Man pages for deconstructSigs
Identifies Signatures Present in a Tumor Sample

changeColumnNamesRe-formats column names
example.outputExample output of whichSignatures()
findSeedSeeds weight matrix
formatContextsFormats the data for use in plotSignatures()
getErrorCalculates error
getTriContextFractionCalculates trinucleotide context fraction
golden.section.searchGolden section search
makePiePlots the weights from whichSignatures() mutation list to correct input format
norm.itNormalizes trinucleotide contexts
plotSignaturesPlots the result from whichSignatures()
plotTumorPlots a tumor profile
randomly.generated.tumorsValues for 100 randomly generated tumor samples
sample.mut.refExample input to
signatures.cosmicPublished Signatures from Sanger COSMIC
signatures.nature2013Published Signatures from Alexandrov et al 2013
tri.counts.exomeThe counts of every trinuclotide frequency in an exome
tri.counts.genomeThe counts of every trinuclotide frequency in a genome
updateW_GRUpdates the weights matrix a VCF file to correct input format
whichSignaturesWhich signatures are present
deconstructSigs documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:06 a.m.