) + 1:2

                  # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                  new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[1, ]
                  new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[2, ]

                  # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = c(sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 1),
                                                        sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 2))

                  # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                  new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                  new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                  # retrieve the shape for the new data nuggets
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) > 1){

                    if (ncol(x) == 1){

                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs1, ])


                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs1, ])))/ncol(x)



                    new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = 0


                  if (length(new.assign.locs2) > 1){

                    if (ncol(x) == 1){

                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs2, ])


                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs2, ])))/ncol(x)



                    new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = 0


                  # check if either of the new nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                      length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                    new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                      DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                    new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                              collapse = ",")

                    new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                              collapse = ",")


                    new.DN.information = NULL



                  # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                  tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2

                  # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                  new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                  # create new data nugget names
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = c(max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2)

                  # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                  new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[1, ]
                  new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[2, ]

                  # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = 1

                  # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                  new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                  new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                  # check if the new data nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                      length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                    new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                      DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                    new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                              collapse = ",")

                    new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                              collapse = ",")


                    new.DN.information = NULL








        # check if user wants a progress bar
        if (make.pbs == TRUE){

          # initialize progress bar
          pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0,
                              max = length(large.max.EVs))

          # initialize data for split data nuggets
          tmp.new.DN.information = NULL

          # cycle through the data nuggets with large max EVs
          for (i in large.max.EVs){

            # retrieve the temporary assignments
            tmp.DN.assignments = DN.assignments

            # retrieve locations of observations assigned to this data nugget
            assign.locs = which(tmp.DN.assignments == i)

            # retrieve observations
            assign.obs = x[assign.locs, ]

            # check if the current data nugget can be split
            if (nrow(assign.obs) >= 2*min.nugget.size){

              # check if there are more than 2 observations assigned to this nugget
              if (nrow(assign.obs) > 2){

                # if so, split the nugget into two nuggets with k means
                new.nugget.info = kmeans(x = assign.obs,
                                         centers = 2,
                                         iter.max = 1000,
                                         nstart = 25)

                # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = shift + 2*(which(large.max.EVs == i)-1) + new.nugget.info$cluster

                # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                # create new data nugget names
                new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = shift + 2*(which(large.max.EVs == i)-1) + 1:2

                # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[1, ]
                new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[2, ]

                # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = c(sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 1),
                                                      sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 2))

                # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                # retrieve the shape for the new data nuggets
                if (length(new.assign.locs1) > 1){

                  if (ncol(x) == 1){

                    new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs1, ])


                    new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs1, ])))/ncol(x)



                  new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = 0


                if (length(new.assign.locs2) > 1){

                  if (ncol(x) == 1){

                    new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs2, ])


                    new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs2, ])))/ncol(x)



                  new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = 0


                # check if either of the new nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                    length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                  new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                    DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                  new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                            collapse = ",")

                  new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                            collapse = ",")


                  new.DN.information = NULL



                # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2

                # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                # create new data nugget names
                new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = c(max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2)

                # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[1, ]
                new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[2, ]

                # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = 1

                # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                # check if the new data nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                    length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                  new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                    DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                  new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                            collapse = ",")

                  new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                            collapse = ",")


                  new.DN.information = NULL





            setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)


          # close the progress bar


          # initialize data for split data nuggets
          tmp.new.DN.information = NULL

          # cycle through the data nuggets with large max EVs
          for (i in large.max.EVs){

            # retrieve the temporary assignments
            tmp.DN.assignments = DN.assignments

            # retrieve locations of observations assigned to this data nugget
            assign.locs = which(tmp.DN.assignments == i)

            # retrieve observations
            assign.obs = x[assign.locs, ]

            # check if the current data nugget can be split
            if (nrow(assign.obs) >= 2*min.nugget.size){

              # check if there are more than 2 observations assigned to this nugget
              if (nrow(assign.obs) > 2){

                # if so, split the nugget into two nuggets with k means
                new.nugget.info = kmeans(x = assign.obs,
                                         centers = 2,
                                         iter.max = 1000,
                                         nstart = 25)

                # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = shift + 2*(which(large.max.EVs == i)-1) + new.nugget.info$cluster

                # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                # create new data nugget names
                new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = shift + 2*(which(large.max.EVs == i)-1) + 1:2

                # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[1, ]
                new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[2, ]

                # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = c(sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 1),
                                                      sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 2))

                # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                # retrieve the shape for the new data nuggets
                if (length(new.assign.locs1) > 1){

                  if (ncol(x) == 1){

                    new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs1, ])


                    new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs1, ])))/ncol(x)



                  new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = 0


                if (length(new.assign.locs2) > 1){

                  if (ncol(x) == 1){

                    new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs2, ])


                    new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs2, ])))/ncol(x)



                  new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = 0


                # check if either of the new nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                    length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                  new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                    DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                  new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                            collapse = ",")

                  new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                            collapse = ",")


                  new.DN.information = NULL



                # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2

                # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                # create new data nugget names
                new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = c(max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2)

                # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[1, ]
                new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[2, ]

                # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = 1

                # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                # check if the new data nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                    length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                  new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                    DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                  new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                            collapse = ",")

                  new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                            collapse = ",")


                  new.DN.information = NULL








      # check if any data nuggets were split
      if (!is.null(tmp.new.DN.information)){

        # bind the new data nuggets with the old data nuggets
        DN.information = rbind.data.frame(DN.information,
                                          tmp.new.DN.information[, -c(ncol(tmp.new.DN.information)-1,

        # delete the data nuggets that were split
        DN.information = DN.information[!(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] %in% unique(tmp.new.DN.information[, "Delete"])), ]

        # cycle through the new data nuggets
        for (j in 1:nrow(tmp.new.DN.information)){

          # reassign the data nuggets
          DN.assignments[as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(tmp.new.DN.information[j, "New Assignment Locations"],
                                                    split = ",")))] = tmp.new.DN.information[j, "Data Nugget"]



      # check if user wants to use parallel processing
      if (no.cores != 0){

        # find the data nuggets with the largest max EVs
        tmp.max.EVs = foreach(i = 1:nrow(DN.information),
                                   .combine = c)  %dopar%


            # retrieve locations of observations assigned to this data nugget
            assign.locs = which(DN.assignments == i)

            # check that there is more than one observation in this data nugget
            if (length(assign.locs) > 1 &
                DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] ==
                               DN.information[i, "Data Nugget"], "Scale"] > 0){

              # retrieve observations
              assign.obs = x[assign.locs, ]

              # retrieve the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
              eigen.values = eigen(cov(assign.obs))$values

              # retrieve the top eigenvalue
              max.EV = eigen.values[1]


              max.EV = 0


            # return the eigenvalue ratio



        # initialize the vector of data nugget max EVs
        tmp.max.EVs = NULL

        # cycle through the data nuggets
        for (i in 1:nrow(DN.information)){

          # retrieve locations of observations assigned to this data nugget
          assign.locs = which(DN.assignments == i)

          # check that there is more than one observation in this data nugget
          if (length(assign.locs) > 1 &
              DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] ==
                             DN.information[i, "Data Nugget"], "Scale"] > 0){

            # retrieve observations
            assign.obs = x[assign.locs, ]

            # retrieve the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
            eigen.values = eigen(cov(assign.obs))$values

            # retrieve the top eigenvalue
            max.EV = eigen.values[1]


            max.EV = 0


          # return the eigenvalue ratio
          tmp.max.EVs = c(tmp.max.EVs,



      # retrieve the data nuggets with max EVs larger than the max EV tolerance
      large.max.EVs = which(tmp.max.EVs > orig.threshold)

      # retrieve the amount of data nuggets with large shapes
      new.LS.num = length(large.max.EVs)



    # rename the rows of DN information
    rownames(DN.information) = 1:nrow(DN.information)

    # rename the data nuggets
    DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] = 1:nrow(DN.information)

    # retrieve list of data nuggets
    DN.list = unique(DN.assignments)[order(unique(DN.assignments))]

    # cycle through the list of data nuggets
    for (j in DN.list){

      # change the data nugget number
      DN.assignments[DN.assignments == j] = which(DN.list[order(DN.list)] == j)



    # retrieve the original threshold for shape
    orig.threshold = as.numeric(quantile(DN.information[DN.information[, "Scale"] != 0, "Scale"],
                                         probs = EV.tol))

    # retrieve the data nuggets with shapes larger than the shape tolerance
    large.shapes = DN.information[which(DN.information[, "Scale"] > orig.threshold), "Data Nugget"]

    # retrieve the amount of data nuggets with large shapes
    cur.LS.num = length(large.shapes)

    # initialize new amount of data nuggets with large shapes
    new.LS.num = cur.LS.num + 1

    # initialize the number of split attempts
    split.attempts = 0

    # initialize progress bar
    message("splitting data nuggets according to shape...")

    # perform the following operations while the number of data nuggets with large shapes is
    # both > 0 and different from the previous number
    while(cur.LS.num > 0 &
          new.LS.num > 0 &
          cur.LS.num != new.LS.num &
          split.attempts < max.splits){

      # increase the number of split attempts
      split.attempts = split.attempts + 1

      # print split attempt
      message(paste("split #",
                    sep = ""))

      # reset the current ammount of data nuggets with large shapes
      cur.LS.num = new.LS.num

      # initialize shift for new nuggets
      shift = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"])

      # check if user wants to use parallel processing
      if (no.cores != 0){

        # check if user wants a progress bar
        if (make.pbs == TRUE){

          # initialize progress bar
          pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0,
                              max = length(large.shapes))

          # update the progress bar
          progress = function(n){setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)}
          opts = list(progress = progress)

          # split data nuggets with large shapes
          tmp.new.DN.information = foreach(i = large.shapes,
                                           .combine = rbind,
                                           .options.snow = opts)  %dopar%


              # retrieve the temporary assignments
              tmp.DN.assignments = DN.assignments

              # retrieve locations of observations assigned to this data nugget
              assign.locs = which(tmp.DN.assignments == i)

              if (!is.null(ncol(x))){

                # retrieve observations
                assign.obs = x[assign.locs, ]

                # check if the current data nugget can be split
                if (nrow(assign.obs) >= 2*min.nugget.size){

                  # check if there are more than 2 observations assigned to this nugget
                  if (nrow(assign.obs) > 2){

                    # if so, split the nugget into two nuggets with k means
                    new.nugget.info = kmeans(x = assign.obs,
                                             centers = 2,
                                             iter.max = 1000,
                                             nstart = 25)

                    # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                    tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + new.nugget.info$cluster

                    # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                    new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                    # create new data nugget names
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + 1:2

                    # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                    new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[1, ]
                    new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[2, ]

                    # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = c(sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 1),
                                                          sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 2))

                    # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                    new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                    new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                    # retrieve the shape for the new data nuggets
                    if (length(new.assign.locs1) > 1){

                      if (ncol(x) == 1){

                        new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs1, ])


                        new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs1, ])))/ncol(x)



                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = 0


                    if (length(new.assign.locs2) > 1){

                      if (ncol(x) == 1){

                        new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs2, ])


                        new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs2, ])))/ncol(x)



                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = 0


                    # check if either of the new nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                    if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                        length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                      new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                        DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                      new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                                collapse = ",")

                      new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                                collapse = ",")


                      new.DN.information = NULL



                    # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                    tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2

                    # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                    new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                    # create new data nugget names
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = c(max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2)

                    # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                    new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[1, ]
                    new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[2, ]

                    # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = 1

                    # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                    new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                    new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                    # check if the new data nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                    if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                        length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                      new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                        DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                      new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                                collapse = ",")

                      new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                                collapse = ",")


                      new.DN.information = NULL






                # retrieve observations
                assign.obs = x[assign.locs]

                # check if the current data nugget can be split
                if (length(assign.obs) >= 2*min.nugget.size){

                  # check if there are more than 2 observations assigned to this nugget
                  if (length(assign.obs) > 2){

                    # if so, split the nugget into two nuggets with k means
                    new.nugget.info = kmeans(x = assign.obs,
                                             centers = 2,
                                             iter.max = 1000,
                                             nstart = 25)

                    # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                    tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + new.nugget.info$cluster

                    # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                    new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                    # create new data nugget names
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + 1:2

                    # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                    new.DN.information[1, 2] = new.nugget.info$centers[1]
                    new.DN.information[2, 2] = new.nugget.info$centers[2]

                    # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = c(sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 1),
                                                          sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 2))

                    # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                    new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                    new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                    # retrieve the shape for the new data nuggets
                    if (length(new.assign.locs1) > 1){

                      if (is.null(ncol(x))){

                        new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs1])


                        new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs1, ])))/ncol(x)



                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = 0


                    if (length(new.assign.locs2) > 1){

                      if (is.null(ncol(x))){

                        new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs2])


                        new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs2, ])))/ncol(x)



                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = 0


                    # check if either of the new nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                    if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                        length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                      new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                        DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                      new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                                collapse = ",")

                      new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                                collapse = ",")


                      new.DN.information = NULL



                    # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                    tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2

                    # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                    new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                    # create new data nugget names
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = c(max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2)

                    # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                    new.DN.information[1, 2] = assign.obs[1]
                    new.DN.information[2, 2] = assign.obs[2]

                    # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = 1

                    # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                    new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                    new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                    # check if the new data nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                    if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                        length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                      new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                        DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                      new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                                collapse = ",")

                      new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                                collapse = ",")


                      new.DN.information = NULL







          # close the progress bar


          # split data nuggets with large shapes
          tmp.new.DN.information = foreach(i = large.shapes,
                                           .combine = rbind)  %dopar%


              # retrieve the temporary assignments
              tmp.DN.assignments = DN.assignments

              # retrieve locations of observations assigned to this data nugget
              assign.locs = which(tmp.DN.assignments == i)

              if (!is.null(ncol(x))){

                # retrieve observations
                assign.obs = x[assign.locs, ]

                # check if the current data nugget can be split
                if (nrow(assign.obs) >= 2*min.nugget.size){

                  # check if there are more than 2 observations assigned to this nugget
                  if (nrow(assign.obs) > 2){

                    # if so, split the nugget into two nuggets with k means
                    new.nugget.info = kmeans(x = assign.obs,
                                             centers = 2,
                                             iter.max = 1000,
                                             nstart = 25)

                    # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                    tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + new.nugget.info$cluster

                    # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                    new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                    # create new data nugget names
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + 1:2

                    # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                    new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[1, ]
                    new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[2, ]

                    # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = c(sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 1),
                                                          sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 2))

                    # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                    new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                    new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                    # retrieve the shape for the new data nuggets
                    if (length(new.assign.locs1) > 1){

                      if (ncol(x) == 1){

                        new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs1, ])


                        new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs1, ])))/ncol(x)



                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = 0


                    if (length(new.assign.locs2) > 1){

                      if (ncol(x) == 1){

                        new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs2, ])


                        new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs2, ])))/ncol(x)



                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = 0


                    # check if either of the new nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                    if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                        length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                      new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                        DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                      new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                                collapse = ",")

                      new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                                collapse = ",")


                      new.DN.information = NULL



                    # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                    tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2

                    # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                    new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                    # create new data nugget names
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = c(max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2)

                    # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                    new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[1, ]
                    new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[2, ]

                    # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = 1

                    # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                    new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                    new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                    # check if the new data nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                    if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                        length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                      new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                        DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                      new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                                collapse = ",")

                      new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                                collapse = ",")


                      new.DN.information = NULL






                # retrieve observations
                assign.obs = x[assign.locs]

                # check if the current data nugget can be split
                if (length(assign.obs) >= 2*min.nugget.size){

                  # check if there are more than 2 observations assigned to this nugget
                  if (length(assign.obs) > 2){

                    # if so, split the nugget into two nuggets with k means
                    new.nugget.info = kmeans(x = assign.obs,
                                             centers = 2,
                                             iter.max = 1000,
                                             nstart = 25)

                    # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                    tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + new.nugget.info$cluster

                    # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                    new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                    # create new data nugget names
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + 1:2

                    # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                    new.DN.information[1, 2] = new.nugget.info$centers[1]
                    new.DN.information[2, 2] = new.nugget.info$centers[2]

                    # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = c(sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 1),
                                                          sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 2))

                    # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                    new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                    new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                    # retrieve the shape for the new data nuggets
                    if (length(new.assign.locs1) > 1){

                      if (is.null(ncol(x))){

                        new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs1])


                        new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs1, ])))/ncol(x)



                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = 0


                    if (length(new.assign.locs2) > 1){

                      if (is.null(ncol(x))){

                        new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs2])


                        new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs2, ])))/ncol(x)



                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = 0


                    # check if either of the new nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                    if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                        length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                      new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                        DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                      new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                                collapse = ",")

                      new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                                collapse = ",")


                      new.DN.information = NULL



                    # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                    tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2

                    # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                    new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                    # create new data nugget names
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = c(max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2)

                    # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                    new.DN.information[1, 2] = assign.obs[1]
                    new.DN.information[2, 2] = assign.obs[2]

                    # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                    new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = 1

                    # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                    new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                    new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                    # check if the new data nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                    if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                        length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                      new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                        DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                      new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                                collapse = ",")

                      new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                                collapse = ",")


                      new.DN.information = NULL









        # check if user wants a progress bar
        if (make.pbs == TRUE){

          # initialize progress bar
          pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0,
                              max = length(large.shapes))

          # initialize the information for the split data nugget
          tmp.new.DN.information = NULL

          # cycle through the data nuggets with large shapes
          for (i in large.shapes){

            # retrieve the temporary assignments
            tmp.DN.assignments = DN.assignments

            # retrieve locations of observations assigned to this data nugget
            assign.locs = which(tmp.DN.assignments == i)

            if (!is.null(ncol(x))){

              # retrieve observations
              assign.obs = x[assign.locs, ]

              # check if the current data nugget can be split
              if (nrow(assign.obs) >= 2*min.nugget.size){

                # check if there are more than 2 observations assigned to this nugget
                if (nrow(assign.obs) > 2){

                  # if so, split the nugget into two nuggets with k means
                  new.nugget.info = kmeans(x = assign.obs,
                                           centers = 2,
                                           iter.max = 1000,
                                           nstart = 25)

                  # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                  tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + new.nugget.info$cluster

                  # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                  new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                  # create new data nugget names
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + 1:2

                  # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                  new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[1, ]
                  new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[2, ]

                  # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = c(sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 1),
                                                        sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 2))

                  # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                  new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                  new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                  # retrieve the shape for the new data nuggets
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) > 1){

                    if (ncol(x) == 1){

                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs1, ])


                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs1, ])))/ncol(x)



                    new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = 0


                  if (length(new.assign.locs2) > 1){

                    if (ncol(x) == 1){

                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs2, ])


                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs2, ])))/ncol(x)



                    new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = 0


                  # check if either of the new nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                      length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                    new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                      DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                    new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                              collapse = ",")

                    new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                              collapse = ",")


                    new.DN.information = NULL



                  # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                  tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2

                  # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                  new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                  # create new data nugget names
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = c(max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2)

                  # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                  new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[1, ]
                  new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[2, ]

                  # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = 1

                  # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                  new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                  new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                  # check if the new data nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                      length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                    new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                      DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                    new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                              collapse = ",")

                    new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                              collapse = ",")


                    new.DN.information = NULL






              # retrieve observations
              assign.obs = x[assign.locs]

              # check if the current data nugget can be split
              if (length(assign.obs) >= 2*min.nugget.size){

                # check if there are more than 2 observations assigned to this nugget
                if (length(assign.obs) > 2){

                  # if so, split the nugget into two nuggets with k means
                  new.nugget.info = kmeans(x = assign.obs,
                                           centers = 2,
                                           iter.max = 1000,
                                           nstart = 25)

                  # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                  tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + new.nugget.info$cluster

                  # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                  new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                  # create new data nugget names
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + 1:2

                  # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                  new.DN.information[1, 2] = new.nugget.info$centers[1]
                  new.DN.information[2, 2] = new.nugget.info$centers[2]

                  # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = c(sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 1),
                                                        sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 2))

                  # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                  new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                  new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                  # retrieve the shape for the new data nuggets
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) > 1){

                    if (is.null(ncol(x))){

                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs1])


                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs1, ])))/ncol(x)



                    new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = 0


                  if (length(new.assign.locs2) > 1){

                    if (is.null(ncol(x))){

                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs2])


                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs2, ])))/ncol(x)



                    new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = 0


                  # check if either of the new nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                      length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                    new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                      DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                    new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                              collapse = ",")

                    new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                              collapse = ",")


                    new.DN.information = NULL



                  # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                  tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2

                  # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                  new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                  # create new data nugget names
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = c(max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2)

                  # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                  new.DN.information[1, 2] = assign.obs[1]
                  new.DN.information[2, 2] = assign.obs[2]

                  # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = 1

                  # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                  new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                  new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                  # check if the new data nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                      length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                    new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                      DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                    new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                              collapse = ",")

                    new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                              collapse = ",")


                    new.DN.information = NULL






            setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)


          # close the progress bar


          # initialize the information for the split data nugget
          tmp.new.DN.information = NULL

          # cycle through the data nuggets with large shapes
          for (i in large.shapes){

            # retrieve the temporary assignments
            tmp.DN.assignments = DN.assignments

            # retrieve locations of observations assigned to this data nugget
            assign.locs = which(tmp.DN.assignments == i)

            if (!is.null(ncol(x))){

              # retrieve observations
              assign.obs = x[assign.locs, ]

              # check if the current data nugget can be split
              if (nrow(assign.obs) >= 2*min.nugget.size){

                # check if there are more than 2 observations assigned to this nugget
                if (nrow(assign.obs) > 2){

                  # if so, split the nugget into two nuggets with k means
                  new.nugget.info = kmeans(x = assign.obs,
                                           centers = 2,
                                           iter.max = 1000,
                                           nstart = 25)

                  # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                  tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + new.nugget.info$cluster

                  # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                  new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                  # create new data nugget names
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + 1:2

                  # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                  new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[1, ]
                  new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = new.nugget.info$centers[2, ]

                  # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = c(sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 1),
                                                        sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 2))

                  # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                  new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                  new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                  # retrieve the shape for the new data nuggets
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) > 1){

                    if (ncol(x) == 1){

                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs1, ])


                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs1, ])))/ncol(x)



                    new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = 0


                  if (length(new.assign.locs2) > 1){

                    if (ncol(x) == 1){

                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs2, ])


                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs2, ])))/ncol(x)



                    new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = 0


                  # check if either of the new nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                      length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                    new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                      DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                    new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                              collapse = ",")

                    new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                              collapse = ",")


                    new.DN.information = NULL



                  # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                  tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2

                  # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                  new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                  # create new data nugget names
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = c(max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2)

                  # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                  new.DN.information[1, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[1, ]
                  new.DN.information[2, 2:(ncol(x)+1)] = assign.obs[2, ]

                  # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = 1

                  # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                  new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                  new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                  # check if the new data nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                      length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                    new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                      DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                    new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                              collapse = ",")

                    new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                              collapse = ",")


                    new.DN.information = NULL






              # retrieve observations
              assign.obs = x[assign.locs]

              # check if the current data nugget can be split
              if (length(assign.obs) >= 2*min.nugget.size){

                # check if there are more than 2 observations assigned to this nugget
                if (length(assign.obs) > 2){

                  # if so, split the nugget into two nuggets with k means
                  new.nugget.info = kmeans(x = assign.obs,
                                           centers = 2,
                                           iter.max = 1000,
                                           nstart = 25)

                  # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                  tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + new.nugget.info$cluster

                  # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                  new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                  # create new data nugget names
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = shift + 2*(which(large.shapes == i)-1) + 1:2

                  # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                  new.DN.information[1, 2] = new.nugget.info$centers[1]
                  new.DN.information[2, 2] = new.nugget.info$centers[2]

                  # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = c(sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 1),
                                                        sum(new.nugget.info$cluster == 2))

                  # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                  new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                  new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                  # retrieve the shape for the new data nuggets
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) > 1){

                    if (is.null(ncol(x))){

                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs1])


                      new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs1, ])))/ncol(x)



                    new.DN.information[1, "Scale"] = 0


                  if (length(new.assign.locs2) > 1){

                    if (is.null(ncol(x))){

                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = var(x[new.assign.locs2])


                      new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = sum(diag(cov(x[new.assign.locs2, ])))/ncol(x)



                    new.DN.information[2, "Scale"] = 0


                  # check if either of the new nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                      length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                    new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                      DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                    new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                              collapse = ",")

                    new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                              collapse = ",")


                    new.DN.information = NULL



                  # reassign the observations to their new nuggets
                  tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs] = max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2

                  # initialize data frame for new data nuggets
                  new.DN.information = DN.information[1:2, ]

                  # create new data nugget names
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Data Nugget"] = c(max(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"]) + 1:2)

                  # retrieve the new data nugget centers
                  new.DN.information[1, 2] = assign.obs[1]
                  new.DN.information[2, 2] = assign.obs[2]

                  # retrieve the weights for these data nuggets
                  new.DN.information[1:2, "Weight"] = 1

                  # retrieve the assignments for the new data nuggets
                  new.assign.locs1 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == min(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))
                  new.assign.locs2 = which(tmp.DN.assignments == max(tmp.DN.assignments[assign.locs]))

                  # check if the new data nuggets meet the minimum nugget size criteria
                  if (length(new.assign.locs1) >= min.nugget.size &
                      length(new.assign.locs2) >= min.nugget.size){

                    new.DN.information[, "Delete"] =
                      DN.information[DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] == i, "Data Nugget"]

                    new.DN.information[1, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs1,
                                                                              collapse = ",")

                    new.DN.information[2, "New Assignment Locations"] = paste(new.assign.locs2,
                                                                              collapse = ",")


                    new.DN.information = NULL









      # check if any data nuggets were split
      if (!is.null(tmp.new.DN.information)){

        # bind the new data nuggets with the old data nuggets
        DN.information = rbind.data.frame(DN.information,
                                          tmp.new.DN.information[, -c(ncol(tmp.new.DN.information)-1,

        # delete the data nuggets that were split
        DN.information = DN.information[!(DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] %in% unique(tmp.new.DN.information[, "Delete"])), ]

        # cycle through the new data nuggets
        for (j in 1:nrow(tmp.new.DN.information)){

          # reassign the data nuggets
          DN.assignments[as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(tmp.new.DN.information[j, "New Assignment Locations"],
                                                    split = ",")))] = tmp.new.DN.information[j, "Data Nugget"]



      # retrieve the data nuggets with shapes larger than the shape tolerance
      large.shapes = DN.information[which(DN.information[, "Scale"] >
                                            orig.threshold), "Data Nugget"]

      # retrieve the amount of data nuggets with large shapes
      new.LS.num = length(large.shapes)



    # rename the rows of DN information
    rownames(DN.information) = 1:nrow(DN.information)

    # rename the data nuggets
    DN.information[, "Data Nugget"] = 1:nrow(DN.information)

    # retrieve list of data nuggets
    DN.list = unique(DN.assignments)[order(unique(DN.assignments))]

    # cycle through the list of data nuggets
    for (j in DN.list){

      # change the data nugget number
      DN.assignments[DN.assignments == j] = which(DN.list[order(DN.list)] == j)



  # check if user wants to use parallel processing
  if (no.cores != 0){

    # stop the cluster


  # Create output ####
  output = list(DN.information,

  # assign names to the output
  names(output) = c("Data Nuggets",
                    "Data Nugget Assignments")

  # assign the data nugget class to the output
  class(output) = "datanugget"

  # return the data nugget dataset


Try the datanugget package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

datanugget documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 9:06 a.m.