
Defines functions plot.dbn.fit plot.dbn plot_dynamic_network expand_time_nodes dynamic_ordering acc_successions plot_static_network node_levels

Documented in acc_successions dynamic_ordering expand_time_nodes node_levels plot.dbn plot.dbn.fit plot_dynamic_network plot_static_network

#' Defines a level for every node in the net
#' Calculates the levels in which the nodes will be distributed when plotting
#' the structure. This level is defined by their parent nodes: a node with no
#' parents will always be in the level 0. Subsequently, the level of a node
#' will be one more of the maximum level of his parents.
#' @param net the structure of the network.
#' @param order a topological order of the nodes, with the orphan nodes
#' in the first place. See \code{\link[bnlearn]{node.ordering}}
#' @param lvl current level being processed
#' @param acc accumulator of the nodes already processed
#' @return a matrix with the names of the nodes in the first row and their
#' level on the second
#' @keywords internal
node_levels <- function(net, order, lvl = 1, acc = NULL){
  ret <- acc
  if(length(order) > 0){
    pa <- which(acc[1,] %in% bnlearn::parents(net, order[1]))
    if(length(pa) > 0 && max(as.numeric(cbind(c("_","0"),acc[,pa])[2,])) == lvl)
      lvl <- lvl + 1
    ret <- node_levels(net, order[-1], lvl, cbind(acc, c(order[1], lvl)))


#' Plots a Bayesian network in a hierarchical way
#' This function calculates the levels of each node and then plots them in a hierarchical
#' layout in visNetwork. Can be used in place of the generic plot function 
#' offered by bnlearn for "bn" and "bn.fit" S3 objects.
#' @param structure the structure or fit of the network.
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' dt_train <- dbnR::motor[200:2500]
#' net <- bnlearn::mmhc(dt_train)
#' plot_static_network(net)
#' fit <- bnlearn::bn.fit(net, dt_train, method = "mle-g")
#' plot_static_network(fit) # Works for both the structure and the fitted net
#' }
#' @export
plot_static_network <- function(structure){
    warning("this function is for static networks. For DBNs, please use 'plot_dynamic_network'\n")

  nodes_uniq <- bnlearn::node.ordering(structure)
  nodes <- data.frame(id = nodes_uniq,
                      label = nodes_uniq,
                      #font.size = 24,
                      level = node_levels(structure, nodes_uniq)[2,],
                      color.background = grDevices::rgb(red = 0.196, blue = 0.627,
                                             green = 0.302, alpha = 0.8),
                      color.border = "black",
                      borderWidth = 2,
                      shadow = FALSE,
                      physics = FALSE)

  edges <- data.frame(from = bnlearn::arcs(structure)[,1],
                      to = bnlearn::arcs(structure)[,2],
                      arrows = "to",
                      #smooth = TRUE, # visNetwork's bug
                      shadow = FALSE,
                      color = "black")

  ret <- visNetwork::visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>%
    visNetwork::visHierarchicalLayout(levelSeparation = 100) %>%
    visNetwork::visOptions(nodesIdSelection = T)


#' Returns a vector with the number of consecutive nodes in each level
#' This method processes the vector of node levels to get the position of
#' each node inside the level. E.g. c(1,1,1,2,2,3,4,4,5,5) turns into 
#' c(1,2,3,1,2,1,1,2,1,2)
#' @param nodes a vector with the level of each node
#' @param res the accumulative results of the sub successions
#' @param prev the level of the previous node processed
#' @param acc the accumulator of the index in the current sub successions
#' @return the vector of sub successions in each level
#' @keywords internal
acc_successions <- function(nodes, res = NULL, prev = 0, acc = 0){
  if(length(nodes) == 0)
  else if(prev == nodes[1])
    return(acc_successions(nodes[-1], c(res, acc+1), prev, acc+1))
    return(acc_successions(nodes[-1], c(res, 1), nodes[1], 1))

#' Gets the ordering of a single time slice in a DBN
#' This method gets the structure of a DBN, isolates the nodes of a single
#' time slice and then gives a topological ordering of them.
#' @param structure the structure of the network.
#' @return the ordered nodes of t_0
#' @keywords internal
dynamic_ordering <- function(structure){

  nodes_0 <- grep("t_0", bnlearn::node.ordering(structure), value = T)
  nodes_pa <- lapply(nodes_0, grep, pattern="t_0", value=T)
  nodes_pa <- lapply(nodes_pa, bnlearn::parents, x = structure)
  nodes_pa <- lapply(nodes_pa, grep, pattern = "t_0", value = T)
  orphans <- which(unlist(lapply(nodes_pa, length)) == 0)
  # Put the nodes without parents in t_0 in the front to solve ordering problems
  nodes_0 <- c(nodes_0[orphans], nodes_0[-orphans])


#' Extends the names of the nodes in t_0 to t_(max-1)
#' This method extends the names of the nodes to the given maximum and
#' maintains the order of the nodes in each slice, so as to plotting
#' the nodes in all slices relative to their homonyms in the first slice.
#' @param name the names of the nodes in the t_0 slice
#' @param acc accumulator of the resulting names in the recursion
#' @param max number of time slices in the net
#' @param i current slice being processed
#' @return the extended names
#' @keywords internal
expand_time_nodes <- function(name, acc, max, i){
  if(i == max)

  return(expand_time_nodes(name, c(sapply(name,sub, pattern = "_t_0",
                                       replacement = paste0("_t_",i),
                                       USE.NAMES = F),acc), max, i+1))

#' Plots a dynamic Bayesian network in a hierarchical way
#' To plot the DBN, this method first computes a hierarchical structure
#' for a time slice and replicates it for each slice. Then, it calculates the
#' relative position of each node with respect to his equivalent in the first
#' slice. The result is a net where each time slice is ordered and separated
#' from one another, where the leftmost slice is the oldest and the rightmost
#' represents the present time. This function is also called by the generic
#' plot function of "dbn" and "dbn.fit" S3 objects.
#' @param structure the structure or fit of the network.
#' @param offset the blank space between time slices
#' @param subset_nodes a vector containing the names of the subset of nodes to plot
#' @param reverse reverse to the classic naming convention of the nodes. 
#' The oldest time-slice will now be t_0 and the most recent one t_n. 
#' Only for visualization purposes, the network is unmodified underneath. If
#' using subset_nodes, remember that t_0 is now the oldest time-slice.
#' @return the visualization of the DBN
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' size = 3
#' dt_train <- dbnR::motor[200:2500]
#' net <- learn_dbn_struc(dt_train, size)
#' plot_dynamic_network(net)
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @import data.table
#' @export
plot_dynamic_network <- function(structure, offset = 200, subset_nodes = NULL, reverse = FALSE){
    structure <- bnlearn::rename.nodes(structure, reverse_names(names(structure$nodes), attr(structure, "size")))
  # Static net positioning
  nodes_uniq <- dynamic_ordering(structure)
  levels <- node_levels(structure, nodes_uniq)
  if(sum(as.numeric(levels[2,])) == dim(levels)[2]) # Fix for nets with no inter-slice arcs (PSOHO) and all nodes in a horizontal line
    levels[2,] <- 1:dim(levels)[2]
  positions <- acc_successions(as.numeric(levels[2,]))
  n_nodes_slice <- length(nodes_uniq)

  max_consec <- max(positions)
  ord <- bnlearn::nnodes(structure) / n_nodes_slice

  # Relative position of the nodes
  nodes_uniq <- expand_time_nodes(nodes_uniq, nodes_uniq, ord, 1)
    nodes_uniq <- reverse_names(nodes_uniq, attr(structure, "size"))
  all_pos <- Reduce(function(acu, x){
    c(acu, (positions * 100 + x * 100 * max_consec + x * offset))}, 
    0:(ord-1), NULL)
  if(utils::packageVersion("grDevices") < "3.6.0")
    color <- grDevices::heat.colors(ord)
    color <- grDevices::hcl.colors(ord, palette = "RdYlBu")
  color <- grDevices::col2rgb(color) / 255
  color <- apply(color, 2, function(x){do.call(grDevices::rgb,as.list(x))})

  all_colors <- Reduce(function(acu, x){c(acu, rep(x, n_nodes_slice))}, color, NULL)

  nodes <- data.table(id = nodes_uniq,
                      label = nodes_uniq,
                      x = all_pos,
                      y = as.numeric(levels[2,]) * 100,
                      #level = node_levels(structure, nodes_uniq)[2,],
                      color.background = all_colors,
                      color.border = "black",
                      borderWidth = 2,
                      #shape = "star",
                      shadow = FALSE,
                      physics = FALSE)

  edges <- data.table(from = bnlearn::arcs(structure)[,1],
                      to = bnlearn::arcs(structure)[,2],
                      arrows = "to",
                      #color = "orange",
                      #smooth = TRUE,
                      shadow = FALSE,
                      color = "black")
    nodes <- nodes[get("id") %in% subset_nodes] # Need the get("id") instead of simply id to remove an R CMD check note
    edges <- edges[(get("to") %in% subset_nodes) & (get("from") %in% subset_nodes)]

  ret <- visNetwork::visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>%
    visNetwork::visOptions(highlightNearest = list(enabled = T, hover = T),
                           nodesIdSelection = T)


#' Plots a dynamic Bayesian network
#' Generic method for plotting the "dbn" S3 objects. Calls 
#' \code{\link{plot_dynamic_network}} underneath.
#' @param x the structure of the network.
#' @param ... additional parameters for the visualization of a DBN
#' @export
plot.dbn <- function(x, ...){
  plot_dynamic_network(x, ...)

#' Plots a fitted dynamic Bayesian network
#' Generic method for plotting the "dbn.fit" S3 objects. Calls 
#' \code{\link{plot_dynamic_network}} underneath.
#' @param x the structure of the network.
#' @param ... additional parameters for the visualization of a DBN
#' @export
plot.dbn.fit <- function(x, ...){
  plot_dynamic_network(x, ...)

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