
Defines functions predict.dgp3 predict.dgp2 predict.gp

Documented in predict.dgp2 predict.dgp3 predict.gp

# Function Contents -----------------------------------------------------------
# External: (see documentation below)
#   predict.gp
#   predict.dgp2
#   predict.dgp3

# Define Predict for S3 Objects -----------------------------------------------
#' @name predict
#' @title Predict posterior mean and variance/covariance
#' @description Acts on a \code{gp}, \code{dgp2}, or \code{dgp3} object.
#'     Calculates posterior mean and variance/covariance over specified input 
#'     locations.  Optionally calculates expected improvement (EI) or entropy 
#'     over candidate inputs.  Optionally utilizes SNOW parallelization.
#' @details All iterations in the object are used for prediction, so samples 
#'     should be burned-in.  Thinning the samples using \code{trim} will speed 
#'     up computation.  Posterior moments are calculated using conditional 
#'     expectation and variance.  As a default, only point-wise variance is 
#'     calculated.  Full covariance may be calculated using \code{lite = FALSE}. 
#'     Expected improvement is calculated with the goal of minimizing the 
#'     response.  See Chapter 7 of Gramacy (2020) for details.  Entropy is 
#'     calculated based on two classes separated by the specified limit.  
#'     See Sauer (2023, Chapter 3) for details.
#'     SNOW parallelization reduces computation time but requires 
#'     more memory storage.
#' @param object object from \code{fit_one_layer}, \code{fit_two_layer}, or 
#'        \code{fit_three_layer} with burn-in already removed
#' @param x_new matrix of predictive input locations
#' @param lite logical indicating whether to calculate only point-wise 
#'        variances (\code{lite = TRUE}) or full covariance 
#'        (\code{lite = FALSE})
#' @param store_latent logical indicating whether to store and return mapped 
#'        values of latent layers (two or three layer models only)
#' @param mean_map logical indicating whether to map hidden layers using 
#'        conditional mean (\code{mean_map = TRUE}) or using a random sample
#'        from the full MVN distribution (two or three layer models only),
#'        \code{mean_map = FALSE} is not yet implemented for fits with 
#'        \code{vecchia = TRUE} 
#' @param return_all logical indicating whether to return mean and point-wise
#'        variance prediction for ALL samples (only available for \code{lite = TRUE})
#' @param EI logical indicating whether to calculate expected improvement 
#'        (for minimizing the response)
#' @param entropy_limit optional limit state for entropy calculations (separating
#'        passes and failures), default value of \code{NULL} bypasses entropy
#'        calculations
#' @param cores number of cores to utilize in parallel
#' @param m size of Vecchia conditioning sets (only for fits with 
#'        \code{vecchia = TRUE}), defaults to the \code{m} used for MCMC
#' @param ... N/A
#' @return object of the same class with the following additional elements:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{x_new}: copy of predictive input locations
#'   \item \code{mean}: predicted posterior mean, indices correspond to 
#'         \code{x_new} locations
#'   \item \code{s2}: predicted point-wise variances, indices correspond to 
#'         \code{x_new} locations (only returned when \code{lite = TRUE})
#'   \item \code{mean_all}: predicted posterior mean for each sample (column
#'         indices), only returned when \code{return_all = TRUE}
#'   \item \code{s2_all} predicted point-wise variances for each sample (column
#'         indices), only returned when \code{return-all = TRUE}
#'   \item \code{Sigma}: predicted posterior covariance, indices correspond to 
#'         \code{x_new} locations (only returned when \code{lite = FALSE})
#'   \item \code{EI}: vector of expected improvement values, indices correspond 
#'         to \code{x_new} locations (only returned when \code{EI = TRUE})
#'   \item \code{entropy}: vector of entropy values, indices correspond to 
#'         \code{x_new} locations (only returned when \code{entropy_limit} is
#'         numeric)
#'   \item \code{w_new}: list of hidden layer mappings (only returned when 
#'         \code{store_latent = TRUE}), list index corresponds to iteration and 
#'         row index corresponds to \code{x_new} location (two or three layer 
#'         models only)
#'   \item \code{z_new}: list of hidden layer mappings (only returned when 
#'         \code{store_latent = TRUE}), list index corresponds to iteration and 
#'         row index corresponds to \code{x_new} location (three layer models only) 
#' }
#' Computation time is added to the computation time of the existing object.
#' @references 
#' Sauer, A. (2023). Deep Gaussian process surrogates for computer experiments. 
#'      *Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Statistics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.*
#'      \cr\cr
#' Sauer, A, RB Gramacy, and D Higdon. 2020. "Active Learning for Deep Gaussian 
#'     Process Surrogates." \emph{Technometrics, to appear;} arXiv:2012.08015. 
#'     \cr\cr
#' Sauer, A, A Cooper, and RB Gramacy. 2022. "Vecchia-approximated Deep Gaussian
#'     Processes for Computer Experiments." \emph{pre-print on arXiv:2204.02904} 
#'     \cr\cr   
#' Gramacy, RB. \emph{Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design, and 
#'     Optimization for the Applied Sciences}. Chapman Hall, 2020.
#' @examples 
#' # See "fit_one_layer", "fit_two_layer", or "fit_three_layer"
#' # for an example
#' @rdname predict

# Predict One Layer -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname predict
#' @export

predict.gp <- function(object, x_new, lite = TRUE, return_all = FALSE, EI = FALSE, 
                       entropy_limit = NULL, cores = 1, ...) {
  tic <- proc.time()[3]
  object <- clean_prediction(object) # remove previous predictions if present
  sep <- (is.matrix(object$theta))
  if (is.numeric(x_new)) x_new <- as.matrix(x_new)
  object$x_new <- x_new
  n_new <- nrow(object$x_new)
  if (!sep) {
    dx <- sq_dist(object$x)
    d_new <- sq_dist(object$x_new)
    d_cross <- sq_dist(object$x_new, object$x)
  if (return_all & !lite) stop("return_all only offered when lite = TRUE")
  if (!is.null(entropy_limit) & !is.numeric(entropy_limit))
    stop("entropy_limit must be numeric")

  if (cores == 1) { # run serial for loop
    mu_t <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = object$nmcmc)
    if (lite) {
      s2_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
      if (return_all) s2_t <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = object$nmcmc)
    } else sigma_sum <- matrix(0, nrow = n_new, ncol = n_new)
    if (EI) ei_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
    if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) ent_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
    for (t in 1:object$nmcmc) {
      if (sep) {
        k <- krig_sep(object$y, object$x, x_new, object$theta[t, ], object$g[t], 
                      object$tau2[t], s2 = lite, sigma = !lite, f_min = EI, 
                      v = object$v)
      } else {
        k <- krig(object$y, dx, d_new, d_cross, object$theta[t], object$g[t], 
                  object$tau2[t], s2 = lite, sigma = !lite, f_min = EI, 
                  v = object$v)
      mu_t[, t] <- k$mean
      if (lite) {
        s2_sum <- s2_sum + k$s2
        if (return_all) s2_t[, t] <- k$s2
      } else sigma_sum <- sigma_sum + k$sigma
      if (EI) {
        if (lite) {
          sig2 <- k$s2 - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t]) 
        } else sig2 <- diag(k$sigma) - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t])
        ei_sum <- ei_sum + exp_improv(k$mean, sig2, k$f_min)
      if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) {
        if (lite) {
          sig2 <- k$s2 - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t]) 
        } else sig2 <- diag(k$sigma) - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t])
        ent_sum <- ent_sum + calc_entropy(k$mean, sig2, entropy_limit)
    } # end of t for loop

  } else { # run in parallel using foreach
    iters <- 1:object$nmcmc
    chunks <- split(iters, sort(cut(iters, cores, labels = FALSE)))
    if (cores > detectCores()) warning('cores is greater than available nodes')

    cl <- makeCluster(cores)
    thread <- NULL
    result <- foreach(thread = 1:cores) %dopar% {
      out <- list()
      out$mu_t <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = length(chunks[[thread]]))
      if (lite) {
        out$s2_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
        if (return_all) out$s2_t <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = length(chunks[[thread]]))
      } else out$sigma_sum <- matrix(0, nrow = n_new, ncol = n_new)
      if (EI) out$ei_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
      if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) out$ent_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
      j <- 1
      for(t in chunks[[thread]]) {
        if (sep) {
          k <- krig_sep(object$y, object$x, x_new, object$theta[t, ], object$g[t], 
                    object$tau2[t], s2 = lite, sigma = !lite, f_min = EI, 
                    v = object$v)
        } else {
          k <- krig(object$y, dx, d_new, d_cross, object$theta[t], object$g[t], 
                    object$tau2[t], s2 = lite, sigma = !lite, f_min = EI, 
                    v = object$v)
        out$mu_t[, j] <- k$mean
        if (lite) {
          out$s2_sum <- out$s2_sum + k$s2
          if (return_all) out$s2_t[, j] <- k$s2
        } else out$sigma_sum <- out$sigma_sum + k$sigma
        if (EI) {
          if (lite) {
            sig2 <- k$s2 - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t]) 
          } else sig2 <- diag(k$sigma) - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t])
          out$ei_sum <- out$ei_sum + exp_improv(k$mean, sig2, k$f_min)
        if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) {
          if (lite) {
            sig2 <- k$s2 - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t]) 
          } else sig2 <- diag(k$sigma) - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t])
          out$ent_sum <- out$ent_sum + calc_entropy(k$mean, sig2, entropy_limit)
        j <- j + 1
      } # end of t for loop
    } # end of foreach loop
    # Group elements out of list
    mu_t <- do.call(cbind, lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "mu_t"))))
    if (lite) {
      s2_sum <- Reduce("+", lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "s2_sum"))))
      if (return_all) s2_t <- do.call(cbind, lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "s2_t"))))
    } else {
      sigma_sum <- Reduce("+", lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "sigma_sum"))))
    if (EI) ei_sum <- Reduce("+", lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "ei_sum"))))
    if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) ent_sum <- Reduce("+", lapply(result, with, 
                                                               eval(parse(text = "ent_sum"))))
  } # end of else statement
  # Add variables to the output list
  mu_cov <- cov(t(mu_t))
  object$mean <- rowMeans(mu_t)
  if (lite) { 
    object$s2 <- s2_sum / object$nmcmc + diag(mu_cov)
    if (return_all) {
      object$mean_all <- mu_t
      object$s2_all <- s2_t
  } else object$Sigma <- sigma_sum / object$nmcmc + mu_cov
  if (EI) object$EI <- ei_sum / object$nmcmc
  if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) object$entropy <- ent_sum / object$nmcmc
  toc <- proc.time()[3]
  object$time <- object$time + (toc - tic)

# Predict Two Layer -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname predict
#' @export

predict.dgp2 <- function(object, x_new, lite = TRUE, store_latent = FALSE, 
                         mean_map = TRUE, return_all = FALSE, EI = FALSE, 
                         entropy_limit = NULL, cores = 1, ...) {
  tic <- proc.time()[3]
  object <- clean_prediction(object) # remove previous predictions if present
  if (is.numeric(x_new)) x_new <- as.matrix(x_new)
  object$x_new <- x_new
  n_new <- nrow(object$x_new)
  D <- ncol(object$w[[1]])
  dx <- sq_dist(object$x)
  d_new <- sq_dist(object$x_new)
  d_cross <- sq_dist(object$x_new, object$x)
  if (return_all & !lite) stop("return_all only offered when lite = TRUE")
  if (!is.null(entropy_limit) & !is.numeric(entropy_limit))
    stop("entropy_limit must be numeric")
  if (cores == 1) { # run serial for loop
    if (store_latent) w_new_list <- list()
    mu_t <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = object$nmcmc)
    if (lite) {
      s2_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
      if (return_all) s2_t <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = object$nmcmc)
    } else sigma_sum <- matrix(0, nrow = n_new, ncol = n_new)
    if (EI) ei_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
    if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) ent_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
    for(t in 1:object$nmcmc) {
      w_t <- object$w[[t]]
      # Map x_new to w_new (separately for each dimension)
      w_new <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = D)
      for (i in 1:D) {
        if (object$settings$pmx) {
          prior_mean_new <- x_new[, i] 
          prior_mean <- object$x[, i]
        } else {
          prior_mean_new <- 0
          prior_mean <- 0
        if (mean_map) {
          k <- krig(w_t[, i], dx, NULL, d_cross, object$theta_w[t, i], 
                    g = eps, v = object$v, prior_mean = prior_mean,
                    prior_mean_new = prior_mean_new,
                    tau2 = object$settings$inner_tau2)
          w_new[, i] <- k$mean
        } else {
          k <- krig(w_t[, i], dx, d_new, d_cross, object$theta_w[t, i], 
                    g = eps, sigma = TRUE, v = object$v,
                    prior_mean = prior_mean,
                    prior_mean_new = prior_mean_new,
                    tau2 = object$settings$inner_tau2)
          w_new[, i] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, k$mean, k$sigma)
      } # end of i for loop
      if (store_latent) w_new_list[[t]] <- w_new
      # Map w_new to y
      k <- krig(object$y, sq_dist(w_t), sq_dist(w_new), 
                sq_dist(w_new, w_t), object$theta_y[t], object$g[t], 
                object$tau2[t], s2 = lite, sigma = !lite, f_min = EI,
                v = object$v)
      mu_t[, t] <- k$mean
      if (lite) {
        s2_sum <- s2_sum + k$s2
        if (return_all) s2_t[, t] <- k$s2
      } else sigma_sum <- sigma_sum + k$sigma
      if (EI) {
        if (lite) {
          sig2 <- k$s2 - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t]) 
        } else sig2 <- diag(k$sigma) - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t])
        ei_sum <- ei_sum + exp_improv(k$mean, sig2, k$f_min)
      if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) {
        if (lite) {
          sig2 <- k$s2 - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t]) 
        } else sig2 <- diag(k$sigma) - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t])
        ent_sum <- ent_sum + calc_entropy(k$mean, sig2, entropy_limit)
    } # end of t for loop
  } else { # run in parallel using foreach
    iters <- 1:object$nmcmc
    chunks <- split(iters, sort(cut(iters, cores, labels = FALSE)))
    if (cores > detectCores()) warning('cores is greater than available nodes')
    cl <- makeCluster(cores)
    thread <- NULL
    result <- foreach(thread = 1:cores) %dopar% {
      out <- list()
      if (store_latent) out$w_new <- list()
      out$mu_t <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = length(chunks[[thread]]))
      if (lite) {
        out$s2_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
        if (return_all) out$s2_t <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = length(chunks[[thread]]))
      } else out$sigma_sum <- matrix(0, nrow = n_new, ncol = n_new)
      if (EI) out$ei_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
      if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) out$ent_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
      j <- 1
      for(t in chunks[[thread]]) {
        w_t <- object$w[[t]]
        # Map x_new to w_new (separately for each dimension)
        w_new <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = D)
        for (i in 1:D) {
          if (object$settings$pmx) prior_mean <- object$x[, i] else prior_mean <- 0
          if (mean_map) {
            k <- krig(w_t[, i], dx, NULL, d_cross, object$theta_w[t, i], 
                      g = eps, v = object$v, prior_mean = prior_mean,
                      tau2 = object$settings$inner_tau2)
            w_new[, i] <- k$mean
          } else {
            k <- krig(w_t[, i], dx, d_new, d_cross, object$theta_w[t, i], 
                      g = eps, sigma = TRUE, v = object$v,
                      prior_mean = prior_mean,
                      tau2 = object$settings$inner_tau2)
            w_new[, i] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, k$mean, k$sigma)
        } # end of i for loop
        if (store_latent) out$w_new[[j]] <- w_new
        # Map w_new to y
        k <- krig(object$y, sq_dist(w_t), sq_dist(w_new), 
                  sq_dist(w_new, w_t), object$theta_y[t], object$g[t], 
                  object$tau2[t], s2 = lite, sigma = !lite, f_min = EI,
                  v = object$v)
        out$mu_t[, j] <- k$mean
        if (lite) {
          out$s2_sum <- out$s2_sum + k$s2
          if (return_all) out$s2_t[, j] <- k$s2
        } else out$sigma_sum <- out$sigma_sum + k$sigma
        if (EI) {
          if (lite) {
            sig2 <- k$s2 - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t]) 
          } else sig2 <- diag(k$sigma) - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t])
          out$ei_sum <- out$ei_sum + exp_improv(k$mean, sig2, k$f_min)
        if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) {
          if (lite) {
            sig2 <- k$s2 - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t]) 
          } else sig2 <- diag(k$sigma) - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t])
          out$ent_sum <- out$ent_sum + calc_entropy(k$mean, sig2, entropy_limit)
        j <- j + 1
      } # end of t for loop
    } # end of foreach statement
    # Group elements out of the list
    mu_t <- do.call(cbind, lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "mu_t"))))
    if (lite) {
      s2_sum <- Reduce("+", lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "s2_sum"))))
      if (return_all) s2_t <- do.call(cbind, lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "s2_t"))))
    } else {
      sigma_sum <- Reduce("+", lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "sigma_sum"))))
    if (store_latent) w_new_list <- unlist(lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "w_new"))), 
                                                  recursive = FALSE)
    if (EI) ei_sum <- Reduce("+", lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "ei_sum"))))
    if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) ent_sum <- Reduce("+", lapply(result, with, 
                                                               eval(parse(text = "ent_sum"))))
  } # end of else statement
  # Add variables to the output list
  mu_cov <- cov(t(mu_t))
  object$mean <- rowMeans(mu_t)
  if (store_latent) object$w_new <- w_new_list
  if (lite) {
    object$s2 <- s2_sum / object$nmcmc + diag(mu_cov)
    if (return_all) {
      out$mean_all <- mu_t
      out$s2_all <- s2_t
  } else object$Sigma <- sigma_sum / object$nmcmc + mu_cov
  if (EI) object$EI <- ei_sum / object$nmcmc
  if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) object$entropy <- ent_sum / object$nmcmc
  toc <- proc.time()[3]
  object$time <- object$time + (toc - tic)

# Predict Three Layer ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname predict
#' @export

predict.dgp3 <- function(object, x_new, lite = TRUE, store_latent = FALSE, 
                         mean_map = TRUE, return_all = FALSE, EI = FALSE, 
                         entropy_limit = NULL, cores = 1, ...) {
  tic <- proc.time()[3]
  object <- clean_prediction(object) # remove previous predictions if present
  if (is.numeric(x_new)) x_new <- as.matrix(x_new)
  object$x_new <- x_new
  n_new <- nrow(object$x_new)
  D <- ncol(object$z[[1]])
  dx <- sq_dist(object$x)
  d_new <- sq_dist(object$x_new)
  d_cross <- sq_dist(object$x_new, object$x)
  if (return_all & !lite) stop("return_all only offered when lite = TRUE")
  if (!is.null(entropy_limit) & !is.numeric(entropy_limit))
    stop("entropy_limit must be numeric")
  if (cores == 1) { # run serial for loop
    if (store_latent) {
      z_new_list <- list()
      w_new_list <- list()
    mu_t <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = object$nmcmc)
    if (lite) {
      s2_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
      if (return_all) s2_t <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = object$nmcmc)
    } else sigma_sum <- matrix(0, nrow = n_new, ncol = n_new)
    if (EI) ei_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
    if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) ent_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)

    for (t in 1:object$nmcmc) {
      z_t <- object$z[[t]]
      w_t <- object$w[[t]]
      # Map x_new to z_new (separately for each dimension)
      z_new <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = D)
      for (i in 1:D) {
        if (mean_map) {
          k <- krig(z_t[, i], dx, NULL, d_cross, object$theta_z[t, i], 
                    g = eps, v = object$v)
          z_new[, i] <- k$mean
        } else {
          k <- krig(z_t[, i], dx, d_new, d_cross, object$theta_z[t, i], 
                    g = eps, sigma = TRUE, v = object$v)
          z_new[, i] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, k$mean, k$sigma)
      } # end of i for loop
      if (store_latent) z_new_list[[t]] <- z_new
      # Map z_new to w_new (separately for each dimension)
      w_new <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = D)
      for (i in 1:D) {
        if (mean_map) { 
          k <- krig(w_t[, i], sq_dist(z_t), NULL, sq_dist(z_new, z_t),
                    object$theta_w[t, i], g = eps, v = object$v)
          w_new[, i] <- k$mean
        } else {
          k <- krig(w_t[, i], sq_dist(z_t), sq_dist(z_new), sq_dist(z_new, z_t),
                    object$theta_w[t, i], g = eps, sigma = TRUE,
                    v = object$v)
          w_new[, i] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, k$mean, k$sigma)
      } # end of i for loop
      if (store_latent) w_new_list[[t]] <- w_new
      # Map w_new to y
      k <- krig(object$y, sq_dist(w_t), sq_dist(w_new), sq_dist(w_new, w_t),
                object$theta_y[t], object$g[t], object$tau2[t], s2 = lite, sigma = !lite,
                f_min = EI, v = object$v)
      mu_t[, t] <- k$mean
      if (lite) {
        s2_sum <- s2_sum + k$s2
        if (return_all) s2_t[, t] <- k$s2
      } else sigma_sum <- sigma_sum + k$sigma
      if (EI) {
        if (lite) {
          sig2 <- k$s2 - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t]) 
        } else sig2 <- diag(k$sigma) - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t])
        ei_sum <- ei_sum + exp_improv(k$mean, sig2, k$f_min)
      if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) {
        if (lite) {
          sig2 <- k$s2 - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t]) 
        } else sig2 <- diag(k$sigma) - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t])
        ent_sum <- ent_sum + calc_entropy(k$mean, sig2, entropy_limit)
    } # end of t for loop
  } else { # run in parallel using foreach
    iters <- 1:object$nmcmc
    chunks <- split(iters, sort(cut(iters, cores, labels = FALSE)))
    if (cores > detectCores()) warning("cores is greater than available nodes")
    cl <- makeCluster(cores)
    thread <- NULL
    result <- foreach(thread = 1:cores) %dopar% {
      out <- list()
      if (store_latent) {
        out$z_new <- list()
        out$w_new <- list()
      out$mu_t <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = length(chunks[[thread]]))
      if (lite) {
        out$s2_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
        if (return_all) out$s2_t <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = length(chunks[[thread]]))
      } else out$sigma_sum <- matrix(0, nrow = n_new, ncol = n_new)
      if (EI) out$ei_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
      if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) out$ent_sum <- rep(0, times = n_new)
      j <- 1
      for (t in chunks[[thread]]) {
        z_t <- object$z[[t]]
        w_t <- object$w[[t]]
        # Map x_new to z_new (separately for each dimension)
        z_new <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = D)
        for (i in 1:D) {
          if (mean_map) {
            k <- krig(z_t[, i], dx, NULL, d_cross, object$theta_z[t, i], 
                      g = eps, v = object$v)
            z_new[, i] <- k$mean
          } else {
            k <- krig(z_t[, i], dx, d_new, d_cross, object$theta_z[t, i], 
                      g = eps, sigma = TRUE, v = object$v)
            z_new[, i] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, k$mean, k$sigma)
        } # end of i for loop
        if (store_latent) out$z_new[[j]] <- z_new
        # Map z_new to w_new (separately for each dimension)
        w_new <- matrix(nrow = n_new, ncol = D)
        for (i in 1:D) {
          if (mean_map) { 
            k <- krig(w_t[, i], sq_dist(z_t), NULL, sq_dist(z_new, z_t),
                      object$theta_w[t, i], g = eps, v = object$v)
            w_new[, i] <- k$mean
          } else {
            k <- krig(w_t[, i], sq_dist(z_t), sq_dist(z_new), sq_dist(z_new, z_t),
                      object$theta_w[t, i], g = eps, sigma = TRUE,
                      v = object$v)
            w_new[, i] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, k$mean, k$sigma)
        } # end of i for loop
        if (store_latent) out$w_new[[j]] <- w_new
        # Map w_new to y
        k <- krig(object$y, sq_dist(w_t), sq_dist(w_new), sq_dist(w_new, w_t),
                  object$theta_y[t], object$g[t], object$tau2[t], s2 = lite, sigma = !lite,
                  f_min = EI, v = object$v)
        out$mu_t[, j] <- k$mean
        if (lite) {
          out$s2_sum <- out$s2_sum + k$s2
          if (return_all) out$s2_t[, j] <- k$s2
        } else out$sigma_sum <- out$sigma_sum + k$sigma
        if (EI) {
          if (lite) {
            sig2 <- k$s2 - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t]) 
          } else sig2 <- diag(k$sigma) - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t])
          out$ei_sum <- out$ei_sum + exp_improv(k$mean, sig2, k$f_min)
        if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) {
          if (lite) {
            sig2 <- k$s2 - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t]) 
          } else sig2 <- diag(k$sigma) - (object$tau2[t] * object$g[t])
          out$ent_sum <- out$ent_sum + calc_entropy(k$mean, sig2, entropy_limit)
        j <- j + 1
      } # end of t for loop
    } # end of foreach statement
    # Group elements out of the list
    mu_t <- do.call(cbind, lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "mu_t"))))
    if (lite) {
      s2_sum <- Reduce("+", lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "s2_sum"))))
      if (return_all) s2_t <- do.call(cbind, lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "s2_t"))))
    } else {
      sigma_sum <- Reduce("+", lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "sigma_sum"))))
    if (store_latent) {
      z_new_list <- unlist(lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "z_new"))), recursive = FALSE)
      w_new_list <- unlist(lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "w_new"))), recursive = FALSE)
    if (EI) ei_sum <- Reduce("+", lapply(result, with, eval(parse(text = "ei_sum"))))
    if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) ent_sum <- Reduce("+", lapply(result, with, 
                                                               eval(parse(text = "ent_sum"))))
  } # end of else statement
  # Add variables to the output list
  mu_cov <- cov(t(mu_t))
  object$mean <- rowMeans(mu_t)
  if (store_latent) {
    object$z_new <- z_new_list
    object$w_new <- w_new_list
  if (lite) {
    object$s2 <- s2_sum / object$nmcmc + diag(mu_cov)
    if (return_all) {
      object$mean_all <- mu_t
      object$s2_all <- s2_t
  } else object$Sigma <- sigma_sum / object$nmcmc + mu_cov
  if (EI) object$EI <- ei_sum / object$nmcmc
  if (!is.null(entropy_limit)) object$entropy <- ent_sum / object$nmcmc
  toc <- proc.time()[3]
  object$time <- object$time + (toc - tic)

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deepgp documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 1:06 a.m.