#' @name detectBinary
#' @title Change point detection using PCA and binary segmentation
#' @description This function uses PCA-based method to find breaks. Simultaneous breaks are found from binary segmentation.
#' @param Y data: Y = length*dim
#' @param Del Delta away from the boundary restriction
#' @param L the number of factors
#' @param q methods in calculating long-run variance of the test statistic. Default is "fixed" = length^(1/3). Adaptive selection method is also available via "andrews", or user specify the length
#' @param alpha significance level of the test
#' @param nboot the number of bootstrap sample for p-value. Default is 199.
#' @param number of cores in parallel computing. The default is (machine cores - 1)
#' @param bsize block size for the Block Wild Bootstrapping. Default is log(length), "sqrt" uses sqrt(length), "adaptive" determines block size using data dependent selection of Andrews
#' @param bootTF determine whether the threshold is calculated from bootstrap or asymptotic
#' @param scaleTF scale the variance into 1
#' @param diagTF include diagonal term of covariance matrix or not
#' @param plotTF Draw plot to see test statistic and threshold
#' @return \strong{tstathist} The complete history of test statistics.
#' @return \strong{Brhist} The sequence of breakpoints found from binary splitting
#' @return \strong{L} The number of factors used in the procedure
#' @return \strong{q} The estimated vectorized autocovariance on each regime.
#' @return \strong{crit} The critical value to identify change point
#' @return \strong{bsize} The block size of the bootstrap
#' @return \strong{diagTF} If TRUE, the diagonal entry of covariance matrix is used in detecting connectivity changes.
#' @return \strong{bootTF} If TRUE, bootstrap is used to find critical value
#' @return \strong{scaleTF} If TRUE, the multivariate signal is studentized to have zero mean and unit variance.
#' @examples \donttest{out3= detectBinary(changesim, L=2,}
#' @export
detectBinary <- function(Y, Del, L, q = "fixed", alpha = .05, nboot = 199,, bsize = "log", bootTF = TRUE, scaleTF = TRUE, diagTF = TRUE, plotTF = TRUE) {
regpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if (scaleTF) {
Y <- scale(Y, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
length <- n <- nrow(Y)
if (missing(L)) {
L <- 3
if (missing( { <- parallel::detectCores(logical = TRUE) - 1
# Extract factors
vvz <- svd(stats::cov(Y))
Lamz <- vvz$u[, 1:L]
zL <- t(Lamz) %*% t(Y)
zL <- scale(t(zL), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
zL <- t(zL)
ell <- nrow(zL)
## Now transform zL into covariance form; vech(ftf_t')
if (!diagTF) {
cL <- matrix(0, ell * (ell - 1) / 2, length)
for (i in 1:length) {
tp <- zL[, i] %*% t(zL[, i])
cL[, i] <- tp[lower.tri(tp, diag = FALSE)]
} else {
cL <- matrix(0, ell * (ell + 1) / 2, length)
for (i in 1:length) {
tp <- zL[, i] %*% t(zL[, i])
cL[, i] <- tp[lower.tri(tp, diag = TRUE)]
if (missing(Del)) {
Del <- 40
Find.change <- function(cL, Del, q, {
# Find the change-point using sst, see Han and Inoue
# Data is dim*length
if (missing(Del)) {
Del <- 40
dim <- nrow(cL)
length <- n <- ncol(cL)
csum.cL <- apply(cL, 1, cumsum) # it is length*dim
gmean <- rowMeans(cL)
## Wald test; takes quite bit of time
qq <- max(q, Del)
inpi <- seq(from = qq + 1, to = length - qq, by = 1)
if ( > 1) {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(
W <- foreach::foreach(k = 1:length(inpi), .combine = c, .export = c("LRV.bartlett", "blocklength.andrew")) %dopar% {
j <- inpi[k]
S1 <- LRV.bartlett(cL[, (1:j)], q = q)
S2 <- LRV.bartlett(cL[, -(1:j)], q = q)
SS <- (j * S1$sn2 + S2$sn2 * (length - j)) / length
invSS <- solve(diag(diag(SS)))
v1 <- (csum.cL[j, ] - j * gmean) * sqrt(length) / (sqrt(j * (length - j)))
t(v1) %*% invSS %*% v1
} else {
for (j in inpi) {
S1 <- LRV.bartlett(cL[, (1:j)], q = q)
S2 <- LRV.bartlett(cL[, -(1:j)], q = q)
SS <- (j * S1$sn2 + S2$sn2 * (length - j)) / length
invSS <- solve(diag(diag(SS)))
v1 <- (csum.cL[j, ] - j * gmean) * sqrt(length) / (sqrt(j * (length - j)))
W <- c(W, t(v1) %*% invSS %*% v1)
k1 <- which.max(W)
Wstat <- W[k1]
khat1 <- k1 + qq
out <- list()
out$W <- W
out$khat.W <- khat1
out$xW <- inpi
out$tstat.W <- Wstat
### Binary segmentation
Change.binary <- function(cL, Del, crit,, q, plotTF = TRUE) {
if (missing(Del)) {
Del <- 40
maxK <- 3
# Data is dim*length
n <- length <- ncol(cL)
dim <- nrow(cL)
out1 <- Find.change(t(scale(t(cL))), Del = Del, q = q, =
tstat <- out1$tstat.W
khat <- out1$khat.W
result <- list(tstathist = tstat, Brhist = khat)
br <- c(0, n)
nmax <- 1
# Step1 : 1 break
if (tstat > crit) {
br <- c(0, khat, n)
st <- sum(abs(tstat) > crit)
# Step1 : 1 break
spindex <- c(1, 1)
while (st > 0 && nmax < maxK) {
nmax <- nmax + 1
lbr <- length(br)
Ts <- NULL
sst <- Br <- NULL
brindex <- seq(from = 1, to = lbr - 1, by = 1)
for (j in brindex) {
if (spindex[j]) {
id <- seq(from = br[j] + 1, to = br[j + 1], by = 1)
dat <- cL[, id]
if (ncol(dat) > 2 * Del + 1) { # set the minimum segment length as 2*Del
out2 <- Find.change(t(scale(t(dat))), Del = Del, q = q, =
tstat2 <- out2$tstat.W
khat2 <- out2$khat.W
Br <- c(Br, br[j] + khat2)
Ts <- c(Ts, tstat2)
idf <- 1 * (tstat2 > crit)
sst <- c(sst, rep(idf, idf + 1))
} else {
sst <- c(sst, 0)
} else {
sst <- c(sst, 0)
st <- sum(sst)
if (!is.null(Ts)) {
newbr <- (abs(Ts) > crit) * Br
br <- unique(c(br, newbr))
br <- sort(br)
spindex <- sst
result$tstathist <- c(result$tstathist, Ts)
result$Brhist <- c(result$Brhist, Br)
if (plotTF) {
graphics::par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
graphics::par(mar = c(2, 2, 2, 1))
graphics::par(cex = .7)
graphics::plot(out1$xW, out1$W, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "Test statistic", main = "PCA binary")
graphics::abline(v = br[br != n], col = "blue")
graphics::abline(h = crit, col = "red")
result$br <- br
result$iter <- length(br) - 1
## For critical value calculation
## This is a critical value of Q
critQ <- function(D, n, r) {
if (missing(r)) {
r <- 2000
if (missing(n)) {
n <- 5000
dist <- rep(0, r)
eps <- .18
index <- seq(from = eps * n, to = (1 - eps) * n, by = 1)
pp <- index / n
wt <- pp * (1 - pp)
for (k in 1:r) {
BB <- matrix(0, D, length(index))
for (i in 1:D) {
e <- stats::rnorm(n)
B <- cumsum(e)
tmp <- B[index] - pp * B[n]
BB[i, ] <- tmp / sqrt(n * wt)
b <- colSums(BB * BB)
dist[k] <- max(b)
# Block bootstrap critical value calculation
crit.BWB <- function(cL, bsize = "log", Del = 40, alpha = .05, q, nboot, {
nB <- nboot
dim <- p <- nrow(cL)
length <- n <- ncol(cL)
if (bsize == "log") {
bsize <- log(n)
} else if (bsize == "sqrt") {
bsize <- sqrt(n)
} else if (bsize == "adaptive") {
K.d <- apply(cL, 1, blocklength.andrew)
bsize <- min(1.5 * stats::median(K.d), log(n * p))
} else {
bsize <- bsize
} ## User provide
bsize <- floor(bsize)
X1 <- scale(t(cL), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
cL <- t(X1)
BWB.cL <- function(cL, bsize) {
## Dimenison of X is dim*length
dim <- p <- nrow(cL)
length <- n <- ncol(cL)
nk <- ifelse(n %% bsize == 0, floor(n / bsize), floor(n / bsize) + 1)
wt <- rep(stats::rnorm(nk), each = bsize)[1:n]
cL.WB <- cL * wt
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(
Bstat <- foreach::foreach(b = 1:nB, .combine = c, .export = c("Find.change", "blocklength.andrew", "LRV.bartlett")) %dopar% {
resample <- BWB.cL(cL, bsize = bsize)
out <- Find.change(resample, Del = Del, q = q, = 1)
return(c(stats::quantile(Bstat, (1 - alpha)), bsize))
### Main function starts here #########################################
if (q == "fixed") {
q <- floor(n^(1 / 3))
} else if (q == "andrew") {
q <- apply(cL, 1, blocklength.andrew)
q <- floor(stats::median(q))
q <- min(q, floor(n / 3))
} else {
q <- q
} # User definded
if (bootTF) {
bb <- crit.BWB(cL, Del = Del, bsize = bsize, alpha = alpha, q = q, =, nboot = nboot)
crit <- bb[1]
} else {
crit <- stats::quantile(critQ(nrow(cL), n = 1000, r = 500), 1 - alpha)
out <- Change.binary(cL, Del = Del, crit, =, q = q, plotTF = plotTF)
out$L <- L
out$q <- q
out$crit <- crit
out$bsize <- ifelse(bootTF, bb[2], NA)
out$diagTF <- diagTF
out$bootTF <- bootTF
out$scaleTF <- scaleTF
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