cause_label_df: Data frame with labels for missing- and jump-codes

cause_label_dfR Documentation

Data frame with labels for missing- and jump-codes


data.frame with the following columns:

  • CODE_VALUE: numeric | DATETIME Missing code (the number or date representing a missing)

  • CODE_LABEL: character a label for the missing code

  • CODE_CLASS: enum JUMP | MISSING. Class of the missing code.

  • CODE_INTERPRET enum I | P | PL | R | BO | NC | O | UH | UO | NE. Class of the missing code according to AAPOR.

  • resp_vars: character optional, if a missing code is specific for some variables, it is listed for each such variable with one entry in resp_vars, If NA, the code is assumed shared among all variables. For v1.0 metadata, you need to refer to VAR_NAMES here.

See Also


dataquieR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:18 a.m.