
# ddPCR R package - Dean Attali 2015
# --- Main server logic for shiny app --- #


# allow uploading files up to 100MB
options(shiny.maxRequestSize = 100*1024^2) 

# show verbose ddpcr messages
options(ddpcr.verbose = TRUE)

source(file.path("server", "helpers.R"))

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

  # reactive values we will use throughout the app
  dataValues <- reactiveValues(
    plate = NULL

  # we need to have a quasi-variable flag to indicate whether or not
  # we have a dataset to work with or if we're waiting for dataset to be chosen
  output$datasetChosen <- reactive({ FALSE })
  outputOptions(output, 'datasetChosen', suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
  observeEvent(dataValues$plate, {
    shinyjs::toggle(id = "plateDirty", condition = is_dirty(dataValues$plate))
  # save button (download dataset) button is clicked
  output$saveBtn <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      dataValues$plate %>% name %>% normalize_to_rds
    content = function(file) {
      save_plate(dataValues$plate, file)
  # When a main or secondary tab is switched, clear the error message
  # and don't show the dataset info on the About tab
    # don't show the dataset description in About tab
    toggle(id = "headerDatasetDesc",
           condition = input$mainNav != "aboutTab")
    # clear the error message
    # hide the "finished, move on to next tab" messages

  # whenever the plate gets updated, update the dataset info
  observeEvent(dataValues$plate, {
    # update the plate description
    output$datasetDescName <- renderText(
      dataValues$plate %>% name
    output$datasetDescNumWells <- renderText(
      dataValues$plate %>% wells_used %>% length
    output$datasetDescNumDrops <- renderText(
      dataValues$plate %>% plate_data %>% nrow %>% format(big.mark = ",")
  # include logic for each tab
  source(file.path("server", "tab-dataset.R"),   local = TRUE)$value
  source(file.path("server", "tab-settings.R"),  local = TRUE)$value
  source(file.path("server", "tab-analyze.R"),   local = TRUE)$value
  source(file.path("server", "tab-results.R"),   local = TRUE)$value
  # hide the loading message
  hide("loading-content", TRUE, "fade")  
#TODO remove this , for testing purposes only
# dataValues$plate <- new_plate(dir = sample_data_dir(),
#                               type = plate_types$fam_positive_pnpp)
# output$datasetChosen <- reactive({ TRUE })
# updateTabsetPanel(session, "mainNav", "settingsTab")

Try the ddpcr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ddpcr documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 1:07 a.m.