dc.parfit <-
function(cl, data, params, model, inits, n.clones, multiply = NULL,
unchanged = NULL, update = NULL, updatefun = NULL, initsfun = NULL,
flavour = c("jags", "bugs", "stan"),
n.chains = 3,
partype = c("balancing", "parchains", "both"),
return.all=FALSE, check.nclones=TRUE, ...)
## get defaults right for cl argument
cl <- evalParallelArgument(cl, quit=FALSE)
## sequential evaluation falls back on
if (is.null(cl)) {
return(, params, model, inits, n.clones,
multiply = multiply, unchanged = unchanged,
update = update, updatefun = updatefun,
initsfun = initsfun, flavour = flavour,
n.chains = n.chains, return.all=return.all,
check.nclones=check.nclones, ...))
## parallel evaluation starts here
flavour <- match.arg(flavour)
if (flavour=="jags" && !is.null(list(...)$updated.model))
stop("'updated.model' argument is not available for parallel computations")
if (flavour=="bugs" && !is.null(list(...)$format))
if (list(...)$format == "bugs")
stop("format='bugs' is not available for parallel computations")
if (flavour=="stan" && !is.null(list(...)$stan.model))
stop("'stan.model' argument is not available for parallel computations")
## get parallel type
partype <- match.arg(partype)
## some arguments are ignored with size balancing
if (partype != "parchains") {
if (!is.null(updatefun))
warnings("'updatefun' argument is ignored when partype != 'parchains'")
if (!is.null(update))
warnings("'update' argument is ignored when partype != 'parchains'")
# if (partype != "balancing" && flavour == "bugs")
# stop("flavour='bugs' supported for 'balancing' type only")
## this is argument
PROGRAM <- list(...)$program
if (length(n.clones) < 2 && partype=="balancing") {
warnings("no need for parallel computing with 'balancing'")
## multiple parallel chains
if (partype == "parchains") {
mod <- dclone::.dcFit(data, params, model, inits, n.clones,
multiply=multiply, unchanged=unchanged,
update=update, updatefun=updatefun,
initsfun=initsfun, flavour = flavour,
cl=cl, parchains=TRUE, n.chains=n.chains,
return.all=return.all, check.nclones=check.nclones, ...)
## size balancing and balancing+parchains
} else {
if (return.all)
stop("return.all=TRUE works only with 'parchains'")
if (missing(n.clones))
stop("'n.clones' argument must be provided")
# if (identical(n.clones, 1))
# stop("'n.clones = 1' gives the Bayesian answer, no need for DC")
if (is.environment(data)) {
warnings("'data' was environment: it was coerced into a list")
data <- as.list(data)
## determine k
k <- n.clones[order(n.clones)]
k <- unique(k)
times <- length(k)
## global options
rhat.opts <- getOption("dcoptions")$rhat
trace <- getOption("dcoptions")$verbose
## evaluate inits
if (missing(inits))
inits <- NULL
if (!is.null(initsfun)) {
initsfun <-
ian <- length(names(formals(initsfun)))
if (ian == 0)
stop("'initsfun' must have at least one argument")
else warnings("first (model) argument of 'initsfun' is ignored when partype != 'parcains'")
if (ian > 2)
warnings("arguments of 'initsfun' after position 2 are ingnored")
INIARGS <- ian < 2
} else INIARGS <- 0
## params to use in and in dcdiag
if (is.list(params)) {
params.diag <- params[[2]]
params <- params[[1]]
} else {
params.diag <- params
## partype="both" is somehow denies to do it right
if (partype == "both" && !identical(params, params.diag))
stop("partype='both' cannot handle params as list")
#### parallel part
if (trace) {
cat("\nParallel computation in progress\n\n")
## write model
if (is.function(model) || inherits(model, "custommodel")) {
if (is.function(model))
model <-
## write model only if SOCK cluster or multicore (shared memory)
if (is.numeric(cl) || inherits(cl, "SOCKcluster")) {
model <- write.jags.model(model)
## common data
cldata <- list(data=data, params=params, model=model, inits=inits,
multiply=multiply, unchanged=unchanged, k=k,
INIARGS=INIARGS, initsfun=initsfun, n.chains=n.chains,
## parallel computations
balancing <- if (!getOption("dcoptions")$LB)
"size" else "both"
# dir <- if (inherits(cl, "SOCKcluster")) # model now has full path
# getwd() else NULL
## size balancing
if (partype == "balancing") {
## parallel function
dcparallel <- function(i, ...) {
cldata <- pullDcloneEnv("cldata", type = "model")
jdat <- dclone(cldata$data, i, multiply=cldata$multiply,
INITS <- if (!is.null(cldata$initsfun) && !cldata$INIARGS)
initsfun(,i) else cldata$inits
if (flavour == "jags") {
mod <-, params=cldata$params, model=cldata$model,
inits=INITS, n.chains=cldata$n.chains, ...)
if (flavour == "bugs") {
mod <-, params=cldata$params, model=cldata$model,
inits=INITS, n.chains=cldata$n.chains, format="mcmc.list", ...)
if (flavour == "stan") {
mod <-, params=cldata$params, model=cldata$model,
inits=INITS, n.chains=cldata$n.chains, format="mcmc.list", ...)
vn <- varnames(mod)
params.diag <- vn[unlist(lapply(cldata$params.diag, grep, x=vn))]
if (i == max(k))
return(mod) else return(list(dct=dclone::extractdctable(mod),
if (flavour == "jags") {
LIB <- c("dclone", "rjags")
if (flavour == "bugs") {
LIB <- "dclone"
if (is.null(PROGRAM))
PROGRAM <- "winbugs"
if (PROGRAM == "winbugs")
LIB <- c(LIB, "R2WinBUGS")
if (PROGRAM == "brugs")
LIB <- c(LIB, "R2WinBUGS", "BRugs")
if (PROGRAM == "openbugs")
LIB <- c(LIB, "R2OpenBUGS")
if (flavour == "stan") {
LIB <- c("dclone", "rstan")
pmod <- parDosa(cl, k, dcparallel, cldata,
lib=LIB, balancing=balancing, size=k,
dir=NULL, # model now has full path
unload=FALSE, ...)
mod <- pmod[[times]]
## dctable
dct <- lapply(1:(times-1), function(i) pmod[[i]]$dct)
dct[[times]] <- extractdctable(mod)
## dcdiag
dcd <- lapply(1:(times-1), function(i) pmod[[i]]$dcd)
vn <- varnames(mod)
params.diag <- vn[unlist(lapply(params.diag, grep, x=vn))]
dcd[[times]] <- extractdcdiag(mod[,params.diag])
# dcd[[times]] <- extractdcdiag(mod)
## balancing+parchains
} else {
## RNG and initialization
if (inherits(cl, "cluster") && "lecuyer" %in% list.modules()) {
mod <- parListModules(cl)
for (i in 1:length(mod)) {
if (!("lecuyer" %in% mod[[i]]))
stop("'lecuyer' module must be loaded on workers")
dcinits <- function(i) {
INITS <- if (!is.null(cldata$initsfun) && !cldata$INIARGS)
initsfun(,i) else cldata$inits
inits <- parallel.inits(INITS, n.chains)
## parDosa with cleanup (but cldata changes, has to be passed again)
pini <- lapply(k, dcinits)
cldata$inits <-"c", pini)
cldata$k <- rep(k, each=n.chains)
## parallel function to evaluate by parDosa
dcparallel <- function(i, ...) {
cldata <- pullDcloneEnv("cldata", type = "model")
jdat <- dclone(cldata$data, cldata$k[i],
multiply=cldata$multiply, unchanged=cldata$unchanged)
if (flavour == "jags") {
mod <-, params=cldata$params,
model=cldata$model, inits=cldata$inits[[i]],
n.chains=1, updated.model=FALSE, ...)
if (flavour == "bugs") {
mod <-, params=cldata$params,
model=cldata$model, inits=cldata$inits[[i]],
n.chains=1, format="mcmc.list", ...)
if (flavour == "stan") {
mod <-, params=cldata$params,
model=cldata$model, inits=cldata$inits[[i]],
n.chains=1, format="mcmc.list", ...)
pmod <- parDosa(cl, 1:(times*n.chains), dcparallel, cldata,
lib=c("dclone", "rjags"), balancing=balancing, size=cldata$k,
dir=NULL, # model now has full path
unload=FALSE, ...)
## binding the chains for each k value
assemblyfun <- function(mcmc) {
n.clones <- nclones(mcmc)
res <- as.mcmc.list(lapply(mcmc, as.mcmc))
if (!is.null(n.clones) && n.clones > 1) {
attr(res, "n.clones") <- n.clones
class(res) <- c("mcmc.list.dc", class(res))
i.end <- 1:times*n.chains
i.start <- i.end+1-n.chains
pmod <- lapply(1:times, function(i)
mod <- pmod[[times]]
## dctable
dct <- lapply(pmod, extractdctable)
## dcdiag
## partype="both" is somehow denies to do it right
# vn <- varnames(mod)
# params.diag <- vn[unlist(lapply(params.diag, grep, x=vn))]
# dcd <- lapply(pmod, function(z) extractdcdiag(z[,params.diag]))
dcd <- lapply(pmod, extractdcdiag)
## warning if R.hat < crit
rhat.problem <- any(dct[[times]][,"r.hat"] >= rhat.opts)
if (any( {
rhat.problem[] <- FALSE
if (nchain(mod) > 1 && rhat.problem)
warning("chains convergence problem, see R.hat values")
## finalizing dctable attribute
rnam <- lapply(dct, rownames)
nam <- rnam[[1]]
dct2 <- vector("list", length(nam))
names(dct2) <- rownames(dct[[1]])
for (i in 1:length(nam)) {
dct2[[i]] <- cbind(n.clones = k, t(sapply(dct, function(z) z[i, ])))
dct2 <- lapply(dct2, function(z)
class(dct2) <- "dctable"
attr(mod, "dctable") <- dct2
## finalizing dcdiag attribute
dcd2 <-, nrow=length(dcd), byrow=TRUE))
colnames(dcd2) <- names(dcd[[1]])
class(dcd2) <- c("dcdiag", class(dcd2))
attr(mod, "dcdiag") <- dcd2
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