
Defines functions length.DObject names.DObject unique.DObject head.DObject tail.DObject findPartitionByIndex rev.DObject max.DObject min.DObject

# Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it 
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public 
# License, version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
# General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, 
# Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

#' Extract parts of a distributed object.
#' @param x The distributed object to get the parts of.
#' @param i The row index or indices to extract with.
#' @param j The column index or indices to extract with.
#' @param ... Other args.
#' @param drop If TRUE, vectorizable results will become vectors.
#' @name [
#' @aliases [,DObject-method
#' @usage \S4method{[}{DObject}(x, i, j,...,drop=TRUE)
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname extract-methods
setMethod("[", signature(x="DObject"), 
  function(x, i, j, ..., drop=TRUE) {
    stopifnot(max(i) <= dim(x)[[1]] && min(i) > 0)

      order <- rank(i)
      result <- getPartitionIdsAndOffsets(list(sort(i)), psize(x), nparts(x))

      values <- dmapply(function(x,y) { x[y] }, parts(x, result$partitions), result$row_offsets)
      out <- unlist(collect(values),recursive=FALSE)[order]
    } else {
      # TODO(etduwx): Currently this forces the second argument to exist, need to add support for 
      # single indexing
      order_i <- rank(i)
      order_j <- rank(j)

      result <- getPartitionIdsAndOffsets(list(sort(i),sort(j)), psize(x), nparts(x))

      starting_row <- (result$partitions[[1]]-1)/(nparts(x)[[2]])
      starting_id <- starting_row * nparts(x)[[2]] 

      nparts_across <- sum(result$partitions <= (starting_id + nparts(x)[[2]]))
      nparts_down <- length(result$partitions) / nparts_across

      values <- dmapply(function(x,y,z) { 
                        }, parts(x, result$partitions), result$row_offsets,
                          result$col_offsets, output.type = x@type, combine="rbind", nparts=c(nparts_down,nparts_across))
      out <- collect(values)[order_i,order_j,drop=drop]


#' @export
length.DObject <- function(x) {
  if(is.dlist(x)) dim(x)[[1]]
  else if(is.darray(x)) prod(dim(x))
  else dim(x)[[2]]

#' @export
names.DObject <- function(x) {
   nobj <- dlapply(parts(x),function(x) { as.list(names(x)) })

#' Sets the names of a distributed object
#' @param x The object whose names to set.
#' @param value A vector with the names to set with.
setReplaceMethod("names", signature(x = "DObject", value = "ANY"), definition = function(x,value) { 
  stopifnot(length(value) == length(x))

  lens <- sapply(data.frame(t(psize(x))), function(x) { prod(x) })

  limits <- cumsum(lens)
  limits <- c(0,limits) + 1
  limits <- limits[seq(length(limits)-1)]
  namesList <- mapply(function(x,y) {

  dmapply(function(x,y) { names(x) <- y; x }, parts(x), namesList,
          combine="c", nparts=totalParts(x))

#' @export
unique.DObject <- function(x, ...) {
  unique.per.partition <- dlapply(parts(x),function(x) { unique(x) })
  result <- collect(unique.per.partition)

#' @export
head.DObject <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) {
  if(n<0) stop("n must be greater than or equal to 0")

  n <- min(n,dim(x)[[1]])

  if(is.dlist(x)) {
    if(n==0) return(list())
  } else {
    if(n==0) {
      temp <- matrix(0,0,dim(x)[[2]])
      colnames(temp) <- colnames(x)
      if(is.dframe(x)) temp <- as.data.frame(temp)

#' @export
tail.DObject <- function(x, n = 6L, addrownums = TRUE, ...) {
  if(n<0) stop("n must be greater than or equal to 0")

  n <- min(n,dim(x)[[1]])

  if(is.dlist(x)) {
    if(n==0) return(list())
    x[(length(x) - n + 1):length(x)]
  } else {
    if(n==0) {
      temp <- matrix(0,0,dim(x)[[2]])
      colnames(temp) <- colnames(x)
      if(is.dframe(x)) temp <- as.data.frame(temp)
    x[(dim(x)[[1]] - n + 1):(dim(x)[[1]]),1:(dim(x)[[2]]),drop=FALSE]

#' Extracts elements of a distributed object matching the name.
#' @param x The object to get the named element from.
#' @param name The name vector to retrieve elements with.
setMethod("$", c("DObject") ,
  function(x, name) {
    matching <- dlapply(x, function(x,y) { 
      match <- x[y]
      if(is.null(match[[1]])) {
        match <- list()
        names(match) <- y

}, y = name)



#' Extracts a single element of a distributed object.
#' @param x The object to get an element from.
#' @param i The row index of the element.
#' @param j The column index of the element.
#' @param ... Other args
setMethod("[[", c("DObject", "numeric", "ANY"),
  function(x, i, j, ...) {
    stopifnot(length(i) < 2)
    if(is.dlist(x)) {
    } else {
      # TODO(etduwx): Currently this forces the second argument to exist, need to add support for 
      # single indexing
     stopifnot(length(j) < 2)

# Internal helper function
findPartitionByIndex <- function(index,cumRowIndex) {
  partition <- findInterval(index,cumRowIndex)
  if(partition !=0 && index == cumRowIndex[partition]) {
    partition = partition-1
  starting <- ifelse(partition == 0, 0, cumRowIndex[partition])

#' @export
rev.DObject <- function(x) {

setGeneric("colSums", signature="x")

#' Get the column sums for a distributed array or data.frame.
#' @param x The object to get the column sums from.
#' @param na.rm If TRUE, will remove NAs.
#' @param dims Currently does nothing.
#' @export
setMethod("colSums", signature(x="DObject"),
  function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
    if(is.dlist(x)) stop("colSums is only supported for DArrays and DFrames")  

    columnSumsPerPartition <- 
      collect(dmapply(function(part,na.rm) colSums(part,na.rm=na.rm), parts(x),

    colPartitionResults <- lapply(1:nparts(x)[[2]], function(col) {
                             partitionIds <- seq(col,col+(nparts(x)[[1]]-1)*nparts(x)[[2]],


setGeneric("colMeans", signature="x")

#' Gets the column means for a distributed array or data.frame.
#' @param x The object to get the column means from.
#' @param na.rm If TRUE, will remove NAs.
#' @param dims Currently does nothing.
#' @export
setMethod("colMeans", signature(x="DObject"),
  function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
    if(is.dlist(x)) stop("colMeans is only supported for DArrays and DFrames")  

    columnSums <- colSums(x,na.rm=na.rm)
    columnSums / nrow(x)

setGeneric("rowSums", signature="x")

#' Gets the row sums for a distributed array or data.frame.
#' @param x The object to get the row sums from.
#' @param na.rm If TRUE, will remove NAs.
#' @param dims Currently does nothing.
#' @export
setMethod("rowSums", signature(x="DObject"),
  function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
    if(is.dlist(x)) stop("rowSums is only supported for DArrays and DFrames")  

    rowSumsPerPartition <- 
      collect(dmapply(function(part,na.rm) rowSums(part,na.rm=na.rm), parts(x),

    rowPartitionResults <- lapply(seq(1,1+(nparts(x)[[1]]-1)*nparts(x)[[2]],
                                      by=nparts(x)[[2]]), function(rowStart) {
                             partitionIds <- rowStart:(rowStart+nparts(x)[[2]]-1)


setGeneric("rowMeans", signature="x")

#' Gets the row means for a distributed array or data.frame.
#' @param x The object to get the row means from.
#' @param na.rm If TRUE, will remove NAs.
#' @param dims Currently does nothing.
#' @export
setMethod("rowMeans", signature(x="DObject"),
  function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
    if(is.dlist(x)) stop("rowMeans is only supported for DArrays and DFrames")  

    rowsSums <- rowSums(x,na.rm=na.rm)
    rowsSums / ncol(x)

#' @export
max.DObject <- function(x,...,na.rm=FALSE) {
    types <- vapply(list(x,...),function(y) is.darray(y) || is.dframe(y),

    if(any(!types)) stop("max is only supported for DArrays and DFrames")    

    # Get maxima for each DObject in the list(x,...)
    maxima <- vapply(list(x,...), function(y) {
       # Get local maxima of every partition
       localMax <- dmapply(function(part,na.rm) max(part,na.rm=na.rm), parts(y),
       # Return maximum of all partitions together

    }, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))    

    # Return maximum of maxima

#' @export
min.DObject <- function(x,...,na.rm=FALSE) {
    types <- vapply(list(x,...),function(y) is.darray(y) || is.dframe(y),

    if(any(!types)) stop("min is only supported for DArrays and DFrames")    

    # Get minima for each DObject in the list(x,...)
    minima <- vapply(list(x,...), function(y) {
       # Get local minima of every partition
       localMin <- dmapply(function(part,na.rm) min(part,na.rm=na.rm), parts(y),
       # Return minimum of all partitions together

    }, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))    

    # Return minimum of minima

#' Sets the dimnames for the distributed object.
#' @param x The object to set the dimnames for.
#' @param value The list of values, one vector per dimension, of names.
setReplaceMethod("dimnames", signature(x = "DObject", value = "list"), definition = function(x,value) {
  stopifnot(length(value) == length(dim(x)))
    if(is.dlist(x)) stop("Cannot use dimnames on a DList. Use names() instead.")

  if((length(value[[1]]) != dim(x)[[1]] && !is.null(value[[1]])) || 
     (length(value[[2]]) != dim(x)[[2]] && !is.null(value[[2]])))
       stop("Length of an assigned name vector did not match the dimension of the DObject")

  rowBoundaries <- cumsum(psize(x,seq(1,totalParts(x),by=nparts(x)[[2]]))[,1])
  rowBoundaries <- c(0,rowBoundaries) + 1
  rowBoundaries <- rowBoundaries[seq(length(rowBoundaries) -1)]

  colBoundaries <- cumsum(psize(x,seq(1,nparts(x)[[2]]))[,2])
  colBoundaries <- c(0,colBoundaries) + 1
  colBoundaries <- colBoundaries[seq(length(colBoundaries) -1)]

  # List of vectors for the rownames per sub-matrix (partition)
  rowNamesPartition <- lapply(1:totalParts(x), function(part) {
                         partitionRow <- floor((part-1)/(nparts(x)[[2]])) + 1
                         start <- rowBoundaries[partitionRow]
                         end <- start + psize(x,part)[1] - 1


  # List of vectors for the colnames per sub-matrix (partition)
  colNamesPartition <- lapply(1:totalParts(x), function(part) {
                         partitionCol <- part %% (nparts(x)[[2]])
                         if(partitionCol == 0) partitionCol <- nparts(x)[[2]]
                         start <- colBoundaries[partitionCol]
                         end <- start + psize(x,part)[2] - 1


  dmapply(function(x,y,z) { dimnames(x) <- list(y,z); x }, parts(x), rowNamesPartition, colNamesPartition, output.type=x@type, combine="rbind",nparts=nparts(x))

setGeneric("colnames", signature="x")

#' Gets the colnames for the distributed object.
#' @param x The distributed object to get the colnames for.
#' @export
setMethod("colnames", "DObject",
  function(x) {
    if(is.dlist(x)) stop("Cannot use colnames on a DList. Use names() instead.")
    getColNames <- parts(x,seq(1,nparts(x)[[2]]))

    colNames <- dmapply(function(x) colnames(x), getColNames)


setGeneric("rownames", signature="x")

#' Gets the rownames for the distributed object.
#' @param x The distributed object to get the rownames for.
#' @export
setMethod("rownames", "DObject",
  function(x) {
    if(is.dlist(x)) stop("Cannot use rownames on a DList. Use names() instead.")
    getRowNames <- parts(x,seq(1,totalParts(x),by=nparts(x)[[2]]))

    rowNames <- dmapply(function(x) rownames(x), getRowNames)


#' Gets the dimnames for the distributed object.
#' @param x The distributed object to get the dimnames for.
setMethod("dimnames", "DObject",
  function(x) {
    if(is.dlist(x)) stop("Cannot use dimnames on a DList. Use names() instead.")

#' Gets the sum of the objects.
#' @param x The first distributed object
#' @param ... Other objects
#' @param na.rm If TRUE, removes the NA values.
setMethod("sum", "DObject",
  function(x,...,na.rm=FALSE) {
    types <- vapply(list(x,...),function(y) is.darray(y) || is.dframe(y),

    if(any(!types)) stop("sum is only supported for DArrays and DFrames")

    # Get sums of every dobject in the list(x,...) 
    sums <- vapply(list(x,...), function(y) {
                   }, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))

    # Return sum of sums

setGeneric("mean", signature="x")

#' Gets the mean value of the elements within the object.
#' @param x The distributed object to get the mean of.
#' @param trim Not supported yet.
#' @param na.rm If TRUE, removes NA values.
#' @param ... Other args.
#' @export
setMethod("mean", "DObject",
  function(x,trim=0,na.rm=FALSE,...) {

    if(!is.darray(x) && !is.dframe(x)) stop("mean is only supported for DArrays and DFrames")
    if(trim !=0) stop("non-zero trim is currently not supported")


#' @rdname bind_overrides
#' @title rbindddR
#' @param ... objects to rbind or cbind
#' @param deparse.level Does nothing so far. 
#' @return bound (cbind or rbind) dobject
#' @export
setGeneric("rbind", signature = "...")

#' @rdname bind_overrides
#' @title cbindddR
#' @export
setGeneric("cbind", signature = "...")

#' row binds the arguments
#' @param ... Arguments to row bind.
#' @param deparse.level Does nothing so far. 
#' @return A dobject with the opernads (and their partitions) rbinded.
#' @export
setMethod("rbind", "DObject",
  function(...,deparse.level = 1) {

   types <- sapply(list(...),function(y) y@type)

   if(any((types!="darray") & (types != "dframe"))) stop("rbind is only supported for DArrays and DFrames")

   ncols <- vapply(list(...), function(obj) ncol(obj), FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))
   if(min(ncols) != max(ncols)) stop("All inputs should have the same number of columns")

   x <- list(...)[[1]]

   # The output is a DArray if only DArrays are present. Otherwise,
   # it is a DFrame.
   if(any(types=="dframe")) out.type = "dframe"
   else out.type = "darray" 

   # Ensure that colwise partitions have the same dimensions
   # If they don't, repartition the incompatible object to be the 
   # same colwise partitioning as the first object (x)

   colWidths <- psize(x,seq(nparts(x)[[2]]))[,2]

   dobjs <- lapply(list(...), function(obj) {
              else {
                if(obj@type == "dframe") 
                  skeleton <- dframe(nparts=c(nparts(obj)[[1]],nparts(x)[[2]]))
                  skeleton <- darray(nparts=c(nparts(obj)[[1]],nparts(x)[[2]]))

                  row_psize <- psize(obj,seq(1,totalParts(obj),by=nparts(obj)[[2]]))[,1]
                  col_psize <- psize(x,seq(nparts(x)[[2]]))[,2]
                  skeleton@psize <- t(vapply(seq(totalParts(skeleton)),
                    function(i) { 
                      curRow <- floor((i-1)/nparts(x)[[2]]) + 1
                      curCol <- ((i-1) %% nparts(x)[[2]]) + 1 
                    }, FUN.VALUE=numeric(2)))

                  skeleton@dim <- dim(obj)

   totRowParts <- sum(vapply(dobjs,function(obj) nparts(obj)[[1]],FUN.VALUE=numeric(1)))
   nPartsResult <- c(totRowParts,nparts(x)[[2]])

   totPartsPerObj <- vapply(dobjs,function(obj) totalParts(obj), FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))
   totParts <- sum(totPartsPerObj)
   totPartsPerObj <- c(0,cumsum(totPartsPerObj))
   # Splitting into multiple separate arguments since currently DistR does not support parts() lists of mixed DObjects...fill blanks with NAs
   dmapplyArgs <- lapply(seq(length(dobjs)),function(ind) {
                     start <- totPartsPerObj[[ind]] + 1
                     end <- totPartsPerObj[[ind+1]]
                     out <- as.list(rep(NA,start-1))
                     out <- c(out,parts(dobjs[[ind]]))

   fillFunction <- function(...) {
     partitions <- list(...)
     for(i in seq(length(partitions))) {
       if(!is.na(partitions[[i]])) return(partitions[[i]])

   dmapplyArgs <- c(FUN=fillFunction,dmapplyArgs,output.type=list(out.type),combine=list("rbind"),nparts=list(nPartsResult))


#' Column binds the objects.
#' @param ... Objects to column bind.
#' @param deparse.level Does nothing so far.
#' @return A dobject with the operands (and their partitions) cbinded.
#' @export
setMethod("cbind", "DObject",
  function(...,deparse.level = 1) {

   types <- sapply(list(...),function(y) y@type)

   if(any((types!="darray") & (types != "dframe"))) stop("cbind is only supported for DArrays and DFrames")
   nrows <- vapply(list(...), function(obj) nrow(obj), FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))
   if(min(nrows) != max(nrows)) stop("All inputs should have the same number of rows")

   x <- list(...)[[1]]

   # The output is a DArray if only DArrays are present. Otherwise,
   # it is a DFrame.
   if(any(types=="dframe")) out.type = "dframe"
   else out.type = "darray" 

   # Ensure that colwise partitions have the same dimensions
   # If they don't, repartition the incompatible object to be the 
   # same colwise partitioning as the first object (x)

   rowWidths <- psize(x,seq(1,totalParts(x),by=nparts(x)[[2]]))[,1]

   dobjs <- lapply(list(...), function(obj) {
              else {
                if(obj@type == "dframe") 
                  skeleton <- dframe(nparts=c(nparts(x)[[1]],nparts(obj)[[2]]))
                  skeleton <- darray(nparts=c(nparts(x)[[1]],nparts(obj)[[2]]))

                  col_psize <- psize(obj,seq(nparts(obj)[[2]]))[,2]
                  row_psize <- psize(x,seq(1,totalParts(x),by=nparts(x)[[2]]))[,1]

                  skeleton@psize <- t(vapply(seq(totalParts(skeleton)),
                    function(i) { 
                      curRow <- floor((i-1)/nparts(obj)[[2]]) + 1 
                      curCol <- ((i-1) %% nparts(obj)[[2]]) + 1
                    }, FUN.VALUE=numeric(2)))

                  skeleton@dim <- dim(obj)

   colParts <- vapply(dobjs,function(obj) nparts(obj)[[2]],FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))
   totColParts <- sum(colParts)
   nPartsResult <- c(nparts(x)[[1]],totColParts)

   colParts <- c(0,cumsum(colParts))
   # Splitting into multiple separate arguments since currently DistR does not support parts() lists of mixed DObjects...fill blanks with NAs
   dmapplyArgs <- lapply(seq(length(dobjs)),function(ind) {
                    out <- list()
                    for(a in seq(nparts(x)[[1]])) {
                       start <- colParts[[ind]] + 1
                       end <- colParts[[ind+1]]
                       out <- c(out,as.list(rep(NA,start-1)))
                       start_part <- (a-1)*nparts(dobjs[[ind]])[[2]]+1
                       end_part <- start_part + nparts(dobjs[[ind]])[[2]] - 1

                       out <- c(out,parts(dobjs[[ind]],start_part:end_part))
                       out <- c(out,as.list(rep(NA,totColParts-end)))

   fillFunction <- function(...) {
     partitions <- list(...)
     for(i in seq(length(partitions))) {
       if(!is.na(partitions[[i]])) return(partitions[[i]])

   dmapplyArgs <- c(FUN=fillFunction,dmapplyArgs,output.type=list(out.type),combine=list("rbind"),nparts=list(nPartsResult))


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ddR documentation built on May 29, 2017, 6:52 p.m.