
Defines functions destrunc

Documented in destrunc

#' Calculate skewness and kurtosis based on truncated normal distribution in one group
#'This function can be used to calculate the skewness and kurtosis based on the truncated normal distribution. Also, it can be used to estimate the mean and variance of the parent distribution (the distribution before truncated).
#'@param vmean sample mean of the truncated data
#'@param vsd sample standard deviation of the truncated data
#'@param lo minimum possible value
#'@param hi maximum possible value
#'@param showFigure when showFigure = TRUE, it will display the plots with theoretical normal curve and the truncated normal curve.
#'@param rawdata when raw data is available, we could still use it to check it figuratively, if the data was closed to the normal distribution, or truncated normal distribution.
#'@param xstart see the package \code{\link[nleqslv]{nleqslv}}
#'@param btol see the package \code{\link[nleqslv]{nleqslv}}
#'@param ftol see the package \code{\link[nleqslv]{nleqslv}}
#'@param ... other arguments
#'@importFrom truncnorm dtruncnorm
#'@import nleqslv
#'@return If `showFigure = TRUE`, the output will be a list with two objects: one is the data frame of parent mean and standard deviation (pmean and psd), mean and standard deviation of truncated normal distribution (mean and sd), and skewness and kurtosis; the other is the theoretical figures of beta and normal distributions. If `showFigure = FALSE`, the output will be only the data frame.
#'destrunc(vmean=trun_mdat$m2[6], vsd=trun_mdat$sd2[6],
#'hi = 4, lo = 0, showFigure = TRUE)
#'destrunc(vmean=trun_mdat$m1[17], vsd=trun_mdat$sd1[17],
#'hi = 4, lo = 0, showFigure = TRUE)
destrunc <- function(vmean,
                     rawdata = NULL,
                     showFigure = FALSE,
    vmean <- mean(rawdata, is.na = TRUE)
    print(paste("mean is ", vmean, sep=""))
    vsd <- sd(rawdata)
    print(paste("sd is ", vsd, sep=""))
      lo <- min(rawdata)
      hi <- max(rawdata)
    print(paste("min. is ", lo, sep=""))
    print(paste("max. is ", hi, sep=""))
    vmean <- vmean
    vsd <- vsd
    hi <- hi
    if(missing(lo)){lo <- 0} else{lo <- lo}
  if(vsd == 0){vsd <- .01}
  #To gain the mean and SD of the parent distribution
  model.x <- function(x){
    f <- numeric(2)
    lower.std = (lo - x[1])/x[2]
    upper.std = (hi - x[1])/x[2]
    f[1] = x[1] + x[2]*(dnorm(lower.std) - dnorm(upper.std))/
      (pnorm(upper.std) - pnorm(lower.std)) - vmean
    f[2] = x[2]^2*(1+(lower.std*dnorm(lower.std)-upper.std*dnorm(upper.std))/
                        (pnorm(upper.std)-pnorm(lower.std)))^2) -vsd^2
    xstart <- c(vmean, vsd)
    btol <- .000001
    ftol <- .000001
  ans <- as.data.frame(nleqslv(xstart, model.x, method = "Newton",
                               control = list(btol = btol,
                                              ftol = ftol,
                                              allowSingular = TRUE)))
  #if(ans$x[1]> vmean + 4*vsd | ans$x[1]<vmean - 4*vsd){warning("Mean of Parent distribution is out of 4sd range")}
    warning("SD of parent distribution is less than zero")
    ans$x[[2]] <- NA
  if(ans$message[1] == "No better point found (algorithm has stalled)"){
    ans$x[[1]] <- NA
  if(ans$message[2] == "No better point found (algorithm has stalled)"){
    ans$x[[2]] <- NA
  # This part is for simplifying the calculation
  h1l = (lo - ans$x[[1]])/ans$x[[2]]; h1u = (hi - ans$x[[1]])/ans$x[[2]]
  h2l <- h1l^2 - 1; h2u <- h1u^2 - 1
  d2l <- dnorm(h1l); d2u <- dnorm(h1u)
  p2l <- pnorm(h1l);	p2u <- pnorm(h1u)
  z1 <- d2u/(p2u - p2l); z0 <- d2l/(p2u - p2l)
  pmean <- ans$x[[1]]
  psd <- ans$x[[2]]
  # The expected mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis for truncated distribution
  m1 <- ans$x[[1]] - ans$x[[2]]*(z1-z0)
  sd1 <- ans$x[[2]]*sqrt(1 - (h1u*z1 - h1l*z0) - (z1 - z0)^2)
  skew <- ((h2l*d2l - h2u*d2u)/(p2u - p2l) -
             3*(h1l*d2l - h1u*d2u)*(d2l - d2u)/(p2u - p2l)^2 +
             2*(d2l - d2u)^3/(p2u - p2l)^3)/
    (1 + (h1l*d2l - h1u*d2u)/(p2u - p2l) - (d2l - d2u)^2/(p2u - p2l)^2)^(3/2)
  kurt <- (-3*(z1 - z0)^4 - 6*(h1u*z1 - h1l*z0)*(z1 - z0)^2 - 2*(z1 - z0)^2 -
             4*(h1u^2*z1 - h1l^2*z0)*(z1 - z0) - 3*(h1u*z1 - h1l*z0) -
             (h1u^3*z1 - h1l^3*z0) + 3
    (1 + (h1l*d2l - h1u*d2u)/(p2u - p2l) - (d2l - d2u)^2/(p2u - p2l)^2)^2 -3
  result<- data.frame(pmean = ans$x[[1]], psd = ans$x[[2]],
                      #pmean and psd is the population mean and sd of the parent distribution
                      tm = m1, tsd = sd1, skewness = skew, kurtosis = kurt)

  if (showFigure == TRUE) {
    ynames <- paste("skew=", round(result$skew, 3),
                    ",kurt=", round(result$kurt, 3),
                    "; red-trunc; blue-normal",
                    sep = "")
      ynames <- paste(ynames, sep="")
      fig <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(x = rawdata),
                    aes(x = rawdata)) +
        geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), colour = "black", fill = "white",
                       bins = (hi - lo)-1, boundary = 0) +
        geom_density(alpha = .2) +
        stat_function(fun = dnorm, args = list(vmean, vsd),
                      colour = "blue")+
        stat_function(fun = dtruncnorm, args = list(a=lo, b=hi,
                      colour = "red")+
        labs(title = ynames, y = "density", x = "x") +
        theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white",
                                              colour = "grey50"),
              legend.position = "bottom",
              strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black",
                                              fill = "white"))
    } else{
      fig <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(x = c(lo, hi)), aes(x = x)) +
        stat_function(fun = dnorm, args = list(vmean, vsd),
                      colour = "blue")+
        stat_function(fun = dtruncnorm, args = list(a=lo, b=hi,
                      colour = "red")+
        labs(title = ynames, y = "density", x = "x") +
        theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white",
                                              colour = "grey50"),
              legend.position = "bottom",
              strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black",
                                              fill = "white"))

    result <- list(dat = result, fig = fig)

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detectnorm documentation built on July 16, 2022, 5:05 p.m.