
Defines functions ddsPLS

Documented in ddsPLS

#' Data-Driven Sparse Partial Least Squares
#' The main function of the package. It does both start the ddsPLS algorithm,
#' using bootstrap analysis. Also it estimates automatically the number of
#' components and the regularization coefficients.
#' One regularization parameter per component only is needed to select both in
#' \code{x} and in \code{y}. Build the optimal model, of the class
#' \code{ddsPLS}.
#' Among the different parameters, the \code{lambda} is the vector of parameters that are
#' tested by the algorithm along each component for each bootstrap sample. The total number
#' of bootstrap samples is fixed by the parameter \code{n_B}, for this parameter, the more
#'  the merrier, even if costs more in computation time.
#' This gives access to 3 S3 methods (\code{\link{summary.ddsPLS}}, \code{\link{plot.ddsPLS}} and \code{\link{predict.ddsPLS}}).
#' @param X matrix, the covariate matrix (n,p).
#' @param Y matrix, the response matrix (n,q).
#' @param criterion character, whether \code{diffR2Q2} to be minimized, default,
#'  or \code{Q2} to be maximized.
#' @param doBoot logical, whether performing bootstrap operations, default to
#' \code{TRUE}. If equal to
#' \code{FALSE}, a model with is built on the parameters \code{lambda} and the
#'  number of components is the length of this vector.
#'   In that context, the parameter \code{n_B} is ignored. If equal to
#'    \code{TRUE}, the ddsPLS algorithm, through bootstrap validation,
#'     is started using \code{lambda} as a grid and \code{n_B} as
#'   the total number of bootstrap samples to simulate per component.
#' @param LD boolean. Wether or not to consider low dimensional dataset. If
#' sequal to \code{TRUE}, no low value is estimated for \code{lambda} (\code{lambda0}=0). Else,
#' \code{lambda} is estimated thanks to in order to prevent from including too
#' much variables in the current component.
#' @param lambdas vector, the to be tested values for \code{lambda}.
#' Each value for \code{lambda} can be interpreted in terms of correlation
#'  allowed in the model.
#' More precisely, a covariate `x[j]` is not selected if its empirical
#' correlation with all the response variables `y[1..q]` is below \code{lambda}.
#'  A response variable `y[k]` is not selected if its empirical correlation
#'  with all the covariates `x[1..p]` is below \code{lambda}.
#' Default to \code{seq(0,1,length.out = 30)}.
#' @param n_B integer, the number of to be simulated bootstrap samples.
#' Default to \code{50}.
#' @param n_lambdas integer, the number of lambda values. Taken into account
#' only if \code{lambdas} is \code{NULL}. Default to 100.
#' @param lambda_roof real, the maximum value to be tested by the algorithm for
#' \code{lambda}. This is automatically fixed by the algorithm.
#' @param lowQ2  real, the minimum value of Q^2_B to accept the
#' current lambda value. Default to \code{0.0}.
#' @param NCORES integer, the number of cores used. Default to \code{1}.
#' @param verbose boolean, whether to print current results. Defaut to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param errorMin real, not to be used.
#' @return
#' \item{model}{a list containing the PLS parameters:}
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{$P}: Loadings for \code{X}.
#'   \item \code{$C}: Loadings for \code{Y}.
#'   \item \code{$t}: Scores.
#'   \item \code{$V}: Weights for \code{Y}.
#'   \item \code{$U}: Loadings for \code{X}.
#'   \item \code{$U_star}: Loadings for \code{X} in original base: $U_star=U(P'U)^{-1}$.
#'   \item \code{$B}: Regression matrix of \code{Y} on \code{X}.
#'   \item \code{$muY}: Empirical mean of \code{Y}.
#'   \item \code{$muX}: Empirical mean of \code{X}.
#'   \item \code{$sdY}: Empirical standard deviation of \code{Y}.
#'   \item \code{$sdX}: Empirical standard deviation of \code{X}.
#' }
#' \item{results}{a list containing the ddsPLS descriptors after bootstrap
#' operations:}
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \code{$PropQ2hPos}: A list of size \code{R}+1 where \code{R} is the
#'     evaluated number of components. Each element is a vector of length
#'     \code{n_lambdas}. Each value is the proportion of times the \code{Q2h}
#'     statistics is positive among the \code{n_B} estimated ddsPLS models.
#'     \item \code{$Q2h}:  A list of size \code{R}+1 where \code{R} is the
#'     evaluated number of components. Each element is a
#'     \code{(n_B,n_lambdas)}-matrix. Each value is the value for the statistics
#'      \code{Q2h}.
#'     \item \code{$Q2}: :  A list of size \code{R}+1 where \code{R} is the
#'     evaluated number of components. Each element is a
#'     \code{(n_B,n_lambdas)}-matrix. Each value is the value for the statistics
#'      \code{Q2}.
#'     \item \code{$R2h}: :  A list of size \code{R}+1 where \code{R} is the
#'     evaluated number of components. Each element is a
#'     \code{(n_B,n_lambdas)}-matrix. Each value is the value for the statistics
#'      \code{R2h}.
#'     \item \code{$R2}: :  A list of size \code{R}+1 where \code{R} is the
#'     evaluated number of components. Each element is a
#'     \code{(n_B,n_lambdas)}-matrix. Each value is the value for the statistics
#'      \code{R2}.
#'     \item \code{$V}: Empirical means and variances of the weights for
#'     \code{Y} for each component.
#'     \item \code{$U}: Empirical means and variances of the weights for
#'     \code{X} for each component.
#'     \item \code{$U_star}: Empirical means and variances of the loadings for
#'     \code{X} in original base for each component.
#'     \item \code{$C}: Empirical means and variances of the loadings for
#'     \code{Y} for each component.
#'     \item \code{$P}: Empirical means and variances of the loadings for
#'     \code{X} for each component.
#'     \item \code{$t}: Empirical means and variances of the score for each
#'     component.
#'     \item \code{$R2mean_diff_Q2mean}: Differences of the empirical means of
#'     the statistics R2 and Q2.
#'     \item \code{$Q2hmean}: Empirical means of the statistic Q2h.
#'     \item \code{$Q2mean}: Empirical means of the statistic Q2.
#'     \item \code{$R2hmean}: Empirical means of the statistic R2h.
#'     \item \code{$R2mean}: Empirical means of the statistic R2.
#'     \item \code{$R2sd}: Empirical standard deviations of the statistic R2.
#'     \item \code{$R2hsd}: Empirical standard deviations of the statistic R2h.
#'     \item \code{$Q2sd}: Empirical standard deviations of the statistic Q2.
#'     \item \code{$Q2hsd}: Empirical standard deviations of the statistic Q2h.
#'     \item \code{$R2_diff_Q2sd}: Differences of the empirical standard
#'     deviations of the statistics R2 and Q2.
#'     \item \code{$lambdas}: Values tested for \code{lambdas}.
#' }
#' \item{varExplained_in_X}{a list containing the explained variances in
#' \code{X} per component (\code{Comp}) or cumulated (\code{Cumu}).}
#' \item{varExplained}{a list containing the explained variances in
#' \code{Y} per component (\code{Comp}), cumulated (\code{Cumu}), or per
#' dimension of \code{Y} separately. The three last objects detail the
#' explained variances per dimension of \code{Y} per component
#' (\code{PerYPerComp$Comp}) or cumulated (\code{PerYPerComp$Cumu}).}
#' \item{R}{The evaluated number of components.}
#' \item{lambda}{The \code{R} values evaluated for \code{lambda}.}
#' \item{lambda_optim}{a list containing 3 matrices with boolean values
#' corresponding to wether or not each to be tested value for \code{lambda} has
#' been indeed tested.}
#' \item{Q2, Q2h, R2, R2h}{vector. The \code{R} values evaluated for \code{Q2},
#'  \code{Q2h}, \code{R2} and \code{R2h}.}
#'  \item{lowQ2}{The input parameter of the same name.}
#'  \item{X}{The input parameter of the same name.}
#'  \item{doBoot}{The input parameter of the same name.}
#'  \item{Y_est}{The estimated values for the response variable.}
#'  \item{Y_obs}{The observed values for the response variable.}
#'  \item{Selection}{A list of two elements of the indices corresponding with
#'  the variables selected in \code{X} and in \code{Y}.}
#'  \item{call}{The call given to the function.}
#'  \item{criterion}{The input parameter of the same name.}
#' @export list
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom foreach %do%
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
#' @importFrom stats cov var
#' @examples
#' n <- 100 ; d <- 2 ; p <- 20 ; q <- 2
#' phi <- matrix(rnorm(n*d),n,d)
#' a <- rep(1,p/4) ; b <- rep(1,p/2)
#' X <- phi%*%matrix(c(1*a,0*a,0*b,1*a,3*b,0*a),nrow = d,byrow = TRUE) +
#' matrix(rnorm(n*p,sd = 1/4),n,p)
#' Y <- phi%*%matrix(c(1,0,0,0),nrow = d,byrow = TRUE) +
#' matrix(rnorm(n*q,sd = 1/4),n,q)
#' res <- ddsPLS(X,Y,verbose=TRUE)
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.ddsPLS}}, \code{\link{plot.ddsPLS}}, \code{\link{predict.ddsPLS}}
#' @useDynLib ddsPLS
ddsPLS <- function(X,Y,criterion="diffR2Q2",
  bootstrapWrap <- function(U,V,X,Y,lambdas,lambda_prev,
    res <- bootstrap_Rcpp(U,V,X,Y,lambdas,lambda_prev,
  getLambdas <- function(xSC,ySC,n,p,q){
    getLambda0 <- function(xSC,ySC,n,p,q){
      Sig_est <- matrix(rep(cov(xSC,ySC),n),nrow = n,byrow = TRUE)
      theta <- colMeans((xSC*matrix(rep(ySC,p),n,byrow = FALSE)-Sig_est)^2)
      Y <- t(t(Y))
    if(criterion %in% c("diffR2Q2","Q2")){
      call <- match.call()
      n <- nrow(Y)
      p <- ncol(X)
      q <- ncol(Y)
      # Standardize X and Y train and test.
      sdY <- apply(Y,2,sd)
      muY <- apply(Y,2,mean)
      id_na_y_mean <- which(is.na(sdY))
        muY[id_na_y_mean] = sdY[id_na_y_mean] <- 0
      Y_init = scale(Y);
      Y_init[which(is.na(Y_init))] <- 0
      RSS0 <- sum(scale(Y,scale = FALSE)^2)
      RSS0_y <- apply(Y,2,function(yy){sum(scale(yy,scale = FALSE)^2)})
      sdX <- apply(X,2,sd)
      muX <- apply(X,2,mean)
      id_na_x_mean <- which(is.na(sdX))
        muX[id_na_x_mean] = sdX[id_na_x_mean] <- 0
      X_init = scale(X);
      X_init[which(is.na(X_init))] <- 0
      sd_y_x_inv <- matrix(0,p,q)
      for(j in 1:q){
        sd_y_x_inv[,j] <- sdY[j]
      for(i in 1:p){
          sd_y_x_inv[i,] <- 1/sdX[i]
          sd_y_x_inv[i,] <- 0
      # Create lambda values
      useL0 <- FALSE
      lambda0 <- NULL
          lambdas <- seq(0,max(abs(cov(X_init,Y_init))),length.out = n_lambdas)
          lambdas <- seq(0,lambda_roof,length.out = n_lambdas+1)[-n_lambdas-1]
          lambda0 <- c(lambda0,getLambdas(X_init,Y_init,n,p,q))
          lambda0 <- 0
        useL0 <- TRUE
        lambda0 <- 0
      n_lambdas <- length(lambdas)
      # First covariance work
      COVInit = crossprod(Y_init,X_init)/(n-1);
      maxCOVInit = max(abs(COVInit))
      lambda_prev <- rep(0,n)
      TEST <- rep(0,n_lambdas)
      test_lambdas <- list()
      nb_ValsOk <- 0
        U_out <- matrix(0,p,n); V0 <- matrix(0,q,n)
        B_previous <- matrix(0,p,q)
        R <- 1
        test <- TRUE
        R2Best <- rep(0,n)
        R2hBest <- rep(0,n)
        Q2Best <- rep(0,n)
        Q2hBest <- rep(0,n)
        explainedVar <- rep(0,n)
        Results <- list()
        varExplained = varExplainedTot = varExplained_y = varExplainedTot_y <- NULL
        Results$R2 = Results$R2h = Results$Q2 = Results$Q2h = Results$PropQ2hPos  <- list()
        Results$R2mean = Results$R2hmean = Results$Q2mean = Results$Q2hmean =
          Results$R2mean_diff_Q2mean = Results$t = Results$P = Results$C =
          Results$U_star = Results$U = Results$V <- list()
        h <- 0 ; bestID <- 0;
        Q2_previous <- -1e9 ; bestVal <- -1e9
        if (verbose) {
          cat("                      ______________\n");
          cat("                     |    ddsPLS    |\n");
        while (test){
          if (verbose) {
            cat(paste("Should we build component " ,h+1 , " ? Bootstrap pending...\n",sep=""))
          if(h>0 & useL0){
            ## Look at values for lambda_0
            X_here <- X_init
            Y_here <- Y_init
            for(hr in 1:h){
              tr <- resOUT$t[,hr]
              pr <- resOUT$P[,hr]
              cr <- resOUT$C[,hr]
              X_here <- X_here - tcrossprod(tr,pr)
              Y_here <- Y_here - tcrossprod(tr,cr)
            lambda0 <- c(lambda0,getLambdas(X_here,Y_here,n,p,q))
            useL0 <- TRUE
          if(!useL0) lambda0 <- rep(0,h+1)
          NCORES_w <- min(NCORES,n_B)
          n_B_i <- ceiling(n_B/NCORES)
          `%my_do%` <- ifelse(NCORES_w!=1,{
            out<-`%dopar%`;cl <- makeCluster(NCORES_w)
            registerDoParallel(cl);out},{out <- `%do%`;out})
          res <- foreach(i_B=1:NCORES_w,.packages = "ddsPLS",
                         .combine='c',.multicombine=TRUE) %my_do% {
          if(NCORES_w!=1) stopCluster(cl)
          ## Criterion qulity descriptors
          Results$R2[[h+1]] <- do.call(rbind,res[which(names(res)=="R2")])
          Results$R2h[[h+1]] <- do.call(rbind,res[which(names(res)=="R2h")])
          Results$Q2[[h+1]] <- do.call(rbind,res[which(names(res)=="Q2")])
          Results$Q2h[[h+1]] <- do.call(rbind,res[which(names(res)=="Q2h")])
          Results$PropQ2hPos[[h+1]] <- apply(Results$Q2h[[h+1]],2,function(v){sum(v>=0)/length(v)})
          Results$R2mean[[h+1]] <- colMeans(Results$R2[[h+1]])
          Results$R2hmean[[h+1]] <- colMeans(Results$R2h[[h+1]])
          Results$Q2mean[[h+1]] <- colMeans(Results$Q2[[h+1]])
          Results$Q2hmean[[h+1]] <- colMeans(Results$Q2h[[h+1]])
          Results$R2mean_diff_Q2mean[[h+1]] <- Results$R2mean[[h+1]]-Results$Q2mean[[h+1]]
          Results$R2sd[[h+1]] <- apply(Results$R2[[h+1]],2,sd)
          Results$R2hsd[[h+1]] <- apply(Results$R2h[[h+1]],2,sd)
          Results$Q2sd[[h+1]] <- apply(Results$Q2[[h+1]],2,sd)
          Results$Q2hsd[[h+1]] <- apply(Results$Q2h[[h+1]],2,sd)
          Results$R2_diff_Q2sd[[h+1]] <- apply(Results$R2[[h+1]]-Results$Q2[[h+1]],2,sd)
          TEST <- (Results$Q2hmean[[h+1]]>lowQ2)*
          nb_ValsOk = sum(TEST)
          test_lambdas[[h+1]] <- TEST
          # resOUT <- NULL
          test_t2 <- FALSE
          if (nb_ValsOk>0){
            if(criterion=="diffR2Q2" & !LD){
              bestVal = min(Results$R2mean_diff_Q2mean[[h+1]][TEST])
              bestID = which(Results$R2mean_diff_Q2mean[[h+1]]==bestVal)[1]
            }else if(criterion=="Q2" | LD){
              bestVal = max(Results$Q2hmean[[h+1]][TEST])
              bestID = which(Results$Q2hmean[[h+1]]==bestVal)[1]

            test_total <- TRUE
              lambda_prev[h+1] = lambdas[bestID]
              resMozna <- modelddsPLSCpp_Rcpp(U_out,V0,X_init,Y_init,
              test_t2 <- sum((resMozna$t[,h+1])^2)>errorMin
                test_total <- FALSE
                bestIDNext <- bestID - 1
                test_neighboor <- bestIDNext<=1
                  bestID <- bestIDNext
                  test_total <- TRUE
                  test_total <- FALSE
              resMozna -> resOUT
              resMozna <- NULL
              h <- h + 1
              for(hh in 1:h){
                P_test <- resOUT$P[,hh]
                  resOUT$P[,hh] <- -resOUT$P[,hh]
                  resOUT$C[,hh] <- -resOUT$C[,hh]
                  resOUT$t[,hh] <- -resOUT$t[,hh]
                  resOUT$V[,hh] <- -resOUT$V[,hh]
                  resOUT$U[,hh] <- -resOUT$U[,hh]
                  resOUT$U_star[,hh] <- -resOUT$U_star[,hh]
              Q2Best[h] = Results$Q2mean[[h]][bestID]
              Q2hBest[h] = Results$Q2hmean[[h]][bestID]
              R2Best[h] = Results$R2mean[[h]][bestID]
              R2hBest[h] = Results$R2hmean[[h]][bestID]
              Q2_previous = Q2Best[h]
              U_out[,1:h] = resOUT$U[,1:h]
              V0[,1:h] = resOUT$V[,1:h]
              ## Look at variabilities in P
              TT <- do.call(rbind,res[which(names(res)=="t")])[,c(1:n)+(bestID-1)*n,drop=FALSE]
              PP <- do.call(rbind,res[which(names(res)=="P")])[,c(1:p)+(bestID-1)*p,drop=FALSE]
              CC <- do.call(rbind,res[which(names(res)=="C")])[,c(1:q)+(bestID-1)*q,drop=FALSE]
              UUSSTTAARR <- do.call(rbind,res[which(names(res)=="U_star")])[,c(1:p)+(bestID-1)*p,drop=FALSE]
              UU <- do.call(rbind,res[which(names(res)=="U")])[,c(1:p)+(bestID-1)*p,drop=FALSE]
              VV <- do.call(rbind,res[which(names(res)=="V")])[,c(1:q)+(bestID-1)*q,drop=FALSE]
              for(i_B in 1:n_B){
                sign_i_B <- sign(VV[i_B,which.max(abs(VV[i_B,]))])
                  VV[i_B,] <- VV[i_B,]*(-1)
                  PP[i_B,] <- PP[i_B,]*(-1)
                  CC[i_B,] <- CC[i_B,]*(-1)
                  UUSSTTAARR[i_B,] <- UUSSTTAARR[i_B,]*(-1)
                  UU[i_B,] <- UU[i_B,]*(-1)
                  TT[i_B,] <- TT[i_B,]*(-1)
              TT_boot_mean <- colMeans(TT)
              TT_boot_var <- apply(TT,2,var)
              VV_boot_mean <- colMeans(VV)
              VV_boot_var <- apply(VV,2,var)
              CC_boot_mean <- colMeans(CC)
              CC_boot_var <- apply(CC,2,var)
              PP_boot_mean <- colMeans(PP)
              PP_boot_var <- apply(PP,2,var)
              UU_boot_mean <- colMeans(UU)
              UU_boot_var <- apply(UU,2,var)
              UUSSTTAARR_boot_mean <- colMeans(UUSSTTAARR)
              UUSSTTAARR_boot_var <- apply(UUSSTTAARR,2,var)
              Results$t[[h]] <- list(mean=TT_boot_mean,var=TT_boot_var)
              Results$U[[h]] <- list(mean=UU_boot_mean,var=UU_boot_var)
              Results$V[[h]] <- list(mean=VV_boot_mean,var=VV_boot_var)
              Results$C[[h]] <- list(mean=CC_boot_mean,var=CC_boot_var)
              Results$P[[h]] <- list(mean=PP_boot_mean,var=PP_boot_var)
              Results$U_star[[h]] <- list(mean=UUSSTTAARR_boot_mean,var=UUSSTTAARR_boot_var)
              ## Next
              B_out <- resOUT$B
              for (i in 1:p){
                  B_out[i,] <- B_out[i,]/sdX[i]
              for (j in 1:q){
                B_out[,j] <- B_out[,j]*sdY[j]
              B_out -> resOUT$B
              out0 <- list(model=list(muX=muX,muY=muY,B=B_previous),R=1);class(out0)="ddsPLS"
              out1 <- list(model=list(muX=muX,muY=muY,B=B_out),R=1);class(out1)="ddsPLS"
              Y_est_0 <- predict(out0,X,doDiagnosis=FALSE)$Y_est
              Y_est_1 <- predict(out1,X,doDiagnosis=FALSE)$Y_est
              cor2_0 <- unlist(lapply(1:q,function(j){
              cor2_1 <- unlist(lapply(1:q,function(j){
              ## Compute regression on current component only
              t_r <- resOUT$t[,h]
              Pi_r <- (abs(resOUT$V[,h])>1e-20)*1
              Y_est_r <- tcrossprod(t_r)%*%Y/sum(t_r^2)
              for(j in 1:q){
                  Y_est_r[,j] <- muY[j]
                  Y_est_r[,j] <- Y_est_r[,j] + muY[j]
              cor2_r <- unlist(lapply(1:q,function(j){
              B_previous <- B_out
              varExplained <- c(varExplained,mean(cor2_r)*100)#cor2_1-cor2_0)*100)
              varExplainedTot <- c(varExplainedTot,mean(cor2_1)*100)
              varExplained_y <- rbind(varExplained_y,cor2_r*100)#(cor2_1-cor2_0)*100)
              varExplainedTot_y <- rbind(varExplainedTot_y,(cor2_1)*100)
              if (verbose) {
                ress <- data.frame(
                    "  "="   ",
                    "VarExpl Tot"=paste(round(varExplainedTot[h]),"%",sep="")
                rownames(ress) <- ""
                colnames(ress)[1] <- "   "
                cat(paste("                                     ...component ",h," built!","\n",sep=""))
          if (!test_t2 | nb_ValsOk<=0){
            if(verbose) cat(paste("                                 ...component ",h+1," not built!","\n",sep=""))
            test = FALSE;
                  cat("             ...no Q2r large enough for tested lambda.\n")
        if(verbose) {
          cat("=====================                =====================\n");
          cat("                     ================\n");
        lambda_sol=R2Sol=R2hSol=Q2Sol=Q2hSol <- rep(0,h)
        for (r in 0:h) {
          lambda_sol[r] = lambda_prev[r];
          R2Sol[r] = R2Best[r];
          R2hSol[r] = R2hBest[r];
          Q2Sol[r] = Q2Best[r];
          Q2hSol[r] = Q2hBest[r];
        out <- list()
          out$model <- resOUT
          out$model$muY <- muY
          out$model$muX <- muX
          out$model$sdY <- sdY
          out$model$sdX <- sdX
          Results$lambdas <- lambdas
          out$results <- Results
          out$varExplained_in_X <- list()
          norm_X_tot <- (n-1)*p
          norm_comp <- colSums(out$model$t^2)
          var_comp <- norm_comp/norm_X_tot
          out$varExplained_in_X$Comp <- var_comp*100
          out$varExplained_in_X$Cumu <- cumsum(var_comp)*100
          out$varExplained <- list()
          out$varExplained$Comp <- varExplained
          out$varExplained$Cumu <- varExplainedTot
          out$model = NULL
          # out$results <- NULL
          # out$resultsNotBuilt <- Results
          # out$resultsNotBuilt$lambdas <- lambdas
          out$results <- Results
          out$results$lambdas <- lambdas
          out$model$muY <- muY
          out$model$muX <- muX
          out$model$sdY <- sdY
          out$model$sdX <- sdX
          out$results$Q2hmean = out$results$Q2mean =
            out$results$R2hmean = out$results$R2mean = 0
        out$R = h
        out$lambda = lambda_sol
        out$lambda_optim <- test_lambdas
        out$Q2 = Q2Sol
        out$Q2h = Q2hSol
        out$R2 = R2Sol
        out$R2h = R2hSol
        out$X <- X
        out$doBoot <- doBoot
        class(out) <- "ddsPLS"
          out$Y_est <- predict(out,X,doDiagnosis=FALSE)$Y_est
          out$Y_obs <- Y
          colnames(out$Y_est) = colnames(Y)
          rownames(out$model$V) = colnames(Y)
          rownames(out$model$U) = colnames(X)
          rownames(out$model$C) = colnames(Y)
          rownames(out$model$P) = colnames(X)
          rownames(out$model$U_star) = colnames(X)
          rownames(out$model$B) = colnames(X)
          colnames(out$model$B) = colnames(Y)
          out$varExplained_in_X <- list()
          norm_X_tot <- (n-1)*p
          norm_comp <- colSums(out$model$t^2)
          var_comp <- norm_comp/norm_X_tot
          out$varExplained_in_X$Comp <- var_comp*100
          out$varExplained_in_X$Cumu <- cumsum(var_comp)*100
          out$varExplained$PerY <- varExplainedTot_y[h,,drop=FALSE]
          out$varExplained$PerYPerComp <- list()
          out$varExplained$PerYPerComp$Comp <- varExplained_y
          out$varExplained$PerYPerComp$Cumu <- varExplainedTot_y
          selX <- (rowSums(abs(out$model$B))>1e-9)*1
          selY <- (colSums(abs(out$model$B))>1e-9)*1
          out$Selection <- list(X=which(selX==1),Y=which(selY==1))
          out$call <- call
          out$Y_est <- predict(out,X,doDiagnosis=FALSE)$Y_est
          out$Y_obs <- Y
          colnames(out$Y_est) = colnames(Y)
        if (verbose & h>0) {
        R <- length(lambdas)
        B_total <- matrix(0,p,q)
          U_out <- matrix(0,p,R); V0 <- matrix(0,q,R)
          varExplained=varExplainedTot <- rep(0,R)
          varExplained_y=varExplainedTot_y <- matrix(0,R,q)
          lambda0 <- rep(0,R)
          for(r in 1:R){
              resr <- modelddsPLSCpp_Rcpp(U_out,V0,X_init,Y_init,lambdas,
              U_out[,r] = resr$U[,r]
              V0[,r] = resr$V[,r]
              # Compute regressions
              ## Compute regression on current component only
              t_r <- resr$t[,r]
              Pi_r <- (abs(resr$V[,r])>1e-20)*1
              Y_est_r <- tcrossprod(t_r)%*%Y/sum(t_r^2)
              for(j in 1:q){
                  Y_est_r[,j] <- muY[j]
                  Y_est_r[,j] <- Y_est_r[,j] + muY[j]
              cor2_r <- unlist(lapply(1:q,function(j){
              B_1 <- resr$B
              for (i in 1:p){
                  B_1[i,] <- B_1[i,]/sdX[i]
              for (j in 1:q){
                B_1[,j] <- B_1[,j]*sdY[j]
              out1 <- list(model=list(muX=muX,muY=muY,B=B_1),R=1);class(out1)="ddsPLS"
              Y_est_1 <- predict(out1,X,doDiagnosis=FALSE)$Y_est
              cor2_1 <- unlist(lapply(1:q,function(j){
              # Compute explained variances
              varExplained[r] <- mean(cor2_r)*100
              varExplainedTot[r] <- mean(cor2_1)*100
              varExplained_y[r,] <- cor2_r*100
              varExplainedTot_y[r,] <- cor2_1*100
              B_total <- B_total + B_1
          resr$B <- B_total
          idBad <- which(sqrt(colSums(resr$t^2))<1e-9)
            resr$U[,idBad] <- 0
            resr$V[,idBad] <- 0
          resr <- list(U=NULL,V=NULL,t=NULL,B=B_total)
          varExplained <- NULL
          varExplainedTot <- NULL
          varExplained_y <- NULL
          varExplainedTot_y <- NULL
        out <- list()
        out$model <- resr
        out$model$muY <- muY
        out$model$muX <- muX
        out$model$sdY <- sdY
        out$model$sdX <- sdX
        out$R <- R
        out$lambda = lambdas
        class(out) <- "ddsPLS"
        out$varExplained_in_X <- list()
        norm_X_tot <- (n-1)*p
        norm_comp <- colSums(out$model$t^2)
        var_comp <- norm_comp/norm_X_tot
        out$varExplained_in_X$Comp <- var_comp*100
        out$varExplained_in_X$Cumu <- cumsum(var_comp)*100
        out$varExplained <- list()
        out$varExplained$PerY <- varExplainedTot_y
        out$varExplained$Comp <- varExplained
        out$varExplained$Cumu <- varExplainedTot
        out$varExplained$PerYPerComp <- list()
        out$varExplained$PerYPerComp$Comp <- varExplained_y
        out$varExplained$PerYPerComp$Cumu <- varExplainedTot_y
        out$X <- X
        out$Y_est <- predict(out,X,doDiagnosis=FALSE)$Y_est
        out$Y_obs <- Y
        colnames(out$Y_est) = colnames(Y)
        rownames(out$model$V) = colnames(Y)
        rownames(out$model$U) = colnames(X)
        rownames(out$model$C) = colnames(Y)
        rownames(out$model$P) = colnames(X)
        rownames(out$model$U_star) = colnames(X)
        rownames(out$model$B) = colnames(X)
        colnames(out$model$B) = colnames(Y)
        selX <- (rowSums(abs(out$model$B))>1e-9)*1
        selY <- (colSums(abs(out$model$B))>1e-9)*1
        out$Selection <- list(X=which(selX==1),Y=which(selY==1))
        out$call <- call
      out <- NULL
      cat("Please select a correct type of criterion among `diffR2Q2` (default), `Q2`.")
    out$doBoot <- doBoot
    out <- NULL
    cat("There are some missing values in X, please consider dealing with those
before applying ddsPLS.")

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ddsPLS documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:50 p.m.