
Defines functions sampleIMC sampleNRM_itemC sampleNRM_testC PV_sve pv_chain_mix pv_chain_normal omp_ncores calibrate_Bayes_chains Hess_binom Hess Expect_binom Expect list_elsymi_binomC elsym_binomC sstable_imC sstable_nrmC ittotmatC possible_scores_C list_elsymiC elsymC tia_C score_tab_single suf_stats_im suf_stats_nrm parms_is_superset_matrix is_person_booklet_sorted polytomize_C get_design_C merge_booklets summarise_booklet_score mutate_booklet_score make_booklets_matrix make_booklets_summed_matrix make_booklets_summed make_booklets ds_connected_groups fill_resp_matrix fast_factor_lev fast_factor IJ_c theta_EAP_GH_c theta_wle_sec escore_wle theta_mle_sec Escore_C

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

Escore_C <- function(theta, b, a, first, last) {
    .Call(`_dexter_Escore_C`, theta, b, a, first, last)

theta_mle_sec <- function(b, a, first, last) {
    .Call(`_dexter_theta_mle_sec`, b, a, first, last)

escore_wle <- function(theta, b, a, first, last, nI, max_a) {
    .Call(`_dexter_escore_wle`, theta, b, a, first, last, nI, max_a)

theta_wle_sec <- function(b, a, first, last) {
    .Call(`_dexter_theta_wle_sec`, b, a, first, last)

theta_EAP_GH_c <- function(p_score, theta, weights) {
    .Call(`_dexter_theta_EAP_GH_c`, p_score, theta, weights)

IJ_c <- function(theta, b, a, first, last, I, J, logFi) {
    invisible(.Call(`_dexter_IJ_c`, theta, b, a, first, last, I, J, logFi))

fast_factor <- function(x, as_int) {
    .Call(`_dexter_fast_factor`, x, as_int)

fast_factor_lev <- function(x, levs, as_int) {
    .Call(`_dexter_fast_factor_lev`, x, levs, as_int)

fill_resp_matrix <- function(person_id, item_id, item_score, out) {
    invisible(.Call(`_dexter_fill_resp_matrix`, person_id, item_id, item_score, out))

ds_connected_groups <- function(a) {
    .Call(`_dexter_ds_connected_groups`, a)

make_booklets <- function(person_id, item_id, item_score, booklet_id, booklet_score, merged) {
    .Call(`_dexter_make_booklets`, person_id, item_id, item_score, booklet_id, booklet_score, merged)

make_booklets_summed <- function(person_id, booklet_id, item_id, item_score, merged) {
    .Call(`_dexter_make_booklets_summed`, person_id, booklet_id, item_id, item_score, merged)

make_booklets_summed_matrix <- function(mtx, ncol, nrow) {
    .Call(`_dexter_make_booklets_summed_matrix`, mtx, ncol, nrow)

make_booklets_matrix <- function(mtx, ncol, nrow) {
    .Call(`_dexter_make_booklets_matrix`, mtx, ncol, nrow)

mutate_booklet_score <- function(person_id, booklet_id, item_score) {
    .Call(`_dexter_mutate_booklet_score`, person_id, booklet_id, item_score)

summarise_booklet_score <- function(person_id, booklet_id, item_id, item_score) {
    .Call(`_dexter_summarise_booklet_score`, person_id, booklet_id, item_id, item_score)

merge_booklets <- function(booklet_id, person_id, ds_booklet_id, maxb) {
    .Call(`_dexter_merge_booklets`, booklet_id, person_id, ds_booklet_id, maxb)

get_design_C <- function(booklet_id, item_id) {
    .Call(`_dexter_get_design_C`, booklet_id, item_id)

polytomize_C <- function(booklet_id, person_id, item_prop, item_score, booklet_score, nlev, nb) {
    .Call(`_dexter_polytomize_C`, booklet_id, person_id, item_prop, item_score, booklet_score, nlev, nb)

is_person_booklet_sorted <- function(booklet_id, person_id, ncores) {
    .Call(`_dexter_is_person_booklet_sorted`, booklet_id, person_id, ncores)

parms_is_superset_matrix <- function(x, item_id, item_score, maxs, ncores) {
    .Call(`_dexter_parms_is_superset_matrix`, x, item_id, item_score, maxs, ncores)

suf_stats_nrm <- function(booklet_id, booklet_score, item_id, item_score, nit, max_score) {
    .Call(`_dexter_suf_stats_nrm`, booklet_id, booklet_score, item_id, item_score, nit, max_score)

suf_stats_im <- function(booklet_score, item_id, item_score, nit, max_score) {
    .Call(`_dexter_suf_stats_im`, booklet_score, item_id, item_score, nit, max_score)

score_tab_single <- function(scores, max_score) {
    .Call(`_dexter_score_tab_single`, scores, max_score)

tia_C <- function(booklet_id, booklet_score, item_id, item_score, nb, nit, frst_item, ds_booklet_id, ds_item_id) {
    .Call(`_dexter_tia_C`, booklet_id, booklet_score, item_id, item_score, nb, nit, frst_item, ds_booklet_id, ds_item_id)

elsymC <- function(b, a, first, last, omit_item = -1L) {
    .Call(`_dexter_elsymC`, b, a, first, last, omit_item)

list_elsymiC <- function(b, a, first, last) {
    .Call(`_dexter_list_elsymiC`, b, a, first, last)

possible_scores_C <- function(a, first, last) {
    .Call(`_dexter_possible_scores_C`, a, first, last)

ittotmatC <- function(b, a, c, first, last, ps) {
    .Call(`_dexter_ittotmatC`, b, a, c, first, last, ps)

sstable_nrmC <- function(a, b, firstA, lastA, firstB, lastB) {
    .Call(`_dexter_sstable_nrmC`, a, b, firstA, lastA, firstB, lastB)

sstable_imC <- function(a, b, c, firstA, lastA, firstB, lastB) {
    .Call(`_dexter_sstable_imC`, a, b, c, firstA, lastA, firstB, lastB)

elsym_binomC <- function(lbinom, b, a, first, last, omit_item = -1L) {
    .Call(`_dexter_elsym_binomC`, lbinom, b, a, first, last, omit_item)

list_elsymi_binomC <- function(lbinom, b, a, first, last) {
    .Call(`_dexter_list_elsymi_binomC`, lbinom, b, a, first, last)

Expect <- function(b, a, first, last, scoretab, n_score, nit) {
    .Call(`_dexter_Expect`, b, a, first, last, scoretab, n_score, nit)

Expect_binom <- function(lbinom, b, a, first, last, scoretab, n_score, nit) {
    .Call(`_dexter_Expect_binom`, lbinom, b, a, first, last, scoretab, n_score, nit)

Hess <- function(b, a, first, last, scoretab, n_score, nit, max_cores, E, H) {
    invisible(.Call(`_dexter_Hess`, b, a, first, last, scoretab, n_score, nit, max_cores, E, H))

Hess_binom <- function(lbinom, b, a, first, last, scoretab, n_score, nit, max_cores, E, H) {
    invisible(.Call(`_dexter_Hess_binom`, lbinom, b, a, first, last, scoretab, n_score, nit, max_cores, E, H))

calibrate_Bayes_chains <- function(a, first, last, ib, bi, nbi, nib, bfirst, blast, bmax, m, sufI, sufI_zero, bkscoretab, b_start, item_fixed, warmup, step, ndraws, progress_init, max_cores, prior_eta = 0.5, prior_rho = 0.5, prior_nu = 0.1) {
    .Call(`_dexter_calibrate_Bayes_chains`, a, first, last, ib, bi, nbi, nib, bfirst, blast, bmax, m, sufI, sufI_zero, bkscoretab, b_start, item_fixed, warmup, step, ndraws, progress_init, max_cores, prior_eta, prior_rho, prior_nu)

omp_ncores <- function() {

pv_chain_normal <- function(bmat, a, A, first, last, bk_cnit, bk_max_a, const_scoretab, scoretab_bk, scoretab_pop, scoretab_nscores, scoretab_np, mu_start, sigma_start, npv, progress_init, max_cores, warmup = 10L, step = 1L) {
    .Call(`_dexter_pv_chain_normal`, bmat, a, A, first, last, bk_cnit, bk_max_a, const_scoretab, scoretab_bk, scoretab_pop, scoretab_nscores, scoretab_np, mu_start, sigma_start, npv, progress_init, max_cores, warmup, step)

pv_chain_mix <- function(bmat, a, A, first, last, bk_cnit, bk_max_a, gscoretab, gscoretab_bk, gscoretab_nscores, gscoretab_np, mu_start, sigma_start, p_start, npv, progress_init, max_cores, warmup = 10L, step = 1L) {
    .Call(`_dexter_pv_chain_mix`, bmat, a, A, first, last, bk_cnit, bk_max_a, gscoretab, gscoretab_bk, gscoretab_nscores, gscoretab_np, mu_start, sigma_start, p_start, npv, progress_init, max_cores, warmup, step)

PV_sve <- function(b, a, bk_first, bk_last, bcni, booklet_id, booklet_score, mu, sigma, max_cores, pv_mat, pv_col_indx = 0L, niter = 1L) {
    invisible(.Call(`_dexter_PV_sve`, b, a, bk_first, bk_last, bcni, booklet_id, booklet_score, mu, sigma, max_cores, pv_mat, pv_col_indx, niter))

sampleNRM_testC <- function(theta, b, a, first, last) {
    .Call(`_dexter_sampleNRM_testC`, theta, b, a, first, last)

sampleNRM_itemC <- function(theta, b, a, first, last) {
    .Call(`_dexter_sampleNRM_itemC`, theta, b, a, first, last)

sampleIMC <- function(bIM, cIM, a, first, last, scoretab) {
    .Call(`_dexter_sampleIMC`, bIM, cIM, a, first, last, scoretab)

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dexter documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:42 p.m.