
Defines functions psoho

Documented in psoho

# This file contains all the classes needed for the PSOHO structure learning 
# algorithm. It was implemented as an independent package in
# https://github.com/dkesada/PSOHO and then merged into dbnR. All the original
# source files are merged into one to avoid bloating the R/ folder of the
# package.
# The classes are now not exported because the whole algorithm is 
# encapsulated inside the package and only the resulting dbn structure is
# wanted. As a result, many security checks have been omitted.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' R6 class that defines causal lists in the PSO
#' The causal lists will be the base of the positions and the velocities
#' in the pso part of the algorithm.
#' @importFrom R6 "R6Class"
#' @keywords internal
Causlist <- R6::R6Class("Causlist",
  public = list(
    #' @description 
    #' Constructor of the 'Causlist' class
    #' @param ordering a vector with the names of the nodes in t_0
    #' @param size number of timeslices of the DBN
    #' @return A new 'causlist' object
    initialize = function(ordering, size){
      private$size <- size
      private$ordering <- ordering
      private$cl <- initialize_cl_cpp(ordering, size)
    get_cl = function(){return(private$cl)},
    get_ordering = function(){return(private$ordering)},
    get_size = function(){return(private$size)}
  private = list(
    #' @field cl List of causal units
    cl = NULL,
    #' @field size Size of the DBN
    size = NULL,
    #' @field ordering String vector defining the order of the nodes in a timeslice
    ordering = NULL

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' R6 class that defines velocities affecting causality lists in the PSO
#' The velocities will be defined as a causality list where each element in
#' a causal unit is a pair (v, node) with v being either 0, 1 or -1. 0 means 
#' that arc remained the same, 1 means that arc was added and -1 means that arc 
#' was deleted.
#' @keywords internal
Velocity <- R6::R6Class("Velocity",
  inherit = Causlist,
  public = list(
    #' @description 
    #' Getter of the abs_op attribute.
    #' return the number of operations that the velocity performs
    get_abs_op = function(){return(private$abs_op)},
    #' @description 
    #' Setter of the abs_op attribute. Intended for inside use only. 
    #' This should be a 'protected' function in Java-like OOP, but there's no 
    #' such thing in R6. This function should not be used from outside the
    #' package.
    #' @param n the new number of operations that the velocity performs
    set_abs_op = function(n){private$abs_op = n},
    #' @description 
    #' Randomizes the Velocity's directions. If the seed provided is NULL, no
    #' seed will be used.
    #' @param probs the weight of each value {-1,0,1}. They define the probability that each of them will be picked 
    #' @param seed the seed provided to the random number generation
    randomize_velocity = function(probs = c(10, 65, 25)){
      numeric_prob_vector_check(probs, 3)
      directions <- randomize_vl_cpp(private$cl, probs)
      private$cl <- directions[[1]]
      private$abs_op <- directions[[2]]
    #' @description 
    #' Given a position, returns the velocity that gets this position to the
    #' other.
    #' @param ps a Position object
    #' return the Velocity that gets this position to the new one
    subtract_positions = function(ps1, ps2){
      res <- pos_minus_pos_cpp(ps1$get_cl(), ps2$get_cl(), private$cl)
      private$cl <- res[[1]]
      private$abs_op <- res[[2]]
    #' @description 
    #' Add both velocities directions
    #' @param vl a Velocity object
    add_velocity = function(vl){
      res <- vel_plus_vel_cpp(private$cl, vl$get_cl(), private$abs_op)
      private$cl <- res[[1]]
      private$abs_op <- res[[2]]
    #' @description 
    #' Multiply the Velocity by a constant real number
    #' This function multiplies the Velocity by a constant real number. 
    #' It is non deterministic by definition. When calculating k*|V|, the 
    #' result will be floored and bounded to the set [-max_op, max_op], where max_op
    #' is the maximum number of arcs that can be present in the network.
    #' @param k a real number
    cte_times_velocity = function(k){
      # initial_numeric_check(k) --ICO-Merge
      if(k == 0){
        private$cl <- initialize_cl_cpp(private$ordering, private$size)
        private$abs_op <- 0
        max_op <- (private$size - 1) * length(private$ordering) * length(private$ordering)
        res = cte_times_vel_cpp(k, private$cl, private$abs_op, max_op)
        private$cl = res[[1]]
        private$abs_op = res[[2]]
  private = list(
    #' @field abs_op Total number of operations 1 or -1 in the velocity
    abs_op = NULL

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' R6 class that defines DBNs as causality lists
#' A causality list has a list with causal units, a size representing the
#' Markovian order of the network and a specific node ordering.
#' @keywords internal
Position <- R6::R6Class("Position", 
  inherit = Causlist,
  public = list(
    #' @description 
    #' Constructor of the 'causlist' class
    #' @param net dbn or dbn.fit object defining the network
    #' @param size Number of timeslices of the DBN
    #' @param nodes A list with the names of the nodes in the network
    #' If its not null, a random causlist will be generated for those nodes
    #' @return A new 'causlist' object
    initialize = function(net, size, nodes = NULL){
      #initial_size_check(size) --ICO-Merge
        net <- private$generate_random_network(nodes, size)
        #initial_dbn_check(net) --ICO-Merge
      super$initialize(private$dbn_ordering(net), size)
      private$nodes <- names(net$nodes)
      private$n_arcs <- dim(net$arcs)[1]
    get_n_arcs = function(){return(private$n_arcs)},
    get_nodes = function(){return(private$nodes)},
    #' @description 
    #' Translate the causality list into a DBN network
    #' Uses this object private causality list and transforms it into a DBN.
    #' @return a dbn object
    bn_translate = function(){
      arc_mat <- cl_to_arc_matrix_cpp(private$cl, private$ordering, private$n_arcs)
      net <- bnlearn::empty.graph(private$nodes)
      bnlearn::arcs(net) <- arc_mat
    #' @description 
    #' Add a velocity to the position
    #' Given a Velocity object, add it to the current position.
    #' @param vl a Velocity object
    add_velocity = function(vl){
      res = pos_plus_vel_cpp(private$cl, vl$get_cl(), private$n_arcs)
      private$cl = res[[1]]
      private$n_arcs = res[[2]]
    #' @description 
    #' Given another position, returns the velocity that gets this position to the
    #' other.
    #' @param ps a Position object
    #' return the Velocity that gets this position to the new one
    subtract_position = function(ps){
      res <- Velocity$new(private$ordering, private$size)
      res$subtract_positions(self, ps)
  private = list(
    #' @field n_arcs Number of arcs in the network
    n_arcs = NULL,
    #' @field nodes Names of the nodes in the network
    nodes = NULL,
    #' @description 
    #' Return the static node ordering
    #' This function takes as input a dbn and return the node ordering of the
    #' variables inside a timeslice. This ordering is needed to understand a
    #' causal list.
    #' @param net a dbn or dbn.fit object
    #' @return the ordering of the nodes in t_0
    dbn_ordering = function(net){
      return(grep("t_0", names(net$nodes), value = TRUE))
    #' @description 
    #' Translate a DBN into a causality list
    #' This function takes as input a network from a DBN and transforms the 
    #' structure into a causality list if it is a valid DBN. Valid DBNs have only
    #' inter-timeslice edges and only allow variables in t_0 to have parents.
    #' @param net a dbn object
    #' @return a causlist object
    cl_translate = function(net){
      private$cl <- create_causlist_cpp(private$cl, net$nodes, private$size, private$ordering)
    #' @description 
    #' Generates a random DBN valid for causality list translation
    #' This function takes as input a list with the names of the nodes and the
    #' desired size of the network and returns a random DBN structure.
    #' @param nodes a character vector with the names of the nodes in the net
    #' @param size the desired size of the DBN
    #' @return a random dbn structure
    generate_random_network = function(nodes, size){
      idx <- grep("t_0", nodes)
      if(length(idx) == 0){
        nodes_t_0 <- unlist(lapply(nodes, function(x){paste0(x, "_t_0")}))
        new_nodes <- rename_nodes_cpp(nodes, size)
        nodes_t_0 <- names(dt)[idx]
        new_nodes <- c(names(dt)[-idx], nodes_t_0)
      net <- bnlearn::random.graph(new_nodes)
      net <- private$prune_invalid_arcs(net, nodes_t_0)
    #' @description 
    #' Fixes a DBN structure to make it suitable for causality list translation
    #' This function takes as input a DBN structure and removes the 
    #' intra-timeslice arcs and the arcs that end in a node not in t_0.
    #' @param net the DBN structure
    #' @param nodes_t_0 a vector with the names of the nodes in t_0
    #' @return the fixed network
    prune_invalid_arcs = function(net, nodes_t_0){
      keep_rows <- !(net$arcs[,1] %in% nodes_t_0)
      keep_rows <- keep_rows & (net$arcs[,2] %in% nodes_t_0)
      keep_rows <- net$arcs[keep_rows,]
      bnlearn::arcs(net) <- keep_rows

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' R6 class that defines a Particle in the PSO algorithm
#' A particle has a Position, a Velocity and a local best
#' @keywords internal
Particle <- R6::R6Class("Particle",
  public = list(
    #' @description 
    #' Constructor of the 'Particle' class
    #' @param ordering a vector with the names of the nodes in t_0
    #' @param size number of timeslices of the DBN
    #' @param v_probs vector that defines the random velocity initialization probabilities
    #' @param score bnlearn score function used
    #' @return A new 'Particle' object
    initialize = function(ordering, size, v_probs, score){
      private$ps <- Position$new(NULL, size, ordering)
      private$vl <- Velocity$new(private$ps$get_ordering(), size)
      private$lb <- -Inf
      private$score <- score
    #' @description 
    #' Evaluate the score of the particle's position
    #' Evaluate the score of the particle's position.
    #' Updates the local best if the new one is better.
    #' @param dt dataset to evaluate the fitness of the particle
    #' @return The score of the current position
    eval_ps = function(dt){
      struct <- private$ps$bn_translate()
      score <- bnlearn::score(struct, dt, type = private$score)
      if(score > private$lb){
        private$lb <- score 
        private$lb_ps <- private$ps
    #' @description 
    #' Update the position of the particle with the velocity
    #' Update the position of the particle given the constants after calculating
    #' the new velocity
    #' @param in_cte parameter that varies the effect of the inertia
    #' @param gb_cte parameter that varies the effect of the global best
    #' @param gb_ps position of the global best
    #' @param lb_cte parameter that varies the effect of the local best
    #' @param r_probs vector that defines the range of random variation of gb_cte and lb_cte
    update_state = function(in_cte, gb_cte, gb_ps, lb_cte, r_probs){ # max_vl = 20
      # 1.- Inertia of previous velocity
      # 2.- Velocity from global best
      op1 <- gb_cte * runif(1, r_probs[1], r_probs[2])
      vl1 <- gb_ps$subtract_position(private$ps)
      # 3.- Velocity from local best
      op2 <- lb_cte * runif(1, r_probs[1], r_probs[2])
      vl2 <- private$lb_ps$subtract_position(private$ps)
      # 4.- New velocity
      # 5.- Reduce velocity if higher than maximum. Awful results when the limit is low, so dropped for now.
      # if(private$vl$get_abs_op() > max_vl)
      #    private$vl$cte_times_velocity(max_vl / private$vl$get_abs_op())
      # 6.- New position
      # 7.- If a node has more parents than the maximum, reduce them (TODO)
    get_ps = function(){return(private$ps)},
    get_vl = function(){return(private$vl)},
    get_lb = function(){return(private$lb)},
    get_lb_ps = function(){return(private$lb_ps)}
  private = list(
    #' @field ps position of the particle
    ps = NULL,
    #' @field cl velocity of the particle
    vl = NULL,
    #' @field lb local best score obtained
    lb = NULL,
    #' @field lb_ps local best position found
    lb_ps = NULL,
    #' @field score bnlearn score function used
    score = NULL

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' R6 class that defines the PSO controller
#' The controller will encapsulate the particles and run the algorithm
#' @keywords internal
PsoCtrl <- R6::R6Class("PsoCtrl",
  public = list(
   #' @description 
   #' Constructor of the 'PsoCtrl' class
   #' @param ordering a vector with the names of the nodes in t_0
   #' @param size number of timeslices of the DBN
   #' @param n_inds number of particles that the algorithm will simultaneously process
   #' @param n_it maximum number of iterations of the pso algorithm
   #' @param in_cte parameter that varies the effect of the inertia
   #' @param gb_cte parameter that varies the effect of the global best
   #' @param lb_cte parameter that varies the effect of the local best
   #' @param v_probs vector that defines the random velocity initialization probabilities
   #' @param r_probs vector that defines the range of random variation of gb_cte and lb_cte
   #' @param score bnlearn score function used
   #' @param cte a boolean that determines whether the parameters remain constant or vary as the algorithm progresses. The increases and decreases are calculated as a function of the total number of iterations, decreasing until close to 0 and increasing until close to 1.
   #' @return A new 'PsoCtrl' object
   initialize = function(ordering, size, n_inds, n_it, in_cte, gb_cte, lb_cte,
                         v_probs, r_probs, score, cte){
     private$initialize_particles(ordering, size, n_inds, v_probs, score)
     private$gb_scr <- -Inf
     private$n_it <- n_it
     private$in_cte <- in_cte
     private$gb_cte <- gb_cte
     private$lb_cte <- lb_cte
     private$r_probs <- r_probs
     private$cte <- cte
       private$in_var <- in_cte / n_it # Decrease inertia
       private$gb_var <- (1-gb_cte) / n_it # Increase gb
       private$lb_var <- lb_cte / n_it # Decrease lb
   #' @description 
   #' Getter of the cluster attribute
   #' @return the cluster attribute
   get_cl = function(){return(private$cl)},
   #' @description 
   #' Transforms the best position found into a bn structure and returns it
   #' @return the size attribute
   get_best_network = function(){return(private$gb_ps$bn_translate())},
   #' @description 
   #' Main function of the pso algorithm.
   #' @param dt the dataset from which the structure will be learned
   run = function(dt){
     # Missing security checks --ICO-Merge
     pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = private$n_it, style = 3)
     # Main loop of the algorithm.
     for(i in 1:private$n_it){
       # Inside loop. Update each particle
       for(p in private$parts)
         p$update_state(private$in_cte, private$gb_cte, private$gb_ps, private$lb_cte, private$r_probs)
       utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  private = list(
   #' @field parts list with all the particles in the algorithm
   parts = NULL,
   #' @field cl cluster for the parallel computations
   cl = NULL,
   #' @field n_it maximum number of iterations of the pso algorithm
   n_it = NULL,
   #' @field in_cte parameter that varies the effect of the inertia
   in_cte = NULL,
   #' @field gb_cte parameter that varies the effect of the global best
   gb_cte = NULL,
   #' @field lb_cte parameter that varies the effect of the local best
   lb_cte = NULL,
   #' @field b_ps global best position found
   gb_ps = NULL,
   #' @field b_scr global best score obtained
   gb_scr = NULL,
   #' @field r_probs vector that defines the range of random variation of gb_cte and lb_cte
   r_probs = NULL,
   #' @field cte boolean that defines whether the parameters remain constant or vary as the execution progresses
   cte = NULL,
   #' @field in_var decrement of the inertia each iteration
   in_var = NULL,
   #' @field gb_var increment of the global best parameter each iteration
   gb_var = NULL,
   #' @field lb_var increment of the local best parameter each iteration
   lb_var = NULL,
   #' @description 
   #' Initialize the particles for the algorithm to random positions and velocities.
   #' @param ordering a vector with the names of the nodes in t_0
   #' @param size number of timeslices of the DBN
   #' @param n_inds number of particles that the algorithm will simultaneously process
   #' @param v_probs vector that defines the random velocity initialization probabilities
   #' @param score bnlearn score function used
   initialize_particles = function(ordering, size, n_inds, v_probs, score){
     #private$parts <- parallel::parLapply(private$cl,1:n_inds, function(i){Particle$new(ordering, size)})
     private$parts <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_inds)
     for(i in 1:n_inds)
       private$parts[[i]] <- Particle$new(ordering, size, v_probs, score)
   #' @description 
   #' Evaluate the particles and update the global best
   #' @param dt the dataset used to evaluate the position
   evaluate_particles = function(dt){
     for(p in private$parts){
       scr <- p$eval_ps(dt)
       if(scr > private$gb_scr){
         private$gb_scr <- scr
         private$gb_ps <- p$get_ps()
   #' @description 
   #' Modify the PSO parameters after each iteration
   adjust_pso_parameters = function(){
     private$in_cte <- private$in_cte - private$in_var
     private$gb_cte <- private$gb_cte + private$gb_var
     private$lb_cte <- private$lb_cte - private$lb_var

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Learn a DBN structure with a PSO approach
#' Given a dataset and the desired Markovian order, this function returns a DBN
#' structure ready to be fitted. It requires a folded dataset.
#' Original algorithm at https://doi.org/10.1109/BRC.2014.6880957
#' @param dt a data.table with the data of the network to be trained
#' @param size Number of timeslices of the DBN. Markovian order 1 equals size 2, and so on.
#' @param n_inds Number of particles used in the algorithm.
#' @param n_it Maximum number of iterations that the algorithm can perform.
#' @param in_cte parameter that varies the effect of the inertia
#' @param gb_cte parameter that varies the effect of the global best
#' @param lb_cte parameter that varies the effect of the local best
#' @param v_probs vector that defines the random velocity initialization probabilities
#' @param r_probs vector that defines the range of random variation of gb_cte and lb_cte
#' @param f_dt previously folded dataset, in case some specific rows have to be removed after the folding
#' @param score bnlearn score function used
#' @param cte a boolean that determines whether the inertia, global best and local best parameters remain constant or vary as the algorithm progresses. Inertia and local best values decrease as the global best increases, to favor exploration at first and exploitation at the end.
#' @return A 'dbn' object with the structure of the best network found
#' @keywords internal
psoho <- function(dt, size, f_dt = NULL, n_inds = 50, n_it = 50,
                                    in_cte = 1, gb_cte = 0.5, lb_cte = 0.5,
                                    v_probs = c(10, 65, 25), 
                                    r_probs = c(-0.5, 1.5), score = "bge",
                                    cte = TRUE){
  numeric_arg_check(n_inds, n_it, in_cte, gb_cte, lb_cte)
  numeric_prob_vector_check(v_probs, 3)
  numeric_prob_vector_check(r_probs, 2)
    ordering <- names(dt)
    dt <- time_rename(dt)
    f_dt <- fold_dt_rec(dt, names(dt), size)
    ordering <- gsub("_t_0", "", grep("_t_0", names(f_dt), value = T))
  ctrl <- PsoCtrl$new(ordering, size, n_inds, n_it, in_cte, gb_cte, lb_cte,
                      v_probs, r_probs, score, cte)
  net <- ctrl$get_best_network()
  class(net) <- c("dbn", class(net))

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dbnR documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 1:07 a.m.