# Function Contents -----------------------------------------------------------
# Internal:
# gibbs_one_layer_vec
# gibbs_one_layer_vec_sep
# gibbs_two_layer_vec
# gibbs_two_layer_vec_mono
# gibbs_three_layer_vec
# One layer Gibbs with Vecchia ------------------------------------------------
gibbs_one_layer_vec <- function(x, y, nmcmc, verb, initial, true_g, settings,
v, m, ordering = NULL, x_approx = NULL) {
if (is.null(x_approx))
x_approx <- create_approx(x, m, ordering)
g <- vector(length = nmcmc)
if (is.null(true_g)) g[1] <- initial$g else g[1] <- true_g
theta <- vector(length = nmcmc)
theta[1] <- initial$theta
tau2 <- vector(length = nmcmc)
tau2[1] <- initial$tau2
ll_store <- vector(length = nmcmc)
ll_store[1] <- NA
ll <- NULL
for (j in 2:nmcmc) {
if (verb & (j %% 500 == 0)) cat(j, '\n')
# Sample nugget (g)
if (is.null(true_g)) {
samp <- sample_g_vec(y, g[j - 1], theta[j - 1], alpha = settings$alpha$g,
beta = settings$beta$g, l = settings$l,
u = settings$u, ll_prev = ll, approx = x_approx,
v = v)
g[j] <- samp$g
ll <- samp$ll
} else g[j] <- true_g
# Sample lengthscale (theta)
samp <- sample_theta_vec(y, g[j], theta[j - 1],
alpha = settings$alpha$theta,
beta = settings$beta$theta, l = settings$l,
u = settings$u, outer = TRUE, ll_prev = ll,
approx = x_approx, v = v, calc_tau2 = TRUE)
theta[j] <- samp$theta
ll <- samp$ll
ll_store[j] <- ll
if (is.null(samp$tau2)) tau2[j] <- tau2[j - 1] else tau2[j] <- samp$tau2
} # end of j for loop
return(list(g = g, theta = theta, tau2 = tau2, x_approx = x_approx,
ll = ll_store))
# One layer Gibbs with Vecchia SEPARABLE ------------------------------------------------
gibbs_one_layer_vec_sep <- function(x, y, nmcmc, verb, initial, true_g, settings,
v, m, ordering = NULL, x_approx = NULL) {
d <- ncol(x)
if (is.null(x_approx))
x_approx <- create_approx(x, m, ordering)
g <- vector(length = nmcmc)
if (is.null(true_g)) g[1] <- initial$g else g[1] <- true_g
theta <- matrix(nrow = nmcmc, ncol = d)
if (length(initial$theta) == 1) initial$theta <- rep(initial$theta, d)
theta[1, ] <- initial$theta
tau2 <- vector(length = nmcmc)
tau2[1] <- initial$tau2
ll_store <- vector(length = nmcmc)
ll_store[1] <- NA
ll <- NULL
for (j in 2:nmcmc) {
if (verb & (j %% 500 == 0)) cat(j, '\n')
# Sample nugget (g)
if (is.null(true_g)) {
samp <- sample_g_vec(y, g[j - 1], theta[j - 1, ], alpha = settings$alpha$g,
beta = settings$beta$g, l = settings$l,
u = settings$u, ll_prev = ll, approx = x_approx,
v = v, sep = TRUE)
g[j] <- samp$g
ll <- samp$ll
} else g[j] <- true_g
# Sample lengthscale (theta)
theta_curr <- theta[j - 1, ]
tau2[j] <- tau2[j - 1] # start repeating tau2 in case there are no acceptances
for (i in 1:d) {
samp <- sample_theta_vec_sep(y, g[j], theta_curr, index = i,
alpha = settings$alpha$theta,
beta = settings$beta$theta, l = settings$l,
u = settings$u, ll_prev = ll,
approx = x_approx, v = v, calc_tau2 = TRUE)
theta_curr[i] <- samp$theta
theta[j, i] <- samp$theta
ll <- samp$ll
ll_store[j] <- ll
if (!is.null(samp$tau2)) tau2[j] <- samp$tau2
} # end of j for loop
return(list(g = g, theta = theta, tau2 = tau2, x_approx = x_approx,
ll = ll_store))
# Two layer Gibbs with Vecchia ------------------------------------------------
gibbs_two_layer_vec <- function(x, y, nmcmc, D, verb, initial, true_g, settings,
v, m, ordering = NULL, x_approx = NULL,
w_approx = NULL) {
if (is.null(x_approx))
x_approx <- create_approx(x, m, ordering)
if (is.null(w_approx))
w_approx <- create_approx(initial$w, m, ordering)
g <- vector(length = nmcmc)
if (is.null(true_g)) g[1] <- initial$g else g[1] <- true_g
theta_y <- vector(length = nmcmc)
theta_y[1] <- initial$theta_y
theta_w <- matrix(nrow = nmcmc, ncol = D)
theta_w[1, ] <- initial$theta_w
w <- list()
w[[1]] <- initial$w
tau2 <- vector(length = nmcmc)
tau2[1] <- initial$tau2
ll_store <- vector(length = nmcmc)
ll_store[1] <- NA
ll_outer <- NULL
for (j in 2:nmcmc) {
if (verb & (j %% 500 == 0)) cat(j, '\n')
# Sample nugget (g)
if (is.null(true_g)) {
samp <- sample_g_vec(y, g[j - 1], theta_y[j - 1],
alpha = settings$alpha$g, beta = settings$beta$g,
l = settings$l, u = settings$u, ll_prev = ll_outer,
approx = w_approx, v = v)
g[j] <- samp$g
ll_outer <- samp$ll
} else g[j] <- true_g
# Sample outer lengthscale (theta_y)
samp <- sample_theta_vec(y, g[j], theta_y[j - 1],
alpha = settings$alpha$theta_y,
beta = settings$beta$theta_y, l = settings$l,
u = settings$u, outer = TRUE, ll_prev = ll_outer,
approx = w_approx, v = v, calc_tau2 = TRUE)
theta_y[j] <- samp$theta
ll_outer <- samp$ll
if (is.null(samp$tau2)) tau2[j] <- tau2[j - 1] else tau2[j] <- samp$tau2
# Sample inner lengthscale (theta_w) - separately for each dimension
for (i in 1:D) {
if (settings$pmx) prior_mean <- x[, i] else prior_mean <- 0
samp <- sample_theta_vec(w[[j - 1]][, i], g = eps, theta_w[j - 1, i],
alpha = settings$alpha$theta_w,
beta = settings$beta$theta_w, l = settings$l,
u = settings$u, outer = FALSE,
approx = x_approx, v = v,
prior_mean = prior_mean,
scale = settings$inner_tau2)
theta_w[j, i] <- samp$theta
# Sample hidden Gaussian layer (w)
if (settings$pmx) prior_mean <- x else prior_mean = matrix(0, nrow(x), D)
samp <- sample_w_vec(y, w_approx, x_approx, g[j], theta_y[j], theta_w[j, ],
ll_prev = ll_outer, v = v, prior_mean = prior_mean,
scale = settings$inner_tau2)
w_approx <- samp$w_approx
w[[j]] <- w_approx$x_ord[w_approx$rev_ord_obs, , drop = FALSE]
ll_outer <- samp$ll
ll_store[j] <- ll_outer
} # end of j for loop
return(list(g = g, theta_y = theta_y, theta_w = theta_w, w = w, tau2 = tau2,
w_approx = w_approx, x_approx = x_approx, ll = ll_store))
# Two layer Gibbs with Vecchia MONOTONE ---------------------------------------
gibbs_two_layer_vec_mono <- function(x, y, x_grid, nmcmc, D, verb, initial,
true_g, settings, v, m, ordering = NULL,
w_approx = NULL) {
# Vecchia not needed on inner layer
ng <- nrow(x_grid)
dx_grid <- list()
for (i in 1:D) dx_grid[[i]] <- sq_dist(x_grid[, i])
# Snap initial$w to grid
w0 <- matrix(nrow = ng, ncol = D)
for (i in 1:D)
w0[, i] <- fo_approx(x[, i], initial$w[, i], x_grid[, i]) # calculates index
initial$w <- w0
g <- vector(length = nmcmc)
if (is.null(true_g)) g[1] <- initial$g else g[1] <- true_g
theta_y <- matrix(nrow = nmcmc, ncol = D)
theta_y[1, ] <- initial$theta_y
theta_w <- matrix(nrow = nmcmc, ncol = D)
theta_w[1, ] <- initial$theta_w
w_grid <- list()
w_grid[[1]] <- initial$w
tau2 <- vector(length = nmcmc)
tau2[1] <- initial$tau2
ll_store <- vector(length = nmcmc)
ll_store[1] <- NA
ll_outer <- NULL
grid_index = fo_approx_init(x_grid, x)
w_warp_curr <- monowarp_ref(x, x_grid, w_grid[[1]], grid_index)
if (is.null(w_approx))
w_approx <- create_approx(w_warp_curr, m, ordering)
for (j in 2:nmcmc) {
if (verb & (j %% 500 == 0)) cat(j, '\n')
# Sample nugget (g)
if (is.null(true_g)) {
samp <- sample_g_vec(y, g[j - 1], theta_y[j - 1, ],
alpha = settings$alpha$g, beta = settings$beta$g,
l = settings$l, u = settings$u, ll_prev = ll_outer,
approx = w_approx, v = v, sep = TRUE)
g[j] <- samp$g
ll_outer <- samp$ll
} else g[j] <- true_g
# Sample outer lengthscale (theta_y)
theta_curr <- theta_y[j - 1, ]
tau2[j] <- tau2[j - 1] # start repeating tau2 in case there are no acceptances
for (i in 1:D) {
samp <- sample_theta_vec_sep(y, g[j], theta_curr, index = i,
alpha = settings$alpha$theta_y,
beta = settings$beta$theta_y, l = settings$l,
u = settings$u, ll_prev = ll_outer,
approx = w_approx, v = v, calc_tau2 = TRUE)
theta_curr[i] <- samp$theta
theta_y[j, i] <- samp$theta
ll_outer <- samp$ll
if (!is.null(samp$tau2)) tau2[j] <- samp$tau2
# Sample inner lengthscale (theta_w) - separately for each dimension
for (i in 1:D) {
if (settings$pmx) prior_mean <- x_grid[, i] else prior_mean <- 0
samp <- sample_theta(w_grid[[j - 1]][, i], dx_grid[[i]], g = eps,
theta_w[j - 1, i], alpha = settings$alpha$theta_w,
beta = settings$beta$theta_w, l = settings$l,
u = settings$u, outer = FALSE, v = v,
prior_mean = prior_mean,
scale = settings$inner_tau2)
theta_w[j, i] <- samp$theta
# Sample hidden Gaussian layer (w)
if (settings$pmx) prior_mean <- x_grid else prior_mean = NULL # defaults to zero
samp <- sample_w_vec_mono(y, w_grid[[j - 1]], w_approx, x, x_grid, dx_grid,
grid_index, g[j], theta_y[j, ], theta_w[j, ],
ll_prev = ll_outer, v = v, prior_mean = prior_mean,
scale = settings$inner_tau2)
w_grid[[j]] <- samp$w_grid
w_approx <- samp$w_approx
ll_outer <- samp$ll
ll_store[j] <- ll_outer
} # end of j for loop
return(list(g = g, theta_y = theta_y, theta_w = theta_w, w_grid = w_grid, tau2 = tau2,
w_approx = w_approx, ll = ll_store))
# Three layer Gibbs with Vecchia ----------------------------------------------
gibbs_three_layer_vec <- function(x, y, nmcmc, D, verb, initial, true_g,
settings, v, m, ordering = NULL,
x_approx = NULL, z_approx = NULL,
w_approx = NULL) {
if (is.null(x_approx))
x_approx <- create_approx(x, m, ordering)
if (is.null(z_approx))
z_approx <- create_approx(initial$z, m, ordering)
if (is.null(w_approx))
w_approx <- create_approx(initial$w, m, ordering)
g <- vector(length = nmcmc)
if (is.null(true_g)) g[1] <- initial$g else g[1] <- true_g
theta_y <- vector(length = nmcmc)
theta_y[1] <- initial$theta_y
theta_w <- matrix(nrow = nmcmc, ncol = D)
theta_w[1, ] <- initial$theta_w
theta_z <- matrix(nrow = nmcmc, ncol = D)
theta_z[1, ] <- initial$theta_z
w <- list()
w[[1]] <- initial$w
z <- list()
z[[1]] <- initial$z
tau2 <- vector(length = nmcmc)
tau2[1] <- initial$tau2
ll_store <- vector(length = nmcmc)
ll_store[1] <- NA
ll_outer <- NULL
for (j in 2:nmcmc) {
if (verb & (j %% 500 == 0)) cat(j, '\n')
# Sample nugget (g)
if (is.null(true_g)) {
samp <- sample_g_vec(y, g[j - 1], theta_y[j - 1],
alpha = settings$alpha$g, beta = settings$beta$g,
l = settings$l, u = settings$u, ll_prev = ll_outer,
approx = w_approx, v = v)
g[j] <- samp$g
ll_outer <- samp$ll
} else g[j] <- true_g
# Sample outer lengthscale (theta_y)
samp <- sample_theta_vec(y, g[j], theta_y[j - 1],
alpha = settings$alpha$theta_y,
beta = settings$beta$theta_y, l = settings$l,
u = settings$u, outer = TRUE, ll_prev = ll_outer,
approx = w_approx, v = v, calc_tau2 = TRUE)
theta_y[j] <- samp$theta
ll_outer <- samp$ll
if (is.null(samp$tau2)) tau2[j] <- tau2[j - 1] else tau2[j] <- samp$tau2
# Sample middle lengthscale (theta_w)
ll_mid <- 0 # re-calculated each time since we have a new z
for (i in 1:D) {
samp <- sample_theta_vec(w[[j - 1]][, i], g = eps, theta_w[j - 1, i],
alpha = settings$alpha$theta_w,
beta = settings$beta$theta_w, l = settings$l,
u = settings$u, outer = FALSE,
approx = z_approx, v = v)
theta_w[j, i] <- samp$theta
ll_mid <- ll_mid + samp$ll
# Sample inner lengthscale (theta_z)
for (i in 1:D) {
samp <- sample_theta_vec(z[[j - 1]][, i], g = eps, theta_z[j - 1, i],
alpha = settings$alpha$theta_z,
beta = settings$beta$theta_z, l = settings$l,
u = settings$u, outer = FALSE,
approx = x_approx, v = v)
theta_z[j, i] <- samp$theta
# Sample inner hidden Gaussian layer (z)
samp <- sample_z_vec(w[[j - 1]], z_approx, x_approx, g = eps, theta_w[j, ],
theta_z[j, ], ll_prev = ll_mid, v = v)
z_approx <- samp$z_approx
z[[j]] <- z_approx$x_ord[z_approx$rev_ord_obs, , drop = FALSE]
# Sample middle hidden Gaussian layer (w)
samp <- sample_w_vec(y, w_approx, z_approx, g = g[j], theta_y[j],
theta_w[j, ], ll_prev = ll_outer, v = v)
w_approx <- samp$w_approx
w[[j]] <- w_approx$x_ord[w_approx$rev_ord_obs, , drop = FALSE]
ll_outer <- samp$ll
ll_store[j] <- ll_outer
} # end of j for loop
return(list(g = g, theta_y = theta_y, theta_w = theta_w, theta_z = theta_z,
w = w, z = z, tau2 = tau2, w_approx = w_approx, z_approx = z_approx,
x_approx = x_approx, ll = ll_store))
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